InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Summary ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A few people have asked me for a summary of the earlier chapter since my updates have been rather irregular. I’ve decided to indulge in these requests and so I give you a chapter to chapter summary of important events. If there are any questions at all feel free to leave a review. Should this story drag on longer than expected I will create another summary if people request me to do so but I am thinking this should be only a dozen chapters *give or take* before it is complete. If you don’t need this for one reason or another you can skip over this and head off to Chapter 20

Chapter One
We are introduced to Kagome and the gang minus a certain hanyou who has left to go see his dead lover. A short time later Naraku appears and distracts our miko enough to gain the upper hand in order to capture her. Remember at this time Kagome is on relatively good terms with Inuyasha and so she is half hoping he will come along to save her from the dark torture that Naraku is casting upon her. We learn through this that Kagome is afraid of being alone and she also fears that she is using the people around her.

Chapter Two
Kagome is still in Naraku’s grasp, but she soon finds out she is not alone. Rin has been captured as well and our miko cares for the child in hopes to save her from illness. She learns about Rin’s situation and concludes that Sesshomaru is not such a bad guy. Much to our heroine’s dismay near the end of the chapter Rin has caught something and Kagome spends every one of her current resources carrying for the young girl.

Chapter Three
Sesshomaru has come to the rescue and after some quick talking on her part Kagome finds herself in the inu’s company as a healer for Rin. She manages to make Rin pull through a couple of days later but with her own injury and failing health her own life now lays on the line. Thankfully Sesshomaru’s pride will not let the woman die for he feels indebted to her for caring for his ward and as a way to return his debt and ensure Rin’s happiness he decides to help the unconscious and dying miko. We soon come to realize that Sesshomaru also believes the miko will play a part in Naraku’s downfall. As the miko’s condition worsens the inu is force to take desperate measure and offers the miko his blood to fight of infection.

Chapter Four
Kagome has finally regain consciousness and she is greeted by a fully alert Rin. This chapter contains most information on the quick relationship that developed between Rin and Kagome even though Rin is not one for meeting new people. Sesshomaru decides to allow the miko to travel with his pack when she is finally actually able travel until Inuyasha comes to fetch her.

Chapter Five
Sesshomaru by now has decided that the miko has cause him too much grief and too many bad habits so he has convinced himself it is good to see the miko leaving. Nevertheless he is uneasy about the way he sees his half brother treating the miko. Kagome rejoins her group and explains what had occurred in their absence. Sango fills in what happen on their end and explains that the group had given her up for dead when Inuyasha had finally lead them to Naraku’s destroyed castle. Kikyou is introduced into the story as a new travelling companion. We are witnessing the downfall of the group as each person takes their sides (many siding with Kagome of course).

Chapter Six
Kagome is beginning to get fed up with Inuyasha’s attitude. The group is travelling to Mount Hakurei but the miko’s mind wanders to her pervious trip home when she finds out her mother and grandfather have been killed but her brother lives. Through Sesshomaru’s view we realize that the past few months have brought about a small change in the miko (eye colour, eye sight, heart rate thus far) and that he has been watching her as of late. He “comes across” the miko and saves her once again this time from the clutches of Mukotsu. Kagome feels she is not indebted to the inu yet again. Later... Sango and Miroku go off pass the barrier to check things out leaving Shippo, Kirara, and Kagome with the hanyou. Inuyasha drags Kagome through a fog where she becomes very lost before stumbling across a battle between two members of the group of seven and Sesshomaru who battles for the safety of his ward. One can tell Sesshomaru is not at the top of his game because of the barrier so Kagome chooses to help him. Sesshomaru brings them to his camp when he proves to be the victor. There Kagome expresses that she is searching for Shippo and, with his beast urging him on, Sesshomaru goes off to fetch the slumbering kit and return him to his adopted mother. Kagome feels this is yet another tick to add to her list of debts to pay.

Chapter Seven
This chapter yields information about the development of Sesshomaru’s emotions (minus love), mainly towards the miko and how she has stirred things that he has never felt before such as guilt. Kagome gives the inu a gold chain with crystals braided into it and reveals the crystals at the moment contain her own miko powers. Sesshomaru waits till the miko is sleeping before putting it on. The next day Kagome finds herself departing from Sesshomaru’s pack once again. Sesshomaru is going into heat and has realized that his beast seeks the miko. Meanwhile Kagome is planning something big, her trip home and by now Sesshomaru’s painful heat is mainly over and he watches her from the trees considering what he is to do.

Chapter Eight
Sesshomaru explains the importance of the role of his heat. Sesshomaru notes that upon the miko’s return she carries with her a child whom he eventually learns is her brother. A week later he returns and manipulates the miko into telling him the story behind her brother. We learn about his admiration for the miko in one of his lectures given to her after he attempts to kill her and fails. The last part of this chapter explains the location of another shard. Kagome request that Sesshomaru destroys the well for her so she might obtain it.

Chapter Nine
The group is off travelling once again, leaving the young ones at the village for the time being. Kagome and Inuyasha confront each other and end up fighting to the point that Kagome is ready to attack him directly when Naraku shows up and reveals he holds Kikyou captive leaving Inuyasha frozen in place. Kagome’s power catch the evil hanyou off guard and our heroine manages to defeat the wooden puppet all on her own. It turns out to be a trap and in the end Naraku makes a deal the Inuyasha can choose Kagome or Kikyou to be released. Inyasha chooses his clay pot and Naraku brings Kagome to his castle and reveals he willingly allowed her to escape last time as part of his plan.

Chapter Ten
This chapter contains Naraku’s methods of trying to corrupt Kagome in order to control her and her power mainly through Kagome’s dreams. He eventually learns of Souta’s existence and uses him to create darkness and surrender in Kagome’s heart.

Chapter Eleven
Shippo and Souta have left the village after the young boy has a strange dream. Eventually they run into Sesshomaru who reasons it would be best to rescue her because of the power she has yet to unlock which could be used to defeat Naraku. By the time the inu arrives to rescue Kagome once again he finds her in a terrible state of despair. He takes Kagome, along with Shippo and Souta, to his palace where he has his healers attend to her injuries. In the mean time he looks for a way to bring her back from the prison of her mind.

Chapter Twelve
Sesshomaru uses a spell to bring the miko back to reality. He reveals more about his past and the history of his palace. We are seeing that Sesshomaru is softening toward the miko and he is beginning to accept there is something deeper between him and his relationship with Kagome. He decides that he won’t let the miko go and will begin a courtship.

Chapter Thirteen
Sesshomaru begins courting the miko without her realization by giving her the first of three gift in the form of a wardrobe of kimonos to act as a symbol of his wealth and how well he can provide for her. There is a small mythological story that is linked to the history of Sesshomaru’s land which he tells to Kagome. The miko is slowly introduced into Sesshomaru’s world and in the confusion she realizes she has forgotten about Miroku and Sango and she tells Sesshomaru she intends to leave so she can find them.

Chapter Fourteen
Kagome is confronted by Sesshomaru in a silent rage and takes back her remark from before stating that she will stay with Sesshomaru so she won’t upset him further. However the Taiyoukai has chosen to help the woman by taking her to her friends. During their travels we learn about how Sesshomaru’s arm grew back and the appearance of his newest sword. The last bit of the chapter reveals Kagome’s first kiss

Chapter Fifteen
Kagome is beginning to catch onto Sesshomaru’s intentions. The pack meets up with Sango and the other (minus Inuyasha and Kikyo) and eventually Kagome gets the chance to speak to Sango alone about the rules of mating for youkai.

Chapter Sixteen
The village near the Bone Eater’s Well is in shambles and at the sight Kagome begins to feel a little more despair because she believes this is all her fault. Sesshomaru takes action to show the miko she is not alone and she won’t face her fears alone. The rain falls and the group is forced to say out of the nasty weather. They send Miroku to another nearby village for supplies so they must wait anyway for his return. Sesshomaru gives a gift of maturity to the miko to signal she is at the age that is appropriate to mate. At this time Kagome gets a confirmation of Sesshomaru’s intentions.

Chapter Seventeen
We notice that Kagome and Sesshomaru are growing closer in this chapter. Miroku returns but with guest as we find out that Kaede and many villagers are alive and well.

Chapter Eighteen
We become aware of the possible location of Kikyou which implies that Inuyasha is most likely with her in the north. Kagome confesses that she may have had a vision of the future and explains to Sango that she and Miroku weren’t part of the final battle effort. Kagome and Sesshomaru don’t see eye to eye when it comes to a few chosen words on the inu’s part and so in a fit of rage he flies off to fight some unknown opponent.

Chapter Nineteen
Sango convinces Kagome that the words she had heard were intended to be taken as a compliment and certain things are too deeply imbedded in Sesshomaru’s instincts. Kagome wanders off to find the inu when she senses his battle aura. She comes face to face with Nye the Dragon Lord of the Southern Lands and an injured inu. Kagome tends to Sesshomaru for the next couple of days when they are greeted by The Northern Lord. Sesshomaru later gives us a little more insight about what he thinks about his current situation and the emotions he is feeling.

This brings us up to date with the story. Please enjoy Chapter Twenty