InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku's Story ❯ What's in a Name? ( Chapter 1 )

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Miroku's Story
Chapter One - What's in a Name?
Disclaimer: Me no own InuYasha. Me want to own Fluffy's body though. Me just keep dreaming.
Author's Notes: If you don't like AU… and I mean really really AU, then don't read this! Also, if you don't like unusual pairings (of which I don't know who will get with who yet) then do NOT read this story ok? No flames please… yada yada… I do accept CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.
It might look as if there are a lot of original characters in this story, but I assure you right now that they are all Inu characters with different names. OK? It's from Kagome's POV, and NO, this story is not all about Miroku. It's about a story he is writing.
Now! On with the fic!
What's in a name? I never doubted in myself who I was or where I belonged until that year. The year I entered twelfth grade and my life turned upside down. Said year was 2005, I had just turned 17 and entered my senior year of high school. My name was Katie Parker…
I suppose I should give you a bit of background information on myself before I begin this story, ne? When I said my name was Katie Parker, I meant it. As in, I no longer see it as my name. But I'll tell you more about that confusing topic later. I live in Pensacola, Florida (away from the bay) with my rather large family (because my mother is afraid our house will get swept away by a hurricane). My large family consists of myself, my mama, my grandpa, my brother Samuel, my half-sister (on my papa's side) Karoline, whatever foster child my mother decides to take in for the month, and my best friend Miroku.
It's because of Miroku that I started to question what my name really was. You see, Miroku's mother and my mama were best friends, almost like sisters. I've known Miroku all my life; he's the only person who truly understands me. When Miroku was twelve his family died in a terrible car accident. Miroku had no other family that was capable of taking care of him, so my mama took him in. That's when Miroku started his story. He declared to the family that they were to refrain from using his real name, Michael; from now on, he wanted to be known as Miroku. That's also when he gave me my new name: Kagome, Kagome Higurashi.
“Kagome! I can't find my book! Have you seen it?” Miroku shouted from the back of the hall, opposite where I was.
I was sitting in the living room, helping Souta with a science project while Mama was helping Karoline practice playing the piano.
“No Miroku! Have you searched under your bed?” I called back up to him.
“If he'd put it back where it belongs, he wouldn't have this problem every single day.” sang Karoline as she played a simple tune.
“Go to Hell Kikyo.” Miroku said from the entryway.
“Miroku! I will not tolerate that kind of language in this house.” Mama scolded him. “And Karoline, don't criticize Miroku's unique organizational habits.”
I laughed aloud. “You call clutter all over his side of the room `unique'?”
Miroku and I shared the largest room in the house since Karoline or Kikyo decided she was too good to share a room with me. The earlier years when she had come to live with us were very difficult. Kikyo moved in right after my papa died of cancer. She declared that she couldn't share a room with me, so I opted to share the basement room with Miroku. I mean, we grew up like siblings anyway, what was the harm in sharing a room?
“What do you have there anyway Michael?” Kikyo grabbed the notebook from him and crossed the room to read it.
“It's Miroku! And give that back!”
“No… I think I'll read it. Oooooh, looks like Katie's writing! Have you two been writing secret love notes to each other?” Kikyo giggled evilly.
“Karoline, give that back to Miroku!” I shouted to Kikyo, who in turn didn't listen. I rounded the room, ready to snatch it away, but she jumped from her place on the couch and dashed away. We kept circling each other round the coffee table.
“Hmmm…” Kikyo began to read the contents aloud. “InuYasha… what kind of a name is that? Anyhow, InuYasha raised Tetsu… Tetsu…”
“Tetsusaiga.” Miroku said, clearly annoyed.
“Tetsusaiga. InuYasha raised Tetsusaiga to the sky and brought it down upon the demon's head. Remnants of the demon sprayed the sky and the monk, Miroku used his wind tunnel to clear away the mess… What kind of garbage is this?”
“Just shut up and give It back Kikyo.” said Miroku.
“Would you quit calling me that! My name is Karoline, not Kikyo!” she threw the notebook at him in a rage and stomped away to her room.
“Whatever Kikyo!” he called after her.
I picked up the notebook at Miroku's feet and handed it back to him. He didn't seem to notice it was back in his hand, as he watched the doorway where Kikyo left with an annoyed frown.
“You alright Miroku?” I asked him.
“Yeah, just peachy. Remind me to kill off her character later in the story…”
I mock saluted him, even though he didn't see me. Still, I think he knew anyway.
“Kagome, I was wondering if you'd write for me. I've been inspired for the story.” he asked me sincerely. The one thing in life that Miroku was all too serious about was his story. We retreated down to our shared room and prepared for the dictation. I sat down on my bed, flicking through the nightstand drawer for a pen or a pencil. Miroku went to his stereo and put in a Beatles CD, his favorite.
“I've come up with a name and a few character descriptions I'd like for you to write down. Also, I was hoping you could talk to my dearest Sango about painting a few of the characters…” he smiled at his mention of Sango.
“Your dearest Sango? Why don't you ask her yourself?” I wondered aloud.
“Ah, alas, I fear she may slap me again and decline my request.” he mock fainted and fell back onto his bed across the room.
“Well if you'd quit grabbing her ass, I'm sure she'd quit slapping you.” I offered.
Miroku sat up again, this time appearing to be very serious once more. “My Lady Kagome, that is but the only way I can show my affections.”
“Oh whatever! So you think that touching a girl's behind is saying something special?”
“In my own language it is.” he replied.
“Back to the story… you said you had a title finally. What is it?”
“InuYasha: A Feudal Fairytale.”