InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Twenty Three: Whispers of a Wise Woman ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My thanks to Hanyou Fox Girl and Golden-Eyed-Girl for bet’ing and finding my mistakes
************************************************************** ***********************Disclaimer: Inuyasha and company are not mine and so I make no money in the creation of this plot line*********************************************************************** **************
Scroll Twenty-Three: Whispers of a Wise Woman
Sesshomaru had decided it would be for the best to have the pups returned to the castle. But with the fear of Inuyasha returning, he determined that having them escorted to his fortress would be the smartest decision. He summoned a messenger shadow and within a few hours a dozen of his soldiers arrived at their location.
“Keep your eyes open for trouble, but don’t stop for a thing,” the Taiyoukai ordered. He bent over to pick up Rin to help her perch on the back of the only female. “She’s only to ride with you,” his parental protection was something he was unaware of.
“Of course Milord,” the youkai replied.
“When they arrive at the castle don’t let them pass the walls,” he added as each youkai bowed, minus the three who had precious cargo. They made do with a nod of the head.
Kagome sat on Ah-Un watching. Each of the pups waved goodbye and she returned the gesture by blowing a kiss to each of them. When she could no longer see them she switched her focus to Sesshomaru.
“I told you it wouldn’t happen again, so why make them leave?” she still believed this was because of the ice incident.
“It will be easier to cover more ground this way,” he told her, but something made her feel she was missing something.
“Is this about Inuyasha?”
“No,” he answered, sounding agitated.
“Can I get down and walk?” she asked, when the taiyoukai took hold of the dragon's reins and began moving forward.
“No,” his tone hadn’t lightened up.
“Are you mad at me?”
Sesshomaru turned around to face the miko. There was a guilty look upon his face when he answered her. “I’m not angry with you, you should never worry about such a thing.”
“Why do you blame yourself?” she was fishing.
The inu realize immediately that all her questions were staged. She was fishing to confirm her suspicions. In five questions she had hit the issue right on the nail. He blamed himself for the event that endangered Kagome’s life once again.
“Three times,” he mumbled, “I’ve almost lost you three times. I didn’t realize why it was so important to save you before, so it didn’t hurt as much thinking that I may lose you.” Sesshomaru had turned his head away for the remainder of his confession, “But yesterday, standing over you, I didn’t know what I would do if you didn’t pull through. I didn’t return in time to save you. I wasn’t the one to protect you and as your alpha that is unacceptable.”
“Sesshomaru, Inuyasha only pulled me out of the water,” she pointed out, “You nursed me back to health and saved me from him. I told Rin the same thing I am going to tell you. No one is to blame. Things happen and sometimes we can’t do anything about it because they have some sort of significance that we have to learn from. For example, yesterday was further proof that I choose the right person to love,” Kagome contemplated with a cheery voice that left everyone believing everything would be fine. “But that does make me wonder where you were yesterday.”
The miko met his eyes with a curious look.
He remembered something that with all the commotion yesterday, he had forgotten. He tucked a hand into the folds of his haori and pulled out a tainted jewel shard. It was completely sealed in a barrier making it impossible to sense its presence.
“A jewel shard!” Kagome grew excited and held out her open hand. “That barrier isn’t yours is it?”
“No, I nearly missed it because of that. Naraku is getting smart; he doesn’t want to lose anymore shards to you.”
“Thank-you Sesshomaru.”
At a single touch from the miko the barrier was broken, the pitch black that had been embedded deep in the shard fading to a shimmering pink.
æäæäæäæäæ& auml;
“Sesshomaru?” the miko looked to the inu who had stop in the centre of a field.
Vast white greeted her eyes and she was forced to squint to keep some of the light at bay. Only a couple of trees were scattered in random places but most of the landscape was flat. The miko watched the inu carefully. She assumed he was studying the area.
“Sesshomaru?!” she jumped, alarmed, from the dragon’s back to the ground when she saw the blood droplets falling from his hand to the white surface surrounding them. “What are you doing?” the miko snatched his hand and turned it palm upwards. The pinpricks from his claws were already beginning to vanish as they healed.
The Taiyoukai didn’t look to her at all; he let his hand be pulled into her possession without an issue and let it fall to his sword hilt when she released it.
Not getting the vaguest hint that he was even paying attention to her the woman crossed her arms and waited. A little over five minutes later and the miko sensed a new presence. She turned to face the east. Sesshomaru noticed this and let his eyes follow suit.
“Come out Suhaz,” the inu called, “I have no intention of playing with you.”
Kagome caught a slight movement to her right. It appeared to be an elderly white haired lady wearing a long white kimono. She was short but her speed was something that told the miko she wasn’t exactly human.
A small chuckle resonated in the clearing before the figure ceased its movement to stand in front of the inu.
“Faster than usual I must say, but I wonder if that is because of the company you hold today?” she said this with her eyes on the miko.
“I have a request,” Sesshomaru changed topics but he was ‘hushed’ by the old witch.
“Yes, yes of course,” this was followed by a casual wave of a hand pushing the topic to the side. “A Priestess wasn’t on my visitor list for this month, let alone thee Chosen Shrine Maiden. I must be getting on in the years. How about a cup of tea?"
Kagome found herself being dragged away by the woman who had attached herself to the miko’s arm. “You come as well Sesshomaru,” the old woman added as a second thought to the inu who had already began following without a word but a vigilant eye on his woman.
A vague feeling of being squeezed through a tight space and then stretched back out overcame the miko's entire body. The next moment she found herself in a small room. By the way the walls, ceiling, and floors were all made of dirt, as well as the overpowering scent of earth, she assumed they were underground.
“Welcome to my humble home,” the old woman stated.
She released the miko’s arm and ran over to the kitchen preparing tea. Kagome looked around, noticing that Sesshomaru was doing the same thing. She remembered the inu had told her he had visited the witch on occasion, but her living quarters changed so there was no telling where they would be brought when visiting her.
As the witch re-entered the living room part of her little earth cave she gestured to the table and chairs next to the fireplace. Kagome took her seat next to the inu across from the other woman.
“Now then child,” she began after serving the tea, “Why have you come?”
“Kagome looked to Sesshomaru who nodded his head. “I have questions you might be able to answer.”
“Do you have payment?”
“I guarantee that your freedom from your debt owed to my grandfather will be considered to be paid in full, should every question asked to you today be answered in the most complete detail you are capable of,” Sesshomaru cut in, “Objections?”
“That is acceptable,” she mumbled. “What is your first question my dear?”
Kagome wondered what to ask first. “I’ve been having a reoccurring dream but I think it’s more than that. Sesshomaru explained to me it’s possible that it’s a vision. But I don’t know, and I’m not sure how to decipher my dreams from real foresight.”
“You cannot have a vision in a dream, visions only occur in the waking hours," the old woman explained. "What you are going through is something more severe than what any person can experience. All dreams are made from figments of our imagination but every once in a while our minds link with an outside source and we drag the truth out of the future. Most people think of this as déjà vu and don’t realize that they have dreamt of the event transpiring until it has come to pass. However there are a few who would tell you this is a forewarning and someone is trying to tell you something,” she paused a moment. “Most of the time the dreams of this stature are not complete. Are you able to remember it all?”
“No,” the miko replied.
“Then that is because it is still half hidden in your sub-consciousness. Someone may be trying to inform you of something, warn you about what will take place in the future while you sleep. This connection may not be strong and it is treated like most déjà vu’s because that is what your mind thinks it is. My personal opinion is that this is the case, and you should take any information seen in this message as a serious possibility.”
“And whom is this warning coming from?” the inu growled.
“That is impossible to tell,” the witch mumbled noting the possessive tone the higher youkai spoke with, “It is possible though that he, she, or it will show themselves with the time comes.” The old woman sipped her tea, allowing the miko to follow suit. “What’s your next question?”
“Have you ever heard of a human going into...” Kagome stopped. It wasn’t something she was accustomed to speaking about and she didn’t know how the topic was treated. Was this a personal matter considered taboo in a usual conversation?
Sesshomaru stepped in: “Heat.”
The old witched chuckled. “It is rare, but not as rare as one would think when it comes to a miko,” the woman looked to Kagome before explaining, “You are a high class miko, probably more powerful than any of your ancestors thus far. In your blood lies the blood of the same priestess who has cursed not only your body, but your soul when she created the Jewel of Four Souls. In letting her heart, which carried the love of a Taiyoukai, turn into an object of power she brought about a curse. The jewel would pass to her kin and that miko who was sworn to protect it would have their soul contaminated in a way that no one but herself would be able to feel."
Kagome went through this new information, trying to understand everything she had just been told.
"The jewel contains not only the power of Midoriko but the power of the youkai who is also trapped within it in her eternal battle." The witch continued, "Now that you are in possession of it your soul has begun to change, bringing in characteristics that would distinguish a youkai from a human.
"It is said that all those who experience this curse end up meeting an untimely end, because their minds slowly go mad as they aren’t as pure as they lead people to believe,” the old lady hesitated, “I believe that Kikyou’s interference, her unwillingness to let go of the jewel and pass it on even after death, and the fact she still walks the earth, is proof that she suffered from this fate as well. However I don’t believe this will affect you. Even without this curse some traits would eventually change because of your position.”
“Why do you say that?” she asked.
“Because mating with me consist of taking my blood as yours so that you may live as long as I. This means certain characteristic that may be altered as well,” the Taiyoukai replied.
“So it saves me from killing myself?” she mumbled.
“Yes, because you have accepted a Taiyoukai as your lover and mate, and your mind and body accept the youkai traits that have manifested.”
“This is all very confusing but I accept your logic,” the miko muttered. “What’s going to change?”
“That varies between each case.”
“But I won’t lose my purification powers?”
“If anything they will increase even further because you have a powerful male you intent to mate,” she replied.
Kagome noted the pride that was radiating off the inu next to her at her last comment. He really did take gratification in his strength, as well as any decision that showed others how powerful he was. She wondered if he had known this when he first began courting her or if this was just something else for him to take pride in choosing her as his mate.
“But I must warn you,” the witch continued, this time directing her statements towards Sesshomaru, “Mating a miko with such power is difficult. It is her instinct to purify that which tries to corrupt her. In taking away a miko’s innocence for the first time... well let’s just say she may lash out, releasing all her powers at once. Until she accepts your blood and mark your act may not be seen as a pleasurable one because of her instincts. Even with a barrier she might put any youkai in the vicinity in danger. I suggest finding a suitable area away from your palace.”
Kagome’s eyes went wide at the shift in topics, “I can control my power,” the miko countered confidently.
“I agree with you. But right now you are in a normal state of mind, and I highly doubt that this will remain when your body is ravished and your very blood is under attack. But I don’t think you will have to worry about it after the first time,” she pointed out. “Is there anything else you might like to know?”
Kagome, bewildered by the information she had received need time to take it all in. She shook her head, even if there was something else she wanted to know she didn’t think she’d be able to retain the information. Sesshomaru reached over and took the miko’s hand, giving it a squeeze to reassure her that he was here. His beast chuckling in his ear at the un-Sesshomaru-like gesture.
“Well than as a treat I will tell you something free of charge.” The witch reached behind her for a black, leather bound book. “I received a prophecy that has to do with the chosen one recently,” the woman gazed at Kagome. “That is you,” she added.
“Yes, the Chosen Shrine Maiden will fall from another time,” she read from an early page, “and her task will be to cast light upon hell when it comes to earth, that be Naraku,” she explained looking up again and she faced the inu, “This involves you too Sesshomaru since you’d be the only full inu male left,” she flipped through some pages, “so there’s no way to be mistaken.”
“Out with it woman,” said Taiyoukai snapped.
“It’s a pretty long so I will just cut to the important part,” she turned page after page. “Ah, here it is,” she began to read:
“The miko will cast her wish upon the evil soul before her... blah, blah, blah... and as the final spell is finally cast light will enclose around the demon dragging him into the deepest pit from which he came... hm ... ah right... but she will find she is too late as the inu at her feet breaths his last breathe...”
Kagome had been smiling at the thought of defeating Naraku. It gave her confidence hearing his defeat was prewritten but her smile faded immediately when she heard the end of the witch’s last sentence. Her face went pale, and she lost the meaning of the word motion. She found her voice long enough to pose one question: “What?”
“I apologize for the news, but warning you gives you a heads up,” the witch replied.
“You’re lying!” Kagome was on her feet in an instant. Her emotions were unsteady at the moment and Sesshomaru, feeling this rose, to tuck her in his arms, hoping to calm her so he could bring some sort of sense to the situation. “No! I don’t want to be touched! I won’t accept this.... I ....” the miko’s voice faded. She looked slightly confused before the Taiyoukai was forced to catch her before she hit the floor.
“Once more, my apologies,” the witch piped up. “I drugged her tea. Nothing major, just something that would take affect should she had taken the news the way she did." After a moment’s pause, she added, "By the way you’re free to leave or stay.”
The Taiyoukai snarled at the woman and snapped his jaw for good measure. “Who asked for your interference?” his beast roared. His eyes darted from the miko in her drug induced sleep, to the old woman who had vanished back to the kitchen.
“Do you have any idea how much easier she will be able to think when she wakes? The moment she heard those foul words she went into a frenzy. The drug will keep her calm for hours after the slumber.”
Another growl was aimed at her.
“You should be thanking me but since you’re so damn protective," she mumbled, "I can see how you might think I’m harming her.” The woman gave a slow shake of her head. “My end of the bargain was held,” she whispered gently.
“Take your freedom, our debt is settled,” Sesshomaru barked turning to the exit with his miko cradled closely to his chest.
“I shall do one last favour, since you have been so kind.”
The inu blinked and, found that they were back inside his fortress.
“Pestering witch,” he hissed laying his claim on the bed gently.
As if on cue Seria entered the room with a bow. “Do you need anything Milord?”
“Get out!” he roared.
“Milord?” she was looking to find out what they had learned. She didn’t know how they had returned so fast, the children had only just arrived an hour prior to this moment. However, the intense atmosphere Sesshomaru had encircling him made Seria question her decision in making an appearance.
The Taiyoukai walked over, grasped the female’s arm, and half pushed, half pulled, her out of the room.
“Out! Stay out!” he demanded following the snarl with slamming the door shut.
Seria flinched. She had noticed the miko laying on the bed in a deep sleep. If she didn’t know better she’d say the woman was sleeping by a drug of some sort. After a moment of consideration, she realized the meaning of this fact.
The witch must have tricked him. She thought.
She concluded her lord was suffering from a powerful instinctive protection for his mate-to-be and in his beast’s mind he had failed.
Deciding that returning later when the miko was awake would be best, Seria left to prepare a light meal.
æäæäæäæäæ& auml;
Kagome moaned. Her head felt heavy and fuzzy. Something brushed away a strand of hair that had fallen out of place.
“Sesshomaru?” she could make out his face, closer than usual. Something nagged at her mind but she pushed it away.
“How do you feel?” the inu asked when he noticed her open her eyes.
“I don’t know,” she replied. Her whole body felt numb to everything around her. The woman moved to sit up.
“No, lay here with me a while longer,” he called out. His arms pulled her gently to lay back down, closer to his form.
“Sesshomaru?” she couldn’t put her finger on it but something was wrong. But whatever it was ()she just couldn’t remember.
The inu nuzzled her cheek then kissed her temple closest to him. She laid there, letting her mind wander over thoughts. It was just over fifteen minutes later when the miko began to regain her memories.
“Sesshomaru!” the miko bolted up, “The witch was joking right?” She pleaded with her eyes for him to tell her that what she had heard wasn’t true.
“Not all prophecies come to pass,” he explained. He couldn’t lie to her. He was aware that she trusted him to tell her the truth. The inu also knew she had been lied to too much, and even if it was to help her he wouldn’t cut that thread.
“But most of them do,” she retorted sitting on her knees, facing the inu who was still lying beside her.
“Yes most tend to speak the truth,” he answered.
Kagome was silent. She lowered her head to her hands and let the tears flow freely. “No this is possible,” she sobbed. “I can’t lose you. I just found you.”
Sesshomaru reached out and brushed a finger over the only part of her cheek that was exposed. The miko looked from behind her hands to the inu. She suddenly lunged for him and buried her face in his chest. Her arms wrapped around his neck and he responded by placing his around her waist.
“Don’t fight,” she whispered urgently a few seconds later, “It can’t come true if you don’t fight.”
“I can’t do that,” he replied. “By instinct I would come to your side during battle.”
“But I don’t want you there,” Kagome cried.
“It doesn’t matter. The fact that you are there would draw me to follow.”
“Why?” she demanded.
“My beast cannot stay still when you need to be protected, even more so since you are my claim and not yet my mate,” he explained.
“Then mate with me,” she pulled back slightly to look into Sesshomaru’s eyes.
“I can’t do that either,” he reminded her, “I can only take you as mine fully during mid-spring when I go into heat. Beside you haven’t received your last gift.”
“What is it?”
Sesshomaru sat up and pulled the miko at arm’s length. “I dare not continue this Kagome,” he replied with a serious tone. “I won’t be the reason you suffer after my death." He paused for a moment, before looking up to meet her eyes. "I will not finish this courtship.”
“You can’t decided what will make me sad and what won’t!” she screamed as the tears flowed once again. “I love you damn it, and that won’t change by a simple cowardice act. If you left now and then died I would still hurt probably more so than if you stayed with me. I ... I love you too much,” she whispered the last bit. “Sesshomaru, I don’t want anyone else in my life. Please, isn’t there some way around these stupid mating rules?”
“Once the last gift is given a female is technically allow to sleep with her chosen and he could mark her but it wouldn’t be permanent until the male’s heat.”
“Then do that,” Kagome replied determine.
“Because it might throw the universe off a bit,” she answered dead serious.
“How do you figure?” he arched an eyebrow actually curious about the miko’s logic.
“It’s not something that you would usually do so it might not have been anticipated,” she stated, a little calmer.
Sesshomaru shook his head, “No,” he whispered and retreated from the bed heading to his desk.
“Why not?!” she shouted, her eyes followed him.
“There’s a high possibility that what you say is true but there is something else, something you told me earlier this month, that also has a high possibility,” the comment was half under his breath.
“What’s that?”
“You could very well be my soul mate,” he answered.
“But that kind of thing doesn’t happen.”
“It’s a rare occurrence but it’s the only explanation.”
“Explanation for what?”
“This is my life we speak about. My beast should be in a rage upon hearing that someone, something, has predicted it’s defeat, but instead it worries. Do you know what it worries about?”
This question was posed at her with a direct stare. Kagome shook her head.
Sesshomaru didn’t say anything more for a few moments. Then, he continued.
“If my death means you live Kagome than I would be happy to give it,” his tone was filled with resolution. It was the answer he had been seeking all this time. How much did the miko mean to him? “You are my life, and without you I can’t see any meaning for continuing to live such an unnaturally long time.”
“But if we are soul mates than why would that impact this more. It gives you more reason to live doesn’t it?”
“Actually it’s quite the opposite,” Sesshomaru sighed. “If we are indeed intended for one another upon our coupling we would be bound as one. We live as one. We die as one. If I mate with you and then die you would die with me,” he explained.
“And I’m okay with that,” she answered jumping from the bed and kneeling between the inu’s knees as he sat in his chair.
“But I can’t live with the thought that I would be the cause of your death.”
“And I don’t want to live without you,” she snapped.
“You have the pups that wouldn’t be able to lose both of us. Instead of thinking for ourselves and our comforts we must consider the feelings of those around us too,” he answered, no longer looking at the miko.
Kagome went silent. She had grown accustomed to thinking a little less selfishly but all at once she realized that Sesshomaru was right. Her temper flared. She wasn’t mad at the inu because this wasn’t his fault and she vaguely pointed out that she wasn’t to blame either. But with no one to hold responsible she had no other object to take out her frustration on.
The miko needed a way to release her anger. Despite knowing she'd regret it later, Kagome stood up and slapped the inu’s face with her flat palm, knocking it to the side. Then she stormed out of the room to her own, where she cried and cried until she fell asleep from exhaustion.
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Wow this popped up on the page before I even realized what I was writing (by the way this is new material I have official passed the area where I lost all my stories.) I have really decided how the end will turn out to be so don’t ask me if he will actually die or not, I will decide when the time comes.
Ja ne?Angelic Memories?
Little Red – Yes indeed… I do have something planned for him. Although I wonder how many people will hate me when they learn what it is!... Oh well, thanks for the review.
Darkened Demoness – My many thanks for your review and I quite agree with you. It’s depressing to how she get to see him and not us…