InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku has a sister? ❯ Kouga Has fellings for another woman! ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Inuyasha was on the scent. He smelled Caya, but she smelled different. As though she was a full youkai.'But thats impossible isn't it??' Inuyasha thought. Inuyasha stopped at Kouga's den. He didn't see any other wolf demons near. Miroku and the others caught up. They all entered to see Kouga on the floor. Kagome ran to him. She sat down next to him."Inuyasha , Kouga was bit by something. I might be able to cure him but we need to bring him back with us." Kagome said. "Fine , but you two go ahead me and Miroku have to find Caya before I loose the scent." Inuyasha told them. Kagome and Sango brought Kouga back. Kagome started to patch the wound on his neck."K..Kagome?" Kouga said weakly."Yea Kouga and Sango's here too. " Kagome replied cheerfully."Caya...she's...a vampire..."Kouga said before the medicine kicked in and brought him to sleep.
Inuyasha and Miroku were following the trail Caya left. When they finnaly reached her. she wa on the ground crying. "C..Caya?" Miroku asked "What!?" Caya snapped back. "What's wrong..are you ok?" Miroku asked concerened. "Do I look ok?" Caya said very angry. Inuyasha looked at Caya's eyes. He felt something familiar in them. Something was there something he once (or twice) expierenced. Caya looked at her skin and felt her teeth she was going bak to normal. She could feel herself regaining control. She ran up to Miroku crying "Miroku please help me there's something wrong with me. I feel so different. I never meant to hurt Kouga he helped me. But I just snapped and bit him. Normally I have control over my demon side but recently I have been loosing control. Like she's a different person and she's taking control." She told him. Caya felt woosy and was starting to loose feeling in her legs. Miroku looked at Inuyasha and saw his face. He had one of the most serious faces on. The one you have when you're thinking. They walked bak to Kagome and the others. Caya fell asleep and layed down on the floor. Inuyasha walked over to Miroku. "I think I know what's wrong with Cay" he said.
Miroku was very curious. "Well what do you think then??" . Inuyasha looked at him..."She said she looses control and it feels like her demon side is taking over. Well when my demon side takes over I can see , hear and feel but I have n control over my body. She could be going through the same thing I do but the only problem is I only turn full demon when Im near death but she wasnt near death with Kouga. Why would she turn demon ?" Inuyasha was confused. He had a feeling that's what was happening but he wasn't sure what was making her turn. Miroku looked at Inuyasha.."You're probably right. But that is the missing piece why does she change". The medicine on Kouga's wound wore off and he began to wake up. Everyone was fast asleep even Inuyasha (which is very very rare). 'Hmmm everyone's asleep..but what's this?..Caya?..They still trust her? After all are some gullable people.' Kouga thought. H walked closer to Caya who was somewhat alone as she slept. 'She doesn't look like a demon..or smell like one. But she did yesterday. What's going on in her body...'. Kouga bent down and started smelling her her...he started at her feet and worked his way up until he relized he was right over her breast..'Ahhh !!That didnt happen' he thought to himself as he sat don. He looked at her face...and just stared.'She is very pretty...what are u thinking man!!??' He stood up and ran back to his den.
Morning finally cam and Caya was first up. She saw that Kouga wasn't there. 'He must have went back to the wolf den' she thought. She felt bad and wanted to say sorry. She ran as fast as she could to the wolf den and found Kouga. Surprisingly he was alone. She went up to him.."Kouga? Look I need to talk to you" She said alittle nervouse. "Well what is it?" Kouga asked with a little tension in his voice. "I feel really bad about yesteray. I'm having a hard time gaining control over my demon side. I didnt mean to hurt you Kouga..I guess I better go now" Caya said with a sigh as she started walking. "Wait! don't have to leave you know" Kouga said really wanting her to stay.
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