InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Mine ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"Some say there are no guarantees in life, but I choose to disagree. With life comes many certainties, such as pain and sorrow..." -Kikyou to her two shikikami, a week before her death

"Rin, it's time for you to get your meal," Sesshomaru said as he stared beyond a cliff, during a clear, cool spring day. He placed a long white lock of hair behind his elfen ears and looked back at Rin from the side of his eyes.

His long white hair cascaded down his back, as the wind blew strands of it around his face. Sesshomarus purple crescent moon on his forehead and the two red markings on each cheek as well as one red stripe on each of his eye lids, looked sharp and alluring against his pale skin.

His kimono was mostly white with a red honeycomb and flower crest at the collar of his sleeves. He still had on the spiked pauldron of old on his left shoulder that attached to the upper section of his armor- and two swords strapped to his left thigh. His white fluffed Mokomoko tail wrapped around his right arm, due to the fact that it would drag on the floor if he didn't put it in that position.

Behind him were his two-headed lizard demon Ah-Un and the green frog demon, Jaken. Rin was behind the three, admiring the cherry blossom trees hovering above them. She had on a red and white kimono and brown hair that was set up in a side pony-tail.

"Yes, Sesshomaru," she replied and bowed. She happily sauntered off into the dense forest in search of some food.

She wasn't happy to leave Sesshomaru. God, no. She was never happy to be without him. But... she was hungry and Lord Sesshomaru had been looking beyond the cliff for more than a half an hour sniffing out some such demon. She didn't really know. What she could acknowledge was that her stomach was grumbling and she was sure Lord Sesshomaru heard it.

How embarrassing, she thought as she continued down the trail of cherry blossom trees before her. It really was a beautiful day. The sun was just setting causing orange rays to beam through the trees, creating light spots on the grass. She hopped on the patches of light that were on her path—and then came to a halt.

Just beyond an old gray tree she saw a shadow. It wasn't large enough to be a deadly demon but it was big enough to be a human man. God, those beings scared her. The only few she ever acknowledged were Inuyasha and Miroku. And they just became men. Inuyasha was now 28—or at least, that's what Kagome said, while the monk Miroku was 30. And she knew they were only kind because their wives tamed them.

Wanting to stay clear of danger, she spun around, not realizing her pony-tail was set freed, and walked casually back to where Sesshomaru would be. She hoped.

He wasn't there.

"Darn," she muttered softly. A cool breeze fluttered through her tresses causing her hair to go into her mouth. She spat it out and wiped her kimono. "Guess I'll have to find a new place to find food." She began to think of where to find some food. She was really in the mood for a boar. She shrugged. "I shall settle for some fish," she proclaimed to no one in particular.

So she climbed down the cliff, carefully trekking down the rocky slope. There was a river bank down there filled with, what she hoped was, really tasty fish. Or salmon.

Her stomach growled.

The bank was clean. No pollutants. Looked like no one ever came to eat from it... And on the other side of it stood a dense forest filled with trees that seemed to touch the sky.

More fish for me, Rin thought happily as she pulled up her sleeves and began to step into the water—but then she heard a noise. A soft, almost imperceptible, sound that only one with a keen sense of hearing could've detected. She lifted her dress and snatched her dagger from its sheath. Jaken taught her how to listen well in the forest, but Sesshomaru taught her how to aim well with a dagger. "You're older," he said sagely two years ago, when she turned eighteen. "And you need to be able to protect yourself from demons—and men. I won't always be there."

She looked around, below and above her for any sign of life. But she only noticed a few bugs and fishes jumping in and out of the water. No signs of men or demons.

Maybe it was only paranoia that was making her hear things. Whenever she was alone this always happened.

Rin stepped deeper into the bank and stared down at the fishes scurrying beneath her. She raised her dagger and as she began to aim it at a salmon coming before her, she heard another sound behind her.

She stood up slowly and turned around.

There was a middle aged man there with broad shoulders, a bald head and a long beard. He had no clothes on, except for a brown patch of fur covering his genitals. Thank God, she thought disgustedly. The sight of the unhealthy looking thing made Rin sick to her stomach.

She immediately lost her appetite.

He was certainly an ugly human. Nothing compared to Lord Sesshoumaru.

"What do you want?" she growled in contempt.

The ugly man smiled roguishly and began to walk closer to her. "I want..." he began, slowly. "You."

She lifted her chin and stared at him coldly. Another thing Lord Sesshomaru taught her, was how to look at someone with contempt, scorn and disgust all at the same time. Rin called it the cold face. Sesshomaru did it very nicely. 24/7. "Youll have to fight me."

"I like a challenege." The man laughed. "But now's not the time for fighting. I only ask one thing of you."

"And what may that be?"

"Your body, of course."

The thought of touching the man sent a wave of revulsion down her spine. He made her wish to puke on his face. She clenched her fist and stood in a fighting stance to prepare herself for battle against the evil lecher.

"You will not touch me. I am of age now to fight with brutality. I will not hold back on you just because you are older than I."

"And how old are you woman?"

"Twenty Ojii-San."

His face grew to an appalling shade of purple. "I am not an Ojii-San!" He snapped. He pointed his chubby finger at Rin. "I will have you girl, even if it is by force."

She scoffed. "No, you will not."

"You can not fight me, woman. You are weak."

God, she hated men and their self-inflated ego. Thankfully, Sesshomaru was not a man. He was better.

"Well, lets just see if that is true." She suddenly ran toward the man and kicked him in his chest. He gasped and fell to the floor.

"Ha!" she laughed. "I was taught by lord Sesshaumaru to protect myself. I will not let you defeat me."

"You witch!" he shouted. "You will surely regret that."

Suddenly three more men came out of the bushes beside the cliff wall, all without any clothes. They had malicious smiles on their faces that fit well with their intentions.

Immediately, instinct took over. Rin began to run.

"After her!" the man yelled and the three others followed.

She ran with all her strength ignoring the scrapes and cuts she attained from running on the dirt floor. Behind her the men continued to chase after her never stopping for a breath which Rin oh, so desperately needed. Since childhood Rin was not a well runner. Her heart could barely take a jog alone. And Sesshoumaru tried to help her overcome this but nothing seemed to work.

Rins body soon betrayed her. Her legs weighed down and she fell to the ground. The men came behind her a second later and began to kick her sides.

"You little bitch! How dare you hurt the master!" One man yelled. He had a scar that ran down the right side of his cheek. "You will regret what you have done."

They continued to kick her and one man even pulled out a dagger to stab her already bruised side. She rolled over to stop that attack, but then another kicked her back. She cried out in agony and then screamed Sesshomarus name. But she knew he would not come. He told her her battles against humans were to be fought by she alone. He wouldn't help her; not even if her life depended on it.

Even knowing this, she called out to him one more time until another man kicked her right temple and darkness took over her sight...