InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mirrored fates ❯ Underlying Threat ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer--- yo, I don t own inuyasha LOL (that s me trying to be gangsta, I know, I should stop!!)

Ch. 6 , Underlying threat


Ah, Inuyasha. Just the person I was looking for! Miroku smiled wearily, worry fluttering through his
expression clearly.
Yeah monk, spill it I m busy.
I see, busy guarding lady Kagome. Would there be any particular reason for this new awareness in our
young Miko s safety? Perhaps a young man who followed her here, perchance not by accident? Miroku
stated, satisfied when he saw the arch in Inuyasha s eyebrows, indicating he had caught his attention.

Inuyasha quickly turned toward the monk, but not without keeping some sort of vigil on Kagome, as
Miroku noticed one of his ears swirl back towards the girl. You don t think it was an accident either do
you? Did you notice last night, the aura change?
Yes, I did. That s what I came to talk to you about. He was conceiling it before, it came on too abruptly
to be any different. While I still am unsure if he is any threat, it is disconcerting that one would hide his
nature, and pretend to be unaware of it. What do you think about it Inuyasha?
I think he knows exactly who we are. I m not sure what his intentions are yet, but you can bet your ass
I plan on finding out. He cracked his knuckles as he smirked, one fang poking out to gleam in the
sunlight. Soon.
Now don t be too rash my friend, we do not know yet if he is here as friend or foe. Surely he would
have attacked sooner if it be the latter

I don t plan on givin him the time of day to explain if it aint what I wanna hear. Inuyasha turned away
from the monk, advancing on Kagome.
Miroku shook his head as he saw Inuyasha grab Kagome by the arm, no explaining and started dragging
her toward the village. My friend, you won t ever learn, will you. Snickering he started toward the village
himself. He couldn t miss any of the action, now could he?


Inuyasha, you are about two seconds from an S-I-T, if you do not stop right now and tell me whats
wrong with you!!!
Inuyasha abruptly stopped and turned toward her, nearly causing her to run right into him. Don t you
remember what happened the last what, THREE TIMES, you Sat me!!!?????
Her brain shut off as she remembered being flush against him and for a minute she thought to herself,
ya know, that wouldn t be so bad. She was trailing off in her mind with a little daydream when Inuyasha
realized her scent was changed.
Kagome jerked her eyes towards his when he leaned toward her taking another sniff.
What the hell are you doing now yasha? You re the one who wouldn t let me take a bath, cuz poor
little defenseless wench couldn t possibly defend herself in a hotspring . Proud of her imitation of
Inuyasha she continued to wait for his reply.
Inuyasha smirked as he leaned towards her ear. That s not what I was smelling Kagome. The scent I
was tracking was coming from you alright, but it wasn t of dirt. I didn t realize you enjoyed those last
few sits you gave me. Inuyasha gently took one of her earlobes into his lips, ever so lightly nipping
them as the scent deepened. I ll have to reconsider that later, when there aren t spying eyes.
Kagome turned about four shades darker than Inuyasha s haori when he lifted and she spotted Miroku
smirking as he came up behind them.
She didn t say another word as he dragged her, red from head to toe, toward Kaede s hut.
Hmm, I wonder why they haven t approached me with questions yet? Father said he would be brash
with me and not give me much time to explain myself. I wonder how long I have to change the past.
Mom and dad don t even know how it happened, how the hell am I supposed to change it.

I know it has to happen sometime this week. They are going to flip out when they find out why I am
here. Well, this is what all that training has been for, right? To prepare me for this moment? I guess I
have some explaining to do. Mom, Dad, I hope I can really do this.

Inuyasha snarled towards Houjou as he entered the hut with Kagome in tow, still red all over.
What the hell s up with you? Why did you hide your spiritual powers? Inuyasha nearly barked out.

Inuyasha, Tact, Tact!! Miroku came bustling in the hut, trying to play mediator. Ah, my fair lady
sango, you are here too I see, atleast someone else with some sense will be present. Miroku stated as
he sat down ready for the grim battle ahead, should his hanyou friend lose his temper.

Well, spill it. What are u doin here, and why the hell are u following Kagome? . Inuyasha s foot tapped
as he waited for him to reply.

I was wondering what was taking you so long. I was warned that you wouldn t give me a chance to
explain once I revealed my spiritual powers. Houjou looked up and slowly looked in everyones eyes,
lingering every so often to a certain two individuals.
Do you know who I am? Any of you? At everyones blank stare he sighed. Well, you better get
settled first, I m not here to hurt anyone, not that I could if I tried. He laughed slightly as he rubbed the
back of his neck.
Feh, that s for damn sure, whelp. Inuyasha snorted.

Ok, this is going to sound really far fetched, but maybe saying my full name would help. My name is
Houjou Miroku Houshi.
Everyone stared in shock at the name that just came out of Houjou s mouth. His last name anyway.
Houshi, that s your name Miroku, is this .your decendent of some sort? Sango stared curiously and
enviously at the young man, seeing similarities in him to the houshi .
Actually, it s a little closer than that. Houjou smiled as he reached down towards Sango and Miroku s
hands. You are my parents.
Inuyasha s cursing was the last thing she heard before Sango proceeded to swiftly pass out.


I know I haven t updated in forever! I m sorry if anyone is actually reading my story. Thanks for the
reviews I got, it made me feel better about my writing and helped me do just that today when I was
bored. Hope you like so far!