InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Seventeen: Not All Was Lost ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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Scroll Seventeen: Not All Was Lost...

The group sat down to enjoy a dinner outside, which consisted of the deer, which Sesshomaru had hunted for them and berries Rin had gathered. The children took advantage of their time outside since they had been stuck in the small hut for so long already. Jaken was quickly pulled into a game of tag but that was short lived when Kagome felt a few raindrops falling. The group was ushered inside by the miko where everyone took their previous spots from earlier that day. Kagome sat mending one of Rin’s kimonos and the slayer polished her weapon. Sesshomaru watched the kappa check out what the children were doing before he moved to sit next to Ah-Un. As bedtime neared, Rin presented herself to Sesshomaru. Ever so slowly, she showed one of her coloured pictures to her alpha.

“These are a present for you Sesshomaru-sama.” The young pup stated proudly.

Sesshomaru took the picture with a nod of appreciation before the girl turned to give a picture to her okaa-san. Kagome gave the child a hug and kiss before sending her off to bed. As the pups settled down the miko began to hum to help them fall to sleep faster. Moments later the hut filled with deep breathing of the three young pups and the kappa. The Taiyoukai watched his female fetch another of her strange objects from her shelves. Carefully she made her way to the inu and sat down.

“If you want I can put that in this book so it won’t become damaged.” She stated gesturing to the picture of a purple and blue rabbit in a field of flowers Rin had given to him. Sesshomaru nodded and picked it up off the ground beside him to hand it to the miko. He had been wondering how he would travel with it without creasing or tearing it. “This is a scrapbook.” Kagome began to explain as if understanding his questions without voicing them. “In my time... I mean that in the future these are used to keep our memories safe from harm. Usually you put pictures in them but seeing that cameras don’t exist in this time, and I ran out of film for the one I brought, I am placing keepsakes in here.” The miko handed the book over for the inu to flip through.

The first couple of pages contained flowers, most of them were Rin’s favourite and he guessed that these flowers were the ones that Rin had given to the miko. Next, there were shells, rocks, feathers, leaves, and other ordinary items. Slowly the inu flipped the page only to come face to face with him and his group. Sesshomaru bared his fangs but quickly recovered and looked around to see how much his reputation was at stake. The slayer never even bothered to avert her focus.

“What witchcraft is this?” The inu asked staring at the overjoyed woman then turning back to the image of his being.

“These are pictures like what I told you before. The best way to describe it to you is to say it is like a painting but it is done with a device called a camera that copies the image onto this special paper. It works in a matter of seconds. I took this when Rin first joined your group. I guess I should have asked but there wasn’t enough time and I wanted to put you in my memory book.” She explained.

“Hn,” Sesshomaru accepted the brief explanation and then directed his focus back towards the book in his hands. He noticed that there were blank spaces on some of the pages where the paper was missing some layers that appear to have been torn off with the removal of something. The next page told him the miko had removed all images of the hanyou. Inuyasha had been cut out of any of the group pictures. It seemed the miko had been hurt enough that she no longer wanted to see the half inu in her ‘memory book’.

“Please don’t ask.” The miko mumbled flipping to the next page for the inu. Sesshomaru did not intend to ask in the first place but the female’s actions told him his theory was probably correct. “This is the end.” She stated when the inu turned to a blank page. “I’m keeping here.” she continued to explain as the picture we placed with care in the book. Closing the book the miko looked up to the inu. “I think I might head to bed.” She whispered after a while.

Sesshomaru gave a short nod and watched the female head to the shelf to put her book away before she settled down next to the young girl. Just as she found a comfortable position to lie, she sat up suddenly and placed a hand on the child’s cheek.

“Ah!” she shrieked pulling her hand away from the child startling the slayer.

“What’s the matter Kagome?” Sango asked with concern after realizing she missed something.

“Rin has a fever!” The panicked miko ran to her other set of shelves where herbs were in the process of drying for storage. “What if she has pneumonia or the flu? I should have checked all the children before they went to bed. Where is the vera? Did I use it all already?” The miko went about looking for the plants and the more time that passed the more stressed the woman appeared to be. “Oh no I think I used the last of it on our last trip.” Kagome’s state worsened with the statement.

The Taiyoukai sniffed the air looking for a scent of sickness. His hearing told him that the child is breathing a little more laboured than usual but since the child was asleep, it was a little more difficult to tell if it was from something serious. “I believe it to be only a mild cold miko.” Sesshomaru pointed out hoping to calm the woman. She seemed to ignore him though and he was not sure if this frustrated him enough to force the woman to focus on him or was admirable in his eyes since her concern for the pup was so strong.

“I think Kaede had some. Her hut is somewhat intact so you should have no problem finding it if there is any.” The exterminator pointed out.

“Ah you’re right.” The miko nodded. “Can you boil some water Sango?” Kagome walked over to the two-headed dragon after getting a nod from Sango. “Let me by.” she stated firmly warning Ah-Un that she was more than serious and there would be consequences if he disobeyed.

Obediently the dragon moved not even bothering to look to his master. He had enough wit to know you do not get in the way of a mother caring for her pups. Kagome rushed through the threshold without any hesitation. Her eyes avoided the scenes of death and destruction as she made her way down the familiar paths to the old miko’s hut. Usually she was thankful for the position of her hut. It was on the outskirts of the village giving her a place away from all the noise when she wanted quiet. At a time like this, it was nice to be away from the debris that would remind the children and Kagome of death. Now however the seconds it usually took to reach the village were not soon enough. It was if time was battling against her so she would not be able to complete her task in time before it worsened.

Finally, she reached the doorway of the hut she was looking for. Her feet carried her over the wood that scattered the path leading into the hut. She was forced to duck under a fallen beam and the partially caved in roof before finding her way to the back of the hut where Kaede had kept all of healing supplies. Rushing had caused Kagome to nearly miss the small sack that held the leaves of the plant she was looking for. At the last minute, she decided that she would take a few other items that the group may need, especially if they caught the cold and it did indeed decide to take a turn for the worse.

Smiling at a job well done the miko turned with items in hand only to come face to face with an ugly slimly centipede demon. It’s beak like mouth turned upwards in a smirk before speaking to the startled woman. “Don’t you look tasty? I have never had an innocent maiden before.”

The youkai leaped at her. She was too stunned at the situation that miko stood still... too shocked that she had not sensed the youkai beforehand. Her reflexes began to kick in but it was too late. The youkai before her only managed to move a few centimetres into his attack before he was stopped, not by the miko and her barrier but by the hand that was plunged into his heart and protruding through his chest.

“Miko I suggest that you keep your guard up at all times no matter how safe you feel.” Sesshomaru flung the wounded youkai into a corner to die. “Unless I am around...” Her saviour added. The woman wanted to grumble about his arrogant tone. His overconfident attitude expressed how much he truly believed she was incapable of taking care of herself. However, one look at his face showed the woman that he was worried and the small slip in his mask made her feel special. Although she was not sure why that was.

“Sorry.” She mumbled.

“Hn.” The inu turned and exited the hut with grace she wished she could posses and then stopped to wait for the miko to make her way to his side.

“Um... not to make excuses but I didn’t feel anything nearby when I left the hut.” She whispered. She was hoping the inu would pick up his pace but he seemed to be happy with the slow walk. The rain was not falling heavy like earlier but more of a warm shower.

“I would have thought the slayer would have informed you about the power of youkai. Some are able to hide their scent and aura but as a powerful miko you have the ability to detect their power no matter what.”

“Why don’t you ever hide your aura?” The woman asked.

Sesshomaru looked over at the woman who was focusing on the ground as if afraid the mud would trip her but he knew that the woman was avoiding looking up so she would see the village in shambles. He was shocked about the question and he was certain the woman would be just as surprised if she looked up to see the look on the Sesshomaru face. How could she ask such a thing when at the moment he was hiding his aura? Most of the time the inu would use his aura to scare away the low life filth that may wander near his pack, however now he wanted to make sure that Naraku wouldn’t find him so easily before the miko was ready to face the evil hanyou again so he kept the aura hidden. It would usually be seen as a cowardly move by his beast but even he was quiet at the action upon realizing the reasoning behind the decision.

“What makes you think that?” the inu asked quickly re-establishing his mask.

“I can always feel your aura wherever you are. I know it was not always like that, but since you saved me the last time, I have always been able to feel when you are near. Therefore, that leads me to believe that you do not hide your aura. Well, minus a time here or there when I stop paying attention and you manage to sneak up on me.” The miko wanted to bite her tongue she did not mean to let that reason slip out but it was a good excuse to hide the real reason behind why she noticed this habit. Secretly she was beginning to become comfortable with the aura of the inu and his presence soothed her whenever she could feel him near so she would seek out his aura whenever he was not around to make sure he had left her alone. Not that she believed he would but one never knew.

“Hn.” Sesshomaru let the conversation die as they came near their destination. The miko gave up on the conversation as well and ran the rest of the way to the hut to complete the task she had set herself to. He was curious as to why she could not feel the lower life youkai but she could sense him. He also wanted to question her more about her statements. If she could sense him but she did not always pay attention to his aura did that mean that she was comfortable enough around him? Did she trust him? His thoughts were more complex with the woman around but for some reason this did not bother him. He was almost certain that he would miss it if he chose to give it up. Besides, it made his life a little more interesting.

Inside the hut, the females were preparing a tea for the pups. It appeared that Kagome was planning to treat all the pups to make sure the males would not catch the cold as well. Sesshomaru did not point out that Shippou was a youkai and powerful for his age so therefore he would not catch a weak human cold. The treatment would not harm him and the kit did not put up a fight when it was his turn to wake up and drink the tea Sango offered him. Kagome meanwhile pulled the young girl into her lap and hugged her to her chest while spooning the yellow, green liquid into her mouth. When enough had been force fed to the small female pup, Kagome placed a cool cloth on her forehead. She looked to a bowl that was just out of reach and was about to attempt to use her feet to pull it closer when the inu moved to bring it closer to her. The miko smiled sweetly but concern was buried deep in her eyes. Sesshomaru was half tempted to smile back to reassure her yet he refused to show such weakness around others.

“Can you hand me that too?” she pointed to the tool she used to crush herbs with.

Sesshomaru reached for it and handed it to the miko. Kagome placed the bowl next to her and began to grind the rest of the vera she had collected with another plant and a bit of water. His female’s aura was laced with determination and he was certain she was single-mindedly telling herself she would cure the child. As much as he wanted to comfort her with words of understanding, he knew she would not listen to him until she was finished doing all that she could. Therefore, he sat there patiently waiting and assisting in any way that he could.

“Sango you must be tired why don’t you get some rest?” the miko stated seeing how her companion was trying with her might to keep her eyes open.

“No, Kagome I should help you.” she replied bringing a bowl of cool water to the miko.

“Don’t worry about it, I can handle it.” The smile that followed had Sango obeying as to not upset the determined woman.

“Well if you need anything...”

“I will wake you if I do.” the miko interrupted. “Goodnight.”

Sango moved to her bedding intending to watch the woman and inu on the other side of the room. However, her body had been concerned about the being that was not with the group and the result was instant sleep.

In the meantime, Kagome finished making the concoction within the bowl. The smell was intriguing to the inu and he watched carefully as mixture turned to a thick, blue-green, paste. His female gently placed the slumbering child on the mat before looking to him.

“Can you avert your eyes?” she asked gently. Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow. “I have to loosen Rin’s clothing, although you won’t see anything. I think that since Rin is growing to a young lady and you are a male you should be a gentleman and turn away.” The Taiyoukai did not argue and immediately avert his gaze to the male pups on the other side of him. “Thanks.” he heard the miko mumble.

A short time later, the miko tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to look to the miko who was once again holding the child. “I want to get some more blankets to place under her. The floor is too cold. Can you hold her?”

Sesshomaru looked from the miko to the sleeping slayer then back to the female who had a look in her eyes telling him not to even think about stating something she classified ‘Sesshomaru-like’. Seeing that the only member of the group that was awake, aside from him, was the miko he gave in quickly and held out his arms to take the pup. He minded his claws and looked down upon the face of his sleeping pup. The scent of the paste the miko made was strong on the girl. It appeared that the miko had applied it to her skin. He wondered what the purpose of the healing herb was. He would have thought the tea would have been enough. Carefully he tucked a strand of hair behind Rin’s ear; never did he remember holding something so tenderly, apart from the miko. The experience was completely different from the times he carried the female pup for one reason or another in the past. The experience made him long for a pup of his own. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the miko smirk while gathering the material that she wanted. There were only a few futons to accommodate the three who permanently lived in the hut. The children had agreed to give their beds to the adults Sango slept on one and Kagome on the other. With Miroku gone there was an extra bed which Kagome had offered to Sesshomaru but he had declined therefore the pups were told to take turns. Souta was currently using it so Kagome decided to bring hers over to the young girl to keep her off the cold floor.

“Okay you can put her down here.” the woman patted the cushioned bed.

Slowly Sesshomaru slid the girl into the bed and let the motherly woman tuck her in for the night. Lastly, she placed a cold cloth on her forehead to help with her fever. Next, she moved the medicine bowl in hand, to the male pups. Placing the bowl in the ground, she dipped her fingers into the paste while tugging at the shirts of each of the pups. Conveniently, the pups were sleeping on their backs so the miko was able to easily slip her hand under the material spreading the medicine evenly on their chest. As she finished she felt each of their foreheads with the back of her hand before smiling sweetly and moving back to her post beside the sick pup. She placed the bowl within reach of the inu so when the miko turned her back to him to get another cup of tea he picked up the container and sniffed the contents.

“It’s a lotion that gives off vapours, which clear the airway and allow for easy breathing. I think Rin has a chest cold so this is the best way to help it along.”

“Her breathing sounds fine.” the inu remarked while pondering how the miko was able to tell what he did without looking at him.

Kagome turned around with one of her bright smiles. “I know but it is best to treat the symptoms before they come in hopes that I can prevent her from receiving them.”

“Hn.” Sesshomaru could understand that. It was much like battle tactics. If you want to beat a powerful enemy, you prepare for him by planning and setting up your battlefield to your liking.

A little over a half an hour later, the miko began to fall asleep. “Miko, Rin will be fine, you should get some sleep.”

“Not now, she might wake up and need something. Besides I have to watch her temperature and breathing.” She replied.

“If you exhausted yourself too much then your body will be too weak to fight and you too will catch this virus.” He argued. Knowing the miko too well he was aware she would not give into his orders so he took matters into his own hands. He quickly pulled the woman who was still sitting next to him into his lap. “Sleep miko, while you can.”

“What! I can’t sleep here.” She hissed.

With a slight frown, the inu asked. “Why?”

“Well because it’s not Sesshomaru-like.” She stated using the term she often told Sesshomaru when he did something that she saw as an action the inu would or would not do.

“Is that your only objection?” he inquired, a silence filled the area. “Then sleep so you may be refreshed by morning.”

The miko blushed before turning into the inu’s chest to use as a pillow. Her legs draped over his right thigh and her back supported by his left arm. “Goodnight.” She mumbled sinking deeply into the heavy scent of the Taiyoukai and the soft sound that rumbled through the male’s chest to help the woman sleep faster. Sesshomaru looked to the small pup and noticed that within her hand was a part of the miko’s long kimono sleeve.

æäæäæäæäæ& auml;

The next morning the inu was forced to reluctantly let the miko slip onto the futon beside the pup before anyone woke that morning to see him acting so comfortably around the female. Just as she was lowered from his arms, the woman opened her eyes. She looked up to see the alpha leaning over her and smiled sweetly.

“Good morning Sesshomaru.” she whispered as she rose a hand as if to graze his face but caught herself by letting it fall and move to touch the pups skin. Lately she was unable to contain the need to want to be near the inu and she was beginning to wonder what was wrong with her. “Rin’s fever broke. She appears to be getting better.” She mumbled.

A blush crept over her cheeks as she glanced over to the Taiyoukai. “Did you…Did …” She stopped when the slayer began to stir in her bed. Kagome sat up, ducking around the inu, and knelt beside the fire, which continued to glow thanks to the Western Lord who felt it his duty to use his powers to give the humans their heat source since their resources were now too wet to use, where she began to prepare breakfast for the waking group.

“Good morning Kagome.” The slayer greeted. “Did you sleep at all last night? How is Rin?”

“I slept fine… Rin is better. By the way, thanks for the help.” She replied avoiding eye contact in a way that would not seem out of the ordinary.

“I didn’t really help much…” Sango mumbled more to herself. Her eyes gazed over to the dragon that had chosen to guard the hut from the outside since the weather had finally cleared. “You don’t suppose he would be back soon do you?” she asked absentmindedly.

“I’m positive he is fine. I bet the weather stalled him. That’s all.” Kagome offered.

“I suppose that’s it.”

Kagome brought a cup of tea to relax the slayers nerves. Gently she took one hand into her own and squeezed it to reassure the woman. “Miroku changed Sango; you’re the only one he sees anymore.”

Sango remained quiet.

“The monk has returned and he isn’t alone.” a voice interrupted.

“What! Why didn’t you say so sooner?” Kagome replied. Sango was too busy dropping the teacup and running out of the door.

The miko cleaned up the small mess just as the male pups woke. With breakfast, warming on the fire the pups helped themselves. “What’s up nee-san? Where’s Sango?” He answer came to him as they all heard the sharp scream of the woman telling off her perverted monk.

“Why he hasn’t changed at all.” An elderly voice echoed from the doorway.

Kagome whose back was facing the door turned sharply with a look of utter shock on her face. Souta and Shippo both ran towards the person in question to give her a hug. Sesshomaru looked up with his eyes before settling down further to empathize his intention to the new arrival.

“Kaede how is it possible?” Kagome whispered. “How are you here? Am I dreaming?”
Sesshomaru could see a tear slip from the corner of her green eyes and down her cheek. He wished he could let a finger brush the sadness away and then hold her in his arms to comfort her. However, the presence of the old miko was needed to help his female through her fears. Through all the destruction it appeared that, not everything had been taken away.

“That is something I will be willing to explain to ye with a nice cup of tea. As soon as I get everyone settled that is. Come ye two, ye are strapping young boys and ye need to prove to this bunch of so-called men that ye are not pansies. Why do ye not go and help them out?” she pointed the two male pups towards the men who were gathering in a circle. “If we want to get our village back it will take back breaking work.” She explained.

“Yes ma’am.” The two stated with a respectable bow before heading off to see how they could help. “And ye…” she pointed to the monk who had just made his way into the threshold while mumbling to himself. “Ye need to go straighten things with the young woman who has obviously been worried about ye and ye health. Get going.” Without another word the monk headed out the door fearful about disobeying the fierce miko of the village.

“Now then, how about some tea.” she calmly sat down beside the fire not even bothering to question the presence of the inu.

It was not the first time she has sensed him near the village. Although at one time there had been evil intent laced in his aura, every time there after his aura was calm so the miko had never worried about it and this was the case now. It was her first time seeing the inu lord though. She had to admit that the Taiyoukai was indeed related to the hanyou and this had her wondering if perhaps the miko she had taken in was perhaps using the Lord as a way to keep a connection to the being that had cause so much harm.

“Here you are Kaede.” The young miko handed the older woman a fresh cup of tea.

Kaede took back any ill intentions that she had thought of before as she watched Kagome prepare another cup of tea and carefully offered it to the Western Lord. It was impossible for the old woman to believe that the child before her was comparing the brother’s similarities. To Kagome they were as different as night and day and apparently she had finally found the right one for her. “Sesshomaru-sama I … um…”

“I shall assist you with your story when needed.” The inu did not need to ask what the miko was asking for. He knew she was hazy about some of the details; ever so slowly, she was beginning to forget things because of the way trauma affected the mind of a human. He accepted the tea handed to him and moved to join the two mikos beside the fire.

“Well if we are set I will start with my side of things first and then we shall hear the story ye have to tell.” Kagome nodded and let the elder continue. “Let’s see when ye left with the others Souta and Shippou chose to stay in this here hut. Things we progressing as normal until one morning I awoke to a couple of shouts. It had appeared Souta and Shippou had snuck out in the dead of night, we assumed they were after ye because those younglings are attached to ye that ye all cannot be separated for long. As an attempted to head them off we headed to the next village but I tell ye those two are smart. They completely by passed the village and the next.”

A chuckle broke the tale as Kaede turned to gently smile at the young miko. “Their strength reminded me of ye and I knew that there wouldn’t be a way to persuaded them to come back even if the search party managed to capture them. So I was forced to give up and head back, after all I can’t stay away from this post for long, but as the group headed back we saw them dreadful insects of Naraku’s.” The old woman spat the name out with such hatred. “Seeing that they were heading in the direction of their village the few men that were travelling with me rushed ahead to save any townsfolk they could. As I arrived on the scene, I forced the living to retreat to the forest where I managed to gather everyone into a cave so I could erect a barrier to hide our presence. Being a hanyou, Naraku was unable to detect us. He left sooner than I would have thought and I suspect that this was because he could not find whatever it was he was searching for. I learned from a few of the survivors he was keen to know where yer brother was.”

“Yes that makes sense.” The younger miko agreed. “Naraku wished to use him, to kill him, in order to get to me.”

“Well in any case I was grateful the younglings ran when they did. I can’t imagine them surviving through the torture the villagers went through.” Kaede whispered. Kagome frowned and lowered her head.

“I apologize Kaede. I caused so much trouble for you. So many innocent lives were...” the young miko was stopped with a finger that was placed gently against her lips to hush her.

“No one blames ye for ye are not the one at fault. Do not give into the darkness ahead for then the deaths of so many would be in vain. Kagome, these people need you more than ever for they believe you are the light that will defeat this growing darkness.”

Kagome only nodded. She was trying to wrap her thoughts around what the elder was saying but it was hard to believe that everyone was looking to her. It was not as if she was able to do anything. She wanted to tell Kaede this, since she could not fight and she had no power to defeat Naraku but she could not bring herself to dash away the old miko’s hopes.

“I suppose it’s my turn,” the woman stated instead. Ever so carefully, she explained her tale looking to Sesshomaru for help when she could not remember some detail. The old miko looked shock when the Taiyoukai explained, very coldly, the technique he used to wake the miko. “Sesshomaru-sama has kindly agreed to train me when we return to his fortress. But I think it might be best if I stay to help everyone here.”

“No, you are needed elsewhere. We will be fine here. Ye need to take care of what is expected of ye, starting with assisting me prepare a meal. The village women and children, along with a few men, will not be here for another couple of days. This will give the men here enough time to build temporary shelter before they arrive. So if you could stay until then to help me with the evening meals we can consider ourselves even.”

The miko looked to the inu who nodded before immediately leaving the hut. “Of course, and please feel free to stay here until your hut has been completed.”

Kaede nodded. “I’ll leave you alone so you can care for that child. I wish to check on the work anyway and I will send a few men to hunt,” she explained leaving the hut.

Kagome sighed when she was alone and took a step towards the doorway but it was blocked suddenly. Just as she was about to scream at the sight of the lifeless beady black eyes a hand wrapped around her mouth.

“Miko, your high pitch screams are not healthy from my ears.” Sesshomaru stated from behind her. The dead deer in his hands dropped to the floor. He let his hand slide away from her mouth to the crook of her neck, across her shoulder, and down her arm. “Are you not pleased with my kill?” he asked in a whisper as his breath brushed her ear.

“I’m not displeased–I appreciate you kindness.”

“This isn’t out of ‘kindness’, as pack leader it is my duty to provide for my pack,” he replied. “Is there something else needed?”

“No... Well maybe... but I can get it.” The tone of his voice had grown deeper and it was stirring her insides in a way she was not familiar with. Not wanting things to grow even more uncomfortable she tried to push away from the inu and turn to face him.

“Seeing that you must assist the old miko I will fetch what it is you seek. Tell me what you desire.”

“Not only for me, for Rin too.” the woman pointed to the still sleeping child after managing to free herself from Sesshomaru. “I think if she had a little more fruit in her diet the nutrients would help her get better sooner.”

“Very well.”

Once again, the miko was left alone in the hut. Finally, she was able to kneel beside the young girl. Her eyes flickered and slowly opened revealing the chocolate colour that was always filled with cheerfulness.

“Okaa-san, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to worry you and sleep so long.” Rin said as soon as she sat up.

She pulled the girl into a hug immediately. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” The woman answered.

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Ja ne
Angelic Memories