InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Twenty-Two: Trouble Arises ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Not much to say really, I am trying to get through final papers and exams so if everyone could bear with me??? I am happy to say that I finally found someone to help Letters along and I will be able to focus a little on that story line. I am also beginning to continue the plot for Safety in Deadly Arms since very few people wanted it to remain a one-shot.
Anyway, my many thanks to Golden-Eye Girl and Hanyou-Fox Girl for helping me edit this story.
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Disclaimer: The characters I use do not belong to me. I merely use them for my own non-profit amusement.
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Scroll Twenty-Two: Trouble Arises
Kagome rubbed her nose with a fur-covered hand. She hated the cold. She despised it more when she was force to travel in it. Making things worst was the snow, which she detested as well unless she was looking out from a certain Taiyoukai’s balcony surrounded by the warmth radiating off the fire flickering in the fireplace. Nevertheless, she was forced to toughen in out. Sesshomaru’s predictions had been correct. For two and a half weeks, the temperature dropped until the pond in the garden was frozen solid. A few days later it began to snow. The Taiyoukai decided to wait until the heavy snowfall had passed so traveling would be easier and this had taken awhile since it had stormed for a good two weeks. It had been nearly six weeks since her heat and that reminded her that she had only another month, maybe two before her next heat and shortly after or during that time the inu would be reduced to surrendering to his beast as his own heat over came him. Kagome gave a mental shake of her head to clear her thoughts.
At the current moment they were making their way through drifts of snow, looking for an Old Blood Witch. It was decided that walking would be best since flying meant exposing the humans to the even colder wind above as it whipped in their faces with the mere speed of flight. An insisting Seria demanded the children to be brought along, meaning Ah-Un and Jaken accompanied them. Sesshomaru growled that it would be faster if he brought only Kagome with him but the female youkai told him fiercely that she wasn’t afraid of him and what he could do to her, since her loyalty was passed over to her lady and that included protecting her reputation. This was followed by a snort of annoyance and a dismissing wave. It seemed that Sesshomaru had submitted to the request after all, for the next morning the children hummed with excitement as they prepared. Sesshomaru had sent for winter clothing when he noticed the change in temperature and at that time he had presented the woman with the white and cream fur she now wore. A pair of boots that tied tightly around her feet and up along her leg to her knees were hidden by the layers of cloth and furs she wore over her new battle suit which she herself had designed with Sesshomaru’s approval. It was something they had discussed when she explained that she couldn’t very well fight in a kimono but wouldn’t disgrace him with her previous futuristic attire. But at the same time she was attached to the kimonos, which didn’t attract too much attention when in a town or village (she had figured this out while travelling with Inuyasha still) and so she would wear the suit under her clothing whenever she travelled.
Kagome sneezed. Her mitten rubbed her little pink nose again. The inu peered over his shoulder and the woman caught onto his concern. “I’m fine,” she stated without faltering.
It would appear that Sesshomaru, though youkai also needed some added warmth in the frigid weather. He had changed his usual attire to a thicker fur-lined one. Although no one who came across him would notice the change for it looked no different from what he usually wore.
A few moments later uneven snow drifts and the wind caught her off guard and Kagome stumbled. Attempting to catch her balance she reached out to grasp at the form in front of her. Sesshomaru, usually one for grace was taken aback by his suddenly falling form and he noticed at once he couldn’t stop the fall completely but he could land more elegantly. The inu had turned and once he had hit the ground he looked to the miko above him who had cause his regal behind to land in the snow bank. He quirked an eyebrow hiding his amusement of the look of disbelief on her face when she saw the displeased stare that Sesshomaru forced himself to create. A gasp emitted from the miko when she managed to sit up a bit. She held a mitten covered hand over her shocked expression.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered and rose onto her feet. She offered him her hand to assist him up. He was capable of rising on his own but he respected the offer and accepted the assistance. “I didn’t mean to,” she tried to explain.
Sesshomaru could no longer hide the amusement and it clearly came out in his eyes. This relieved the miko multiple degrees. The toad pounced over and grumbled under his breath. Sesshomaru noted the youkai’s words and mentally noted he would have to fix his attitude at a later date. The miko looked downhearted and he knew at that moment that she had heard the whispered disrespect. Perhaps it would be best to punish it now.
“Jaken you will remember to show respect to your superiors or you might find yourself in exile for treason.”
“But Milord...”
Sesshomaru’s foot was reacquainted with the youkai’s face, something he hadn’t had to do in a while. It had been quite some time since the toad had uttered anything that could be taken as disrespectful. He secretly wondered if the toad liked the abuse because he was sure that Jaken forces himself to complain even though he seemed happy with the task he complained about.
“I will hear no more from you for the entire length of the journey,” he turned to the miko and swiftly tucked her in his arms tightly seizing her to his torso.
“What are you doing?” she hissed. The children were accustom by now in the change between the two and held no fascination in watching and instead continued with their word games as they rode on Ah-Un’s back.
“I do not wish to be buried in the snow again and so it would be in my best interest to carry you,” he boasted.
Unable to do a thing the miko leaned into the inu’s chest for the added heat. The Taiyoukai was beginning to notice that she was adjusting to the silence that fell between them. She was quite content to sit with him in his study reading before the fireplace while he looked at the many reports he was receiving as of late. Sometimes he would find her in the library reading or in the family gathering room painting or drawing and he would slip behind her to watch what she was doing holding her the entire time.
The woman was also picking up on her duties that would come. She was already handling any disputes between the staff. Most of his staff had learned to accept the miko as their lady even though she was human, but some had their doubts. However they only lasted until they saw not only her fierceness in her leadership but also her fairness. She wasn’t one to judge until she knew both sides of the story and in which case she would deduct a fitting action to take. It was by this time almost all of his subjects had grown attached to her in some way. There were still a few who opposed her, but he truly believed it was only a matter of time for them to blend with the crowd or expose themselves as a danger so he could deal with them.
The night before their departure had surprise the inu though. Kagome had come to his chambers later than usual. He heard her hesitated knock on the door between their rooms and she entered all on her own.
“Is something the matter?” he had asked since this was most unusual of her.
“No,” she mumbled. He had been in the process of writing the orders to be followed in his leave at the desk so the miko made her way to the inu. “I wanted you to be more at ease,” she whispered.
“I don’t understand,” the inu stated standing up before her.
Instead of verbally replying the miko reached around the back of her neck and pulled her hair to one side. She tilted her head to the right baring the left side of her neck to him. He could clearly see the miko was well aware of what this indicated to his time. She didn’t waver in her stance and locked her eyes with his.
“Kagome you don’t need to do this,” just watching her in a submitting position had his beast leaping for joy and it was easily show through the jagged strips on his high cheek bones.
“I know but I want to make things easier for you,” she replied.
He found later that Seria had expressed that his constant affection was caused by his beast wishing to claim her fully. The maid would know that Sesshomaru would be fighting against his beast’s will to mark the female as his claim and future mate and letting the miko maintain some of her humanity. He didn’t dare ask or just act in fear for the rage the woman was known for.
“I don’t mind you claiming me as yours because I am me, and I know you don’t see me as anything less than that.”
That was all he needed. His arms reached out and pulled the miko closer. His head lowered down to lick the junction between her shoulder and neck.
“This might hurt,” he whispered.
“That’s okay,” she replied without pause.
He opened his mouth and growled as his fangs elongated and sunk deep into the muscle. A small amount of blood flowed over his tongue as he withdrew. He licked the wound until it sealed a short time later.
“Mine,” he whispered out of instinct. He pulled back immediately to correct his mistake and as he looked to the miko he saw not a face of anger but of acceptance.
A small smile graced her facial features as she replied: “All yours,” she pushed her weight to her tiptoes to get some added height and place a gentle kiss on his lips.
She collapsed at that moment and he wasn’t surprised. Her body needed to rest for the night. He caught her and carried her to his bed where he watched over her the whole night.
“We will stop here,” the inu declared suddenly stopping at a clearing and setting the woman down. “Stay here, don’t move,” he added before rushing through the trees.
Kagome was slightly confused but she didn’t linger on it. With help from Shippo who could cut reasonably well with his claws now, Kagome was able to gather some logs to create a fire. The snow in the area wasn’t as deep as the area they had come from so Rin and Souta had managed in no time to create a reasonably clear area to place the fire. Considering it was mid-day the woman knew they would be traveling again. Sesshomaru wouldn’t let them waste such time in the cold. The miko rested against Ah-Un as Rin, Souta and Shippo began a game of tag. A crack sounded through the area. Kagome’s eyes went wide.
“Rin!” Souta and Shippo called out.
The miko was on her feet in a flash. It was clear now that the area the children were playing on was a lake, and their weight and the heavy snow piled on top was too much for the sheet of ice that covered the surface. Kagome pushed the boys out of the way, “Get back,” she shouted gesturing behind her to the area near the fire. She then turned her attention to the young girl who had tears streaming down her eyes.
“Okaa-san I’m scared.”
“Rin its okay to be scared. I’m right here and I won’t let anything happen to you,” the miko said quickly. “Lay flat on your stomach,” she ordered.
The young girl did as she was told. Her position would spread her weight over the general area rather than in one place if she continued to stand.
“Ah-Un I can’t take the chance that you might but too much weight on the ice retrieving her so just hover over her.”
Kagome removed her outer wear. She didn’t need any added mass on the ice and the thick material would be hard to move in as it was. She lowered herself onto her stomach and crawled over to the child using her elbows and knees to push her forward in what the modern times would eventually call an army crawl. She reached Rin with ease but she could just make out the small sounds of the ice breaking further. Quickly, Kagome moved to be parallel to the child grabbed Rin around the waist and rose with a jump catching Ah-Un’s saddle. Rin groped for a better hold on the dragon but Kagome’s grip slipped as she worried herself with helping the girl. It was a misjudgement on her side as she fell back towards the ice and straight through the surface.
Cold water pained her lungs and froze her body immediately. The loose material of her inner garments tangled around her legs as the appendages lashed out in an attempted to paddle towards the surface and the only source of light from the dark depths of the water. Her airway felt heavy with her need for oxygen and her vision was dotted with bits of black, white, and red. The frigid cold pained her all over like thousands of tiny needles pricking her skin. Her muscles grew tired and weak. Her mind could only think of help. It wasn’t in her nature to give in but as she raised her right arm above her head once again she found she couldn’t push herself forward anymore. She stopped all movement and the heaviness of her body caused her to begin a slow descent deeper into the water. Green eyes looked once more to the shining white light of the surface air before she closed them with the tiredness that swept over her.
Suddenly she was yanked back. Something enclosed around her wrist and tugged her upwards and before she knew it something had encircled around her waist. Too tired to open her eyes, too tired to fight, she let whatever would happen to happen. Her sudden ability to breath gave way for her to become conscious of the fact that she had been brought to the surface world once more.
Her vision was blurry when she managed to drag open her eyes but she could make out white and gold from the face of her saviour before closing her eyes again. Sesshomaru had made it in time after all. She was placed on the frozen ground the next instant and as her sense returned to her one at a time she realized it wasn’t her alpha who had come. The muffled voice grew clearer into a voice she dreaded hearing.
“I've tried my damnedest to find you wench, for the past month I’ve been looking only to find out from that idiotic monk that he had last seen you with that bastard. What the hell are you doing with Sesshomaru?” Inuyasha didn’t even pause for a second during his rant, “Right when I need you most I find you scrutinizing with the enemy.”
The sight Sesshomaru was greeted with upon his return did not please him. His claim was on her hands and knees in the snow shivering uncontrollably. Her clothes were soaked and dripping. Her gasps were more like wheezes and they were interrupted by small coughing fits as her body rid the lungs of fluid. Rin was kneeling beside her mother while Souta and Shippo were in the mist of unpacking blankets.
A growl echoed through the area as the Taiyoukai stepped forward. Inuyasha, standing behind the miko equally wet and running his mouth, immediately stopped.
“I should have figured you‘d be nearby,” he sneered, “I’m taking Kagome back.”
“Leave Inuyasha you’re not welcomed,” Sesshomaru snapped and quickly covered the distance between him and his female.
“Look I know how troublesome and clumsy she is and you can’t stand imperfection so I will do you a favour for once and take her off your hands.”
Sesshomaru could hear teeth chattering from where he stood. He was aware that humans couldn’t be too cold hence the reason he had purchased the best quality clothing. He needed to take care of his female before dealing with his pathetic half brother. In one graceful sweep the miko was wrapped in his outer haori and body heat.
“Hey! What are you doing?” the half-breed shouted as the inu turned towards the forest behind him.
Crimson eyes dart towards the hanyou whose scent was embedded in his miko’s clothing. He didn’t know what went on but when he found out he hoped to send the hanyou into a world of pain.
Shippo and Souta, blankets in hand, raced over to Sesshomaru, who pivoted on his feet and ordered for the pups to follow with a simple: “Come,” in a tone that seemed almost irritated.
Kagome’s shivering form drew closer to the inu. She didn’t know what he was thinking but she didn’t want him to get the wrong impression. But being so cold it was hard to get out even a few words.
“It w-w-was m-my f-f-aul-t-t-t...”
“Silence Kagome,” Sesshomaru ordered cutting her off.
Sesshomaru growled. It was the first time he had shown anger towards her before. “Later,” he explained a little gentler.
“Where’re we going anyway?” demanded the hanyou.
They entered a clearing which answered the question. A small cave could be seen and it proved to conveniently hold another chamber with a small hot spring, which warmed both cavern considerably. The Taiyoukai looked about to see how to deal with the situation. He held out a hand towards Souta after rearranging the woman’s weight and accepted the few blankets in the boy’s grasp.
“Fetch a couple towels Rin,” he ordered heading to the spring.
“Hold on you can’t just ignore me!” the half inu pup barked.
“I can and I will Inuyasha,” the Taiyoukai roared, “You try my patience thinking that you, for even a second, are worthy enough to stand before my pack. Your presence isn’t wanted so you will not move an inch closer to Kagome and you won’t utter a word to the pups. Severe consequences will follow upon your disobedience.”
Sesshomaru walked to the threshold between the two chambers followed by Rin. He placed the miko next to the spring and worked fast to drape a blanket across the small opening. As if finally realizing what was going on he heard the hanyou shout from the other room.
“Wait a minute! What are you doing in there, you bastard?”
Sesshomaru could hear him rush towards the newly placed barrier the inu lord had placed up. A small thud was followed by giggles from the pups who by now all knew how to form a protection barrier of their own thanks to the miko and could see barriers easily too.
“Rin let me, you can leave,” the inu took over removing all but the last layer of the miko’s clothing. Thankfully not a light colour since he wanted the woman to maintain her innocence in every way. All the while he could see Rin from the corner of his eyes. She had instead remained in the room but turned her back.
“I can’t...” she paused probably fearful of disobeying her lord for the first time, “it would be unladylike,” she whispered at last.
Not arguing the Taiyoukai removed his own clothing except for his hakamas. Kagome was barely able to pay much attention to anything anymore. Her awareness was fading with each second. When he picked her up he could feel the warmth returning to the miko but she still shivered violently. He stepped into the heated water and lowered her slowly. The miko’s hair was frozen in strands so he lowered her and let her float across his arms with only her face above the surface.
He watched her for twenty minutes while listening to the sounds in the other chamber for any signs of trouble from the half-breed. There was one moment he began to worry. The hanyou mumbled lowly about making him wait. Souta had replied he could leave. Apparently, he made a move towards the pups but Shippo spoke up this time.
“I wouldn’t do that Inuyasha.”
“You don’t tell me what to do filthy...” there was a crackle and Sesshomaru could smell burning skin. It would seem that one of the pups had used a barrier to keep Inuyasha at bay.
However, there were other issues that revealed themselves on his end. Rin’s aura had been troubled and he had assumed that this was because she was worried. But he was proved wrong.
“Sesshomaru-sama?” Rin called out suddenly, “I’m sorry. This is my fault,” Rin’s confession wavered with her tears. “I was playing on the ice and it broke and okaa-san fell through saving me. I’m so sorry!”
This left him in a bit of a bind. He had to stay to keep his miko afloat but he was needed to comfort the child. The inu was about to consult the child verbally but someone else beat him to it.
“Rin don’t blame yourself silly child,” Kagome startled him. Her eyes were still closed but her mumbles sounded much better than earlier. “I feel fine now,” she added.
The heated water had caused her cheeks to remain a steady rosy colour even when she blushed at the half naked inu towering over her. His chest glistened with the water droplets that rolled down the contours of his well formed chest from the condensation of the steam. The scar that Kagome had mended was nothing more than a barely visible sliver. Kagome reached over to slide a finger over the part traveling over his abdominal muscles. But she immediately stopped and pulled her hand back from her fascination.
“Okaa-san,” a voice interrupted.
“Yes?” Kagome broke contact with the inu’s eyes, which had observed her every move.
“I really am sorry,” she said.
“Rin, stop apologizing, everyone’s fine,” Kagome replied.
“Are you warm enough Kagome?” Sesshomaru asked interrupting and helping her sit up but the quizzing look was still there. Kagome nodded. “Are you sure?” at this point the inu leaned over and couldn’t help taunt the miko with her recent touch. “I will willingly warm you with my body if necessary.”
“I’m fine,” she mumbled with her hidden blush. A thought rose to mind a second later, “Sesshomaru, I hate Inuyasha but I owe him my life now so perhaps you could offer him a safe leave or something and get rid of him. I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to help him. I’d prefer to not even talk to him if at all possible,” she mumbled.
“I will deal with the hanyou later,” Sesshomaru stated. “My first priority is you.”
Kagome took a step and wavered so the Taiyoukai weaved an arm around her to support her. “I’m still tired but I really am feeling better,” she muttered.
“Hn,” the inu assisted her over the hot spring’s edge and had her sit on a towel.
Kagome tugged away from his grasp and rushed over to the small child sitting with her back to the adults. “Rin,” she pulled the girl into a hug, “I’m so happy you’re okay. You don’t have to worry anymore.”
“Kagome you have to get dressed. Will you be fine on your own?” Sesshomaru interrupted. Kagome nodded as she pulled away from Rin.
“I need some dry clothes.”
The inu picked up the pile of wet material and in an instant the moisture was removed. He handed them to the woman and let a hand tangle in her current attire near the shoulder and let it dry with the same magic as before. The Taiyoukai brushed his hand over her exposed mark at the neck before averting his gaze and turning his back.
“Get dressed,” he left the cavern to enter the other and hopefully deal with the hanyou before the woman left the other room.
Kagome entered the main chamber shortly after the bickering and snapping of the two inu brothers had begun.
“She’s mine Sesshomaru I found her first so give the wench back,” Inuyasha growled. “Why are you so attached to her anyway?”
“I will give you only one more chance to leave unharmed half breed,” was the retort.
“You owe me so much more than that! I save that damn things life when she was under your protection. Therefore you should let me have the favour in taking her.”
“Your rights were revoked. You owe Kagome for all that she has done for you in the past few years,” Sesshomaru started to explain; “you owe her for the treatment and lack of respect you showed her. According to your actions, or lack of actions, you are unworthy to request anything at this given time even with this recent act.”
“What are you talking about? There’s nothing wrong with how I treat my miko. She never complains,” Inuyasha tried to point out but he was forced to draw his weapon.
“How dare you call her as yours, she’s mine!” the Taiyoukai had lost his rationality. “She’ll never belong to you half-breed. By the end of spring she’ll be my mate.”
“I had always thought you were insane. This is just proof.” Out of the corner of his eyes Inuyasha saw Kagome. “Hey tell him you want to come with me and he’s losing his mind. He thinks you want to mate with him.”
Sesshomaru noticed the hanyou chatting to his female and without delay ran to block her from his view. He snarled loudly as a warning to the younger male to back off. “Sesshomaru,” Kagome called out gently, “let me talk to him.” This was accompanied by a sigh of annoyance.
Darting his eyes over his shoulder to his miko. He trusted the words she spoke but he didn’t trust what the other would do. Inuyasha was rash and at times unpredictable. Reluctantly he stepped to the side allowing the woman her request.
“Kagome come on I need your help. You wasted enough time in there doing whatever it was you were,” he stepped forward even with the warning scowl.
“No Inuyasha I’m not going.”
“I’m staying here,” she continued, “with Sesshomaru.”
Kagome pulled aside the material covering her left side of her neck. It was clear to any youkai she was claimed. “I’m going to become Sesshomaru’s mate and I won’t let you stand in the way anymore when it comes to something I want.”
“No buts, I don’t care about Kikyo. I refuse to help her because she doesn’t belong here any longer. I’ve decided to live my life in happiness.”
“But I need your help. No one else has the power to do anything,” he insisted as he walked over and grasped one of Kagome’s hands with his plead.
“You should have thought about that when you were given the choice to help your pack or find your lover. You should have thought about that the time you decided to save her, a dead soul, over me. You should have realized that I would grow to hate you with each one of your degrading insults,” Kagome’s voice was filling further with rage. “Inuyasha you are nothing more than a spoiled pup who thinks that you can get away with you attitude simply because you aren’t accepted in most societies. Your actions reflect that of an immature boy who has a selfish way of thinking only for himself and not for the others around him. Sesshomaru is ten times more than the man than you can ever hope to become. My only wish for you now is that someone might one day take pity on you and teach you a proper lesson. Now leave before I let Sesshomaru rip you apart.”
The half inu pup looked shocked. He had never really seen Kagome like this and he was actually scared. His feet took him backwards one step at a time. His mind was going wild all the while trying to comprehend what had just happened.
“Kagome?” he questioned, not wanting to believe it was her.
“Leave Inuyasha,” Sesshomaru replied for her taking his place in front of her. It was instinct for him to deal with any males that show themselves as a potential threat. In a case like this he was surprise how well things had gone as the hanyou vanished from sight at last.
“Sesshomaru,” Kagome’s whisper was faint from behind. He whipped around in time to steady her. “I’m so tired.”
The Taiyoukai snarled. It was that damn half breed’s fault she had used all her strength.
“Sesshomaru-sama I made tea,” a voice from the fire called out. “Will it help okaa-san?”
The child acted as a distraction to his thoughts. It would seem that the young pup had learnt much from her mother. She had not only made the tea but had heat a small meal for the pack. It brought unwanted thoughts of finding her a mate of her own soon. But for now he would deem her too young.
“Thank-you Rin,” he patted the top of her head before accepting the cup and sitting with the miko cradled in his arms, not at all worried about the pups who had proven were capable of taking care of themselves if need be.
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For anyone who is wondering about Inuyasha he still has a major part to play in the future so he will be back... but that’s all the information about him that I am willing to release.
Ja neAngelic Memories©2009
loretta537 – Sorry about the late responses I haven’t been able to manage the time well enough to add them in. So I will reply to both of you reviews here. I hope that I can keep a more regular update schedule now that I am back in commission so you won’t have to wait such long periods between chapters. I agree with you, I do think that a slow progression in Sess and Kags’ relation is key mainly because it would be completely out of character to have them suddenly think ‘hey I love you’ kind of thing. But, unintentional I suppose I am like those other writers because Sesshomaru and Kagome will still have issues after they are mated. I was worried about the summary thing but because of so many people wanted a reminder of the storyline and I didn’t want to repeat myself I thought it be for the best.
mikoyami – Thank-you for your wonderful review I am grateful for the compliment.
Little Red – I’m sorry, it has been a while…. But hopefully it won’t be as long from now on. I do plan eventually to go back and edit the story as a whole but I want to finish the story first, because I don’t have enough time to worry about it at the moment with my school work and such. I think I should have more regular updates, I am backing up my files and saving things online so that I don’t have to worry about losing all my files like before. Anyway thanks for the comments.
Darken Demoness – wow I can feel your excitement through your words!!! Thanks so much for your beautiful comments.