InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine!! ❯ Scroll Twenty-Four: A Misplaced Soul ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Thanks to Hanyou Fox Girl and Golden Eye Girl for bet'ing!!

Disclaimer: As usual I tell you that Inuyasha is not mine and make no money from this story!!

Scroll Twenty-Four: A Misplaced Soul
Kagome woke with dread so heavy in her heart it carried to her stomach. As she was shuffling around her room, intentionally seeing to her morning rituals at a slow pace, Seria entered silently and Kagome could sense the fear in her aura.
“Milady, may I ask you something?” she inquired after a moment of uncomfortable quiet that was completely unusual.
Seria could hear her almost snap.
“I wished to understand what’s going on. Sesshomaru-sama refuses to leave his study or be interrupted in any way. His disposition is... reflecting a mood we call ‘before Rin’. His general, Jeri -a long time friend of Sesshomaru- nearly lost his head, and it would seem like you might know the reason for his change.”
“If he has chosen not to tell you then it is not my right to intrude on his personal opinion about the matter in the least. I think it would be best for him to explain anyway.”
“Of course, how silly of me,” Seria mumbled.
“Seria, is he still there?” the miko asked a little less irritation in her voice replaced with something that sounded a lot like sympathy.
“Yes,” she replied. Her head bobbed with the small nod.
“Send the pups there,” Kagome replied.
“For what purpose and reason?”
“Rin will think of something,” the miko answered after a few seconds of thought.
“As you wish.”
And the youkai left, knowing you mustn’t ever question the lady when it came to certain things.
æäæäæäæäæ& auml;
Kagome entered the dining hall to find that it was empty. Completely empty, not even the meal had been placed at the table. A little curious she was about to head to the small, usually overlooked, door to the kitchen when a voice called out to her.
“This way okaa-san,” Rin tugged on her sleeve.
“Where is everyone?”
“You’ll see,” the girl giggled. “Come on.”
The miko followed the child out into the hall and towards the direction of Sesshomaru’s study, “Rin?”
“Sesshomaru-sama says he has work and won’t eat with us so I made a picnic. We’ll go to him,” the girl smiled brightly.
Kagome smirked sadly and let the small child drag her into the room facing the inu for the first time since last night’s incident which she remembered vividly.
The inu was behind his desk and looked up as a new arrival was added to the small group that had bombarded his private area. He held back a growl, taking notice this was easier than usual for some reason. Out of the corner of his eyes he watched the pups giggling. A sad smile settled for only a moment. He couldn’t let himself think about the fact that he would leave this realm without producing an heir. He didn’t want to think about leaving his pack in the hands of another. But whenever he thought about all this he reminded himself that it was for his love, and if given the chance he was sure he would do it all again.
The miko’s emerald orbs moved upwards on their own accord and before she could pull them off the inu’s form they locked on with his eyes. If it weren’t for the presence of the children she was sure she would have cried again. She wanted to be strong, like him, and accept his decision to go through with it but she couldn’t stop the immense sorrow filling her chest. Her attention was drawn away from the Taiyoukai when Shippo asked her a question.
For a little over an hour the children distracted her until it was time for them to head to the library for their studies. Kagome waited until they were a fair distance away before shutting the door. She could feel eyes on her and wasn’t surprise to find the inu staring at her when she turned to face him.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered dropping her eyes to the ground.
“For what?” he averted his gaze to the parchement and ink in his hands.
“Slapping you,” she mumbled taking a few steps closer to the desk.
“I probably deserved it,” he stated after a moment of hesitation, “if not now then in the future.”
“Please accept the time I am given and let things play out the way they will,” he cut, in wishing to drop the subject.
“I have a question,” she asked. The woman had moved to stand next to him as he wrote but she didn’t read whatever was scribbled over the surface.
He didn’t look at her.
“Can you... sleep with someone without mating them?”
The Taiyoukai stilled, a little concerned with where the topic was going. “Why?”
“If you can, then I want you to finish courting me, and then take my body,” she whispered.
“Do you realize what you are asking?”
“Yes,” her voice was filled with determination.
The inu pushed his chair back a couple of inches and dragged the miko into his lap. He didn’t say a thing at first but he then answered her question with: “My last gift to you is Fulfilment. Ask of me any request and I will grant it to you.”
“Yes... except I will not mate you for the reason I spoke to you about last night.”
“Then my request is for you to live,” she replied confidently.
“Kagome,” he warned sternly.
“Fine...” Kagome shifted through her mind until something struck her. “Marry me,” she requested, “that way we aren’t actually mated, but I can still claim you as mine and you can claim me as yours.”
Sesshomaru smirked. He knew she wouldn’t ask for something any other female would want. He was also aware how determined she was. He wouldn’t let her know, but he was determined himself. Sesshomaru wasn’t giving in without a fight.
“Very well, but you will have to see to the arrangements, for I know nothing of human traditions.”
“I’ll talk to Seria,” she whispered and gently tilted her head up to kiss the inu’s lips softly. “I love you,” she added when she pulled away.
“You told me that already.”
He saw no reason why she would have to repeat those words when she had already said them to him once.
“I’m just reminding you,” she explained.
“There’s no...” Just leave it! His beast interrupted. “Never mind.”
æäæäæäæäæ& auml;
“This whole thing is fascinating Milord,” his general pointed out while helping him straighten his attire. “To think that humans have such complicated ways when it comes to mating, I never would have thought they would go through all this.”
“Hn,” the inu replied while looking into the long mirror in his room. The colours of his house had always reflected well on his being.
According to Jeri the miko had chosen to use the house colours in the event instead of traditional colours, whatever they were. Sesshomaru was also required to choose a best man -as he was told- to accompany him. The only one he trusted to participate in the event was his general, whom he had grown up with.
“Why are you doing this anyway Milord?”
“Fulfilment,” was all he said.
“She requested a human wedding rather than some sort of gem located on the other side of the world, or some other thing of significant value?”
“Is there something wrong with that?” the inu barked drawing away from the mirror. He had yet to tell any of the household any of the prophecy he was told of. It had only been a week though so he had assumed he had plenty of time to fess up later... much later.
“No of course not, it’s just unusual. But then again, Milady is not a usual woman. This morning for example I heard her crying. I didn’t know she could do that, she’s usually so...”
Jeri was interrupted when the Taiyoukai sped pass him to the door leading to the miko’s room.
He knocked three times and when he tried the knob he found it locked. He hadn’t heard her cry. They had been separated all day most of the morning because it was some sort of bad omen or something. The miko stayed between the hot spring and her room, while he was in his study until half an hour ago.
“Sesshomaru-sama, Milady would kindly like to remind you that you are unable to see each other until the ceremony,” Seria came to the main door who wasn’t dressed in her usual working clothes.
“Why was she crying earlier?” he growled.
“She’s overjoyed it would seem.”
Sesshomaru couldn’t sense deception and accepted the answer. Now he only had to find out if the miko had told the youkai the truth. He had assumed his claim had stopped shedding tears for his sake about the event to come and he didn’t want her depressed any longer so he had taken to cuddling her every time she did cry, after a couple days her aura remained saddened but her tears stopped. Jeri would have been unaware of this though, since he was not permitted in the palace or near the family rooms too often.
“Don’t worry you’ll see her soon,” the female mumbled walking away.
“Not soon enough it would seem,” Jeri remarked when the inu started pacing. Sesshomaru growled at the statement.
A short time later Rin, dressed in a beautiful kimono knocked on the door and told her lord it was time to come down to the ball room where the wedding would take place as well as the reception. He waited near the monk who would be performing the vows for the ceremony. Miroku and Sango and Kaede were the only humans there. Sesshomaru had given Kagome permission to invite anyone she wished but she explained that there were only three outside of the palace. Other than that a few members of his court that Kagome was familiar with attended, and the household staff that, again Kagome was comfortable with.
Rin, not only flower girl but also dictating organizer, cleared her throat loudly to grab everyone’s attention. “Please take your seats,” she said firmly. “We will now proceed.”
Soft music flowed through the room and Sesshomaru couldn’t pull his eyes away from the door where his miko would walk through. And then they opened, and there she was standing in a sea of material. Her simple kimono she had wanted turned into something more complex when Sango had come. The slayer and her had been fighting in the library the other day over what she would wear. Finally the miko had to surrender and promised she would wear the kimono that Sango had brought with her. It had been her mother’s and Sango hadn’t been able to wear it because of her now swollen belly.
The ceremony flowed beautifully. The inu was unable to take his eyes off the miko for even a second. As they spoke their last vows he leaned in and gently kissed her lips to signify their first public act of affection as a couple.
The rest of the evening was spent drinking, eating, dancing (even Sesshomaru danced once with his miko and proved to be very good at ball room dancing) and talking.
Near midnight the pups were carried to their beds one by one. One miko yawned widely and complained she was tired too. The inu arranged her in his arms and carried her up the stairs. He was about to enter her room when she shook her head and pointed to his room. “I want to stay with you tonight,” she whispered.
“Kagome you heard the witch, not here or...”
“I know but I want to be near you,” she replied urgently, “Please.”
Not too half-heartedly the Taiyoukai entered his room and placed the miko in his bed. “Turn around,” she told him.
“This is my room,” he teased, but did as asked and turned his back to the woman. Material silk sliding over silk and skin reached his ears. His manhood throbbed but he willed it away. He wouldn’t risk his household.
Kagome eliminated most of her layers and tucked herself under the covers. “Okay,” she signalled she was finished.
Sesshomaru pivoted on his feet. Carefully he pulled at his robes and, without any shame, disrobed before the woman’s eyes leaving only his hakamas, which he was tempted to rid himself of since he was accustomed to wearing nothing to bed. The miko had noticed that the only time his fluffy white pelt left his person was at night when he was certain he wouldn’t be leaving the family rooms until the next day. She of course inquired why, and its importance but received no answer.
Kagome attempted to focus on anything other than the nearly naked form she was growing accustomed to in front of her. She closed her eyes and didn’t open them until she felt the weight on the bed signalling the inu was positioning himself under the covers. The Taiyoukai pulled her close to find an ear to whisper into.
“Stop smelling so good my angel,” his voice was husky and low.
“I can’t help it,” she answered truthfully; “It’s all your fault.”
Sesshomaru swallowed the lump in his throat. He couldn’t remember the last time he was this nervous. He wanted the miko, He wanted her now. Technically he could have her but there was that chance that her power would lash out. A chance that he thought to be slim...
“Kagome how well do you trust yourself,” he asked.
“What do you mean?” she asked not moving an inch. She was comfortably resting her head on Sesshomaru’s shoulder with an arm laying lazily over her, dare she say, husband’s waist.
“Do you truly believe you can control your power to its full extent?”
The woman knew what he was getting at. “I think so,” she answered with a small voice, “you taught me not to let anything get the best of me no matter what.”
“That’s right... no matter what,” he repeated and let a tongue trail over her ear. “I want you, my angel.”
“Then take me,” she offered her neck.
“No Kagome, don’t do that,” he told her, “don’t bare your neck to me now,” the inu explained further.
His hand wandered over a hip and followed the curve of her belly upwards. Slowly, he pressed his palm firmly against the covered breast. The soft mound was manipulated easily in his hand, meaning the miko had taken off any sort of support she had been wearing earlier.
His eyes wandered over her angelic face observing as she bit her bottom lip nervously yet her eyes greeted him with a mysterious confidence. The Taiyoukai quickly turned the miko flat on her back with his form moving over to cover her. He straddled her waist, one hand tugged at the yukata she wore; the other massaged the other breast. His mouth claimed the appendage the miko had teased him with and he gently nibbled it before breeching the woman’s sealed lips with his tongue.
The miko groaned lowly and her arms, wrapped around the inu’s neck and tangled in his hair, yanked him closer.
“Sesshomaru,” she whispered almost urgently.
As the tie he was working on came loose the Taiyoukai pulled away to kneel above his beauty’s glorious body now exposed to him for the first time. The air in the room was chilled compared to their heating bodies so as the silk material moved away from her breast the rosy nipples hardened. Kagome twitched uncomfortably while the male simply stared at her from above.
“Please don’t,” she stated covering her chest with her arms, “its nerve racking.”
Sesshomaru growled and pushed her arms away and pinned them above her head. “Mine,” he groaned, leaning in to slip one erect nipple into his warm -almost hot- mouth.
The woman gasped, arching slightly at the touch. She was proving to be very sensitive the inu noted. He released the woman’s hands to free his own. One glided nearer to the treasure he sought, but their current arrangement made it hard for him to get any further down her waist. Taking a moment to control his own throbbing desire Sesshomaru shifted his position allowing him to slide between the woman’s legs. With the long, slender limbs spread he was able to grind his covered length over her womanhood once, twice, thrice. Fire burnt an inferno of heat which pooled between her legs and left her feeling like she was drowning in sensations the inu was creating. The action had her cry out a little louder than before. He slid a hand between their frames to use a finger to glide over her feminine folds finding the little hidden bead in her sea of wetness, as he took the other breast into his mouth to lick a circle around the areola.
“Ah,” Kagome cried out with the shiver that penetrated her core.
Mindful of his claws the inu dipped a finger into her cavern gently, testing her reaction. The warm heat and the drenched walls that greeted his finger tip caused him to groan and release his hold on her tit as he stiffened further. He clenched his teeth as his member strained further against its obstruction. Kagome closed her eyes for the first time, losing herself in the feeling crawling all through her nerves. She felt Sesshomaru’s kiss upon her lips and opened her mouth to let him explore as much as he wished. His finger plunged deeply into her and shortly after, a second joined the first slowly stretching her cavern. He listened as her breathing quickened. He could feel the pounding of her heart her moans were emitting from her more frequently. When he stopped and pulled away from the kiss Kagome opened her eyes with a disappointed groan. She could feel a need wash over her but as the Taiyoukai stopped that want simmered down a notch and this wasn’t what she craved for.
Sesshomaru noticed the emerald eyes had clouded over slightly. The moment was beginning to wash over her slowly. He drew his fingers near his mouth and taking care not to lose her eye sight he lick the two digits completely clean. With her essence now on his lips and soaked into every pore of his mouth he once again claimed her mouth letting her taste herself. He slid his heavy form downwards with every intention to taste the nectar that he had sampled.
While trailing his tongue along the valley between her breasts on his descend, the miko let out an excruciating scream.
Frightful he had triggered something Sesshomaru pulled away fully ensuring his skin no longer lingered over hers. Yet the screaming didn’t cease in volume in the least. A little frantic the Taiyoukai began to rise to fetch the old miko whom was the only guest staying near the family rooms. However said woman entered the room without hesitation followed by the slayer who must have been with the woman for no human would have been able to travel from the guest wing of the palace. The inu could tell the monk was nearby too but the women must have told him maintain his distance for he didn’t near the door.
“What’s wrong?” Sango asked rushing past Kaede to the miko on the bed, “What did you do?”
Sesshomaru pulled her yukata close and grew thankful that humans didn’t have a powerful sense of smell. Although it wouldn’t have mattered since it was obvious what would have occurred if given the chance.
“Don’t blame Sesshomaru, he couldn’t have predicted this,” Kaede told the slayer.
The inu snarled loudly, he didn’t like the intrusion of his room, even though he needed them for answers. He didn’t like the sound being emitted from his miko, and he didn’t like sitting there doing nothing to help.
“It would seem that sister has finally passed to the realm where she belongs and with her second death the part of Kagome’s soul she held was release,” the old miko began to explain, all the while weaving a strong, thick barrier around the screaming woman. “I believe the soul was with too far to find the miko on its own, or it has been away for so long its become confused, or someone has found it and taken it before it could make its way back to the miko.” Kaede finished what she was doing and looked over the youkai.
The inu was a little more at ease since whatever the old woman had done had quieted his woman. “Sesshomaru this will tear her sanity apart if she stays in this state for too long. It 's possible she won’t even wake until she has her soul returned to her. Ye must heed my warning and make sure she remains in this barrier her soul is returned to her.”
“To the north,” the inu asked, and it remarkably sounded like a statement, something he was known for.
His cold hard mask was now in place, showing no emotion, though both women knew his beast was probably running rampant in his mind.
“Yes to the north,” Kaede established.
“Will you attend to the pups until our return?” Sesshomaru requested with a hidden meaning behind the words.
“I had every intention to do just that,” the woman smiled. “Sango and I will dress the miko while you prepare.”
Sesshomaru’s brow furrowed to some extent at the remark.
“It will be best to use every second wisely,” the old woman stated. “Just bring her over here to her room,” Kaede rebutted.
Fearing that there wasn’t any time to waste the inu willingly went along with the woman and brought Kagome to her room before returning to his own and entering his closet. In no time he was in his usual armour and weapon laden attire. A few minutes later Sango and Kaede were watching a flying orb depart from the balcony. Miroku entered the room a moment later.
“What's going on?” he posed moving to stand next to his wife.
“Sesshomaru went with Kagome to fetch her soul,” Sango replied. “Kaede bravely told him what to do,” she added with a gulp.
“No, I made a suggestion and offered advice. It would be wise to remember ye never tell an inu what to do, especially if his claim or pups are involved.”
“When will they be back?” he asked.
“Kagome’s been quite sad lately. Maybe Sesshomaru will catch on and spend some alone time with her,” Sango mumbled.
“What ye suggest won’t cure the child’s sorrow,” the old miko whispered.
“Kaede?” two voices reached her ears, one from each side.
“Kagome told me she didn’t want anyone to worry over her but she wanted to make sure that someone who wasn’t involved knew.”
“Knew what Kaede?” Sango stepped to stand in front of the elder.
“Sesshomaru’s death has been predicted. The inu will die while fighting Naraku,” she answered obediently.
“Says who,” Sango cried out in pain for her friend, sister, and travelling companion.
“Prophecies for youkai tend to come from an old witch who goes by many names,” Miroku cut in, his voice a little weak.
“If Kagome’s dream she told ye Sango is true, than only one will return after tonight,” Kaede stated after a moment.
“What? Tonight?”
Both Sango and Miroku were shocked although the monk remained silent.
“There’s no moon tonight. Before you do anything rash, remember Sango ye have a child to bare, and I highly doubt anyone will catch up in time anyway. Besides the battle might not stay where ever it starts. There’s a chance Naraku will send his minions after the young ones to use as leverage,” Kaede turned to leave the room. “It is best to stay here.”
“Is that what Sesshomaru meant when he asked you to stay?” Sango asked but she received no answer.
æäæäæäæäæ& auml;
Seria, hidden beside the door let a tear fall from her cheeks. The attitude change, the tension, the miko’s random outburst, everything was now explained. She understood why they didn’t tell her and surprisingly she wasn’t upset for that reason. The thought of losing her lord was heartbreaking. Silently she slipped away before the old miko and her lady’s friends noticed her. She needed comfort from her husband and it would be best that he knew anyway. As Sesshomaru’s general it would be Jeri’s duty to see to any battle that would make it’s ways to the palace walls in the absents of the Western Lord and she was certain that he would need time to take in the situation before setting up the perimeter to protect the pups.
æäæäæäæäæ& auml;
Sesshomaru felt there was no time to think about what he was getting into. He concentrated on reducing his form and the woman in his arms into an energy creating a orb, glowing white. His speed in this structure would remain unmatched as he streaked across the sky towards the area Kaede directed. In less than half an hour he could feel something that felt very much like his miko. Altering his appearance back to his humanoid figure the inu landed on the field below.
Night jasmines carry a strong scent that can cover almost anything, and they were blanketed over the entire clearing so it took a moment before the Taiyoukai realized that there was someone familiar was nearby.
“Show yourself Inuyasha,” the inu barked. The faint hint of malevolence was almost missed.
“Feh, figures you’d be nearby,” the hanyou stepped from behind a tree a few seconds later, “What do you want?” The black hair and clawless hands told the inu there was no moon tonight. “What’s wrong with Kagome?”
“Where’s the clay pot?”
“Ashes, nothing but ashes,” he mumbled but he rephrased his unanswered question again this time in a growl: “What’s wrong with Kagome?”
“Where’s her soul the foul miko stole? Kagome needs it to be returned.”
Sesshomaru questioned why he had to explain things to the unworthy being. But then again the half breed would be the only one who knew the exact area the living dead miko had made her death bed.
“It left, flew off in this direction. I assumed to Kagome, but Kikyou said it felt... like someone tugging it away before she passed,” Inuyasha offered, surprising the Taiyoukai.
“Naraku has it,” a voice cut in from behind. The inu noticed Inuyasha darted his gaze over his right shoulder. Pivoting, sword drawn, Sesshomaru came face to face with their visitor: “Well he had it until a few moments ago.”
Blood mixed in the scent of the flowers made Sesshomaru's nose itch in annoyance. The fragrance didn’t mix well. The wind witch before him grasped a jar in one hand, its contents a small shimmering blue and white sphere. Her other hand held the deep wound of her chest. In his arm the miko groaned loudly and an arm reached out towards Kagura. The sleep that Kagome was in didn’t stop the piece of soul she did have from reaching out for its other half. The little circle of light went in mad circles in the jar as a slender hand reached for it. Again the miko groaned and this time she kicked violently, trying to reach the ground.
The wind witch immediately tossed the jar and collapsed to the floor of the clearing in a heap. “To think that I would do something so stupid after finally obtaining my own heart,” she whispered.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Sesshomaru’s curiosity was peaked as he caught the trapped misplaced soul.
“I can’t stand Naraku. I’ve never wanted to be a part of his plans. But he forced me, and took my heart to control me. When I saw what he did to the miko I... I cowardly hid in the corner and did nothing,” her final confession was slow and came in gasps. “My freedom and my own will came to me when I received my heart. Naraku could see the deception in my eyes for sometime so he left me to die. Instead of finding something to consume, which would save my life, I went straight for the room where he stored his possessions and knew right away what this was. I’m certain he is well aware by now that I’ve stolen the soul he just obtained. I’ve done too much to be redeemed in the next life but I hope it can convert my image in the eyes of Kagome.”
Sesshomaru looked down to the miko. Her arm was slowly clawing his arm holding the jar. He melted the glass and watched the little glowing ball flutter over the miko’s chest. Kagome wrapped her arms around her upper body where it hovered as if hugging herself. Just as the misplaced soul sunk back to its rightful place Kagome opened her eyes.
“Sesshomaru?” the miko looked about. “What’s going on?” She noted the wind witch in front of them and Inuyasha behind them, then stilled for a moment: “Sesshomaru?” she clutched her chest.
She felt whole. “Thank you,” she whispered. For some reason she knew exactly who had brought the fragmented piece of her. As her soul returned to her so did the events that had passed with it. “Kagura thank you,” she replied a little louder.
Inuyasha stepped towards the miko. “Kagome? I...” but he wasn’t able to finish.
A powerful form hidden in the shadows all caught their attention. In a sudden blast of miasma the wind witch was no more. Kagome looked up at the sky, and to the inu who had just placed her on her own feet. The dream, the message, this was the beginning.
“Tonight you die,” Sesshomaru hissed confidently, malice flooding his voice.
Swallowing the lump in her throat the miko forced herself to believe in the chance that the prophecy could be changed in Sesshomaru’s favour.
“Inuyasha stand back,” the miko ordered, “You can’t help in that form,” she pointed out before he could make an objection.
The hanyou didn’t take this lightly but did as he was told, obeying the miko for once. Hidden in the trees he watched and waited. Kagome’s power, he noticed, had grown considerably. He wished he had realized this sooner but it wasn’t the time to feel sorry for himself. The rest of her soul brought even more power to her side and control over her aura was amplified extraordinarily. In no time it was apparent that she alone was giving Narakua run for his money. As much as he didn’t want to admit it he had to say the miko and the Taiyoukai made a formidable team.
With this thought he began to slowly accept his fate. Kagome was never his to claim in the first place, she belonged to his hated half brother. She belonged to the terrible Taiyoukai who took care of her far better than he ever did. She belonged with the one person who probably loved her the most, but would never voice it.
“Damn you Sesshomaru,” he whispered with defeat.

Ja ne?Angelic Memories?©2009
Little_Red – lol I know what you mean about being to lazy to log-in. I do that a lot. Anyway, thanks for your advice. I tend to write children’s stories, for my younger siblings mainly so I that aspect of repetition tends to come out sometimes when I don’t want it to. So I will watch for that. Thanks!!
Loretta537- A lot of people have told me that he can die for a few seconds or something of that sort. I find it fascinating to hear the many people’s ideas. So thanks for giving me your own opinion.