InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku has a sister? ❯ The inner wolf demon comes out ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Caya looked at kouga "Well if I stay what would we do?" she asked implying that she should lave. Kouga thought for awhile "It's just that everyone's out hunting...and I'm all alone" He said. Caya thought "Well ok..but I' just going to be standing here" she told him sighing. Kouga looked at her as she walkied towards him. His tail started to wag. He couldn't deny it anymore. He was falling for Caya. He felt his heart beat faster everytime she walked closer. He just wanted to pounce on her and rip her clothes off. But he knew he had to remain calm. He started to sweat and she didn;t even reach to where he was yet. All these feeling went through his body in less than 10 seconds. "Ok so what do you want to do Kouga" Caya asked cheerfully. Kouga knew very well what he wanted to do but he restrained himself. "Um anything really...u wanna take a walk ith me?" He asked trying to calm himself dow. Caya agreed and they started out. They went deeper in the forest and Kouga kept feeling it harder to resist temptation. He wanted to throw her on the floor right there. He wanted to have his way with her. Even though he is an animal he controlled his feelings. They reached a poart of the forest that had many trees surrounding them when Kouga stopped. He couldn't continue walking. "Kouga are you alright" Caya asked. "Do you need a rest or something?". "No I'm good just can we sit down for 2 minutes. " He asked trying to keep his voice intact. Caya looked at the wolfs face he was drenched in sweat. "Kouga why are sweating?" she asked confused. Kouga knew the reason he was sweating..trying to keep himself controlled but he couldn't tell her that.."I just got alittle hot" he said lying. This was probably the worst lie he ever told. He looked at Caya he saw her eyes they were nothing like the time she attacked him. They were caring. They had feeling. With those eyes he wanted her more as if that was even possible. Caya stood up. "Maybe we should start walking back." She said to him Kouga lost it. "You would like that wouldn't you?' he asked. "What do you mean?" Caya asked." You tease me all the way over here...and for what just to go back?...Well we aren't just going to go back. Not until I get what you were teasing me with!!" Kouga shouted to her as the sweat dripped off his forhead.
Caya was afraid. Not the kind of afraid you get when you're about to die. She too felt something for Kouga but there was alook in his eyes. That look when you lost it. That look when a demon isnt going to stop until he get's what he wants. and right now he wants Caya. "Caya whats the matter? You know this is what you've been askin for" He told her. There seemed to be only one way out. Trees surrounded them ezcept fo one opening. There was a rock in the mddle of this tree cage. Kouga ran to the only exit and stared at Caya. He started walking foward as she walked back wards. She tripped over the large boulder in the middle of the trees. Kouga saw his chance and pounced. He jumped on the girl as she lied on the floor. He tore bits and pieces of her clothers off till all she had was enough to cover her breasts and other areas. He threw Caya onto the large rock so roughly but gently enough so she doesnt get hurt. He thrusted his tongue in Caya's mouth. Cya tried to push him off but it was no use. he was too powerful for her now. her demon side didnt come out and his had. Kouga grabbed caya by her shoulders and looked in her eyes. He saw this beautiful girl. He was happy. He wanted to do this all day.
( I know this was a tease and it was kinda short. But I swear my next chapter is going to be really long.)
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Caya was afraid. Not the kind of afraid you get when you're about to die. She too felt something for Kouga but there was alook in his eyes. That look when you lost it. That look when a demon isnt going to stop until he get's what he wants. and right now he wants Caya. "Caya whats the matter? You know this is what you've been askin for" He told her. There seemed to be only one way out. Trees surrounded them ezcept fo one opening. There was a rock in the mddle of this tree cage. Kouga ran to the only exit and stared at Caya. He started walking foward as she walked back wards. She tripped over the large boulder in the middle of the trees. Kouga saw his chance and pounced. He jumped on the girl as she lied on the floor. He tore bits and pieces of her clothers off till all she had was enough to cover her breasts and other areas. He threw Caya onto the large rock so roughly but gently enough so she doesnt get hurt. He thrusted his tongue in Caya's mouth. Cya tried to push him off but it was no use. he was too powerful for her now. her demon side didnt come out and his had. Kouga grabbed caya by her shoulders and looked in her eyes. He saw this beautiful girl. He was happy. He wanted to do this all day.
( I know this was a tease and it was kinda short. But I swear my next chapter is going to be really long.)
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