InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mini-Miko ❯ Thr giant Inuyasha and squishy dreams. ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcome to chapter 2

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha…..I do however own this computer that I am writing this story on. YAY ME!


By: SugarGliderGirl


Chapter 2

The giant Inuyasha and squishy dreams

Shippo looked down in his and and gasped. "K….Ka….Kagome?"

Looking back up at him in his hand was the mini-miko Kagome………

"D…don't worry Shippo, just get me to Kaede as fast as you can. I'm sure she can do something." `I hope' she didn't say the last part so as not to scare the little fox any more then he was. She herself wanted to cry but kept her emotions in check.

Shippo nodded and ran off towards the village as fast as his little legs could take him. He held on to Kagome tightly so he wouldn't drop her but not tight enough to hurt his miniature mom.

They reached Kaede's hut in minutes. Shippo out of breath scampered in the hut and ran to the older miko that he called Grandmother.

Kaede saw the tears on the child's cheeks and the fear in his wet eyes. "Child what is wrong with ye? Why do ye cry? Where is Kagome?"

Shippo couldn't speak all he could do was whimper and hold out his hand and show his Grandmother what happened to there precious Kagome.

"Oh my child what has happened to ye?" The old lady gasped out. She picked up the mini-miko as gentle as she could and placed her in the palm of her other hand.

Kagome wept openly and told Kaede every thing………….

"That hanyou ye speak of….I think I know of whom she be…….Ningyoushi...

(Means Doll Maker)


Miles away… the rest of the gang


"Inuyasha why can't we just stay here the night and rest?" Miroku asked. He was tired after the fierce battle with the large demon. "They have offered us a place to sleep and food for our services."

"Feh…weak humans. After a battle like that I deserve my ramen! Were leaving!" `Plus I want to see Kagome, not that it's any of his business.'

"Oooh ya…your RAMEN…… the way Inuyasha, when exactly did Lady Kagome change her name to Ramen??? Miroku asked with an evil grin.


Songo couldn't help herself and she let out a giggle. This only made the hanyou madder.

"Grrrrrrrr….Lets just go!" Inuyasha shouted and walked in the direction of Kaede's village.

"Well I guess where going…..hmpf." Miroku let out a sigh of complete exhaustion.

"Come on Houshi-sama you can ride on Kirara with me." Songo felt bad for the tired monk.

Up ahead Inuyasha was deep in thought. `Can they really tell how I feel about Kagome? Does Kagome know? Feh who cares it's not like she feels the same way….if she did she wouldn't always be running off back to her time and telling me that I can't come. Stupid bitch.'

Grope...Grope Miroku's hand went

THUD! Songo's weapon went

"HENTI!" Songo Screamed.

`Feh and they think I'm obvious.' The hanyou said to himself after hearing the normal sounds of the 2 dysfunctional love birds behind him. "Cut the crap and lets get a move on I'm fucking hungry!"

"Ya…For your RAMEN…right?" Miroku looked at Songo with a wink wink.

Inuyasha kept walking and growling the rest of the way home mumbling something about perverts and sleeping with one eye open so they don't die in there sleep.


Back at Kaede's


"Shippo its ok stop crying. It's not your fault." Kagome tried to calm the weeping child while he held her in his hand but it wasn't doing any good.

"Child ye must either stop crying or put Kagome down. Ye would not like to drown her in ye tears now would ye?" Kaede said after seeing the poor miniature Kagome dodge another large tear drop.

Sniffle…sniffle. "Okay" was all he said as he took his free hand to wipe the tears away and looked down at Kagome. Kagome looked exhausted. It must take a lot out of a person dodging bolder size tear drops. "Are you tired?"

"No. No I'm…I'm ok really." Kagome didn't want the child worrying about her, she was after all the one that was supposed to be taking care of him.

"Yes you are. I can see it your tired." Shippo said as he looked around the room. `Need to make mommy a bed. A nice one, a safe one.' "Kagome? Can I go in your bag?" he asked as he got an Idea. `That thing she always has that carries toughs…what are they called? Oh Ya Matches.

"Um…sure Shippo. But why?" she asked as he placed her down gently on the floor of the hut.

"You'll see!" he said. He was so proud of himself as he reached in the bag and brought out the match box and then when over to where his grandmother kept her herbs. He emptied out the matches on the self and then went over to some clean rags and put them in the box. Then he walked back over to where he had placed Kagome and picked he up slowly as not to hurt her. "A bed!" and he placed her in it.

"Oh Shippo that is so sweet of you. But I don't think I could sleep right now. We really should do something about this situation."

"I already to ye child. The only way to break the spell is if Ningyoushi takes the spell off voluntarily or if she is killed. There is nothing ye can do right now until the others get back from there journey." The old miko felt bad for the younger but there truly was nothing they could do right now but wait.

"See. So go to bed Kagome you are tired." Shippo hated that Kagome was in this situation but he had to be the adult now that she could no longer take care of herself.

"There is no way I could fall asleep right now. Inuyasha is going to be so mad at me for losing the shards." Kagome said as she began to cry again. `He's going to be so mad at me. He's going to find out the shards are gone and squish me like he does to Myouga.'

"No Kagome he's going to be mad at me for not protecting you….like he would have." And with that he started crying to.

"Children please. This is not helping." Kaede tried to get them to stop but it was useless. She picked up the box Kagome was in and put her on a shelf for safety and then picked up the little fox sat down and started patting his head. "Yes Inuyasha will be mad. Ye can count on that…And yes he may take it out on one of even both of ye, But the thing ye should know is that the only person he will actually be mad at is himself. He believes he is Kagome's protector and when he finds out something happened to her and he was not there because he chose to go off and hunt for shards he will surely be mad at himself."

Kagome stopped crying at Kaede's words. She didn't feel 100% but it did strike her as true. Shippo had also calmed down in the older miko's lap.

There was nothing left for them to do but wait.


Only minutes away… the rest of the gang.


Inuyasha could smell her. `She's back!' He wanted to smile as he sniffed the air. But after all of the monk's teasing he wasn't going to let him see that.

"Sooo, Inuyasha, Smell………Ramen?" He knew he was pushing it but he was still mad that the dog-boy had made them go all the way back to Kaede's just to see Kagome and he wouldn't even admit it.

"One more word monk and it's your last!" Inuyasha threatened as he pulled out tetsusaiga and put it to the monk's throat.


"That's better!" They walked the last couple of steps in silence.

Inuyasha was right outside the hut when Shippo ran out in hysterics. Crying and whimpering and apologizing about something.

"What's your problem runt?....... Hey Stop crying damn it……….. I can't understand you…… Grrrrrrrr. STOP YOUR DAMN CRYING AND TELL ME WHAT IS WRONG!...hey where's Kagome?"

Shippo finally found his voice and he screamed "I'm SORRY! I COULDN'T PROTECT HER!" and ran back into the house to hide behind Kaede.

`He couldn't protect her??' Inuyasha thought. `OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!!' He ran into the hut after the little fox and looked around for Kagome. Right behind him was a terrified Monk and demon hunter.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS KAGOME?" Inuyasha demanded. "I can smell her where the hell is she? Is she ok? DAMN YOU OLD HAG SAY SOMETHING!"

"If Ye will be quiet I shall show ye!" The older miko said as she stood up and walked over to the shelf he knew that she used to keep her herbs. She picked up a small box and handed it to Inuyasha.

"What the hell is this old woman I want to know what is going on with Kagome not some stupid box." Inuyasha was really scared and you could hear it in his voice.

Inside the box Kagome kept quiet and looked up at the giant Inuyasha. `Oh my god! He's huge! Oh I hope he doesn't get mad at me. Maybe I should hide. No…He does seem worried. What am I thinking of course he's worried I'm his shard detector…God why can't that baka feel for me what I feel for him? Oh forget it.' And she started to cry lightly.

Inuyasha heard small sobs and looked into the box he was now holding.

"Ka…go…me?" Inuyasha felt like he was going to faint at the site of the mini-miko in the box. But he held himself up as best as he could because he didn't want to drop….HIS tiny Kagome.

"Don't tell me that…that Kagome is in that box Inuyasha." Songo said bewildered.

Miroku was in a good spot so he already knew what was in the box and he was stunned to say the least. "I….I'm afraid so Lady Songo." Was all he could say

Songo Peeked over Inuyasha's shoulder and fainted dead away. Miroku caught her just before she hit the floor.

Inuyasha was ablivius to all of this. All he could do was stare at HIS little kagome. But he pulled himself together enough to turn to the little fox who had said that he `Couldn't protect her' and yell "WHAT DID YOU DO TO M… TO KAGOME?!"

Shippo yelped and pleaded with the enraged inu-hanyou. "I'm sorry! Please…please don't…don't….DON'T KILL ME INUYASHA!" and ran out of the hut.

Sango regained conciseness from the yelling.

Finally Kagome speaks up…because she had to protect Shippo. "It's not his fault…I wouldn't give her the shards so…so she took them. It's my fault the shards are gone. I'm sorry Inuyasha." She dived under the cloth that was to be a makeshift blanket. "Please don't squish me like you do to Myouga!"

Inuyasha was baffled by all that talk… `Squish her?' "Kagome…I would never squish you." He was hurt that she thought he would purposely hurt her.

Kagome poked her head out of the cloth. "But I lost the shards."

"Baka, I think you being shrunk is a little more important then shards!" `Ooops, Shit, I slipped …Now how am I going to cover that up?'

Every one was just as shocked has he was at his slip. Inuyasha handed the box back to Kaede and turned to the door so no one could see his blush. He had to do something before he made a fool of he said the first thing that came to his head. "Well you can't very well cook my ramen when you're that size!" `God I'm an IDIOT!'

"SIT BOY!" she couldn't believe the nerve of that arrogant jerk! And here she though for just a second he was going to be nice. `God I'm an IDIOT!' she thought to herself.

Miroku passed by him to go outside and look for Shippo as he did he smashed Inuyasha on the head with his staff and said. "Baka"

Inuyasha just stayed where he was on the floor. And didn't say a word because he knew the monk was right.

Songo walked slowly to the box that Kaede was holding and looked in at the weeping mini-miko. "Oh, Kagome! We will fix this. I promise."

Miroku walked back in with Shippo in his arms after finding him and telling him that Inuyasha was not going to kill him and that if Inuyasha even came close to him that Kagome even though she is small now can still use `sit'.

Once every one was back in the hut Kaede told them what she had explained to Kagome and Shippo earlier.

"So we find her and ask her to take the spell off?" Songo questioned. "And if she doesn't we have to kill her?"

"Yes my child. Ye all now need to get some rest. Now that Ningyoushi has some jewel shard she will be harder to beat if ye must kill her and harder to find."

No one thought that they would be able to sleep but the older miko was right they had to try and sleep now. Kagome was put back on the shelf so that no one would roll over on top of her Shippo slept right under the shelf with Songo next to him and Miroku was right behind her. Inuyasha although he wanted to stay with Kagome and watch to make sure she slept well he knew he should go to his tree out side the hut to keep watch. He took one last look over at the box and walked out the door. Hopped up on his tree and watched.

And although no one thought they could sleep they all had had such a ruff time that sleep came easy to all…Even the inu-hanyou in the tree. And with this sleep came the dreams.


"Inuyasha I didn't even see her. Please I feel bad enough. She was my new mommy! I would never do it on purpose." But it was no use talking to the red-eyed demon. Inuyasha just kept coming at him.


Shippo ran and ran…………..


"Please Inuyasha Kirara didn't mean to eat her! Kagome just fell into the food bowl and we didn't know it! Please don't kill us!"

"YOU ARE SO DEAD!" the red eyed full demon Inuyasha growled at Songo and rushed at them!"

"NO NO NO" she ran as fast as she could. It was so hard to see through the tears. She wept for her life, she wept for the life of her fire cat…but mostly she wept for the life of the mini-miko inside the fire cats belly.


"Oh my god! Kagome! I…I didn't see you there….I'm so sorry." Miroku cryed at the site before him. He hadn't seen Kagome on the ground and hadn't ment to squish her with his staff that he had been using as a walking stick.


"Inu…"he couldn't finish his sentence before the full blooded Inuyasha lunged at him and tried to rip him apart. Miroku kicked at him and ran ……..


She was on the floor of the hut filled with her friends. But they couldn't hear her screams. She needed help….The spider was getting closer. There wasn't any thing she could clime one….she ran to her friends thinking if she got closer maybe they could hear her. But it was a mistake they couldn't see her and before she could stop it a foot was coming down on her………….


"Koga I told you she's not your woman so go home you wimpy wolf!"

"No I will not leave with out my woman! Where the hell is she? What have you done to my Kagome?"


"The hell she is! What the hell would she want with a mutt like you? Now where the hell is she?" squish…. "Eeeew I stepped on something!" the wolf said as he looked down at the bottom of his foot.



He was so freaked out in his dream that he was twisting and turning and it caused him to fall right out of the tree.


The loud noise woke every one out of there horrible squishy nightmares.

Kagome still in her box was weeping lightly as was the little fox that slept under her. Sango and Miroku were just shocked at the dream that they just had…but also very relived that there friend was still very much alive. Although she was still teeny tiny.

Inuyasha although VERY much in pain from is fall out of the tree had to make sure his Kagome was ok in the hut. So he jumped up and ran in the hut...but was very careful to watch where he stepped.

End of chapter 2.

Please Review and let me know what Ya think……Should I keep going???