InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror of truth ❯ chapter two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha :( So please don't sue ! I don't have any money !

I am back again for the second time tonight !!!!

On with the chapter !

Chapter Eight

Morning came fast for both Kagome and Inuyasha , the packed enough clothes and food for a couple of

months and extra money for emergencies . After having breakfast and checking there stuff they

headed out . There first stop was towards Kagome's village to visit her miko teacher Kaeda so that

they could borrow herbs and things like that . On there way threw the village Inuyasha was getting

very nasty looks from the village people , even the children were teasing and taunting him . " It's

alright Inuyasha they don't know any better ," said Kagome as she wrapped her arm around his

waist . " Feh those stupid humans don't bother me ," said Inuyasha . " Whatever you say Inuyasha

but know one thing , I love you just the way you are ," said Kagome with a faint blush on her

cheeks. They slowly made there way to the front door to Kaeda's hut , they knocked on the door .

Soon they were greeted by a kind old lady in a miko outfit with a black patch over her right eye .

"Hello child ! How have ye been ? " asked Kaeda as she lead them to her living room ." I've been

good Kaeda , but were only here for a few minutes . We need some herbs ."Said Kagome . " Oh !

May I ask what ye be needing all these herbs for ?" Asked Kaeda ."Well the Shikon jewel has been

split into thousands of pieces so were trying to collect them all and put the jewel back together

before Naraku and Kikyo do ." Said Kagome . " Well this will be a hard and dangerous journey .

You must stick together and rely on each others strengths . I know a monk and a demon

exterminator who are after Naraku maybe they will help ye during ye journey. I think there names

are Miroku and Sango ," Said Kaeda . "Feh !

We don't need any weak monks and demon exterminators helping us . Kagome has me and that's

all she will need ," said Inuyasha proudly . "Keep telling yourself that if it makes ye feel better ," said

Kaeda . After that comment Inuyasha's ego deflated big time . "What do you know old hag !"

grumbled Inuyasha ."Inuyasha! Respect your elders !" Whispered Kagome as she jabbed her left

elbow into his stomach ."Well thank you very much for the herbs Kaeda . We better get going now

," said Kagome as she and Inuyasha were lead outside by Kaeda . "Good luck Kagome ,Inuyasha

take care of her!" Said Kaeda as she waved goodbye .

They had been traveling for about a couple of hours before Kagome sensed a jewel shard a head

. It was a huge demon bear but nothing to hard for Inuyasha to defeat . After fifteen minutes of

battling they finally had there first piece of the Shikon jewel . On there way like Kaeda said they ran

into the monk and exterminator ."You hanyou give me the jewel shard !" Screamed Sango as she

threw her oversized boomerang at Inuyasha . "Sango stop! Kaeda sent us! Were trying to get the

shikon shards before Naraku and Kikyo do," Said Kagome . Sango caught her boomerang after she

let her words sink in . "So Kaeda sent you to help us collect the jewel shards . A mere human and a

Hanyou ," chuckled Sango . Kagome then picked up her bow and arrow and shot one at Sango

hitting her small sack of jewel shards and pining it to a tree ."A miko thank you very much !"Said

Kagome while smirking at the shocked Sango . " Sorry bout that ! I'm Sango and over there

unconscious is the hentai monk Miroku !" Said Sango . "Well it's nice to meet you Sango . We've

been traveling all day so were going to campout over there will you join us ?" asked Kagome . "Sure

sounds good to me ," Said Sango enthusiastically . After they were all setup and ate dinner Kagome

and Sango went to take a bath and by that time Miroku had woken up ."We're going to go take a

bath so don't peek !" Said Kagome and Sango . While bathing Kagome and Sango began talking

about there relationship with there guys . "So Sango what's your status with Miroku ? "asked

Kagome ." Well were together you know the whole girlfriend boyfriend thing but nothing serious

because he can't seem to stop flirting with other girls or touching there asses . So what about you

and Inuyasha ," said Sango while blushing . Kagome told her about Kikyo and how she had tobeat

the shit out of her and about Kouga . Basically she told her everything . By the time Kagome

finished telling her her story Sango was laughing hysterically to point she was about to cry. "Kagome

I think we're going to become best of friends cause your just like me cause if Kikyo came up to me

and did the same shit I would of done the same thing ," said Sango while laughing . "Did you hear

that?" asked Kagome . "Yeah !I did !" Said Sango as she got out a rock and threw it at a certain

spot in the bushes . Soon Miroku fell out and had to face some pretty pissed off woman . After

beating the shit out of Miroku both Sango and Kagome made there way back to the campsite. " You

know what guys ! I think this is the begining of a beautiful friendship! I feel like I've known you guys

since forever and I hope we all get through this journey together ! " Said Miroku . "Oh shut up!

We're trying to sleep and your doing all this yappin !" yelled Sango and Kagome at the same time .

Soon both and Kagome and Sango were cracking up while the guys were staring at them like they

were crazy . Finally there laughing was getting out of hand so both Miroku and Inuyasha had to drag

them to bed ,while the girls were pouting .

~ Man am I on a roll two chapters in one night . ~~~ Okay peeps review Review please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!