InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Twenty - The Beginning of Understanding ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hey everyone... I want to tell everyone that I am absolutely thankful for everyone who reads my story. I have this plan in my mind that I will finish this story before continuing with Letters. The first reason being because I don’t have as much time available after school work is finished. So it best to work on one story at a time. The second reason... I can remember what happened in the next chapter of Letters at all (I lost my notes) and this makes me depressed. I have begun a chapter outline for it though in hopes to get somewhere with it soon. Thirdly... I am currently working on my own original story... a short story and I want to focus on it a little more than I have in order to finish it and get it out of the way.
Anyway... on with the story.... oh and before I forget: thanks to Golden-Eye Girl for bet’ing for me.

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Disclaimer: Blah...blah... blah... these words fill my ears every time I have to type this... I don’t own Inuyasha and I make no money from these stories in which my mind is constantly filled with.
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Scroll Twenty – The Beginning of Understanding
Sesshomaru spent one more day resting for the sake of the woman watching over him. Upon the following morning, the inu stated they would be departing. Of course, the miko, filled with concern, objected to the idea but was reassured when the Taiyoukai shredded the pieces of material covering his chest to show her the skin fully healed except for a thin white line that would vanish in a few short days. This led to the current situation: mode of travel.

The Western Lord needed to return as soon as possible for he feared leaving the Northern Lord in his palace alone for too long, it would not be the best of ideas. The miko was insisting that they walk.

“You know I have issues with flying.” Her arms were crossed and her eyes were glaring daggers at him through her silted lids.

“This will get us to the fortress in less than a day, whereas your suggestion would have us travelling for a little over a week. Do you fear that I would drop you? Am I not capable in your eyes?”

“No that’s not what I mean. It’s just I don’t like being in the air so high.” she stated.

“Then cover your eyes and don’t look down.” the inu suggested his tone completely serious.

The miko was torn between her fear of heights and her wish to see the children sooner rather than later. As usual, she chose to overlook her own needs and fears for that of the ones around her and gave into the male standing before her. She had to lower her eyes from gazing over the bare chest now exposed from his bandages. The skin had been smooth under her touch and she long to feel it under her fingertips again but a mental shake was all that was need to refocus her attention.

“Okay, let’s do this your way,” Kagome, announced dropping her arms and taking a step forward.

Sesshomaru nearly smile. It seemed that the woman was slowly beginning to trust him and the accomplishment was something to be proud of when it came to his miko. He hid any of his excitement and he moved forward to claim the garment that he had leant to the woman. After dressing appropriately, he stood beside the miko draping an arm around her waist in the process and pulling her tightly to him. He knew that the journey would be long for the woman who was not accustom to flying so he sat down as the cloud formed beneath them. His crossed legs formed a comfortable sit for the woman who immediately turned her head into the shoulder padded by his mokomo-sama, which acted as a barrier between her eyes and the ground below.

Other than, for the wind blowing by their ears and the gentle flutter of material there was silence between the two companions. After nearly two hours of travel, Kagome seemed to think it was time they talked.

“Sesshomaru I just remembered something,” she stated this and it sounded a lot like only mumbling to even her because she did not move her face away from his shoulder. She worried that the youkai would not understand her but as the miko shifted to move her mouth away from the furry appendage the inu answered her.

“What would that be?”

“The youkai who came... he said that he was going to be at the fortress waiting. Is that why you’re so anxious to get back?”

“I am not anxious,” the proud male stated followed by a snort. “I don’t like it when someone barges in my personal space,” he added a few seconds later.

“I’m sorry.” Sesshomaru could her a bit of depression in her tone of voice.

“For what?”

“I’m one of those people evading in your personal space,” she answered.

A fist tangled in the left sleeve of his haori tightened. The second hand clasped his arm and the miko seemed to bury her face even more into his shoulder. To comfort the woman the inu wrapped both arms around her and lowered his headrest next to hers.

“I never meant for you to believe that you are intruding. You bring a sort of peace I have never experienced before hence the reason I wish to make it so you will never leave me.”

“But don’t I annoy the hell out of you?”

“You are the most infuriating woman that I have ever known.” Her frown was hidden in the Taiyoukai’s shoulder. “However, this is something that makes you the woman you are and I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he stated and after a moment decided to rest his nose against the exposed skin of her neck.

“Sesshomaru?” the miko questioned a little hesitation in her voice.

“Just let me stay like this for a while.”

Kagome happily obliged reasoning that the wind made her cold and his warmth help block out the chill.

As the sun set below the horizon Kagome took the opportunity to avert her eyes from their barrier to look at the sky painted in blues, reds, purples, and pinks. Her breath caught in her throat as she discovered that watching the sunset high in the sky was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen and it seemed to last forever.

“How much longer?”

“A little over an hour, however, if you are hungry we can stop.”

“No I can wait,” she mumbled.

As darkness settled in for the night, Kagome made out the shadow of the fortress in the distance. She held back the groan of disappointment unaware the inu was attempting the same thing. With the timeframe of a few seconds, the miko found herself touching the ground for the first time in hours and tumbling to the marble floor of the same centre room they had just entered. The Taiyoukai quickly reached out to stable the unsteady woman until he was certain she could support her own weight. Kagome mumbled a word of thanks while clinging to the inu’s arm. She teased a foot and took a small step confirming she would be fine on her own before she let her grasp go.

“Do you think they’re still awake,” she asked heading to the door.

“They are preparing for bed,” Sesshomaru replied upon hearing a girlish giggle come from the hallway.

Just as Kagome opened her mouth to make a smart remark she was tackled by a blur of colour. “Okaa-san your home. I was worried about you.”

“As I was of you,” the motherly miko stated hugging the young girl tightly.

“Rin,” a voice from behind interrupted.

“Yes, Sesshomaru-sama?”

“Your actions do not reflect that of a young woman as they should. You are not the child you once were and it would be best for you to show that,” the inu remarked with a disapproving frown. “Prepare yourself for bed you will see your okaa-san in the morning.”

Rin gave a nod and smile sweetly to Kagome before planting a small kiss on her cheek. “Goodnight,” she whispered.

“Goodnight Rin,” Kagome replied. “Why bring up her actions now of all times?” she questioned when the child had left.

“The only time she berates herself as a child is during the times of greeting you. I have given her time to fix it herself but seeing that she has not, it is time to intervene. She cannot fling herself at you like a pup would especially should you be in a public audience.”

“But it would be okay if we in private right?”

“Do not encourage her,” he growled.

“Why not? I flung myself at my mother at ages far older than Rin,” Kagome hesitated for a moment. “Rin is showing her love in her actions surely you can indulge her if we are alone.”

“We shall see.” His beast was giving issue to the subject to but for an entirely different reason. He was not at the top of his game to debate both beast and woman and win so he would drop the subject. “It has been a long day miko time for bed.”

Kagome held the growl in her throat as Sesshomaru turned her back. “As you wish Milord,” she pivoted on her feet at her last remark and exited through the door that led our of the centre room to her sleeping quarters.

The Taiyoukai heard the detestable tone in her voice and quirked an eyebrow. He had assumed she would be fine with dropping the subject at ‘we will see’ since it did not mean victory or defeat for either of the sides. Nevertheless, he was second guessing his answer.

Forget it for now. I will not second guess myself. He turned leave in order to fine peace in his room but this did not help because could clearly hear the miko moving angrily around the room.

You cannot just leave her alone like this. Go talk to her.

No, she must learn when to leave things be.

What if this is due to something else?

Something else? Why do you speak in riddles?

Speak to her and you will find the answer.

A loud thump caught his attention enough to cause him to storm into the miko’s room through the adjoining door and question her.

“Miko stop your tantrum this instant. You must learn control even when you haven’t received things your way,” Sesshomaru growled dodging a pillow near the end of his statement.

“Do you really think that this is about that?” she cried out tossing another pillow in his direction, which again he easily dodged.

Sesshomaru caught the three flying object, a glass orb the colour of a deep blue use to help one mediate. He let it fall from his finger and plummet to the floor smashing at his feet. “Than what is it that causes your anger.”

“I have a name. I cannot stand that you keep reverting back to calling me miko. Why can’t you just call me by name, damn it!”

Sesshomaru covered the few feet between them in a couple of steps. He grabbed each wrist and used his center of balance to waver causing the miko and him to descend in a control fall towards the bed. Something had been stirring him since he had entered the room and he now felt compelled to be near, touch, hold, and even pleasure the woman. His mouth found hers and he was shocked to find the miko responding to him just as feverishly. All too soon, she realized why he and the woman beneath him were tense between one another as of late. Beneath her ever changing scent came the strong scent of a female in heat. At last, a steady fragrance of roses and waterfalls settled around him and beneath that, a scent that drew him in making him want to lose control. He did not need to ponder why her scent appeared to change into the same scent she had carried previously. He merely accepted that it was all due to this new scent that had joined it.

“Kagome,” he whispered against her lips. His hands released their grasp and trailed over her natural curves. He could feel her shiver and a gasp met his ears when he pressed his frame more firmly against her. His glowing eyes scanned her face as he pulled away to note that even with the smallest of touches cause a look of pleasure to crawl across her face. A knock on the door brought reality back and he quickly pulled away.

The door opened extremely slowly giving the miko time to sit up and fix her night-time attire. She hid the blush on her face well but Sesshomaru knew that anyone who entered would know what had gone it from the shear thickness of air filled with both their arousals. Seria hesitating at first followed by a more confident step into the room when she saw the two beings were fully clothed.

“I apologize for bothering you Sesshomaru-sama but I must speak with you,” the maid stated with a bow to both her lord and her lady.

Sesshomaru watched the maid in suspicion but he averted his gaze to his mate to be. He still had to make up for his mistake earlier so he reached out grasping the miko’s chin between a finger and a thumb and tilted her head upwards. He caught her emerald eyes and with a sincerity embedded in his own eyes, he stated “Goodnight Kagome.” He leaned in to press his lips to hers in a final goodnight and sooner than wished, he parted from her.

Once in the hall continued to his study leaving Seria to help with any final needs of the night including the cleaning of the glass fragments from the shattered globe. There was much to think about and he was going to have to make a mental list to keep things in order. The first was Seria; he was certain she interrupted them on purpose. The second was how to tell the miko she was experiencing heat, which as far as he knew was something humans were not accustomed to even after mating with a youkai. The third was probably going to have to be moved into second place or join the second because he was certain the miko would come to him demanding to know what became of him last night. He came to his study unconsciously and waited for the maid to come knocking at his door. He was not disappointed.

“Sesshomaru-sama,” the female greet him with her usual polite bow.

“What do you want?” he demanded looking down to his desk to find new reports of his latest threat to his land.

“You... I ... Milady is not to be touched until she is mated. You began courting her have you not?” Sesshomaru remained silent but complimented the woman on her intelligence and skills of observation although Sesshomaru was not trying to hid the fact any longer he assumed that she knew for some time now. “If that is so than it is forbidden to mate with her until after you have properly attended to the three requirements and I can’t let you dishonour your name or her pride in such a way,” the entire speech was given to him with her neck bared and her eyes lowered. It was a sign of truce and trust.

“This Sesshomaru is well aware of the rules of court. Your concern is not needed,” he simply stated.

“I know it is not my place but with Milady’s heat I was unsure if you would be able to control...” the woman was cut short with a growl of fury. “My apologies,” she mumbled.

“How long?”

“Excuse me?”

“How long have you been able to sense her condition?” he hissed through clenched teeth.

“Since she came here I have felt the unsettle fate of two species struggle within her. At first, though her to be hanyou yet my opinion changed when you explained she was a miko. At some point, I figured it was the hidden power you had warned about. But now I realize it is something more.”

“Leave,” he spoke at last.

“There is something else Sesshomaru-sama,” she quickly added. The inu lord waited. “Lord Ixelis about ...” she did not get any further before the Northern Lord entered the room.

“Sesshomaru dear boy good to see you, your looking more and more like your old man. Now than let us get down to business,” he glanced over to the young maid and waved a hand, “You may go now.” He then turned his attention back to Sesshomaru who held back a smirk of disgust at bay. “I had hoped to catch another look of that young maiden. I hear she has made quite the impression on you and your household. She brings two children with her as well doesn’t she? Are you planning to mate with her? It does appear so at least,” he seemed to have an endless list of questions that came out one after another without a breath of air. “I dare say that if you do you are taking a chance, mating with a human is one thing but also one who has already birthed the children of another man maybe even two I hear,” he replied in the end but found himself pinned by the neck two feet in the air against the wall.

Crimson eyes glistened daggers of death at the older male. “How dare you come into my household as a guest and insult my pack with your vile words,” his dangerous tone reeked of malice intent.

“Sesshomaru, I beg you to please think about this clearly. You’re mating a human,” his words were spoken in gasp, as the hand grew tighter around his neck. “She is by nature below you. She’s not even pure,” the Northern Lord stopped suddenly but only because he was struggling for breath.

“Kagome is a miko, and, although human she is, weak she is not. Her power is greater than any youkai in your court,” the inu beast spoke the words through the rage of his mind. “Besides the woman remain as innocent as the day she was born.”

“Did I mention I have no intention of intervening between your decisions? As far as I am concern I am grateful you are finally settling down.” Again, the words were broken up.

Sesshomaru reluctantly released his grasp. “You live only because my father trusted you.”

A little taken back the Northern Lord replied: “Your father? You mean you don’t trust me?”

“Of course not, you cause me too much grief. Now leave,” he gestured to the door.

“Wait a minute that’s it?”

“Rest and be a peace, breakfast is an hour after dawn.” The inu returned to his seat behind his desk.

“Very well, we’ll speak tomorrow,” the Northern Lord huffed as he turned to leave but stopped in mid strike. “Can I ask you something?”

“What?” Sesshomaru hissed a little more than annoyed the male was still in his presence.


It was that damn question again. That one thing that he had been asking himself repeatedly had come up once again. He had many sleepless nights pondering that one simple yet complex word.

“Simply to annoy you I leave you with no answer,” the Tiayoukai assumed he replied smartly.

Outside of the study, Seria noted a smirking guest leave the Taiyoukai in his study. It was obvious the Northern Lord was happy about something. It was also apparent that her lord hard really fallen long and hard for the miko. He was never one for showing emotion even when he was standing up for another. This was further proof to her that the miko was the one. Kagome would leave an impression on these walls like no other being and would change the interior of a certain lord and his cold palace. She was sure this was only the beginning.

æäæäæäæäæ& auml;

Morning comes too soon was the first thought that passed through the miko’s mind upon the first rays of light hiding her eyes harshly. The second:

Oh God how will I face him now!

She wanted to question him but she responded to him. In fact, the mere thought caused her to stir in a way she had never before. Shaking her head, she buried her face in her pillow and scream long and loud to relieve some of her frustration. She did not care what anyone else thought she needed to act as she would normally. After moments she felt her breakout take care of some pent up fury. She sat up and slipped on her slippers just as the door slammed open.

Sesshomaru marched in with a pure look of frenzy on his face. She had not thought about what her scream might cause. It was logical that he would come but it just so happened that he was the one person she did not want to see him right away.

“What’s wrong?” his statement was directed to her but his eyes were scanning the area for any sort of danger perhaps in the form of a certain lord.

“Um, nothing,” she replied quietly pondering how to explain. She figured it was best to come straight out with it and get it all over with. “I’ve been very flustered for the past couple of weeks and it all came back this morning especially after last night so instead of bottling it all in I let it all out. Is a person not allowed to scream in her own room?” she did not even think about what she was saying before blurting it all out at once.


Kagome eyes widened as the inu began to take his leave to allow her to dress. That is it. That is all he is going to say nothing else about last night, about his actions, about me? He is just accepting everything? He’s not even going to explain?

“Kagome, we must speak before the morning meal. Meet me in my study please,” he said from the door with his back to her.

Seria answered the room after the lord had left. “Good morning Kagome,” the servant greeted.

“Seria I think something is wrong. He is not putting up any fights, not last night and not this morning. He just left without really saying anything. Is something wrong?” the miko frantically asked with a pleading look in her eyes.

“I will admit that most of the time your actions would be punished. It is very unladylike to scream for no reason but it would seem that Sesshomaru is making an exception in this rule. You should now that he allows you more freedom than most would. I’m sure he will explain anything else to you later, and don’t let him get away with not telling you.”

“Can’t you give me a hint? How am I supposed to know what it is I am supposed to know?”

“You’ll know right away when you hear it,” she responded.

“You speak in clues,” the miko mumbled moving to her wardrobe to pick out clothing for the day.

“The world is a riddle,” she answered but eventually added: “Where something that’s blue or silver,” before exiting the room.

“Blue or silver,” she whispered. “I wonder whatever for.”

The miko shrugged her shoulders and did as she was suggested. A midnight blue kimono with silver moons on the obi would be here act of truce to the inu for she honestly believed that Seria was hinting Sesshomaru planned to tear her apart. This cause her slow descend down the grand stairway to be even slower than usual. When she finally reached the study, her hand stopped in a fist before the door but to her own surprise and dismay, the door opened on its own. On the other side, Sesshomaru looked at her with no emotion giving nothing away.

“You wanted to see me?” she whispered.

A hand reached towards her but she did not flinch. She could feel a heavy weight around her waist and she was pulled forward into the inu’s chest. A door slammed and she was suddenly pinned against it.

“Sesshomaru?” she locked her eyes on his face.

“Kagome you come so willingly to me,” he whispered and lowered his lips to the nape of her neck and covered it in light kisses.

“Didn’t you want to talk about something?” she asked trying to remove her mind from her body because she was not sure how long she could last in this situation. She pondered if all kisses were like Sesshomaru’s which drowned her.


“Me,” she gasped as his kisses reached her ear.

“Yes, you my...” he seemed to hesitate for a moment. As if unsure what to call her and that was just it what was he to call her. She took issues with her title, miko, and he wondered if this would carry over to pet names. These thoughts curled through his lust-filled mind enough to make him rethink his current actions. Unwillingly he withdrew his frame and took a few steps back. With a clearer mind, he turned away and seated himself on the cushions before the fireplace. “Come sit Kagome,” he stated patting a pillow near him yet further than what he would have required of her usually.

“Um...okay,” she slowly replied as she followed the orders. Silence filled the room for some time making Kagome believe that whatever it was he had to tell her was not going to be easy.

“Am I making you nervous?” he teased sensing her uneasiness.

Kagome grew angry and furrowed her brows at him. “How can you joke at a time like this,” she smacked his arm in a playful punishment. “If there’s nothing than I’m leaving.”

The woman made to stand in a proper well-mannered fashion but the inu at the same time reached for her arm to have her stay. The added weight caused her centre of balance to be unstable and she tripped on the flow of material in attempting to regain her balance. In the end, inu saw the fall that would occur and pulled her to land on him rather than on the floor, or worse, in the fire. The miko pulled her figure up to look at the situation she was in. She was straddling the inu which created a gap in the material she was wearing and worse still was she could feel the hardness that she guess to be his arousal. One hand was on the inu’s chest and had managed to slide into his haori to graze the smooth skin she had cared for; the other hand supported her weight right next to his head entangled in his silver hair. Her breast pressed firmly against him and she could tell that the looseness of the kimono had caused the neckline to slip which would show off more cleavage than socially acceptable. Kagome expected the inu to do something. Anything. However, he did not move. He merely stared at her as if contemplating something. One hand sprawled across the small of her back and the other reached up to graze the side of her face.

“Are you okay?” he asked finally breaking the moment’s stillness.

Kagome was overcome with a sudden need to touch the being beneath her. She leaned down and claimed the male’s lips. She drew her weight to her knees and pulled the hand in the inu’s hair behind his head to pull him closer to her. She welcomed the tongue that licked the seam of her lips and answered with eagerness. However, the sweet scene ended as the two were interrupted once again by a knock to the door. Angrily, emerald eyes dashed to the object of hatred walking into the room. Quite out of character, the miko replied “Go away,” a growl that might rival Sesshomaru’s followed.

“Milord you did promise that you would explain the situation but I can’t help but think that you’re making things worse,” Seria stated not at all surprise about her lady’s behaviour, state of mind, and current position.

“Leave Seria,” Sesshomaru replied.

A small sigh of defeat was her last remark before exiting the room. She would be torn apart if she interfered further. Either by Kagome in her heated rage or Sesshomaru in a possessive want.

“Kagome,” the inu pushed up into a sitting position and brought the miko with him. “There’s no easy way to tell you this but your actions are being cause... will you stop,” Sesshomaru had to grind his teeth for control as the woman began to molest him. Her hands crawled across his chest in an amateurish yet arousing way. Mustering up all the strength he had he rolled the woman over onto her back and pined her legs between his knees while holding her arms above her head. “Kagome, I want you,” he whispered huskily but he continued on “Kami above knows this well and would condemn me for the thoughts that have passed through my mind thinking about you but I refuse to bring dishonour to your pure name by bedding with you before your courtship is completed. What you are feeling right now is due to the effect of your heat otherwise I am certain you would be a bashful young lady right about now.”

Sesshomaru saw the thought dawn on her. Her eyes were wide and she stopped her struggling suddenly. “Heat? But isn’t that for youkai?” The small statement had returned her to her former self.

“My usual answer for you would be yes but it would appear that you are a unique case.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t have any answers for you since I don’t understand the situation any more than you do,” Sesshomaru admitted a weakness, a flaw in his logic. He pulled away from the woman and rose. “Unfortunately, you are needed at the morning meal or I might be seen as disrespecting an ally so I ask you to not to leave my side at all during the meal until I give you clearance.”

“There’s a guest? Is it that damn bird thing?” she whispered with hatred as she sat up once again.

“Kagome please don’t refer to him as such when he is in the vicinity. Who knows what he would say let alone do if he ever heard you.”

“Fine but just so you know I don’t like him in the least.”

“Good,” the inu replied with a smirk. The small morsel would help the situation greatly. He escorted the woman to the door and opened it but she stopped in her tracks at the threshold.

“Are you certain about all this?” she inquired lastly.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Seria waiting to help her lady. Sesshomaru leaned in to whisper in the miko’s ear knowing full well the maid would hear him either way but he wanted to prove a point. “If it weren’t for control you would already be beneath me screaming.” He straightened and focused his attention away from the miko briefly. “Seria if you would share your knowledge with Kagome,” he requested and turning back to Kagome, he added: “Perhaps a barrier would block your scent from any others.”

Kagome followed the maid to her room where she was able to change her heavily heat scent clothing for something that according to Seria would be most appreciated by the Western Lord. It was more formal and as the previous one contained the blue and silver of the house. However, this one had sleeves to cover her hands and the collar rose to cover her neck.

“You need only wear the outer shell during you time around the other lord and in the family chambers we can remove it.” Seria had left the room for a brief moment as Kagome change but returned quickly with cup in her hand. “I know Sesshomaru told you to use a barrier but he probably didn’t calculate the Northern Lord’s mood today. Knowing him, he may take offense to it so perhaps this would be a better solution to the scent you give off. It’s strong but affective and the only sign affect would be loss of appetite. Humans don’t seem to be affected though so perhaps it won’t affect you.”

“Thanks,” the miko replied. The dark green tea looked fine but smelled awful. She quickly downed the foul, strong concoction and handed the cup back with her face bunched tightly. “How do you drink that stuff?” she asked taking the second cup of liquid Seria offered and finding the sweet juice enough to take out the taste of the prior drink.

“Quickly.” Both women laughed at the short joke. “However you probably need not worry about it again. I am sure Milord will take care of you when he becomes your mate.”

Kagome remained silent as the maid offered to escort her to the morning meal.

æäæäæäæäæ& auml;

In the dining hall, Rin was placed next to Kagome who would take her usual seat to the left of Sesshomaru at the head of the table. Kagome noted the two young boys were sitting together beside their guest chatting away to the bird youkai. Silently the miko took her seat next to Sesshomaru whom she could tell from his lingering look was still affect by her presence even after the tea she drank.

Sitting across from her the Northern Lord bowed his head in respect for the soon to be house lady. Purposely she forgot to bow back.

“In the future you should arrive before the family and the guest. As is custom for the lady of the hosting party.”

Kagome gritted her teeth and the tightening jaw did not go unnoticed by both Taiyoukai.

“Such comments should be directed in private to her ruling lord, Ixelis. Not only as a sign of respect to the lady but also to yourself so that you need not worry about an embarrassing scene in public when said ruling lord tells you that the lady of the house had permission from her lord to be as late as needed while she attended to some matters at hand this morning,” Sesshomaru remarked without a second’s hesitation and a half hidden smirk.

The servants of the house brought out the main dishes at this time and exited as swiftly as they came.

“Of course how forgetful of me,” he mumbled lowering his eyes. He reached his hand out to take his a morsel of meat from a bloody plate when Sesshomaru growled.

“You seem to also forget your place as guest. Pups receive portions first followed by ladies.”

The bird darted a glare to the two human children then to the kit before looking to Sesshomaru. “Tell me friend since when do you follow these rules?”

“Concern yourself not with this but with whether you will leave this room to see your next meal if you continue with this attitude of yours,” the inu hissed out.

On Kagome’s end, she heard only a series of growls and barks. Instead of where “Rin what’s the matter?” Kagome asked when the child did not move to get her meal with the younger boys.

Rin whispered in her mother’s ear. “Am I a pup or a lady in Sesshomaru-sama’s eyes?” expressing she wasn’t sure if she was classified a young lady since Sesshomaru’s talk or a pup and that would mean that she didn’t know if her lord would wanted her to take food with Souta and Shippo or with her okaa-san.

Kagome assisted Rin in filling her plate with the boys after all Souta was older that Rin by a couple of years so it only made sense to have them both treated the same. Shippo was probably the oldest since his kind grew at a very slow rate and he was still treated as a pup because of his size. But she was quick to say: “You always be my little girl.”

Kagome followed and much to Sesshomaru’s dismay had chosen not to eat as much as he approved. He hoped he would see her reach for more throughout the meal but she nibbled the food on her plate and did not even eat all that was there. But he could not say a thing about it since he was supposed to be focusing on the guest to his right.

“But I told the Eastern Lord he should worry about his pup and let me take up the duty of confronting you. I never thought I would find you when they your guards told me you weren’t at the palace but then again it is easy to find a target that is immobile.”

“Are you implying something?” he inquired for prides sake.

“No, I merely thought that Nye wouldn’t have caused you the trouble he did. Being injured by him was quite the surprise I would imagine.”

“It wasn’t shocking; he consumed the power of a jewel shard. It would seem Naraku would like to see me fall.”

Kagome dropped her fork and it clattered to the ground. “I didn’t sense a shard,” she said.

“His insect had long since removed it when I decapitated him. It would appear they feared losing it.”

“Sesshomaru you really shouldn’t indulge in letting a woman speak at the table,” Ixelis pointed out.

“Why not?” Kagome asked.

“Because you are a woman and cannot possibly relate to men,” he answered.

“Kagome has a right to speak since this concerns her more than anyone else,” Sesshomaru pointed out almost lazily.

“What nonsense do you speak? She is human nothing more than a mere human. It not like she can defeat Naraku on her own,” he murmured the last part.

It was too much to handle sitting back and listening to someone speak about you as if you weren’t right there in front of you. Furious about both men’s actions towards her she kicked out her chair and stood up slamming her hands onto the table.

“Both of you can go to hell! I won’t tolerate you talking to and about me as if I’m not here!”

She stomped out of the room and nearly ran into the bird youkai who had flown over to block her path. His hand was raised in the air and dropped to slap her but the miko would not have it this time. She moved her arm to block the attack and with her anger, her aura grew dangerous.

“Do you think I will scream for help because you are using your position as a male and a youkai to scare me? You think that just because I’m human I can’t take care of myself but I am fully capable of purifying you this very second.” She could see the Taiyoukai flinch as her reiki grew closer and closer until it was a few inches from brushing against his precious skin.

“Kagome enough! He’s not our enemy,” Sesshomaru intervene finally after he was certain a point had been proven. It also proved to be the boost his mate-to-be need for her rush of independence she had been lacking lately to return.

The miko did not even turn around dodged around Ixelis and continued on her merry way without another word. Midway to her room the woman redirected her course to the gardens. Beneath the same tree, Sesshomaru had told her the story of the sun and moon Kagome stopped. A heated void confused her tremendously. She did not want to be angry at the inu but at the same time, she did. Her body yearn for his distance and touch. Her mind twisted ideas in her mind that she never wanted to carry through with because they were clearly embarrassing. Her logical and rational side she was so proud of was dissipating slowly and she wanted to link it to whatever it was she was suffering from but at the same time she was beginning to think that she was coming to terms with what would be expected of her.

A presence from behind appeared to silently ask her the question that she had astonishingly never thought of through everything that had gone on thus far.

“I’m not leaving. Things might get complicated but I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me to,” she stated quietly, her back still facing the male.

Sesshomaru found relief in her gentle comment. He had been fearful that the miko would not be able to handle the things to come. For a human to be thrown into the world of the Taiyoukai would be a challenge all on its own but she also had the jewel shards to collect and the whole Naraku thing piled up on her list plus whatever was causing her subtle changes. Nevertheless, he had faith in her and he would be there for her when she needed him.

Kagome felt arms wrap around her waist and a chin rested on the top of her head. A few moments passed when Sesshomaru decided to speak. “I’m not going to apologize this time because...” he was cut off.

“No you don’t have to. It was not really your fault it is mine... apparently my mood swings are causing my rational mind to slip down the drain lately. Sorry,” she mumbled and draped her hands to cover the inu’s. “But I’m not apologizing to that thing. This was entirely his fault for starting it. Honestly can’t you do something about his attitude while he’s here?”

“He is an elder and a friend of my father’s so it’s not possible for me to say something but I think your little outburst was enough to tell him that you are not what he was expecting. He should have realized that when I declared you as mine. I would not have chosen someone as weak as he was claiming you were. But this reminds me about something Kagome.”


“Where are the shards you collected? Are they still in the possession of your brother?” he inquired.

“Is that a problem? He’s natural barrier like aura is the perfect cover and he willingly agreed to help,” she replied.

“No, there’s nothing wrong.” He fell silent for another moment or two. “Let’s begin your training today,” he stated.

“But what about him.”

“Lord Ixelis has been vanquished to his rooms until he recovers from his shock at which time he will be permitted to have an audience with me before departing back to his lands.”

“Oh,” Kagome pulled away and turned to face the inu. “What if I attack you?” she questioned.

“Isn’t that the point of training?”

“Not that type of attack... I can control myself now but sometimes I can’t apparently.”

“Seria tells me that you need not worry she shared with you a female secret did she not? If that’s so than most of the affects along with the scent you give off have died away until tomorrow morning,” he stated while gesturing for the miko to follow him to the dojo.

“Can I ask you something else?” The miko quickened her pace to walk beside the inu from there she saw his eyes dart towards her. There was that lustful look he had from earlier filling them again but she ignored it. “How long will this heat last?”

“For a female five days, give or take, every two to three months.”

“What!” Kagome stopped in her step. “Every two to three months? Are you insane? I can’t take that.”

Sesshomaru looked over his shoulder and calmly answered her. “It will become easier for you once you have been bedded. Your body will crave attention and your mate, which will be me, will take care of the attention it craves.” He took a few more steps to continue the trip to the destination when he noticed she was not following him. He turned to face the distressed woman.

“But Seria told me a male only goes into heat once a year.”

“A male’s heat is something that affects him far worse than a female and last far longer sometimes. After a while, your heat will only signify a higher need of sexual contact and a time for impregnation but you will not necessarily need to imprison yourself in a room. A male will always feel the pain of heat, the need for a female’s touch, and possessiveness for the chosen woman. In the case of a canine, the ordeal can be quite painful if their beast has chosen a female already. A strange tea cannot take the affects. If things go accordingly then you will only have to endure the affects of your heat once more at most.”


“Inu’s can only mate when the male is in heat and for me that is in three months,” he purred. “If all goes well than your body will feel the deep pit of want right when I plan to take you but if you are early then we must deal with your need once more before I can care for you. However, a female is better equipped to tell you details of this subject so I suggest you point these questions towards Seria. Come I would like to begin your training before another interruption.”

********************************************* ****************************************
Okay so the plot twists a little more and the strings that were tangled and loose in the beginning are starting to come together. I am nearly there (to the point I was at before I lost all those chapters) and while rewriting all things I can’t help but look at the characters’ personality. I worry a lot about making them seem out of characters and I am hoping that someone(s) might tell me if I do make them way out of character. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter...

Ja ne
Angelic Memories