InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Twenty-One: Scrolls and Solutions ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Yet another chapter for you, I do hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it (actually it came out smoother than most of my chapters)
Anyway thanks again to my beta Golden-Eyed Girl... on with the story!!
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Disclaimer: Sometimes I wonder what’s real and what’s not. If I could change reality I would make is so that I invented Sesshomaru and he belonged solely to me. However, reality dictates to me that this can never be true and I will never have Sesshomaru... and company
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Scroll Twenty-One – Scrolls and Solutions
Golden eyes flickered over the small purple yet blue orb before him. He paced slowly around in a circle searching for a point of weakness in the orb. It was beginning to get harder and harder for him to find the seam of the miko’s work with each day. Her power was growing at an alarming rate. What startled him was how little the woman noticed this. He clenched his fist in a ball each time he heard her speak such demeaning words. She still believed herself to be weak but she was proving the exact opposite of this conclusion. About to begin another go around the inu noticed an unnatural flicker and, with inhumanly reflexes drew his sword and struck. The barrier wavered and disintegrating but beneath the layer he had just destroy was another. A smirk painted his face, his miko’s battle tactics were growing.
“That’s enough for today Kagome,” he said taking a step back and sheathing his weapon.
The miko allowed her barrier to shrink until only traces remained on her skin and sinking into the core of her being. She was beginning to learn how to draw her energy back into herself instead of letting it go to waste by setting it free into the world in this sense she would be able to last longer in battle in at least a defensive stance. Next would be offensive and pulling energy from living sources.
“What took you so long Sesshomaru? We were here for an hour and you must have walked around me a gazillion times,” she murmured.
It was true. He must have passed that spot fifteen or twenty times in the last hour. He knew he was not becoming weaker meaning his woman was getting stronger. Nevertheless, the modest woman would not admit such a thing.
“We will take a few days break and begin again,” he changed the direction of the topic.
Kagome had made her way next to him and smiled. “I think I might be getting better.” It was the first compliment she had given herself.
“You are far from the miko you once were,” the inu agreed.
“But I’m still not strong enough. Not to be of any use.”
“Your barrier has proven a difficult challenge today and you managed to understand the importance of creating layers all on your own. With this skill and your quick thinking it won’t take much more for you to reach your full potential and be a deadly weapon against Naraku,” Sesshomaru pointed out. He was careful about how to handle the woman. Although she no longer suffered from the affects of her heat, thank Kami because she was not eating much during that time, Kagome still show a sort of tension if he slipped. He was grateful she was beginning to understand his real meaning and in turn, he attempted to understand what it was for her to be an independent woman thrown into the inu society.
Now the miko was silent. He knew she was thinking about something and wanted to know what it was but he did not pry. Instead, he held out an arm to escort her into the palace so she could wash before the evening meal.
“Sesshomaru?” The inu had stopped in front of the door leading into the hot springs and was just about to leave the woman when she spoke out.
“I keep having this reoccurring dream,” she whispered. Perhaps this was where her thoughts had laid.
“I can’t say for sure,” she answered with a lacking tone of confidence. “It might be nothing,” she said after a moment’s pause.
“But you feel it might be something?”
“No... maybe...yes. I don’t know.” So many emotions were laced in the scent of her existence. Worry, confusion, mystification. He was certain he could conclude the woman was not sure what to think at that moment.
“Would you like to tell me about it?”
“I want to think first,” she replied.
“In that case,” Sesshomaru leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Soak in the hot springs. I will be in my chambers or study when you’re ready.”
Kagome nodded and slipped into the steamy room. Sesshomaru took to the few tasks he had in mind. He had received a precious package that morning and tonight he would present it to the miko. Then there would be only one last gift in the way before he could take Kagome as his mate.
He worked in his study for some time before heading to his chambers to retrieve the present. His beast hummed some nonsense song Rin would sing when she was happy. He was ever so excited to see the woman’s reaction. Just as the inu was preparing to leave the room with the slim wrapped gift, a knock heeded his attention. The aura told him his miko had found him. He immediately dropped the object on the bed and walked over to open the door for the woman.
“If you’re busy...”
Sesshomaru hushed her before she could say another word. “I have something for you,” he declared and the miko would easily say he had pride in his voice.
The inu gestured to the bed. Kagome tilted her head and stepped further into the room. She walked to the edge of the frame and picked up the article. Meanwhile the door shut behind her.
“What is it?” she asked even as she opened it to find out.
“A gift,” he whispered in her ear from behind. He walked over to the pit before the fireplace and sat upon the many pillows and fur throws that padded the area.
Kagome fingers stopped at his remark. “A gift? What kind of gift?” She was aware there were many types of presents that were given in Sesshomaru’s society. Some symbolized events experienced by youth such as coming to age or first kill. Other commemorated events of life such as mating, first child, and were given by others to honour the special occasion. Presents were even given to a lord in victory over another lord. Of course, other times they were small tokens of affection given to one’s mate for no reason and sometimes there was some meaning behind the object such as “this gift is a symbol of what I can offer you” in other words a courting gift.
“Open the present Kagome,” Sesshomaru replied firmly instead of answering her.
The miko looked suspiciously between the gift and the inu. To be safe she was going to assume this gift represented the second gift in this courting thing she had been technically forced into. Suddenly her fingers trembled as she finished moving the silk away to expose a short dagger with gems of many colours embedded within the hilt. “What’s the meaning of this?” she carried the thin dagger carefully over so she could sit next to the inu.
She maintained her distance because she was told by Seria it would be for the best. In public Sesshomaru would be reluctant to show too much affection other than what was necessary but in private, his beast may become to excite at certain moments and would ‘pounce’ as Seria had stated. Kagome asked what the big issue was forgetting about the fact that it was dishonourable for a male to mate a woman who had already shared her bed. Anyone would be able to sense if she was innocent or not due to her humanity. Even the strongest of barriers would not take this away. As to not cause Sesshomaru any more dishonour than was needed in this situation she heeded the youkai’s words.
The inu did not seem to understand this because the second she was seated he was tugging at her to sit closer. She had learnt that he enjoyed being able to lean his chin on her shoulder and would commonly pull her between his legs with her back against his chest. This gave him full view of anything in her hands that she might be working with. At the moment, she held the dagger.
“This was my grandmother’s,” Sesshomaru mumbled. “I never knew her but I was told the story nonetheless. Her mate who received it from his mother gave her this. It was troublesome dealing with mother in order to get it from her too mind you. She wanted to deny me my right as the only heir. Apparently, she will not accept a human as a daughter-in-law so it would seem that we do not have her blessing. However, I pulled some strings and now this dagger rightfully belongs to you as a gift of protection.” Sesshomaru sensed concern and stopped. “What’s wrong?”
“I didn’t know your mother lived. I thought...your father and Izayoi. I don’t understand.”
“My father and mother were arranged to be mated after she found out she was pupped with me. After my birth, our lands became under attack and my father spent most of his time properly caring for me and defending his land. This left no time to take off to mate with my mother. Mother began finding comfort in the arms of another and I swear father knew of this and said nothing. One particular battle many hundreds of years later went badly for father. He told the soldiers to retreat and he would hold the enemy back giving them time to join the reinforcements. When he felt overwhelm he took refuge in a nearby village hiding until the advantage was once again on his side. Apparently Izayoi found him and she hid him away in her palace until nightfall so he could slip away. He was drawn to her though and would return to her every so often to her the stories she told.” Sesshomaru stopped but decided that he should probably finish the story before the miko requested him to continue. “One thing led to another and the half breed was conceived. Mother’s hatred for humans is something that I had eventually inherited because whenever I witnessed cruelty I remembered the words she whispered. When she heard of the affair, she threw a fit and threatened to leave and take me with her. Father had rights though, he didn’t care for mother any longer and he told her she was free to leave but I was his first born son and I would be the one to inherit the realm he rule and so I stayed with him. A couple of months later Nye’s father managed to injury him before father finished him off, putting him in a type of comatose sleep, and without allowing himself to heal he went off to rescue the one he wanted to claim as mate.”
“You’re what a few hundred years old right? That was one crazy long war,” she mumbled.
“Our wars reflect our life span. Humans have short life spans therefore short wars whereas a youkai could battle for many decades before coming to peace or victory. Most times, there are a few years of peace between conflicting sides every so often but this does not always occur. The war my father fought continued until quite recently. In fact you were the one who brought it to the end.”
“What? Me?”
“Nye attacked me directly to kill me in hopes to conquer my land to expand his own. You were the one who killed him. Which reminds me, you must be present when our allies come to decide what must be done with his people and lands.”
Kagome sat unusually still. She had to warp her mind around the words spoken to her. However, she stopped when something else crossed her thoughts.
“Do you speak often to your mother?”
Sesshomaru thought about the question. “No, not really,” he replied.
“Why not?”
“We don’t see eye to eye. Even when my hatred for humans was at its peak.”
“But she’s your mother,” Kagome mumbled a little taken back. She herself missed her mother dearly since she had passed. “I’m sorry.”
“For what? She may be my mother but she did not perform her motherly duties. Instead she is more concern with image.” It was an honest observation he had deducted over the years.
“But technically I’m another obstacle in the way. You said she doesn’t approve of me.”
“That may be so but there’s no need to fret over it,” Sesshomaru reasoned and his tone told the miko she should not worry. “She is a difficult woman to please and I don’t need her approval to mate. Now let’s drop this topic and move on to more important things.”
“Things?” The miko questioned what he entailed.
“Your dream for one,” he specified.
“Oh right... that,” Kagome stopped.
Why did she bring it up in the first place? But then again Sesshomaru would her mate soon and though she never thought of settling down so young she was slowly accepting the situation. So if she could not speak to him whom could she speak to.
“I guess I just wanted another opinion. I do not know what to think about it at all. It coming more frequently and I do not understand how but I believe it to hold some importance. Yet I cannot remember the entire dream. “
“What do you remember?”
“It’s dark,” she began, “and there’s no moon in the sky. I can hear a waterfall in the distance. Things kind of go blank here but I know that you are fighting one of the incarnations and I have a whole Shikon-no-Tama in my hand. I make a wish but I don’t know what it is.” Kagome stopped obviously thinking about how to continue. The Taiyoukai waited patiently until the miko began again. “No matter how much I try I can’t remember anything else other than Inuyasha’s stupid face showing up just as we move to confront Naraku.” The miko leaned back making herself comfortable. “That’s when I wake up.”
“Your friends are not present?” he asked after contemplating.
“No,” she replied quickly but added, “I think Sango might be pregnant. If this battle is, soon it could be why she is not there and Miroku would stay with her. Yet I can’t help but worry that I might be looking into this too much.”
“Though it isn’t common there have been rumours of Shrine Maidens that hold the power of foresight in dreams,” the inu scanned his memory for tidbits of information, “it isn’t controllable but it grows in power just as any other skill. In this case dreaming and recognizing what is a vision would be helping the skill develop in power.” Sesshomaru nuzzled the woman’s cheek, his nose flooded with the scented soap used in her bath. It reminded him that she would have to be marked again. He rested a cheek against hers and dragged it down to her neck than trail back up.
“Do you have to do that even when we are home?” her voice interrupted his trance. She had grown accustom to his almost constant nuzzling.
“Yes,” he crooned. It brought him great pleasure to hear the woman speak of his fortress as home.
The miko tugged her bottom lip with her teeth. “Sesshomaru, do you have any scrolls on dream reading?”
“No,” he answered with a muffled voice. “But there may be someone you can see.”
“The Old Blood Witch,” he stated drawing his mouth over a bare shoulder his lips grazing the soft skin ever so gently, “she might be able to direct some light onto some of these recent events. We should pay her a visit. She owes her life to our family and this information should be a suitable trade. We’ll leave in three weeks time.”
“Three weeks?” Kagome rolled her shoulder away from the inu and turned to face him. “Why so long?”
“She is weak in the summer. Her power peaks with the death of her surroundings. Although she would be willing to see anyone at any time of year, it is best to wait for the first snowfall. I predict that this will be in a two to three week period.” He remembered something else so added, “I trust you with this information so you must tell no one. Otherwise she might seek revenge if too many people learn this secret.”
“I promise,” she answered pretending to zip her lips.
Sesshomaru watched her commence rising and not wishing for her to leave his presence yet he grabbed her wrist. “Where are you going?”
“I thought you were finished,” she countered.
“No,” Sesshomaru found it very difficult to hold his neutral tone.
“What else do you want of me?” she did not intend to make it sound coyly.
“I want to ravish your body but seeing that this is not possible I will settle with holding you until Seria comes to either interrupt us or fetch us for dinner,” he responded truthfully.
Kagome found it almost unsettling how he could speak the truth so easily. Then again, she liked the trait of his. She obliged in the Taiyoukai’s request. With his less busy schedule, they were able to spend more time together and she was well aware this would not always be the case so she rather enjoy the time they spent alone.
He expected the woman to break the silence. A disturbing thought flooded his mind. Was the miko always like this or did her time in Naraku’s grasp caused the uncomfortable feeling of silence she felt?
“I read a book in your library recently,” she stated slowly, “but it reminded me of something I spoke to Sango about once. Don’t laugh though,” Kagome stopped and waited. “Sesshomaru?” Apparently, she needed reassurance.
“I don’t laugh,” he rumbled assertively. Kagome shook her head at the remark, everyone laughed. Some more than others granted but everyone laughed.
“The book mentioned soul mates,” she continued, “and how finding a soul mate is rare. It made me think about... us.”
“How so?” she had spiked his interest.
“Because I thought I had possibly loved Inuyasha but I now know that I never did. I think what I was feeling was suppose to be for you. Only you. Nonetheless, my soul might have been confused and eventually that misunderstanding died away each time I was around you,” here the woman paused for a moment so she could turn around. She kneeled between his legs and held his head between her hands before continuing with a tone of self-confidence, “I don’t have proof but I do have my feelings. I was scared and that may be why it took so long for me to accept but I am not afraid anymore. If I get hurt, I know you will not mean it and it is only part of the process of living. You cannot know happiness without the sadness too. Sesshomaru, I love you. I don’t know why and I can’t explain how but I love you.”
The Taiyoukai looked deeply into the miko’s emerald orbs. He was a little stunned at the woman’s confession. He was not expecting her to say something so enlightening with such ease. It was not her usual personality to speak of such things without any difficulty. Yet he could see and feel the emotion overwhelming him, surrounding him and he did not question it. At the same time, he was aware he should admit his own feelings but he was not able to say for sure if he loved the miko in the same way that she was declaring to him. Human emotions were different from a youkai; this idea was something he still could not part with. Nonetheless, his beast was proud and willingly allowed the miko to take a dominating lead in the kiss she placed on his lips. A croon reverberated through his chest and throat but before anything further could progress their keeper, as Sesshomaru had nicknamed her, arrived.
The inu pulled away and gently told the miko to prepare her for the evening meal. Silently she rose, retrieved the dagger and exited the room from the adjoining door. The Taiyoukai focused his attention to the maid.
“Honestly Milord, you are acting like an adolescent pup. Will I be able to trust you through the night,” Seria bowed from the door.
“You may take your leave now,” Sesshomaru retorted.
“As you wish,” and she took her leave letting Sesshomaru have a few moments to think as he too prepared for dinner.
Things were changing more quickly now and he had apprehension that this would all mount up to something that was coming in the near future. Perhaps the witch would be able to tell him if this trepidation was a worthy cause. The inu slipped into a suitable casual wear and headed to the dining hall. His eyes met the miko who had returned to her sense apparently for she blushed ferociously and broke the eye contact. He would have to try and not tease the miko too much in the days to come.
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Ja neAngelic Memories©2009