InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine, Tonight And Forever ❯ It Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mine, tonight and forever
Summery: This is a Sesshomaru Rin lemon, Sesshomaru has decided that Rin will be his this very night and she is not disagreeing. Read and see what happens ^.^
Disclaimer: I do not own Sesshomaru or Rin or any other characters that might pop up in this story.
A/N: this is my first lemon and I would love to get feed back with anything I did wrong or where I should improve on things.
Chapter 1: It begins
Sesshomaru walked through the forest quietly. Thoughts ran though his head and all about Rin. He sniffed the air and found that she was still near the hot spring where he left her. she was now 17 and very beautiful. She was about and foot and a half shorted then him. Her long dark brown hair was just past her mid-back and slightly curled at the end. She had long grown out of the hair style she had when she was about 10. He liked her hair now, freely flowing down her back. Her chest had filled out and her stomach was flat. She had a slight curve on her hip and long slender legs. She was perfect in his eyes and she would be his.
As he got closer to the spring he picked up the sent of her heat. This was not the first time he had smelled it but as she got older it was more intoxicating and driving him wild. By now he would have made some excuse to leave for a few days leaving Jaken to look after her or leave her at the castle. He would never go far though, he stayed where it didn't affect him as much but he could still watch her. he had killed many demon that had come after her without her even knowing they were there. No other male would have her and he would make sure of that. Since she was 14 demons had been coming to claim her and he had killed them all.
He leaned against a tree just off to the side of the spring but still hidden behind a bush and many trees. He watched her sit there for a moment before she dove under the water. He moved a bit closer well she was under and watched her. When she came up he couldn't help but stare at her chest. Yes she had grown. Her breasts were nice and full but not too big. He smiled as he though that she was going to be his and no man would ever touch her but him. He took off his armor and laid it against the tree and curled his boa up near that. He leaned against the tree and watched her again.
She sat on a rock near the edge again and rang out her hair and put it up neatly. She sank down a bit and sat in the warm water humming to her self. He moved from his hiding spot and slowly walked to her so that she could see him when he made his presence known. She had her eyes closed and arms at her side. He cleared his throat and looked at her and she sat up suddenly and covered her chest. He smirked to himself and moves closer to her. She thought he looked weird without his armor and wondered where it was. Was he in a fight with a demon and lost it.
“Sesshomaru-Sama, are you alright? where is your armor” She looked him over for any other things out of place. Her deep brown eyes searched every inch of him and found his boa missing as well.
“I am fine Rin” He moved to stand next to her on the shore and looked down at her and she blushed and slowly got out of the water. He had seen her before and she wasn't scared but he was watching her this time. Did he know what she had done few nights ago or that she loved him more then a father figure?
She moved to get her kimono and he walked up behind her quietly and wrapped his arms around her waist tightly so she could not pull away but not hurting her. she gasped and looked over her shoulder at him and he had his eyes closed and his nose in the crook of her neck, she said nothing and he held her naked body close to his. Then he licked at the droops of water sliding down her neck and she shivered and wondered what was going on.
“Ses…sesshomaru sama” She said shakily. He didn't answer her right away and all she got was a muffled `hmm' as he kissed her neck softly. She unconsciously moved her head to the side giving him more room. He growled softly in approval. She half closed her eyes forgetting the question she had for a moment and he licked and softly nipped at her neck.
He slowly moved away from her neck and looked at her then turned her around slowly as she opened her eyes looking at him and was about to ask her question when she was intrepid by his calm voice but she could pick up on coldness from him and she looked into his eyes and there was what seemed to be a small spark of something, what she was not sure.
“Rin” He said not in his cold tone but calmly and low enough for her to hear and only her. Then he leaned forward and pressed his lips lightly against hers. She didn't react at first but then kissed him back closing her eyes a bit. He smiled inwardly; she hadn't pushed away but instead kissed him back. She hadn't rejected him and he sensed no fear from her. He slowly pulled back braking the simple and sweet kiss and smiled lightly at her. She smiled back at him and tilted her head a bit and went to speak again.
“Sesshomaru-Sa…” He cut her off before she could finish. “Sesshomaru is what you will call me now Rin” he said softly near her ear. She nodded and spoke again. ”Sesshomaru why?” her question was simple and he smiled. ”Because Rin I love you and have for a while, you have grown into a beautiful woman and are ready for a mate, you don't know how many demons have come after you since you were of age” he said looking at her. she had a deep red blush staining her cheeks and was turning away from him slightly. She wasn't sure how to answer then just said it, just above a whisper “I love you too, but you hate humans?”
He looked down at her and saw the confusion in her eyes but as for what she said about him she was not lying, and he knew this somehow he knew for a bit now. He smiled, not a half smile or a fake one for the third time that night he smiled. “You are no normal human Rin; you do not fear me or run from me. Not even the bravest demon would stick with me like you have Jaken is just with me for protection but you, you never feared me even when you found me in the woods when you were young you tried to help me” He said and kissed her cheek lightly. “And I thank you for that, you have helped me more then you will know, before I met you I would have killed anything in my path” He finished and looked into her eyes.
She smiled and leaned on his chest. “I should be thanking you, before you came along I had no one my family died and the villagers beat me” She was cut off by the light growl coming from him and she looked up. “No one will ever hurt you again Rin” Sesshomaru said tightening his grip a bit and she smiled.
He nuzzled her lovingly then started licking and nipping her neck. He smiled when she moved her head to give him more room as he nipped at the pulse point on her neck then he pulled back. She shivered at the sudden cold air hitting her. He took his kimono top off and laid it on the ground then laid her down laying over her as he kissed her softly, running his hands down her body being careful not to cut her with his claws. He rested one hand on her hip and the other supporting him so he was not totally on top of her.
She wrapped her arms around his neck holding him close to her. She liked the feeling of his bare chest against hers. She moved a bit under him and stopped feeling something poking her in her right thigh. She pulled back and looked at him unsure of what it was. “Its alright Rin, I wont hurt you I promise” he said and kissed her again then pulled back and moved down to lick her neck and lower. He stopped just before her breasts and looked up at her silently asking if he could continue and she nodded slightly and ran a hand through his hair.
He moved back to what he was doing then licked her nipple and heard her gasp as she arched up slightly and closing her eyes. He licked it again the took it into his mouth and sucked on it softly and brought his hand up to play with the neglected nipple. She moans softly and moves under him which made the budge in his pants grow and press against Rin's thigh again. She moved and held Sesshomaru's head against her chest lightly.
He growled softly and smirked against her skin and nipped at her nipple lightly before switching to her other breast and repeating what he did to the other one. After bother were erect and red he started to move down again. She sat up slightly looking at him smiling. He kissed down her stomach and dipped his tongue into her bellybutton which earned him a purring like noise from the small woman under him.
Rin moved a bit and then stopped as she felt one of Sesshomaru's hands at her entrance stroking her lightly with a claw. She moved her legs slightly and her arousal hit him in heavy waves and he leans down, his nose no more then an inch from her sex and took a deep breath. Now his arousal was becoming painful in his pants but wanted Rin to be ready so he did not hurt her. He moved closer and licked at her sex and heard her moan softly as he moved his tongue over her then pushed it within her slick folds tasting her sweet juices and he growl low in anticipation on being within her soon which only made him harder and more painful being constricted in his pants.
He sucked and played with the little bundle of nerves hidden within her folds. She moans softly again and moved her hips slightly. He moved his hand to hold her hips down lightly stopping her movement. He moved his other hand back to her entrance and slowly pushed one finger into her and moved back and forth in a slow rhythm. He nipped lightly on her clit and sucked on it for a bit still moving his finger in and out of her then he added two more fingers and she moaned softly biting her lip. He bit down lightly making her climax and she moaned his name loudly and he smiled and licked up all the juice from her. He moved slowly back up her body stopping to play with her nipples again for a moment before kissing her softly on her lips.
Rin moved her small hands down Sesshomaru's back. Slowly running them back up pressing her nails against his flesh, just enough to leave small pink lines that faded after a few minutes. He smiled against the kiss and licked her lips. She parted them slightly allowing him entrance. He slid his tongue in slowly and explored ever inch of her mouth at least twice. He then moves his tongue along her and she moved hers against his and he made a low growling noise moved a bit closer to her poking her thigh again which caused her to open her mouth a bit more as she moved a hand down his side slowly reaching his hip.
She slowly moved a hand to run along the budge in his pants which made him growl softly again and move his hips a bit closer to her hand when she pulled her hand back in surprise. He caught this and broke the kiss and looked down at her. “I said I would not hurt you and I will keep to my word Rin.” He said in a loving tone and he stroked her cheek with his thumb. She nodded and moved her head into the crook of his neck and taking a deep breath of his woodsy sent and calming down right away. He leaned down and licked her neck lightly then nipped leaving small red marks but not braking the skin. She moaned softly from the slight bite and because she had moved her hips up into his at the same time.
He was more then ready to take her and was fighting with him self to hold back till she was ready, he knew she was read for him to enter her but was still unsure if she was mentally ready for it just yet. She again slowly moved her small hands towards his pants and stroked him again with one hand as the other worked to un-tie it. She knew he would never hurt her and if she didn't like it he would stop but she was scared that he was too big for her. She already knew it would hurt, she had talked to Kagome once about it and according to her it hurt for every girl her first time. She was unsure how Sesshomaru would take it though because he would be hurting her and he said he would never do that to her.
She didn't notice she had un-tied his pants well she was thinking and had also slipped them down and he was back laying on top of her. he was still licking and kissing her neck. Once she came out of her thoughts she moved her hips up close to his after realizing that his pants were now gone she stopped moving feeling his cock against her leg. He was big and she was so small she got worried again and he sensed it. “Rin” he said softly
Rin looked up slowly at him worry written across her face. “Rin, I will not hurt you.” Sesshomaru said kissing her cheek then her neck. He kissed and licked at her neck till she calmed down enough for him to move again. He slowly guided himself to her entrance and looked into her eyes thinking if he should go fast or slow. He got drawn from his thoughts as she again started moving her hands across his body and stopping at his shoulder blades.
“Are you ready Rin?”
She nods and tucks her head into the crook of his neck and closes her eyes tightly a few tears slipping down her cheeks. He moves closer to her and starts to push in slowly and lets a moan slip at the pleasure of her around him. She winced and waited for the pain to get stronger as he broke though her thin barrier telling him that she was still in fact a virgin. He smiled to himself at the fact of being her first and at that moment promised to be her first, last and only as he let a moan slip again loving the feeling of her tight walls wrapped around him.
She moaned and whimpered in pain and in pleasure. He stayed still for a bit allowing her to adjust to his size and lightly nipped at her neck then moved down and sucked on he nipples again helping to avert her thinking from the pain. After a few minuets he felt her move slightly under him and took it as the signal that it didn't hurt as much anymore and started taking slow shallow thrusts into her moaning at every thrust and smiling hearing her moan softly under him.
She starts to move a bit with him moaning his name softly a few times then closing her eyes. “Sesshomaru……ahhh” She moans and holds him close to her. He starts to speed up his thrusts as he notices her moans getting louder. He starts to take deeper and faster thrusts panting and moaning loving the feeling of her around him and he start to notice it getting tighter. She moan and moves a bit so he can go deeper and smiles looking into his eyes and he leans down and kisses her.
“Are you close Rin?” He asks a bit out of breath.
She nods and starts moving her hips with yours and moans as she feels her climax approaching and her inner walls start clamping down on him. He moans and speeds up, after a bit he gave one last hard thrust and came into her, pumping her full of his seed. She moans his name loudly and cums as well panting and closing her eyes holding him close to her body.
“I love you my sweet Rin”
She smiles “I love you too, Sesshomaru” She keeps him close to her and she starts to drift off to sleep with a smile on her face. He stayed inside her all night not wanting to move from their intimate position other then to move her on her side and lays down with her, his arms around her waist holding her close while she slept peacefully as he slipped into his own slumber.
~Authors Note~
Hay everyone I hope you liked it and if you did review and if you didn't still review and tell me what you would like changed, keep in mind this is my first time writing this type of story and I put a lot of though into it and I hope it is alright anyway hope you liked it. And I would like to thank a good friend that helped me write this story, Thanks Aqu! ^.^
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