InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku's Betrayal ❯ Miroku and Naraku ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Everyone was at Kaede's hut doing whatever he or she pleased. Kagome was sitting thinking about how hot Inuyasha was, Inuyasha was gazing at the shikon shards, Sango was practicing with her weapon, Miroku was checking the supplies, and Shippo was sitting near Kagome.

"I'm gonna go, ah, to collect more supplies." Stuttered Miroku as he steadily walked out of the hut.

"Ok, but hurry up we'll have to leave to find more jewel shards." Replied Kagome who was still thinking about Inuyasha.

Miroku ran immediately after leaving the hut. He ran far out of the village, when he ran into Sesshomaru, Jaken, and Rin.

"Look Lord Sesshomaru!" yelled Rin as she pointed to Miroku.

Sesshomaru walked up to Miroku who seemed to be impatient. Jaken was quietly walking behind him as Rin looked around obliviously.

"Where's Inyuasha and the others?" asked Sesshomaru with a show of rage in his voice.

"Why would I tell you, you bastard?" replied Miroku angrily.

"Because then I'll be implied to use force!" exclaimed Sesshomaru

With a grin Miroku uses his ofuda on Sesshomaru and runs off. Rin stays to try and heal Sesshomaru, while Jaken pitifully tried to catch up with Miroku.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At Naraku's Castle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Miroku arrived at Naraku's castle. He was coldly welcomed at the door as Kagura thought an intruder had come and used her dancing blades.

"It's me you bitch!" exclaimed Miroku who was now overly pissed. "First Sesshomaru now you!"

"Oh! You were with Sesshomaru?" replied Kagura with a perverted grin

"Your sick!" said Miroku.

"And I can't say the same for you?" replied Kagura

"Where's Naraku? I have some important matters to discuss with him about you know what." Asked Miroku secretively.

"He's inside yelling at his failures, Kanna and Jaromaru. You're better off not disturbing him." Replied Kagura

"I don't give a shit! Inuyasha and the others are leaving tomorrow we have to act fast." Exclaimed Miroku.

Miroku ran inside the castle and located Naraku quickly. He saw Jaromaru in his shackles and mask, and Kanna being scorned by Naraku.

"My lord may I have a word?" replied Miroku

"I'm busy. This better be important or you'll suffer." answered Naraku.

"Inuyasha and the others are leaving tomorrow we have to use the plan now or we'll lose the chance!" exclaimed Miroku.

"Hm. Just proceed as planned but before they leave tomorrow morning when they're weak and oblivious." Exclaimed Naraku with an evil grin.

Miroku nodded and ran out of the castle fast he ran back and spotted Sesshomaru, Rin, and Jaken again. Luckily no one noticed him and he avoided them. He got back to the village and walked back into Kaede's hut.

"Miroku you were gone for a long time, and you brought no herbs, what happened?" asked Sango.

"Uh… Sesshomaru attacked me, which left me weary so I walked to a nearby spring and rejuvenated myself. Sorry if I worried you all!" replied Miroku tediously.

"You didn't worry me! I don't give a damn if you're here or not." Replies Inuyasha angrily.

They all went to sleep, but Miroku woke up an hour earlier before the others in order to refresh himself to proceed with the evil plan setup by Naraku.

He came back to find everyone else awake and ready to leave.

"Come on Miroku here's your stuff!" exclaimed Kagome.

"I'm… sorry." Replied Miroku softly with regret.

Miroku used his prayer beads and opened up his wind tunnel. Sango knew what was going on and ran flipped out of the way. He sucked in Inuyasha and Kagome. Shippo ran behind a bush and hid.

"Miroku! You bitch! Why did you suck them in?" angrily exclaimed Sango.

"I'm sorry, but I was working for Naraku and I betrayed you all." Replied Miroku, still with one surprise left.