InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Nineteen: Greetings from a Rival or Two ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Re writing this story has me wondering if I am going to be able to keep to the same story line. I wonder if it’s going to be longer than I thought:? Oh well... so far so good.
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Disclaimer: My how the chapters fly... but they are still not mine.
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Scroll Nineteen: Greetings from a Rival... or Two

When Kagome entered the hut she was grateful the children were deep asleep so they wouldn’t see her in a rare fit of rage. Kaede was out taking care of the injuries of the day leaving Sango as the only witness. The slayer was slightly confused but the name that reached her ear under the miko’s breath told her that there was a lover’s spat going on.

“Kagome what’s the matter?” Sango asked softly bringing a cup of tea to the woman who was leaning against the back wall.

“It’s nothing,” she mumbled casting her eyes to the floor.

“Oh.” Instead of pressing the issue the slayer choose to follow down a more subtle path. “As I promised,” Sango stated placing a tiny box in the miko’s hand. “I’m not sure when it is but I know your birthday was sometime around this time of year last year so I thought I get you a little something. Please don’t say ‘you didn’t have to’ because I know I didn’t but I wanted to. Besides you gave me something for my birthday.”

Kagome opened the little box and found a pale blue stone inside. “Thank-you.”

“You’re welcome. I hope it helps you. It’s actually supposed to be useful according to some of the woman whom lived in my village. It allows you to focus your energy in it to store away so you may use it later.

“That’s great but I don’t know how to do something like that properly,” Kagome replied.

Hoping she wouldn’t hurt the miko the slayer took the opportunity before her to get what she needed to help the one she considered little sister. “Why don’t you ask Sesshomaru to train you in that field? I would help you if I could but I don’t have the knowledge to even begin to direct you in the right direction.”

“I can’t ask him that,” she stated simply.

“Why not? He is training you isn’t he?”

“Yeah...well not anymore...maybe... I don’t know. I said something I didn’t mean,” the miko shuttered remembering her words.

A feeling had been crawling in her ever since she had exited the line of trees behind the hut. She knew she had overreacted but she couldn’t get over the fact that the inu only saw her as an object. Telling him to find someone else might not have been the best. What if he did just that? She didn’t want to be replaced by some other female youkai. Even if she was a lowly human not worthy of the Taiyoukai she couldn’t help but feel a clenching pain in her chest. The miko knew she was probably growing too close to the Western Lord and that she may in fact be falling in love with him but it was something that she couldn’t stop. The thought that he might not return to her because of her words filled her with fear. She looked at Jaken and Ah-Un and finally to Rin. They were her only reassurance that he would finally return because she believe that he wouldn’t leave without them.

“What happen?” the exterminator asked concerned.

“That... damn proud, arrogant, irritating, conceited, high and mighty, over confident fiend thinks that I’m going to sit by and let him treat me like an object or possession that he owns. If Inuyasha couldn’t get away with it than Sesshomaru sure as hell isn’t either,” Kagome grumbled crossing her arms.

“Kagome... what exactly did he say?”

“I know you know... Miroku let it slip that you’re aware of it. Sesshomaru wants me to become his mate and I... accepted please don’t ask why cause I don’t understand it myself. But I won’t forgive him for saying I was his... and an object of all things. But I’m not his. I don’t belong to anyone and I’m not an object.”

“Um... you didn’t think that perhaps he meant it in a respectable way?” Sango questions carefully.

“Well... how is an object respectable?” the miko fired with a snap.

“Were you an inu female you would probably feel honoured. As my father told me an inu is a proud race and very protective of whom they consider their pack. Sesshomaru may seem arrogant to you but really it is in his blood and instinct to find a female who is strong and independent to stand by his side and help him care for and protect his pack. When he calls you an object it means you are a being of affection he’s really telling you that your are the one that he will hold above all others. You are the one his beast has claimed as his to protect, care, guard, defend, and perhaps even love,” Sango stopped for a moment before adding one other thing. “Sesshomaru doesn’t wish to take your independence from you. He’s not hoping for you to completely depend on him. In fact it’s probably your independence that he was attracted to. Should things progress more I’m sure you will realize he will support you when you need to be supported and let you stand alone when you feel you have to.”

The guilt that Kagome had been feeling before increased with each sentence the slayer let slip from her mouth. “Why can’t I think before I speak?” the woman whispered intending only her ears to hear the confession like question.

“What did you say Kagome?”

“I told Sesshomaru to go find someone else to become his mate,” the miko admitted. “I didn’t mean it...well at the time I did. Still I guess it doesn’t matter anyway. I might be better this way.”

“How can you say that?” Sango’s voice wavered. “Look I might not have thought it was a good idea at first but now that I think about it Sesshomaru is the best match out there for you. It might even be fate. You were so close to Inuyasha and that might have been because you were destined to be with his brother. Those inu brothers may not be close but Inuyasha is like a diluted version of Sesshomaru so perhaps your soul clung to him not understanding that really it should have been Sesshomaru you became attached to. Besides, as a powerful Taiyoukai he will be able to offer you more than any man out there,” the slayer sighed in exhaustion at the end of her statement from forcing so many words out at once. “You should talk to him when he returns.”

“Yeah,” Kagome agreed letting her head sink to her knees. There were so many things she had to think about lately. She couldn’t remember the last time she was able to think clearly without the void of confusion pulling her every sane thought out of its nice organized consciousness.

“I’m heading to bed now. Don’t stay up too late. Kaede will probably be back soon... oh and Miroku chose to stay with the men... Good night.”

“Night,” the miko whispered out of habit more than anything.

æäæäæäæäæ& auml;

Just before midnight Kaede returned and also wished Kagome a good night. It was now early morning only a few hours before dawn. Wearily from a sleepless night the miko stood and decided to go out for some fresh air hoping to wake up. Ah-Un looked up from his position and the woman could swear there was a look of concern on his face.

“Is something the matter Ah-Un?” Kagome kept her voice down so she wouldn’t wake the others.

Ah-Un looked towards the south end of the village. The miko focused on the area but couldn’t see a thing; wondering if she was missing something she allowed her reiki to branch out. Something flared in response. At first the woman wasn’t sure what to do but it didn’t take long for her to regain herself. She picked up a bag filled with basic things as well as her bow and turned to Ah-Un.

“I know you’re under Sesshomaru’s direct order but I want you to gather the children when they wake and take them to the fortress right away. They’ll be safer there and I know I can trust you to protect them.” The two-headed dragon nodded and was left to watch the woman turn around and run off towards the dangerously flaring powers he sensed.

Kagome could barely feel the flare of battling auras which would mean they were far away or a barrier had been erected. It was probably the latter and this was confirmed as Kagome entered the forest and began down the path for a blast of power was released and suddenly she was able to sense everything very easily.

Hoping against hope that nothing had happened to the inu the miko picked up her pace a little. When the scent of blood reached her nose the miko slowed down. A rustling sound caught her attention and she hid behind a large tree so she could peer around it to see what was going on. The battle had definitely started in this field for trees were knocked over, roots and all, and the ground held many craters. But it appeared the opponents had moved their fight further into the forest.

Cautiously the miko ducked under and around the obstacles on the path. As she made her way around a rather large tree she made out the gigantic, fluffy, white inu leaning to one side to keep his weight off of one of his front paws. The miko noted there was a severed head meaning it was safe for her to make her way to the injured Western Lord.

“Sesshomaru I was worried about you, next time you find the need to go kill something you can at least let me know.”

The woman was a few steps away from the inu’s left paw when she heard a snarling sound. Kagome whipped around to see she was wrong in assuming the head was lifeless. The green and black scales ruffled and the long snout like beak mouth smirked before it rose of the ground and propelled in her direction. There was a growl from behind her which came before she was engulfed in fur as the inu used his paw to protect the woman from the deadly bite. Kagome slipped for a moment as she thought how Sesshomaru’s fur didn’t smell like a dog at all. She mentally slapped herself before surveying her surroundings. The dragon-like-bird youkai’s head was clamped on the inu’s paw and seemed to not want to let go. Thinking quickly the woman rested her palms flat against Sesshomaru’s paw.

“Please trust me,” she whispered, praying Sesshomaru was paying enough attention to her to hear her. Without any notice the miko let her rieki flow over the inu’s skin and cause a type of electric shock to flare through the severed head by the means of the embedded fangs, which released its prey right away. The Taiyoukai took the opportunity to pounce on the head and squish it into mulch.

“How disgusting,” the woman turned away with her eyes covered by her hands. She attempted to focus on the sound of the wind in the leaves so she would hear the flesh tearing and blood dripping. A new sound invaded and she hesitantly looked between parted fingers.

“Are you okay miko,” Sesshomaru asked upon changing into his humanoid form.

“How can you ask me that when you are the one that is obviously injured,” the miko furiously rushed to the inu and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I was afraid you might not come back when you didn’t return after a while,” she confessed in his chest ignoring the plated armour but avoiding the youkai bone spikes.

“Come this is not a sight for a maiden to be exposed to for long.”

The inu took a step to head back in the direction of the village. An unseen injury caused him to lean into the miko beside him which worried the woman slightly for she knew he was too proud for such an action. However she offered him more of her shoulder to lean on and he seemed to take the proposal without much of a problem. Thankfully the heavy inu was able to carry most of his own weight and merely used Kagome as a way to balance himself. After finding a tree away from the scene of blood and guts the inu released the miko and let himself slide-almost ungracefully down the tree trunk to sit against it.

“Were you not mad at me?” Sesshomaru questioned through half lidded eyes.

“Well I was but I was reminded that you’re not human and your words weren’t meant the way I interpreted them,” she explained without hesitation. “I apologize.”

Sesshomaru was taken aback a little and was grateful that he was so tired or it might show on his face. But he felt the need to make up for the idiotic behaviour of his beast. “Kagome, I did not mean for my words to hurt you ... there are still things I need to learn about you and...” For once in his life Sesshomaru was at a loss for words. He never had the need to apologize before nor did he have to confess weakness or express feelings in any way, shape, or form. “Please tell me when I say something that I should refrain from saying in the future. I wish not to upset you with my words again.”

“How about we talk this subject after I take care of your injuries. Is there a water source nearby?” Sesshomaru nodded to his right. “I’ll be back, don’t move and... don’t die.”

“Foolish woman, as if I would die from such minor injuries,” he mumbled as the woman ran towards the stream he had directed her to. Slowly he drifted into sleep to regain his strength.

Kagome returned with a bowl (she brought with her in the pack) of water and a few plants she could use to help the inu with pain. She built a fire with branches scattered in the vicinity and but the bowl near the fire to warm. Rummaging in her bag she found a cup to use for tea for the inu later and a couple of utensils. However she had forgotten that she had given Kaede the bandages and didn’t replace them as of yet so the miko was left to improvise. The under layer of her kimono was decent enough material to use so she tore the hem to begin making strips she could use. With every gathered and prepared she made her way to the sleeping inu.

The first thing she looked at was the hand injury. The bite marks were clean and although they were deep the bleeding had stop so she figured she could move on to look at the more serious injuries first. From the limp in his true form Kagome was able to guess the inu probably had a wound somewhere on his left arm. Then there was whatever injury was causing him issues walking in his humanoid form, meaning an injury to his lower half. A shaking hand reached for armour the inu was wearing. She was able to discard them in a pile beside him all the while in awe that the inu was able to carry such weight effortlessly. Next she reached for the tie keeping his haori closed but she hesitated. Logically it was alright because she was trying to care for his wounds but her other half couldn’t help but be embarrassed that she had to undress the inu. Of course it was silly since she was only taking of his shirt and nothing else, plus it wasn’t unusual for a man to walk around with no top. But it wasn’t a custom to Sesshomaru, which made the miko feel she was imposing in the inu’s personal space. Yet she knew that if their relationship progressed she would see his shirtless eventually anyway. This thought had her shaking her head and reminding herself that there were more important things to be thinking. Deciding she would deal with any wrath aimed at her later the miko gave a quick tug and pulled the material off quickly then tossed it as well to the pile before she could change her mind. His haori slid open on its own accord exposing one nasty wound crawling from his left breastbone to his lower right side around his waistline. Kagome blushed when she noticed the inu appeared to disobey the rules of dress even if it was secretly. His pants were tied down far lower than custom but not a soul would realize this when looking at him completely dressed since his hoari was always worn in a way to cover the waist band. Another quick shake of her head refocused her attention.

She used one of the strips of material as a cloth to wipe away the blood. After thoroughly cleaning the wound she took a closer look. The gash was too deep to just wrap. She needed something to hold it close but she didn’t think to bring the medical kit which had a needle and thread she could use for stitching and she couldn’t sit here holding it herself nor could she run back to the village to get it or she would be leaving Sesshomaru here alone defenceless. It was clear she would have to think of something else. Her mind bent around finding something that might work, anything that could be used as glue or string. Suddenly she had the bright idea of using her reiki but remembering that the inu was youkai and not human she wondered if that would be a good idea. Slowly and carefully she formed her power to take shape as a long glue-like strip and let it just barely graze Sesshomaru. Perhaps because he had grown so accustom to her aura, or maybe he just trusted her, the inu didn’t even flare against the power that all youkai feared when in a weakened state. She held the ability to purify the youkai at the moment but he didn’t even flinch.

A bit relieved the miko balanced her weight and leaned over the inu so she could glue the gash together before it became infected from exposure. Upon completion of her task the woman mentally patted herself on the back for a job well done. The closed wound did not look as nasty as it did when it was open. But she wasn’t finished yet. Using the warm water and various plants she had found she created a salve and covered the wound with and used the strips of material to wrap the chest completely using her power to hold the material tight without the need for ties. With one wound down she looked to the next. The injury of the arm was another deep gash but she was able to clean and glue the wound with no trouble. The salve was once again carefully placed along the slash that trail from his inner elbow and up and around to his shoulder before it too was dressed. She finished tending to the injury on the inu’s hand just as the sun was greeting the world.

“Finished,” she whispered to herself with a smile and unconsciously grazed a few fingers over the pale flawless skin of his right shoulder to his breast bone and over the material covered stomach. She pulled her hand back suddenly and grabbed the Taiyoukai’s haori to cover him so he would not feel the chill in the air. “I’ll be right back,” she mumbled. She knew the inu was sleeping but it was habit and perhaps he could hear her even in his sleep yet she hope he didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary.

She ran to the stream for fresh water and returned to the camp site as fast as she could. As she let the water heat up she gathered more firewood for later. When the tea was done she took the cup to the Taiyoukai and held it to his lips and she was glad to see that the inu drink the concoction on his own. However caring for the inu on top of a sleepless night was too much for the miko to handle. The moment she took a moment to rest, next to the Taiyoukai, she fell fast asleep. Unconsciously the woman moved close to the injured inu seeking heat from the chill of the morning.

Her motherly instinct woke her a few hours later and seeing the lack of distance between them she jumped up and hurried to the fire, thankful the Taiyoukai was not awake to see how comfortable she was becoming or else he may take advantage of the situation. The sun in the sky told her it was nearly noon and she cursed herself for sleeping so long. The miko began making tea once more and wandered what she could do about food. Sesshomaru normally refused to eat when travelling but under the circumstance she was sure she could probably force him to eat something if it were to his liking.

A heavy sigh escaped her as she stood wearily on her feet looking, well more like feeling, around. She was able to use her aura to find a couple of rabbits. However no matter how little or how much she cooked the meat the inu refused to eat it, even after cutting it into tiny bite size pieces. Frustrated the miko began to search for Sesshomaru’s favourite prey whenever he hunted for the pack. It took more time than she wanted to find and shoot the stupid deer and then she realized she wandered further from the camp than anticipated and so she was force to drag the creature back a greater distance than she had originally planned. However she managed just fine and her mood improved further when the Taiyoukai let her slip a strip of semi raw meat into his mouth. A smile graced her lips and she happily fed the inu until he refused to eat anymore.

The rest of the day passed without event. Sesshomaru continued to sleep like the dead and when dinner came around he refused to eat anything. Kagome hoped it was merely because he had eaten so much for lunch but that didn’t stop her from worrying. When morning arrived the miko carefully pulled away the bandages to see how the inu was healing she was happy to see fresh skin already growing. Her goal for today was to make the Taiyoukai gain consciousness if only for a short time. But first she decided she should get some rest, this time she took a moment to place a barrier around them.

æäæäæäæäæ& auml;

Golden eyes cracked and flinched, shutting quickly from the bright ray of light. He flexed his aura and was shocked that it was stopped only a few feet around him. A familiar power forced his jaki to remain in the bubble and the same aura was tingling against his chest and arm. He tilted his head downward to keep the sun out of his eyes and opened them. His armour was stripped from him and to his right. All that was left was his haori which was loosely draped over him. Next to him he could feel warmth and he looked over to see his miko laying next to him. He held back his smile but not his frown when he noticed the woman shiver.

“Foolish woman,” he whispered pulling his haori to cover the miko.

He then focused on the strange feeling along his chest. The woman had taken care to wrap his wounds and he was positive the strange sensation was coming from them however it didn’t feel like any salve he had ever use, not that he used such comical materials very often. Yet he refused to take the bandages off for fear of the miko’s wrath should she awaken before he had a chance to replace them. Instead he was forced to wait. It wasn’t long before the miko to begin to stir. Her just opened eyes made contact with the inu but she didn’t move right away. It took her tired mind a few seconds to realize that the inu was awake and when she picked up on the thought she pushed herself up into a sitting position.

“You should have woken me. I didn’t mean to sleep so long. Are you in pain? Do you want something to eat? Is something wrong?” The Taiyoukai felt like a pup begin questioned but he let it go. Kagome on the other hand stopped her line of questioning when she felt something fall off her shoulders. “What is this?” she asked pulling the haori off the ground where it had landed. “I don’t remember...”

“The season is becoming colder and being the foolish woman you are,” Kagome facial expression warned him to watch his words, “You let it slip that you might need a warmer kimono than the one you are wearing. This will make up for the lack of warmth you need as a human,” the inu explained.

“But what about you?” she whispered with concern.

“I am not affected to the cold the same way as you. Don’t worry about it. Now miko answer me this... what have you done to me?” he looked to his abdomen at the question. He didn’t mind the tinkling sensation, thankfully he wasn’t ticklish, but he hope that in her explanation she would also express how she was able to approach him while he was unconscious. To be honest with himself, he had no intention of sleeping so long. He needed rest but he didn’t think his wounds were serious enough to knock him out for so long.

“I had to make do with what I had around me,” the miko whispered. She rushed to the fire and brought a bowl of water with a wet cloth over and took a seat next to him. “Um I was worried because your wounds were deep so I had to ‘stitch’ them somehow.” Kagome bowed her head and pointed to the bandage around his chest. “May I?” she asked.

Sesshomaru nodded before inquiring about her previous statement. “With what?”

“Huh?” the miko didn’t look up from the task of unwinding the material.

“With what were you able to stitch with? My skin would break an average human needle.”

“Well that’s what I had to improvise with. But I think it turned out okay. I mean with your healing abilities I highly doubt there will be much of a scar at all and I was extremely careful,” Kagome finished her statement as she finished her task.

The inu was allowed to gaze had his chest for the first time ... his now glowing chest. Any person who had the ability to see any aura would be able to see that the miko had embedded her aura into his in a complex pattern to hold the skin together. He had underestimated the damage of the damn youkai and saw that without being in the care of his miko he would not have woken anytime soon but it wasn’t life threatening. The protection of his beast would have ensured his safety and that led him to rethink what the miko was telling him.

“You were able to approach me without issues?” he hid the worry in his voice but he was fearful what his beast may have done if it thought they were in danger.

“Is there a problem with that? You should be grateful that I was here at all. You could be here in a weakened state if it weren’t for me.” Kagome’s voice was gruff but her touch was gentle as she cleaned the length of the gash. Sesshomaru was slightly shocked at her words and couldn’t reply right away leaving enough time for Kagome to continue. “You’re attitude is something that I am still not use to and I think it’s bound to get you into trouble a few more times before we truly understand each other.”

“You are taking my statement the wrong way. You should have been taught never to approach an injured youkai for their beast rarely sees a difference between those who are good from those who are evil when they are in a weakened state.” Sesshomaru pulled the hand that was reaching for a new strip of material and captured it pressing it firmly to his lips. “I can’t think of a greater pain than the idea that I may have cause harm to my maiden when her only objective was something so innocent.”

The actions and the words stirred a heat with her abdomen. She tugged her hand back and tilted her head to avoid showing her heated face. “Um, I’m f-f-fine so you don’t have to worry.” Her downward gaze didn’t notice the open smirk on the inu’s face. Sesshomaru could make out the arousal in her scent even though her scent had yet to settle. There was a familiar itch to his nose but he couldn’t quite place it. “If you could stop causing trouble long enough for me to re-examine your wounds,” she mumbled replacing the material that was wrapped around his chest. Her body appeared to heat up with the small touch and she was beginning to wonder if this was normal.

“What would possess you to try something like stitching me with something so deadly to me?” the Taiyoukai inquired.

“People will think of anything when they are worried about someone they... care about,” the woman replied with a little hesitation. “Besides I wasn’t stupid, I didn’t blindly attempt this. I was careful and proceed with each step at a slow pace until I was certain it wouldn’t back fire on me.”

“Hn,” the inu realized that he wasn’t going to get anything else from the miko. It appear she just accepted the idea that she was able to be around the injured unconscious inu. Yet he couldn’t get over the fact. His head leaned back against the tree as the miko looked at his arm. With his eyes closed he thought of possible conclusions to the situation.

Just admit you have grown accustom to the miko’s presence.

But the miko is more of a threat than any other being.

Yes but this miko is different is she not.

“Sesshomaru is something wrong?” the miko’s voice broke into his thoughts. “If you still need to sleep than you can. I’m finished.”

“We should return to the pups,” Sesshomaru stated briefly wondering when he began calling them pups out loud.

“I sent them to the fortress and that’s too far for you to travel at the moment so we can stay here until you’ve healed enough to travel,” the miko pointed out gathering her supplies and tidying up a little. Sesshomaru arched an eyebrow and Kagome could feel the question before he asked. “I figured Ah-Un would be able to get them there without a problem and they would be safe there until we can return. I wasn’t sure what the situation would be here and I didn’t want to expose them to something that would make them worry. I’m glad too. Who wants to see a head being squashed into pudding?” she mumbled before looking towards the inu. “Was I wrong?” she asked innocently.

“Your decision is appreciated,” the inu approved.

“Are you hungry?” she asked and the Taiyoukai shook his head but started to rise.

“Ah, don’t move!” she shouted rushing to grasp the inu’s arm and hold him still. “You should rest I can get whatever it is you want,” the miko replied.

Sesshomaru chuckled and let his smirk return this time the woman was able to see the expression. “If you insist,” he began and took hold of the woman’s hand again before pulling the appendage over the tie of his hakamas. “Is there a specific tree you wish to take me to?” The Western Lord enjoyed the woman’s expression of utter shock before she pulled away from him as if she had been scorn. “I take it you changed your mind?”

She didn’t say a thing at first but managed to pull herself together after a while. “Um... I think you can ... that is you should be well enough to... relieve yourself on your own,” she whispered.

The Taiyoukai chuckled and carefully pulled himself to his feet to walk a short distance away. After taking care of business he returned to the camp noting that his walk was slower than usual and cursing his beast for letting them underestimate the damn dragon. His attention was averted to the miko who appeared to be preparing tea and a meal with her back facing the direction he had left in. Her aura had a trace of embarrassment mixed with anger keying him into a slight guilt for pulling such a nasty joke on the innocent miko.

With a silent sigh the inu lightly carried himself and quietly lowered his aching body behind the miko. He carefully placed his arms around her waist and dropped his chin onto her shoulder while holding her back as tightly as he dared against his chest feeling a slight jump from the miko at the first contact. “Miko I was only joking. It would be improper of me, especially with my status, to take advantage of my maiden in such a way.” The inu nuzzled the woman’s neck affectionately and murmured in her ear. “Do you forgive me?”

“No worries,” the miko answered shyly wondering what had made the inu change so. “However I can’t finish the tea like this.”

Kagome tugged to get away and in the process brought an arm dangerously close to the fire. The red and white sleeve of his haori danced in the flame. A normal fire wouldn’t cause it to catch flame but the heat from the blaze may cause burns to his woman. So he jumped with ease away from the hazard and settled beneath his tree.

“Why are you always so clumsy?” he inquired examining the appendage that may have been injured.

“You’re the root cause of it,” she mumbled under her breath taking back her arm.

“How so?”

The miko gulped once again forgetting that Sesshomaru’s keen senses meant he would be able to hear her no matter how low she spoke whenever she was near him. “Never mind,” she sighed. “Let me go so I can prepare your tea.”

“As you wish,” he whispered against her ear releasing his hold.

The woman scrambled to her feet and took up her chore then brought another of her healing blend of tea. “Are you sure you don’t want anything to eat?” she asked handing him the cup.

“No miko, you may take your meal,” he answered patting the ground beside him.

The miko took a seat with a plate of the reheated meat from before mixed with plants from the surrounding area and a few pieces of apples from a tree she had found. “Sesshomaru?” she voiced after a while.


“Why don’t you ever eat when we travel? At the fortress you eat a ton but I don’t see you eat a morsel when we travel.”

The Taiyoukai debated with himself for a fraction of a second on whether or not he should explain the reason behind his actions. In the end he knew he might as well tell her or she would just continue to ask until she received the answer she sought.

“I could eat should I choose to but eating would cause a heaviness in the stomach. That added weight near my center of balance would throw off my performance in battle. At the fortress I don’t have to worry about this issue. Any food that I eat is automatically turned into a sort of energy after some time which I can store in reserve to use at a later time.”

“Oh, so was I wrong to feed you earlier?”

“No miko that was fine I needed the energy.”

“Sesshomaru please call me Kagome,” the woman pointed out taking another bite.

“Hn.” The Taiyoukai rose to fold his arms in front of his chest but without his haori he decided against it and rose a knee to let an arm fall over it. His eyes averted to the miko in his clothing but he turned away tightening the muscles in his jaw at the new thoughts running through his mind.

“There’s a hot spring over beyond that group of trees, near a large boulder and the stream. If you want I can help you there. I think the heat will help any tight sore muscles.” Kagome pointed to the area she was speaking about then rose to her feet.

“Are you hinting something?” Sesshomaru bit his tongue. He was beginning to think something was wrong. He would never have said such things before and his attitude was that of a young pup in heat. His anger would have been directed to his beast but for once he didn’t think it was to be blamed.

“Ah!! No I just...” Kagome rose her hands and wove then protectively in front of her.

Sesshomaru remained silent and thought of a way to get some time to think. “I assure you I will be fine until we return to the fortress, however feel free to go yourself. I will stay her to keep watch.”

“Are you sure?” she whispered shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “Well, I will be quick.”

Sesshomaru rolled his eyes. The miko was never one for a quick bath. But that was something he was hoping for. Now he was able to evaluate the current situation. If it weren’t for the fact that he wasn’t expecting his heat for many months than he would have assumed that his heat was coming upon him. But he had long since learnt the meaning of control and he was completely able to hold back the beginning affects. With this in mind he reviewed his attitude over the past few months and compared them to the recent week. Only recently had he begun to tease the miko openly in such a way. But nothing recent had occurred for such an action to take effect, at least nothing that he was aware of. Sighing a defeat, the inu chose to merely accept the idea for now and put his guard up until he was able to figure out the root cause.

Lazily he leaned back further into the tree and tilted his head upwards to the night sky scene. His beast was finally quiet but it only lasted a few moments.

æäæäæäæäæ& auml;

Kagome sat in the small spring with only her head from the tip of her nose upwards out of the water. Things had definitely changed between her and Sesshomaru. There was no doubt about that. But she didn’t want to think about that. At least not now because it caused this feeling she could only describe as a longing deep in her core. She was finally coming to terms with her new relationship only to finally learn that she might be in this thing deeper than she thought. The miko had always dreamed of falling in love but how did a person know. Was it love at first sight? Or did it grow? Maybe you knew right away? That’s what she had always believed at least. But know she was second guessing herself.

Is this denial? Needless to say the miko was in a predicament seeing as she was unable to really understand the concept for her fear of being hurt in the process. She cared about Sesshomaru and she knew this but she was uncertain about the depth of this and if it was a returned love. She knew that in a way she did love the inu. He was part of her family here in the feudal era. The miko shook her head. She had to stop thinking like that. There were times she would forget that this time was now her time. Sesshomaru was part of her family.

A perplexing mess occupied her mind as she stepped out of the spring even more puzzling than before she had gotten in. She groaned remembering she didn’t have a towel to dry with but she managed to remove most of the water droplets scattering across her skin by wiping them away. She pinned her hair up with a strong, straight twig so her wet hair would brush against her back causing it to become damp. A few moments later the woman found herself heading back to camp washed and dressed. She turned to find the path in the dark since her bath had taken longer than she thought. Her eyes looked up to her favourite site. The stars were always so clear in this era and she could spent hours looking up at the night sky. Remembering that Sesshomaru was waiting for her return she decided to star gaze when she was back at his side.

She took a step forward and bumped into something hard. She looked up into yellow eyes and took a step back at the same time. The youkai before her smiled and raised his right hand to cover his heart giving a respectable bow. “What an honour to meet such a gorgeous maiden in such a dreary place,” he remarked never letting their eye contact to break.

Kagome tried to call her powers forth. When she found that she couldn’t she attempted to shout for Sesshomaru hating that she would be depending on him in his state but again she couldn’t. Her mind went in a frenzy and she began to panic. Her body refused to move and she wasn’t able to pull her gaze away from the strange being in front of her.

“Now, now there’s no need to be scared. I won’t hurt you.”

With a tear slipping from her eyes her whole body shook. Her mind reviving the images of Naraku’s torture and the words he repeated which we so similar to that of the stranger’s just now. They were words that should never be trusted, unless they came from the one being that she had faith in. The one being that had never lied to her... SESSHOMARU!!

As her mind shouted out a roar sounded from behind her. The youkai before her averted his gaze and she found that she could suddenly move. Not even bothering to look at the being behind her the miko turned and buried her face into his chest and wept uncontrollably. Her arms wrapped around him as the warm salt water flowed from her eyes over her cheeks to dampen the material covering the Taiyoukai’s chest. Crimson eyes darted from his claim to the new male rival. He could smell the scent of fear weaving thickly from her but he was aware that she was unharmed. His silent question needed no voice but he growled his displeasure.

“I didn’t do a thing Sesshomaru. I merely told her there was no need to be scared,” the bird youkai offered. “I think you need to find a stronger female,” he added with a smirk but he was warned away from such a topic with another frightening roar from the inu male.

“Leave,” the Western Lord directly ordered.

“Are you feeling threatened? I would imagine it is especially because you are in such a state.”

“Now!” the voice was laced with forewarning of what laid ahead should the other Taiyoukai disobey.

“Of course, but I shall wait for you at your fortress as it seems you were the one to take out the Lord Nye of the Southern lands and there are things to take care of before the mess to come.” With that said the youkai shifted into the form of a golden eagle and took to the clear sky. A gleam of pride issued from his eyes at the male below as he flew to the castle of the west.

The Taiyoukai waited until the bird was out of his sight before turning his full attention to the woman hugging his chest. He curled his arms around her thankful she was no longer crying. But she was clinging to him as if her life depended on it.

“Kagome, everything is fine now,” the inu whispered pulling a few strands of hair behindher ears and then gently trailing a path to the small of her back. “No one’s going to hurt you,” he added.

“I...I...” the miko opened her eyes before taking a moment to peer up and then adjusting her gaze downwards all without moving any distance away from the inu. “I didn’t mean to cry. I just... I’m sorry but what he s-s-said was ... can I just stay like this for a little while?”

Her mind pulled a blank, she didn’t want to think about Naraku. She didn’t even think it was possible to ever face the evil being ever again but she knew eventually she would have to and to do that she had to face her fear. She wanted someone to talk to and she knew Sesshomaru was the perfect one to listen. However, she didn’t think herself strong enough to speak about the spider because of the memories he had created. Yet her mind logically pointed out that it was the only way to begin to overcome her fear.

Without her realizing it Sesshomaru had picked the miko up and brought her most of the way back to camp. Kagome looked up to see the flickering fire and let out a high shriek. “What are you doing? You can’t do this because you’re not healed yet.”

“You have done an excellent job caring for me but there is no need for your concern any longer,” he answered carefully lowering the miko to the ground and then taking a seat beside the woman he slid to close the gap beside them.

“What? Really? Are you sure..?” A finger touched her lips stopping her line of questioning.

“Yes miko the only thing we need to worry about now is you,” he stated calmly.

“Oh that’s nothing to worry about. I was just a little startled that’s all. I’m fine now. I promise it won’t happen again.”

The Taiyoukai didn’t buy a word and chose to remain quiet until the miko was ready. For almost an hour the miko beside the inu with her knees to her chest for almost an hour. An owl hooted in the distance, crickets played their music, and the wind shook the leaves in the trees. Every once in a while the fire would crack or pop but there were no other sounds from the night scene set before them. Sesshomaru kept his head looking upwards to the sky as if watching the stars but his eyes were on the woman beside him.

“Sesshomaru?” her voice interrupted the silence finally.

“Hn.” He turned his head to show her his undivided attention.

“You don’t believe me do you?” her sad smirk could be barely seen in the corner of her mouth.

“I understand that there are things that you don’t wish to speak about yet and I respect your wish.”

Again there was a moment of silence as Sesshomaru waited for his .

“Have you ever feared anything?” she whispered with her eyes focused on the ground beneath her. .

“Every young pup has a fear and I was no exception,” he replied.

“What about now? Don’t you fear anything now?” she mumbled a depressed tone tangled her voice.

“There are moments but I can never show this fear and I have to overcome these fears so that no one will take advantage of any weakness I have,” he answered slowly.

“How do you overcome your fears?” her left foot drew circles in the grass pushing aside the dew drops covering the blades.

“That is something that depends on the fear itself. Sometimes they never leave us and we must deal with it daily other times we can face it head on.”

“I’m afraid Sesshomaru. I know I have to face Naraku but I don’t think I can. If mere words make me think of him how can I defeat him in the final battle,” she tuck her face in her hands and let the tears flow again.

“You’ll use your strength.”

“But I’m not strong, not like you,” she replied.

“You are strong minded and that is just as important in a battle as physical strength. Moreover, I will be with you so you won’t be alone.“ Sesshomaru lowered his head and pressed his lips to the top of her head. “Kagome what did that damn eagle do to you?”

The miko looked up the tears she had shed were still glistening in her eyes. She wiped them away and forced a smile. “Nothing, it’s stupid.” She lowered her eyes quickly and gave her head a small shake her still damp hair whipping slightly from side to side.

“This is something that you have no choice. He may have issued a challenge and I refuse to lose my claim to such a weak opponent.”

“What do you mean? Are you treating me like an a prize to be won?”

Sesshomaru bit his tongue; he wasn’t sure what to say to the woman who didn’t want to feel like an object and he wasn’t one to make the same mistake twice. “I don’t want to treat you like an object but I am unable to change the way others will view you. This is a typical event between males when one is courting a powerful female. Of course to be absolutely honest I believe I would not have to worry. Most youkai wouldn’t wish to mate a human let alone a miko but someone may challenge me for spite. For that reason you must tell me what occurred between you and the Northern Lord.”

“Uh, I was kind of dazing at the stars for a little while and I wasn’t really paying attention. When I turned to head back to camp I bumped into him, literally. All of a sudden I wasn’t able to move and it freaked me out a little. Then you came and I was able to move again.” Kagome reached over to cover Sesshomaru’s hand. “I felt safe when you came and it’s pretty funny because I called out for you with my mind just before you appear.”

“I told you that I would watch over you.” The Taiyoukai took a second before pressing the woman a little more. “Did he say anything to you?”

“Yeah, he told me not to be scared and...” the miko paused and the inu was able to hear her heartbeat pick up a little bit, “He wouldn’t hurt me. But how can he promise that when I didn’t even know him. What if he was a new incarnation of Naraku’s or something? What if I was living in some twisted dream for what seems like months? Sesshomaru what if I am not really here and I am still in that dungeon while my mind is sickly warped around the thoughts and ideas that Nar...”

Kagome stopped when she averted her watery gaze towards the inu. The look in his eyes reassured her and she felt that safe warm feeling she always did when he was around encircle her yet again. “I’m worrying about nothing and I know it silly but I can seem to help it sometimes,” she whispered not pulling her gaze away. “I apologize, I irrationally fear for nothing.”

“You will overcome your fears with time. I can promise you this and I never break a promise,” Sesshomaru cut in.

“I’m going to bed now,” the miko began to push away but Sesshomaru blocked her way.

“Stay here it’ll be warmer if you stay near me.” The Taiyoukai patted the ground next to him and settled comfortably against his tree.

“Good night Sesshomaru,” she said in a lowered voice before she laid her head down upon her folded arms. “Thank-you by the way,” she added without opening her now closed eyes.

“For what?” he asked looking down to her figure. Her emerald orbs snapped open to meet his.

“For listening to me... and helping me,” she murmured. “I owe you.”

Sesshomaru was about to comment but instead mumbled: “You’re welcome.” To him it was expected that he would help his mate to be with any difficulties she had. It was instinct to aide her when she was in need. But perhaps a human male wasn’t expected to do such a task and so he accepted the small gesture of praise.

Memorized he watched the sleeping woman for most of the night before closing his eyes for some rest. He was expecting a sort of break down eventually but he expected a more dramatic event. It was usual for such weak beings and he had always thought that although his claim was strong she was still human and would still experience certain events like any other human that he had ever observed. If anything the miko had proved him wrong yet again and in a way he knew he a boosted her moral quite a bit. If she were still worried she would have laid awake for quite a while before falling asleep. However, she easily fell into the recesses of her mind without a struggle meaning her heart was light weighted tonight. This made his own mind rest at ease. But that was only for the moment. The day they returned to the fortress he would have to deal with things he would much rather not. If it weren’t for the fact that the pups were at the castle and their mother would miss them dearly then he would have stayed away until the miko was at least completely his.

A low growl rumbled from his chest and something warm clung to his sides. He cracked an eyelid to see the miko curled into him using the uninjured side of his waist as a pillow. The small contact reassured him. The woman he chose was full of independence and she wouldn’t mate a male she didn’t want. She chose him as much as he and his beast chose her.

He wrapped an arm tightly around his miko. He was beginning to think that his feelings for the miko were deeper than he had originally had thought. But the times ahead forewarn trouble and danger ahead and a feeling of dread was filling the depths of his stomach. His fear for her safety was growing and he wandered if his strength would be enough to protect her and their pack.

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Ja ne
Angelic Memories