InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine From The Start ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


I don't own inuyasha characters

'Oh boy here goes another boring dull stupid day trying to run away from Hojo UGH!' thought Kagome a 17 year old highschooler .


Kagome is a very nice person. Anyone around her could tell,unless you got on her bad side. If you did a certain fire woke up in clear grey eyes. Growing up in a shrine she learned how to defend herself courtesy of her late father. Her father passed away when she was twelve but not before he taught her everything he knew, since he had run a dojo on the shrine ground since before she was born.


She had to keep up with her self defense techniques simply because some men didn’t know what “No” meant. She had a lot of admirers with her long black hair that reached the small of her back, it shone with a blue tint in the sun. She had round grey eyes that sat above her small pert nose. Full round lips that naturally shone pink. Her body was a beacon to guys around her. Round pert breast that tapered to her narrow waist before flaring out to her rounded bottom. Shapely legs that went on for days.  She was the envy of her friends. But she was blissfully unaware of her looks, no matter how many necks she broke simply walking down the street.


KAGOME!!! Called her mom "IT'S TIME TO GET TO SCHOOL!!!"


"Coming, coming just wait a minute" she sighed. She got dressed in her semi baggy black pants and fav black mid drift. She clasped a silver necklace that had a small pink orb around her neck. It was a gift from her father before he died. He gave it to her when she mastered her black belt to say how proud he was of her. Unfortunately less than a month after that he died under very suspicious circumstances.


Kagome grabbed her back pack off the hook by her door and jogged down stairs to see her mother in the kitchen cleaning up after cooking breakfast. On the table say a plate of eggs and a stack of pancakes. Her little brother Souta already sat at the table, getting ready to take the first bite out of his pancake.


Souta was a young boy even though you called him that with his deep brown eyes shown with what could only be described as youthful anger. At 13 years old he was just growing into himself. Brown hair cut short to just around his ears and a face similar to that of his sister. If one looked really really close you might even see a ghost of mustache. Well that is what he said anyways.


With a smirk Kagome walked quietly behind Souta and snatched the pancake away taking a large bite completely ignoring her brothers ignant yell. Their mother turned around at the yell to see Souta standing up trying to reach for his precious pancake while Kagome calmly munched holding her brother away with one hand.


“Kagome! It's too early for you to be picking on him!” She chided


“ How can you expect me to go to school and learn if i don't gas up in the morning mom?” Kagome said with her eyes nice and round in feigned innocence.


“There's a whole stack right there!! What are you blind??” Screamed Souta still trying to reach for his pancake.


“ Well then you won't miss this one.” Kagome smirked as she took another bite of her concur.


“ Your such a b-” A quick glare from his mother “ Beautiful individual” He plopped back down with a pout and grabbed another pancake from the stack.


“That's what i thought oh loving brother of mine” Kagome grinned in victory. Then stooped to pick up and shoulder her backpack.


“Leaving already Kagome” Her mother inquired.


“Yea i have a math test this morning. Want to get a few more minutes of studying in” Kagome grumbled ‘ I hate math…”


“OK dear, good luck”


“Later mom” Kagome placed a soft kiss on her mother's cheek and popped Souta on the head ignoring his yell and skipped out the door.


She set a brisk pace off the school, walking the 7 blocks till she reached the large building. ‘ Tokyo High School’  was placard about the school building


Jogging inside and finding her math class she quickly slid into her seat noticing she was the only present. ‘ Hmm...guess I got here quicker than I thought. Might as well start studying’ . Taking out and cracking open her text book she quickly lost herself in a world of numbers and symbols that had little meaning to her.

 15 minutes must have passed before students started trickling into the classroom, shortly followed by her teacher. She put the time on the board as students took out their writing supplies.


“ Ok class you will have an hour to complete your test if your done before than your free to go before your next class goes”


With a huge sigh Kagome received her test packet ‘Gods be with me…’


 Kagome managed to finish in 40 minutes and after handing in her test she got her stuff and left the classroom. ‘ might as well take my time before my next class’


 She slowly wandered the hallways, her mind going elsewhere. What she was thinking about was her life right now she felt like something big was about to happen but couldn't place a finger on it. Her life was pretty much the same thing every day. Wake up, go to school, avoid hojo, go home, attempt to do her homework, go to sleep. Speaking of Hojo….


She was jerked out of her thoughts.  She heard his steps before she saw him. A Hand was placed on her shoulder making her quickly turn around to be met with mud brown eyes. Kagome found herself face to face with Hojo. He wasn't bad lookin at all; she just honestly wasn't interested. If only he could see that..


“ Good morning Kagome” he beamed at her with a huge smile that made her flinch on the inside.


“ Good morning Hojo…” She said with a monotone voice


Not thrown off at all with her tone he continued to smile in her face. “ I was wondering if you were free this friday after school, maybe we could grab a movie together”


By this time Kagome 's mind was screaming 'No! Get over it I don't like you, what do I have to do to get threw your head' but of course she sighed and said "Sorry hojo no thanks but really ...just don't" kagome said while trying not to strangle the boy.


And the annoying boy said "oh it's okay how about another time then"


Kagome was about to yell at him but as calmly as possible said "I'll think about it" 'NOT'


"Alright" said Hojo, not seeing the annoyed look on her face.


Not wanting to  stay and talk to him any longer Kagome quickly turned around and walked to her next class


(Skip to lunch)


"Hey Yuka" said Kagome as she watched her friend sit down across from her.


"Hey Kagome, what was that little talk I saw you have with Hojo in the hallway?"


 ‘ How the hell did she see me’ Kagome sighed "what else? Same like always, he asked me out and I turned him down" she said bluntly like they should have known which they should have.


"WHAT!" screamed Eri appalled "Why do you do that he's the most popular guy in school"


"Why do we always go through this so what if he's popular cause I can't care less besides he's too dense." growled Kagome, her eye starting to twitch.


"Well do you realize that soon you're going to lose his affection if you don't react" said the jealous Yuka


"Yeah, well I'm counting the days till he does, so can we please just drop the subject" said a annoyed Kagome


"Whatever" they all said a once. Kagome just sighed and continued to not pay attention to whatever they were talking about. She loved them she did but all  they do is talk about boys and she would rather not.


The day went on the same as always.  Dodging from hojo and back talk from so called friends and escaping detention from deranged teachers.


Kaogme was on her way home from school when someone rudely called her name saying "hagome" she didn't need to turn around to know who it was. The one woman she hated with a passion. Kikyo.


Kagome whipped her head around and promptly glared.


"Kikyo" Kagome growled. Noticing the man who was beside her.


“Soooo happy I ran into you. Wanted you to meet my RICH new boyfriend. His name is Naraku, Just wanted to show you what a real man looks like”  Kikyo could have passed for her twin if it wasn't for a few HUGE differences. For one Kikyo’s hair was bone straight whereas Kagome’s had a slight wavy pattern. Kikyo’s eyes were grey like Kagome’s but were dull and cold.


Kikyo wore a way too  short red leather skirt with white mid drift that could have passed as a bra with calf high black boots. This Naraku guy whose arm she clung to ‘ yuck’  was wearing a loose black t-shirt with dark denim jeans. His Hair was long and inky black put in a high ponytail. His eyes were a deep magenta that once they settled on Kagome ran the length of her body lighting with disgusting lust.


"Oh.Wow.Kikyo what's that the fifth this month? Let's hope he lasts longer" Kagome said casually, trying to avoid Naraku who she could feel was undressing her with his eyes.


"Whatever loser. I just wanted to say not to try messing with him. He's mine, ``Kikyo said with a cruel smirk on her face.


While this was happening Naraku was thinking' This woman…. I can feel her miko energy radiating off her. If I could harness that power I could destroy Inuyasha's crew once and for all.........not to mention that this woman is exceedingly beautiful. I could have fun with her' Dark thoughts started swirling around in his mind.


"oh don't worry. I don't take what's been contaminated by you.Well I I'm pretty bored here so goodbye bitch and Naraku try not to get aids" with that parting insult kagome made her exit leaving a fuming Kikyo and a planning Naraku behind


Well that's the first chapter. More of an intro to Kagome second is coming PLEASE REVIEW FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THIS IS MY FIRST STORY!!!!!!!