InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine, Tonight And Forever ❯ Forever My Love ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mine, Tonight and Forever
Chapter 2:
It was about two month after Sesshomaru had decided to take Rin as a mate. Everything was going great they had been to Kagome so Rin could tell her the news. Rin had always been a happy person, now she was even happier. Her bubbly personality made up for her mates static nature. He only showed her his feelings and only when they were alone but she didn't care as long as she was with him. Over the last few months Rin had noticed something change about her but she wasn't sure what it was.
Sesshomaru was sitting over on a rock while she was bathing, Jaken was on guard as well on the other side. She heard Sesshomaru slip off the rock taking his clothing off and slipping in behind her. She kept washing trying not to let him know she heard him as he slipped his arms around her waist pulling her close to him and kissed her neck softly. She smiled leaning back into his firm chest closing her eyes a bit.
“Sesshomaru, Jaken is right over there, should we be like this?” Rin asked looking back a bit to look at him but he caught her lips in a deep kiss turning her a bit to face him more. He broke the kiss slowly and turned her the rest of the way and kissed along her neck. Rin closed her eyes a bit and moved a bit closer to Sesshomaru and asked her question again but still got a silent response.
He moved his hands down to her hips and nips at her neck softly. He slipped his hand down to her sex and rubs it softly moving the other to her back puling her closer to him. He smirked softly into her neck as he could smell her arousal starting to grow as he rubbed her sex a bit harder. He heard her whimper for him to stop and that Jaken was right there but he didn't care he wanted his mate now, after she was teasing him with a bath in front of him like that.
“Please Sesshomaru, please stop its embarrassing” He smirked hearing this and ran a hand along her side up to her breast and he squeezed it lightly and moves his other hand to her opening and slipped a finger in. He growled low in his throat and smirked at the smell of her arousal and the feel of her readiness for him on his finger tips. He wanted to take her badly right then and there but he didn't in fear of hurting her.
She moaned feeling him caress her breasts and gasped and bit her lip as he inserted a finger inside her. She closed her eyes almost immediately forgetting about Jaken. She moved even closer to him and his touch and moved back a bit feeling something hard press against her stomach. She looked down a bit and blushed as she did every time she saw it. He smirked watching her do this it was so innocent, she hadn't changed at all form the little girl that had stared to follow him years ago.
He slowly moved his finger in a bit deeper adding another finger as he did so watching her face looking for a reaction. She moaned softly and closed her eyes moving a bit closer to him again but staying there as he pressed against her stomach. He smiled leaning down and kissing her deeply slipping his tongue into her mouth and she teased him unknowingly by sucking softly on his tongue causing him to slip his fingers deeper in her.
He pulled back breaking the kiss slowly looking at her face while her eyes were shut and smiled thinking again of how innocent she is as he eyes slowly fluttered open and she smiled at him. He smirked showing one fang as he slid his finger in deep hitting her g-spot and she moaned his name arching her back a bit while holding onto his shoulders “Are you ready Rin?” he asked softly watching her eyes cloud over slightly with lust.
“Yes Sesshomaru” She smiled and nodded slightly staring into his deep pools of amber with small swirls of red mixed in. As he slipped his fingers out slowly and ran his nails up her back just as slowly moving her a bit positioning at her entrance and he smirked teasing her by rubbing the tip of his cock on the lips of her pussy. She arched her back and closed her eyes shivering slightly. He smirked to himself and pushed the head of his cock into her watching her face, seeing her face tighten up a bit then relax as she let a soft moan cross her lips.
He looked down at her small body and smirked seeing her breasts and lowered his head down and ran his tongue over the nipple making her arousal stronger and he let out a soft growl of approval. He ran one hand threw her hair slowly then brought her close to him slipping the rest of his cock inside her and she moaned his name softly as he kissed along her neck.
He teased her for a little while longer, loving the sound of her moans and whimpers. He stopped and smiled as he moved to suck on one of her nipples as he slowly thrust into her with a soft growl escaping his lips. She opened her eyes looking into the sky it was a bit darker then it was when he had started this. She slowly looked to the side to see if Jaken was still around and he seemed to be long gone. As she was looking to the side Sesshomaru moves and whispered into her ear. “We are all alone my love, he left long ago.” He kissed her ear then moved her head to look into her eyes.
She smiled and moved up to kiss him on the lips softly but he put a hand behind her head and deepened it. As he slipped his tongue into her mouth he started thrust into her slowly. She let a moan slip into his mouth and she nipped and sucked on his tongue to tease him. He let out a soft growl as he started thrusting slower making the strides longer almost pulling all the way out of her. He broke the kiss just as she was moaning and he smiled thinking to him self I am the only one that will ever hear her moan. Rin looked into his honey coloured eyes and smiled softly.
He looked into her eyes seeing all the love she had for him as he slowly quickened his pace. The water around them was rippling softly around them. He put his hands under her butt and picked her up stopping his movements as he walked towards the shore and laid her on the grass. He slowly crawled up on top of her and played with her nipples as he started to thrust again. He sucked on one nipple and her back arched under him and a soft moan slipped from her lips again.
He could tell she was holding back but he didn't mine he would get her to moan vary loudly before it was over. He nipped the nipple that was in his mouth and moves a hand to he other one tweaking and pinching the nipple softly. Soon he switched and moves his other hand down to her clit stroking it softly in time with his thrusts.
She moaned louder and arched her back off the ground also giving him more room to move. She was starting to lose it, this was the longest he had toyed with her body yet. She was starting to shake a bit wanting it to be over but at the same time wishing it would never stop. She moaned his name as he started to quicken his pace. She ran her hands down his back slightly digging her nails into his skin causing him to speed up again.
He moaned softly against her breast as he felt her start to tighten around him. He nipped the nipple a bit harder then let it go kissing up to her neck and kissed her mark before nipping at it. He ran his claws down her sides not cutting her but leaving small red lines alone her smooth pale skin. She truly wasn't much, but she was his and she was everything to him. He licked her neck then started thrusting faster as he took a deep breath of her sent that was thick with arousal.
Rin moaned out a bit louder as he quickened his pace and she dug her nails into his pack a bit harder. As she did this he bit into her neck making the mark a bit deeper then lapped at the wound untilled it healed. She moaned his name arching her entire body pressing it against his and digging her nails in causing him to bleed a bit as she held him close.
He thrust harder and faster feeling her getting close. She was getting tighter around him and he loved the feeling looking at her face before kissing her passionately as he stroked and pinched her clit a bit harder. Rin parted her lips and moaned into the kiss, shaking a bit more a pressure starting to build in her stomach again.
He started to thrust a bit harder and smirked as Rin moaned into his mouth before he slipped his tongue into her mouth. He held her hand and stroked the clit a bit faster feeling her tighten around him as she got vary close to her climax. He smirked and broke the kis moving away a bit just looking down at her body as he thrust into her a bit faster starting to feel himself getting close.
Rin felt Sesshomaru speed up and she moaned louder and looked into his eyes. She was about to lose it but she held back a bit waiting for him she put a hand on his cheek for a moment to get him to look at her. He looked down at her and smirked as he moved a bit faster causing her to lose it as she arched her back and closed her eyes moaning his name out loudly almost screaming.
Sesshomaru groaned as she came and tightened even more around him. He thrust hard once more and came deep inside her moaning her name loudly. His seed filling her as he panted and looking down at her. He rolled on his side pulling her close to him and smiled. Rin whispered into his ear. “I love you Sesshomaru.”
He smiled looking down at her and ran his hand threw her hair and kissed her forehead softly whispering.
“I love you too Rin, and our pup.”
~Authors Note~
Evil cliffy ^.^ I love you all like the story and please R&R
Your Author/Friend
A.K.A. Lady-Rin-69