InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Sixteen: Village of Blood ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The work on my laptop was completed the first week of October and after all the waiting I was told nothing could be recovered... absolutely nothing. So I was back to the drawing board. I was forced to go back and re-read my own story and make an outline about what I had written but not posted. Of course this was after a week of moping and feeling depressed. I apologize for the really long delay and I know it is a little short but this chapter is what I finally managed to finish. It isn’t the best considering that I wasn’t sure what this chapter consisted of when I first wrote it. But in a way this version seems to be a little better than the original... but I will let you decided.

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Disclaimer: Yeah, Yeah.... Inuyasha doesn’t belong to me and I am making no profits making this story.
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Scroll Sixteen: Village of Blood

“What happened here?”

It was the question that was on all their minds. It was a question that they didn’t want to voice out loud but the slayer managed to gather her courage. Of course the question would go unanswered since none of the current pack members had an answer to the question.

Except the miko... who was looking like she had fallen through the deepest pit of despair at the sight of the village in shambles. “Miko, are you feeling well?” The inu alpha asked as her aura grew darker.

“Naraku...” She whispered with eyes glazing over.

Sesshomaru didn’t want to say anything but he knew the arachnid was behind the scene of death. His scent was all over the place. He was hoping to avoid any psychological relapse but it appeared that Kagome had come to the correct conclusion by herself.

“Kagome there’s no way to tell if he’s behind this,” Sango pointed out. She understood right away why Sesshomaru appeared to be fearful of the miko’s well being.

“My dearest Sango, don’t defend that bastard when he was obviously behind this attack. Who else could it be?” The monk stated not picking up on Sango’s true intention. The remark earned him a sharp jab of a pink armoured elbow.

“Miroku’s right.” Kagome whispered as her face grew paler. “But you’re right too Sango.” She mumbled. Both Sango and Sesshomaru looked to the miko to see what she was getting at.

The small woman took a few steps forward from her position on the outskirts of the village. Her feet carried her to a particular field in the center of the village. The ground was soft and muddy from the concentration of blood. It was the area of gathering. The place the villagers would gather for festivals and trade. Falling to her knees the miko let the tears she was holding back slide down her cheeks.

“Naraku’s still after me... this is my fault.” She whispered. As if the world was listening to the small woman the heaven’s opened up then and there releasing the rain the group had been expecting all morning.

“Miko...” Sesshomaru offered a hand to help his female up. “You can let yourself sink into despair here and be no help to those who depend on you or you can pick yourself up and mourn the loss properly after the weather clears up.” The inu pulled the miko to her feet but her body went limp after he released her forcing him to catch her drenched body. “Miko, I take back what I said; you have no choice but to come with me.” The inu stated while pulling the woman into his arms and carrying her to the nearest hut.

Sango had taken Ah-Un’s reins and brought him to one of the only surviving huts. Rin, Shippo, and Souta climbed down and automatically began to prepare the area for camp by claiming their sleep area. The slayer looked through the doorway to see the scene between the Western Lord and her sister-like friend. She contemplated between going to help or staying in the dry hut with the rest of the pack that didn’t seem concerned at all about what was going on outside.

“Sango you should come by the fire where it is warmer.” Miroku said slowly.

“But Kagome...”

“I am certain Sesshomaru will talk her out of it.” The monk replied. “I’m sure if you look closely you will see it too.” He added.

“See what?” Sango looked back just as the miko was picked up as if she were as light as a feather. At that moment she realized Miroku was right. Sesshomaru had changed. She knew this but looking closely she realized it had to be Kagome’s kind heart. In the process of getting to know their little priestess the inu had found his life mate. There was nothing Sango could do about it either because it looked like the miko had accepted the fact that she was an object of desire. “I suppose it is better than if she were with that two timing hanyou.” She whispered more to herself as the couple vanished into another hut. The exterminator began to unpack the bags looking for something for the miko to wear when they returned to the group and wanting to do something that would be useful for her friend. It wasn’t her place to interfere with a taiyoukai, and there was little she could do anyway. Everyone knew that once an inu made up his mind about who he would mate no one would be able to change his mind.

“What are you doing?” Kagome asked as tears continued to run down her face. “Leave me alone!”

“I can’t do that.” Sesshomaru answered softly. “I won’t leave you to face that darkness by yourself again.” He replied while sliding against a wall to sit with the miko across his folded legs. He wanted to comfort the woman but refused to show such weakness in front of those who were not his pack mates.

“You don’t understand. This is all because of me. I am the reason these bad things happen. It never goes away.” She attempted to push herself away from the inu who continued to hold her in his arms. “What if my nightmares come true? What if I kill someone I love? What if I kill you?” her voice cracked as she buried her face into his mokomo-sama and cried.

Sesshomaru didn’t let the questions catch him off guard. Not for long at least. “You’re stronger than Naraku. The miko I know so well doesn’t give into anyone easily. I believe your bond to your pack will lead you to do the right thing.”

Kagome’s eyes suddenly locked with Sesshomaru’s. “Really?” her voice was low but she didn’t flinch as the inu moved a clawed finger reached to wipe the salt water drop in the corner of her eye.

Sesshomaru smirked and leaned in to gently kiss the hesitant lips. The miko could see by the slowness of the inu’s movement that he was giving her a chance to back away but she didn’t want to. Ever so slowly she closed her eyes and waited. A light pressure sealed his mouth to hers causing a slight gasp from the miko. Not wanting to scare her he pulled away after a few seconds and stared at her face as she opened her innocent emerald eyes.

“Umm... maybe we should go back to the group.” She whispered after a few seconds of silence.

“Your face is red.” He stated casually. The small statement caused her face to redden further. “Did the statement please you that much?” he teased.

The little miko pulled away with eyes wide. “My god... Sesshomaru’s been abducted!”

“By your aliens?” he questioned. It wasn’t the first time she spoke of alien abductions. “I assure you your aliens are no match for this Sesshomaru’s power.”

Kagome shook her head and got to her feet. “I don’t want Sango to worry.” she changed topics.

Sesshomaru followed the woman out of the hut into the pouring rain and to a hut that was heavily perfumed with the miko’s scent. He looked around the small quarters and then to the dragon. Obeying a silent command the two headed youkai walked into to hut. Sango jumped up immediately while Kagome and the pups merely looked up.

“I’m sorry Ah-Un... I should have known you wouldn’t want to be in the rain.” the miko replied dropping the clothes in her hand and walking over to the beast. The dragon slowly moved to block the door as the miko near preventing anyone from getting out and the rain from coming in. “Ah-Un you’re in the way there. Come over here.” the miko stated while gesturing to the back of the hut. However the dragon looked to his master and then folded its arms before lowering the two heads for a long deserved rest.

Kagome noticed the small gaze given to the inu by the lower youkai. She looked over her shoulder to the over protective male and pulled a blanket from a shelf to cover the dragon, concerned that he might be cold with the rain hitting his exposed side.

Afterwards she retrieved her dry kimono and walked behind the changing wall that had been built for the purpose of privacy from the rest of the room. Rin ran to hug her mother when she came back into view.

“Can I help you cook dinner okaa-san?” she asked with the brightest of smiles.

“Of course.” the miko replied wrapping her arms around the child.

Dinner was light and simple. Kagome was able to use herbs that had been left behind.

“What’s the chance of your hut surviving?” Sango mumbled behind bites.

“I shielded it as did Kaede, so no one could take supplies out of the hut. I’m sure the barrier would have remained until... well without someone here to maintain it every three days it would have dissolved.”

“Sesshomaru-sama are you hungry?” Rin interrupted the small conversation with her usual chirper voice.

Sesshomaru looked up to the child offering him the plate. “Rin go eat your dinner.” he ordered.

“Yes Sesshomaru-sama.” the young girl answered leaving the plate next to the inu.

Kagome took her own plate of food over to sit next to Sesshomaru. “Um...thank you for earlier.” the miko whispered.

The line reminded him of her outburst. What if I kill someone I love? What if I kill you? He wanted to know if she meant something by what she had said. In her statements ... was it possible it was her way of telling him that she held the pitiful human emotion for him? Did she love him? Sesshomaru’s mind could grasp the meaning the woman had intended. As his thought ran wild he gave the woman a short nod. He wanted to question her but he wasn’t certain how.

“Sesshomaru-sama? Where’s Jaken?” Kagome asked after finishing her meal.

“He was dismissed to run some errands.”

“Oh.” Kagome stood and took her half eaten plate and the plate which Sesshomaru had yet to touch. The inu ignore his instinct to hold the miko down and force her to eat. He knew emotional stress caused humans to either eat too much or eat too little. But he made a mental note to watch her during meal times from now on.

The rain continued for the rest of the night and through the next day without stopping. By the second night the children had become bored with their card games and I spy. Kagome was quick to point out she had presents for the children. Sesshomaru watched from half lidded eyes as each of the pups jumped from their positions by the fire and gathered around their mother-like figure who was reaching for a basket placed atop the highest shelf in the hut. It appeared the boys knew exactly what they were getting. Souta and Shippou were kind enough to let Rin move to the front of the group in order to peer more easily in the basket in question.
“What is this okaa-san?” the young child asked pulling out a bright blue stick.

The scent of wax hit Sesshomaru’s nose so he opened his eyes fully to watch the scene. Sango was also watching the giving of presents meanwhile the monk was sleeping. A glare from the slayer showed she didn’t trust the slumbering Miroku in the least.

“These are crayons.” Kagome explained picking up a handful of the colourful wax. Sesshomaru observed the various coloured ‘crayons’ fall from her slim fingers and drop back into the basket. “You colour with them. Think of them as coloured ink.” the miko explained. Souta pulled a thick book from the basket and handed it to Rin.

“Here Rin, I’ll show you over here.” the young boy offered. “This is your book.” He handed the object in question to her.

As the girl flipped through it the inu noticed the pages were of colourless pictures. This would allow the children to creatively fill in the blanks with the new object of focus. Sesshomaru had to admit that the miko was brilliant. This kept the children busy until the rain died down later that evening. After receiving a nod from his master Ah-Un moved letting the occupants of the house out for their first real movement.

The first thing investigated were the remaining huts. The useable contents were moved to Kagome’s hut. Next the pack looked into the old miko’s hut. Kagome moved about the area picking things that would help replenish the miko’s low supply of herbs but it seemed that the stash of dried plants had been stolen. Miroku half heartedly joke about going to the next village to gather supplies. Not missing the opportunity to get the hentai monk out of her sight Sango second the idea. Kagome nodded and so Miroku was volunteered to head out the very minute.

Sesshomaru perched beneath a tree watching the monk gather food for the next couple of days. The inu silently growled... he knew that the monk leaving meant they would have to stay put for the next couple of days. The two women would be reluctant to leave without him. The Taiyoukai had been hoping to leave and bring the pups and his mate-to-be back to the fortress where he could see to the miko’s protection. The area was not suitable for her unstable, emotional well-being. However, he had no reason why not to say either. At least not a reason he could voice to others. Therefore, he would have to put up with the stench of dried blood for the time being.

On the other hand Jaken had returned with the item that Sesshomaru had requested only to be sent away for firewood that was burnable. The inu was certain the kappa was grateful to be away from the pups that usually dragged him into games. Yet he couldn’t help but notice the long hearted look the toad youkai gave the children as he walked away. Thumbing the item retrieved by said toad Sesshomaru walked into the woods he had seen the miko vanish into.

Sango was playing the children’s favourite game of tag with them. The inu was sure they would be busy for some time and he would be able to hear anything should trouble arise. He picked a trail while following the sweet scent of his claimed female. Kagome was found on her knees by the roots of a tree gathering fresh herbs she could use for tea. She carefully plucked the thickest ones and placed them in a tightly woven basket.


The little priestess turned obviously startled. “Sesshomaru.” Her hand was on her heart, the inu never understood the gesture. It wasn’t like the heart would beat so fast that it would escape her chest cavity. Why do you grasp your heart? “You scared me,” she mumbled. “I was just gathering extras.” she stated turning back to her task.

Sesshomaru suddenly felt the need to be near the woman. He closed the short distance between them and lowered himself to the forest floor. Not wishing to sit on the wet grass he sat on a root of the giant tree. His arms wrapped around the miko before pulling her to his chest and setting her upon his lap.

“Um... Sesshomaru?” The woman hesitated.


“What are you doing?” she inquired all the while attempting to calm her pounding heart.

“Soothing my beast.” he replied without thinking. He didn’t know how but the woman seemed to catch his mind off guard. He answered without meaning to and it wasn’t something he was use to. Thankfully he was able to rebound fast. Not wanting the woman to question him he quickly added: “I wish to give you a gift to congratulate you on reaching maturity.”

“Huh? Maturity?”

“You are considered a woman now are you not?”

“Yes, but Kaede–well I was told that when you begin... bleeding then you are considered a woman.” It was obvious the miko was still upset about the loss of her mentor. Sesshomaru knew it was hard on the shrine maiden but she was handling it well.

“Hn.” The inu tightened his grasp. “In youkai society the age equivalent to the human age of eighteen means you are a woman and therefore ready to mate should your pack choose to allow such actions.”

“Oh...” Kagome twitched uncomfortably. She had no doubt in her mind that Sesshomaru was hinting that he was after her hand in marriage–well mating in his eyes.

Something cold wrapped around her neck and she noticed the inu didn’t have his arms encircled around her waist. That didn’t last long however. As soon as the object was secured around her neck the Taiyoukai replaced his arm around the miko.

Kagome grasped the cold metal and pulled it into her sight to study it. The object was a silver necklace with a midnight blue crescent moon pendant dangling in the centre of the piece. The silver chain moved smoothly through her fingers like water and she could make out a tiny diamond decorating the chain every few centimetres.

“Um it’s very beautiful but... I can’t accept this...” she whispered with a little hesitation in her voice.

“Why?” The inu was a little taken back at the statement.

“Because this is obviously expensive and you have already given me so much.” the miko claimed.

“To give back such a gift to a Lord is one of the greatest insults.” Sesshomaru smirked when the little priestess frowned and looked a little worry.

“I don’t want to insult you.” the woman replied uncertainly.

“So then you accept this gift?”

A short nod was the only answer the inu received from the miko. After a few moments Kagome shifted so she could look at the inu. “Sesshomaru?” The Taiyoukai didn’t answer but his gaze told the woman to continue. “Are you... that is... is it your intention to marry... I mean mate with me?”

“What do you think miko?” The Western Lord answered instead.

“I think I am very confused. I don’t understand why you would choose a lowlife human such as me?” the woman replied honestly.

“Miko, you are a powerful female who has proven to be loyal, trustworthy, motherly, and protective, all which are traits an alpha male looks for in his alpha female.”

“But I will die of old age long before you.” she answered slowly.

“Do you think that I am not aware of that? That is not something that you will have to worry about. Upon the completion of our bonding you will have the same life span as I.” he assured her.


“There is plenty of time to think about this miko. You have many months before you have to fully accept my courtship.”

“This isn’t one of your gifts is it?” she inquired.

“No, this is merely a gift of celebration nothing else.”

“Right.” she mumbled biting her lower lip a little.

Sesshomaru was mesmerized and soon found himself drawing closer to the skin she was teasing him with. His lips locked with hers and he pulled the lower appendage into his mouth to suck on. A short groan told him the miko enjoyed the tender nibbling before he released his grasp and kissed the swollen appendage. The beast within him started to claw at his cage making Sesshomaru stop before things got out of hand. He carefully pulled away and watched his maiden open her eyes slowly and stare at him.

Kagome watched as the inu carefully lowered her back in her previous position before standing and leaving her alone to complete the task she had given herself. Carefully she brought a finger to touch her lips. She had never been kissed like that and shockingly she found she liked it. The logical side of her was telling her to never let it happen again but the other side told her that she didn’t regret a thing and she in fact wanted more.

I’ve really done it this time...
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Ja neAngelic Memories2008