InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Eighteen: Questions, Surprises, and Anger ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
When I was writing this chapter, I realized I forgot something important in the last chapter I am so upset with myself because I made a reminder before I began rewriting the chapter in the first place. Therefore, I had to change the storyline a little to make up for it... but it came out okay... I think... I can only hope that this does not happen too often because I do not want to drift off my story line too much. It’s kind of sad because I know for a fact this chapter was one of the longer ones when I first wrote it...however I think the next one may make up for it.
************************************************************** ***********************Disclaimer: The characters of this fanfic belong solely to Rumiko Takahashi I take no credit in the making of the main characters and make no money from this story in no way shape and form. I do however claim some of the original characters and the storyline, which were created by yours truly. (Yeah this time the disclaimer is formal but I am tired of getting emails from people telling me to state certain points in my disclaimers). Please consider this as a blanket disclaimer for the rest of my story... being formal is just so boring.
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Scroll Eighteen: Questions, Surprises, and Anger

Kaede took to observing the pack members for the short time they remained at the village. She watched how the young miko was able to interact well with the small girl whom was introduced to her as Rin. As was her nature, the young woman cared for the child for the rest of the day and night, carefully ensuring every need was met to make certain the young one would not suffer from a worse cold. To the old miko, this was nothing new. In fact, she had expected such behaviour from kind-hearted woman. What surprised her most of all was how the Taiyoukai, who was described many times as a heartless bastard, watched with concern and approval in his eyes. The Western Lord posted on a branch in the tree beside the hut since the morning had begun and had yet to make any move. She would have believed him to be dead if it were not for his aura brushing hers every so often. This was a reminder that something she was suppose to be wary of was near but she trusted in Kagome judgement and truly believe the Taiyoukai would case no harm. She noticed that his gaze was solely focused on the miko with the exceptions of a couple of brief moments when the inu turned to check on the small girl if she was not beside the miko, which was rare. Personally, she was not sure how the miko could stay such treatment. Surely, by now she could feel the hairs on her neck stand up from the constant stare at her person. Then there was the contrast of aura, how was see able to be in a close proximate for days at a time when her aura would be begging to be away from him. A youkai of his calibre would cause the effect to be ten times worst but the woman acted as if there was nothing wrong. So either Kagome was strong enough to ignore it, she had grown accustom to it, or there was a great force at work here.

It occurred to the elder of the village that this Taiyoukai had been pulled into the miko’s charm more than any other being thus far. She shortly wondered what the hanyou would think of this, and that thought had her wondering where said half-breed was, which in turn started the process of the current conversation.

“I wouldn’t know Kaede. We have not seen him in a while. I would have assumed he would be here but with everything that has been going on I guess I forgot to worry about it... not that he is worth such an emotion,” the slayer added. “I guess Kagome might know something but I’m not sure if it would be a sensitive topic or not.”

“I guess I will run it through Sesshomaru,” the old woman replied in a mumble.

“Why?” Sango asked.

“He would know if the question would cause any unwanted relapse on Kagome,” she answered turning away from the slayer to look towards the inu who had yet to move since this morning. “Thank-you for your help Sango,” the woman added before making a direct path to the tree and looking up. “May I have a word with you Sesshomaru-sama?”

The Western Lord directed only his eyes to look down. He was a little shocked he had not notice the old woman make her way to him. His attention had been on the little female who was kneeling a short distance in front of a tree creating baskets for the villagers to store food, water, and other supplies in. Each time she reached forward to grasp another long piece of grass she would raise her buttocks off her feet. Every once in a while she would have to lean forward to point out something for the female pup she was teaching who was sitting across from her on the other side of the pile of long grass. It was times like these that his beast was waiting for because the woman’s tight round behind would shimmy in the air ever so slightly. Sesshomaru was entranced and wanted to avert his gaze but his beast would not have and so he was forced to watch for the alternative was allowing his beast to create images in his mind that stirred his loins in a way he never thought possible.

Staring at the woman, he did not say a word and let his frame fall from the tree and landing lightly on his feet. “I take it we cannot speak here,” the inu stated more than asked and led the woman a ways away from the female so Kagome would not hear them but he could keep an eye on her. “What is it you wish to ask of this Sesshomaru?”

“Well a thought occurred to me... I was wondering if ye or Kagome had seen Inuyasha lately...?” Upon asking, she wondered if that would be such a good idea.

“Why do you worry for the half breed when he has caused nothing but trouble?” the inu hissed his glare was enough to make any being think they were about to die.

“It is not Inuyasha that I am concern for,” she started out picking out her words wisely. “I wished to see if Kagome knew of his whereabouts or if she had seen him. The longer he is away the more his anger will grow when he manages to make an appearance. I just wished to find out if he was aware of Kagome’s safety and the current ‘position’ she is in.”

“You make that statement sound like a bad thing miko. Are you implying something?”

“No I meant nothing like that and I was surely not insulting ye...”

With a sideways glance at his female, he took a moment to debate speaking with the interfering woman. “He has yet to make an appearance,” Sesshomaru replied slowly, not mentioning that he wanted to meet the hanyou if only to pound a lesson through his skull a time or two. “The miko may know more about the half-breed and the dead pot if she remembers. But should she become upset in any way this Sesshomaru will expect you to stop.”

“I understand Sesshomaru-sama. I too wish not to upset Kagome.”

The Taiyoukai jumped back to what Kaede classified as his branch. It took a moment to get over the impressive leap before taking advantage of the acceptance she had gained from the inu. Walking over to the young miko, she pondered how to bring up the topic. She sat down taking a seat next to the young woman and reached to begin her own basket.

“I don’t know and I don’t care,” Kagome stated calmly without allowing a moment for the older woman to speak.

“What’s that?” Kaede asked a little confused.

“The answer to your question,” she replied softly.

“But... how did you...” Kaede furrowed her brows.

“I heard you speaking to Sesshomaru-sama.” Said Taiyoukai listened in on the conversation at the small confession. He was curious as to how she was able to hear from such a distance. It was not possible for human ears. “I don’t know how but I saw you speaking to Sesshomaru-sama and was curious why he seemed so irritated. The next thing I know I could hear you. However, as I stated before... I do not know where he is and I personally do not care. Nor do I care what he thinks. As far as I am concerned, he can rot in the deepest pit of hell filled with his despair. That would not even be enough. I would want him to suffer the most...”

“Okaa-san, I think I made a mistake,” a voice interrupted gently. A small smile from Kagome told the old miko that the child knew exactly how to calm her mother down and the act was in fact planned.

“That’s easy enough to fix Rin,” the young miko stated leaning over to point out a few tips not mentioning that the little mistake seemed to be purposely placed.

Feeling a little defeat and, not wanting to hassle the woman for fear of setting the protected male watching over her into a fit, the elderly woman stood up preparing to head back to the slayer whom was helping the monk rebuild the town centre.

“Kaede, if I had to guess than I would say Kikyou is in the north. I feel a small tug of the part of my soul she is holding. If anything than Inuyasha is with her, although it will not be for long because Naraku told me he poisoned her body and I believe she is unable to collect any new souls to keep her body functioning. I don’t care for her at all but I know when she was living she was a kind person and I respect that she is your sister ... so it’s not might right to hold such information at bay,” Kagome said without looking at the older woman. “I don’t plan on helping her either. I understand that you may see this as cruel however, I can’t help someone who is living off innocent souls.”

“I understand completely. I harvest no ill feelings toward ye. It is about time for my sister to lay to rest once again. Thank ye Kagome,” the woman mumbled before giving a short bow and turning away to head where she had been planning to go previously.

As the young girl placed her complete work in the pile of the miko’s she looked up to ask her mother something. “If you don’t like to speak about certain people why do you?”

“Because it makes others happy or relieved and so I can deal with my few seconds of depression for the sake of making another smile for much longer.”

“I want to be just like you okaa-san,” the child stated and picked up a handful of grass to begin another small basket.

A gust of wind made the woman turn to face the being who had taken a seat next to her. “Sesshomaru-sama is something the matter?”

“Hn,” the inu paused cautiously. “If the dead thing leaves this realm will your soul return to you or must one fetch it.”

“I don’t know,” the woman replied whispered. “I guess that is something that will be discovered when it happens,” she smiled cheerfully.

“Hn.” Even though he had nothing more to ask, the youkai remained where he was. He suddenly felt uneasy with so much discussion of his hated half brother. He had the strangest feeling the hanyou would jump out randomly if Sesshomaru wondered too far away, therefore, he felt the need to remain beside his claim as close as he dared in public.

“Kaede said this morning that the villagers should be back soon, most likely by tomorrow afternoon. We can leave tomorrow if you want.” Sesshomaru nodded his acceptance of the idea. “I have a surprise for everyone tonight but it requires the sun to go down first.” The inu did not say a thing but he was curious as to what the female was up to. “I should go help Kaede prepare the evening meal,” Kagome said getting up from her seat and stretching.

“I want to help too okaa-san,” Rin shouted excitedly jumping to hug her mother, whom nodded and smiled sweetly.

æäæäæäæäæ& auml;

The evening passed slowly according to the young pups who were excited about whatever surprise the miko had cooked up. Sesshomaru spent the time moving from one side of the village to the other depending on where the miko was needed. By dinner, Kagome had managed to beg Kaede to give her a steady place to work and when the old woman asked why the young miko replied she was tired. However, a sideways glance to the Inu Lord expressed the want to stay still for the Taiyoukai sake. The miko’s guilty look told the old woman that Kagome was aware that the inu would continue to follow her every movement and she was feeling a little responsible for the inconvenience she may be causing him.

As the group finished dinner Kagome was bombarded by the pups and their begs.

“Okaa-san is it time?”

“How much longer?”

“Is the sun set enough?”

All the question came at once but the miko was able to unscramble the noise. “It’s almost time, only a little longer, the sun is almost completely set,” she replied. “Why don’t you help me clean up the meal and by the time we are done it will be dark enough.”

Rin, Souta, and Shippou readily agreed and began to gather the dishes from all the villagers gathered around the fire. When the dishes were cleaned and put away Kagome smiled and requested that the fire be put out and everyone remain seated. Quickly the woman ran in the hut and when she came back out, she had one of her baskets in her hand. Thankfully, the evening meal was held in the nearly completed village square where there were not so many trees around. With her surprise in hand, she moves a fair distance away from the others than prepared the many objects. Human eyes made it hard for anyone to see what she was doing but Sesshomaru was able to make out every detail. A light shielding spell was dispersed from the basket and immediately the smell of firepower humans were beginning to invent invaded his senses. A little curious as to what the miko was doing he turned his attention solely on her, not fearing that anyone would see his curiosity since only the kit would have the ability to see him in this state. Said fox pup was too busy focusing on his adopted mother anyway. The woman took out a small tube wrapped in paper, which she stuck in the ground.

A flicker of flame told everyone the miko had lit something with the magical object of fire the woman brought from her future home and called a lighter. Many sparks flew in all directions before a small glimmering circle took to the sky and with a bang burst into a flare of many colours. It appeared the miko only had a few of these for she returned to the group with a smile and asked how they liked it. The men nodded politely and offered their thanks than headed off to bed while the others continued their conversation around the relit fire.

“Here I also have a few of these. Souta could you help Shippou and I’ll help Rin,” the miko divided thin grey sticks into equal groups of three and handed them out. With Souta paired with Shippou and Kagome with Rin, the two humans from the future began to teach how to use what she called ‘sparklers’.

“Would you like to see one Sesshomaru? There was an extra,” the woman offered the last stick to him.

Curiosity overwhelmed him and he took the sparkler and studied it thoroughly. “These things are common in the time you were born?” he inquired handing the stick back.

“Yes, especially during holidays or special events. Did you want this lit?”

“What about the fire in the sky?”

“Those were fireworks and they too are pretty common but are used only occasionally compared to these,” she gestured to the sparkler that she had lit even though the inu never answered her.

“That is why you sought me out for a barrier? You were aware that the noise alone may attract any nearby youkai.”

“Yeah,” Kagome agreed in a whisper. “My reiki isn’t strong enough to erect neither a sound proof barrier nor anything as large as what you can manage.”


“I’m heading to the hot springs with Sango after I put the pu–uh... children to bed.” The woman jumped from her spot beside him and rushed to usher the pups to their bed.

“Hn.” Sesshomaru lost himself in his thoughts of the miko. Each day he could see how his presence was influencing her. Her mistakes in language alone were enough proof to tell him that she was slowly accepting his ways.

The woman returned from inside the hut with a couple of towels and bathing supplies along with the slayer. Kagome glanced over to the inu who had yet to moved and smile with reassurance... but she was not sure what she was reassuring. Shaking her head she turned to Sango to pay attention to her conversation but the task was a little hard. When the two women arrived at the hot springs, the slayer sighed.

“Is something the matter Sango?”

“Don’t do that,” she replied slowly undressing and slipping into the hot springs.

“Do what?” the miko asked joining her sisterly friend.

“Act as if you don’t know,” the woman sighed.

“Know what?”

“You’re not helping,” Sango paused. “I know your aware that... well you know.”

“Miroku seems really happy lately. Actually it’s been ever since you and he returned after you disappeared the other day,” Kagome offered.

“Yeah... I thought you knew,” again the slayer stopped. “It’s just... I’m ... scared.”


“What if I am...? If I have a child I can’t help with the battle against Naraku,” the slayer explained.

“That’s not something you fear about,” the youngest woman stated calmly. “I was actually going to ask you to forget about it. The battle will be dangerous and I think it would be best if only those who are required be there. I honestly don’t think you’re needed for the final battle.”

“How do you know that?”

“A dream,” the woman whispered. “I didn’t want to say anything to anyone because I was fearful that you would all worry but I’ve been having dreams that I don’t think are actually dreams. After having the dream, I could not help but think that this was parts of what is to come. I don’t remember all of it but I don’t recall ever seeing you or Miroku.”

“Are we... dead?” Sango questioned hesitating a little for the fear of the answer.

“No I don’t think so,” Kagome mumbled.

“Who is there?”

“Me and... Sesshomaru-sama...” the miko’s voice faded away with the last name.

“What? You mean I don’t get to help but that two-timing worthless thing does,” Sango’s outburst was expected and Kagome was quick to lunge herself over to hug Sango.

“Well I don’t know for sure I can’t remember clearly. I’m not really sure of his part but I’m with Sesshomaru-sama so I don’t think we should worry about it.”

“You sure you have to leave tomorrow?” the exterminator-changed topics.

“Sesshomaru-sama has agreed to teach me new techniques. He believes I have a hidden power that I may be able to grasp and perhaps unlock. So it is best for me to leave to start the training as soon as possible. We’ll be leaving early in the morning so that we can make it to the fortress before nightfall.”

“In that case we will say our goodbyes tonight. I have something to give you so I’m getting out now.”

“I’ll be out in a minute,” Kagome replied.

Left alone in silence the miko sighed. She wanted to be with Sango a little longer but she knew that was not possible. With reluctance, the woman stood and began to dry off. After changing, she made sure; she had gathered everything and began to head back to her hut. A few steps onto the well-worn path and Kagome noticed something... she could not sense Sesshomaru’s location. A little frightened the miko picked up her pace wanting to kick herself for not returning with Sango.

A rustling of leaves behind her startled her and she pivoted on her feet to see if someone was following her. Great now I’m paranoid. She shook her head and turned back around only to come very close to breaking her nose on the well-formed chest of the inu.

“Miko, why did you not return with the exterminator?”

“Because I didn’t feel like it,” she mumbled a reply while rubbing her sore nose. “How long have you been here?”

“Hn,” Sesshomaru draped an arm around her waist lazily. “Miko you are not cautious enough when you are alone,” the inu replied. His head lowered to touch her cheek with his and softly he began to rub his skin against hers.

“Uh... Sesshomaru-sama?”

“My scent will warn any youkai you are being protected by this Sesshomaru and his beast.”

The inu treated the other side of her face and her neck in the same manner before tilting his head to gaze at her. “Is something the matter miko? Your heart beat has increased,” the inu smirked.

“Ah...” the woman squirmed in his grasp. She found herself more and more often trying to get away from the inu even though sometimes she did not necessarily want to get away.

The Taiyoukai enjoyed the short struggle and chuckled which shocked the miko into stillness. Seeing the innocent woman in such an adorable state the youkai could help but lean in and briefly trace his lips over hers. His beast half in control pulled the woman close to his chest and tilted her chin with a finger as the pressure of the kiss increased. He noted the way his claim hesitated before grasping the front of his haori and returning the gesture. As the inu moved away to allow the miko to breathe he created a trail of kisses to her ear before declaring her his in a possessive growl in her ear.

Perhaps it was the wrong thing to say because the miko had no problem pushing him away and crossing her arms. She had long since dropped her belongs which were in a slight pile at her feet. Her arms were crossed and her foot was tapping.

“Who the hell do you think you are? I am not a belonging that you can own. I’m a person, human, and I belong to only myself,” the female hissed.

His beast looked at the woman curiously not understanding. His beast was able to grasp the denial in the woman and his instinct told him to force her to submit to him. Nevertheless, Sesshomaru was able to grasp some control as to not make the situation worse than it was. Taking a step forward the beast within him tried explaining.

“You are mine; I have chosen you to be my object of affection.”

Kagome would not have it. “Then I don’t want to continue this. I will not be an object in your eyes. Go fine someone else to mate with.” Too angry to care the miko ducked around the inu and ran down the rest of the path leaving her belongs behind.
Red eyes followed her movements with confusion, anger, pain.

What were you thinking?

She denied me.

If she does not return to us, I blame you.

How could she deny me?

Furious the beast growled. He wanted to kill something. He needed to kill something. Or else he might take things out on the one being he ever cared for.

As if answering his call he felt a presence that he had been searching for before he saved the miko in the first place. Allowing his beast to fully take over his form shifted into his true form and he leaped into the sky heading to the direction that his opponent was in.

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Ja ne
Angelic Memories