InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miscommunication ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Disclaimer: (Checks legal papers) Nope, don't own.

A/N: This was one of my earlier stories, and though it turned out fairly well, after reading back over it, I decided to spruce it up a little.




The girl that had been so addressed jerked her head up from where it had been resting against her knees. Blinking, she looked to the side, trying to rid her face of the evidence of her tears, but she failed drastically, since the tears kept coming, and so she gave up, letting them fall.

As she leaned forward again, once more hiding her face in her knees, the young woman who had called to her reached her side and, gasping, dropped to her knees beside her friend.

"Kagome! What's wrong? Are you hurt? What's happened?" Sango was getting desperate, Kagome wasn't answering, and she looked devastated. What could have happened to her?

"Please... stop crying, it's okay, I'm here."

Kagome let out a heartbroken wail, suddenly flinging herself into Sango's waiting arms, sobbing uncontrollably. She couldn't seem to stop crying, nothing mattered anymore, anyway, so who cared if she spent the rest of her life sitting here crying, right?

Sango was horrified. She had never seen Kagome act like this, she was usually so strong. What could have caused this?

The last she had seen her friend earlier that day, the girl had been on her way to the well, heading home for a day or so to grab supplies and see her family. Could it have something to do with her family? They were, after all, sitting right in front of the well at this very moment... so it could easily have been something to do with them.

But hadn't Inuyasha been with her when they left Kaede's earlier? So where was he? She slowly rocked the grief-stricken girl back and forth, humming a lullaby her mother had sung to her when she was a small girl, hoping it calmed Kagome as well as it had once done her.

Kagome held onto Sango with all her strength, unable to let go for fear that she would break into a million pieces if she did. Slowly, she felt the tears slow, then finally stop, leaving behind little gasps and sobs, as she concentrated on just breathing, not letting any thoughts cross her mind, just wanting to remain blank.

As she calmed, Sango shifted, patting her on the back, before pushing her away just slightly so she could see her face.

She looks so devastated...

"Kagome... look at me, love." She waited for her to open her eyes, then nudged her face up. "Talk to me, girl, tell me what's wrong."

Kagome smiled just slightly, affection for Sango pushing back the darkness in her heart a tiny bit, just enough for her to sit up, and pull her thoughts into some semblance of order.

"It's okay, Sango. I'm s-sorry I lost it like that," she said, looking ashamed of herself.

"Don't apologize, Kagome, don't you ever apologize," the taijiya said fiercely.

"How many times have you held me when I've broken down? Do you think you're the only one in the world not entitled to break down sometimes? You're like my sister, I'd be devastated to lose you, and I'm more honored than I can ever say that you trust me enough to be able to let go like that with me." She smiled at Kagome, trying to calm her as much as possible.

"So, now, tell me what happened to cause all that?"

Kagome shuddered, shame and hurt twining so deeply into her soul that she didn't think she'd ever be able to separate them again.

"Well, you know I was going to go home, right? And Inuyasha came with me to the well...." she trailed off. This was so hard, but she needed to talk to someone, and her mother was definitely out of the question.

Drawing a deep breath, she continued. "I'm sure you've noticed that Inuyasha's been kind of upset the last few days, right? Well, it had something to do with Kikyou... as usual." Kagome didn't realize just how much her face paled when she spoke that name. She broke off again, needing some space to be able to finish.

Sango could feel anger welling up inside. She should have known that this had something to do with that bastard Inuyasha. In Kagome's eyes, it was always about him.

And as for that creepy undead priestess, Sango would love to be the one to send her back to hell. She really hated Kikyou, for the pain that she had caused Kagome, and for the times that the bitch had tried to kill her best friend, her hearts' sister.

Because, in spite of the fact that Inuyasha kept refusing to believe it, the truth was that the stupid bitch had tried to kill Kagome, and Sango would never forgive that.

"It's okay, Kagome, it's okay - tell me at your own pace, there's no rush." She whispered this softly, not wanting to set her friend off again.

"W-well, anyway, when we got here, I asked him if he was okay, and he just kinda looked at me. It was almost like he was finally seeing me, for the first time in days, you know? And before I could even blink, well, he, kinda," she blushed deeply, "kissed me."

At Sango's gasp, she nodded, lowering her head. "Yeah. That's kinda how I felt, too." A slight, dark chuckle followed. "Incredulous doesn't even begin to cover it."

Sango shook her head, dazed. She knew something else had to have happened, something had to have gone horribly wrong for Kagome to look like she had when she had gotten to the well, because as much as the girl was in love with that baka hanyou, him kissing her would never have garnered a reaction like that.

"So... he kissed you. Then what happened?"

Kagome's head was still lowered, her fingers idly toying with the edges of her skirt. She took another deep, shuddering breath, tears starting to fall again. "Uh... well, things kinda, you know, got out of hand with that kiss... and we ended up doing, well, that."

By this time, tears were falling again, though this time it was more a silent weeping, there were no sobs mixed in.

Sango was astounded. Her friends had done... that? Suddenly, she had to know.

"Kagome, did Inuyasha... well, mark you? You know, while you were doing... that."

"What? Mark me?" Confusion was rampant in her expression. "I don't u-understand. What...? Wait." She thought for a moment. "Maybe you mean this?" She pulled her collar down, showing her neck and shoulder, where a livid bite mark did indeed show itself.

"He bit me, when he, well, when I," Kagome squirmed uncomfortably, "came," she finally said, in a tiny, shamed voice.

Sango paled. Something just wasn't right here. As much as Kagome loved that bastard, if he had told her what that meant, she should have been ecstatic, not sobbing her heart out while he was nowhere to be found.

"Kagome, where is Inuyasha?"

"Umm, he left, went back to Kaede's, I guess, he said he would be coming to my house later this evening. Why?"

"Did he tell you what that bite mark means, Kagome? Did he say anything at all?"

Kagome looked surprised. "You mean, that bite means something? All he said is that we would talk about things, well, later."

Sango could feel the heat in her face as she bit back a curse. Damn him anyways! What the hell had he been thinking?

"Kagome, you'd better tell me the rest of what happened. I know something must have for you to have been sobbing your heart out when I found you."

"Yeah... well, after I, uh, you know, finished, and he bit me, he licked the blood clean, and then he, uh, finished, too. At first, I felt wonderful," she said, with a shy blush staining her cheeks, visible even through the tears.

"But then...." she choked, a sob finally breaking free, "he said her name, and it just hurt, so bad! I couldn't even breath, I just froze, and I don't even think he realized he'd done it!" She was racing now, her words tumbling all over themselves.

"He was acting all happy and stuff, like he'd had the best day of his life, and he didn't even notice that I was upset! It hurt so bad that I just sat there, I guess I must have answered him when he talked, because he really didn't seem to notice that anything was wrong. So anyway, he got up and straightened his clothes, and then helped me up, and he gave me another kiss, said he'd come to my house later, 'cause he had to talk to my mom about something, and then went off back towards the village."

By this time, her shoulders were slumped, and she didn't know if she'd ever be able to look anyone in the eye again. She'd heard Sango's soft gasps, and wondered if she had lost all respect for her.

"Kagome... oh, sweet sister," she grabbed her and hugged her again, "I'm gonna beat that bastard half to death, he's really got it coming this time."

Sango was furious. How could anyone be so stupid? Pulling back again, she forced Kagome to look at her. "I don't know what he was thinking, or why he called Kikyou's name, but I can guarantee you he was perfectly aware of who he was holding, Kagome. It's part of youkai mating. He couldn't have marked you if he was thinking of someone else."

She shook her head, then. "I can't believe he did this!"

Kagome glanced at her, then looked away again, staring into the distance for a few moments.

Finally, meeting Sango's eyes, she asked, "What do you mean, yo-youkai m-mating? Please, please tell me... I need to k-know." She was barely able to hold her voice steady.

Sango nodded. "Okay, this is what I know. Inuyasha marked you as his. That means, you're his mate... permanently. This isn't like human marriage, Kagome. It's forever... as in forever forever. You now have his lifespan."

At Kagome's gasp, she nodded again, and continued. "This can't be undone. You're now tied to the most stupid, stubborn jackass that the Kami ever created! Ugh! I can't believe him!"

Kagome closed her eyes in despair. If he had loved her, this would have been the best day of her life, but the plain fact was, he didn't love her, Kagome, he loved her previous incarnation, and apparently, since he couldn't have her, he'd take second best, and even that was probably only because she looked so like Kikyou.

More tears began falling, as her soul wept for it's destruction. She didn't realize she'd spoken her thoughts out loud until Sango jumped up, vehemently cursing Inuyasha.

"Come on, Kagome. I think you need to go back to your time, take one of those hot baths you're always talking about, and don't think about anything, you got that? I promise you, I'm going to take care of this, one way or another," she finished, grimly.

"I want you to simply stop thinking at all, stop worrying, just let your mind go blank, and relax. Please... for my sake?"

Kagome thought about it for a few moments, then nodded. There was nothing she could do right now about anything anyway, and her mind was too exhausted to really think things through, plus there was no way she could face Inuyasha so soon after, well, after all that, so why not?

"Okay," she sighed, then stood, letting Sango help her up. Climbing up on the lip of the well, she looked back at her, waiting until she nodded encouragingly before stepping into the time slip and vanishing.

Sango stood there in front of the well, determined to wait 'til the stupid bastard her sister was now tied to for all eternity showed up, then beat the hell out of him. It was a good thing she'd brought hiraikotsu with her when she'd headed up here... because she had every intention of using it on him as soon as she saw his face.

And it looked like that wouldn't be long, as she could hear him heading this way, cursing up a blue streak, sounding almost... panicked?

What the..?

She watched as he skidded into the clearing, looking around frantically, before focusing on her standing before the well, locked into her battle stance, hiraikotsu held at the ready.

It didn't take long for his face to harden with suspicion, and he moved closer to her as she braced herself.

"Sango? What the hell do you think you're doing... and where the fuck is Kagome?" His face was pale, and he looked like he was ready to freak.

"She went through the well, didn't she? Shit!! I didn't think about that! Move the fuck outta my way, Sango, I have to get to her, now! Move!" he screamed, moving forward again to try to push her out of the way.

"Back off, you bastard! I'm not letting you go over there and hurt that girl any more than you already have!"

He looked stunned at her accusation.

"What the fuck do you mean, hurt her? If you don't know by now, I'd never hurt her, you bitch, so get the fuck outta my way!" He glared at her menacingly, and she started when she saw the stripes on his face, and the red beginning to bleed into his eyes.

"Move, Sango, before I kill you. Never come between me and my mate!"

"Even when said mate is a bastard and should never be allowed within a mile of Kagome again?! You fucking hurt her terribly, Inuyasha! When you mated her, you called her by that undead bitch's name!"

Inuyasha jerked back, the growl that had been beginning in his throat stopping dead. What the fuck is she talking about?

"Who the hell told you that, Sango?" Suddenly, he staggered, feeling weakness flash through him, and he moved forward again, pushing Sango away.

"I don't have time for this, bitch. There's a slight side-affect of being mated that youkai have kept a secret from humans. We can't be separated by too much distance from our mates... it can and has killed the mated pair in question," he gritted, beginning to sweat.

"I didn't think about her going home as distance because it seems like its just a jump away, but I guess distance and time are the same things. I need to get to her. Move. NOW."

Finally pushing past a very shocked taijiya, he jumped into the well, trying to stay conscious as the bond was stretched to its capacity, leaving a tearing pain in his mind.

The moment the blue glow faded, dropping him into the bottom of the well in her time, he flashed back into full awareness, the tearing, rending pain disappearing as if it had never been, and he realized that she'd never made it out of the well.

She had passed out, probably as soon as she'd made it into the time slip, and been dropped by the time slip at the bottom, where she was now curled up, limp and unconscious.

He bent to pick her up, only then realizing how fragile she really was, as he touched her skin. It was ice cold, and she was barely breathing. Shit!!

Now was not the time to face her mother with the fact that he'd taken her daughter as his mate, so he jumped up enough to re-activate the slip, and felt the gentle heat of it surround him as they went five hundred years back into the past in the blink of an eye.

And that's why I didn't think of her going home without me this afternoon as a bad thing... it's always been a hop and a jump to get to her house.

I guess I just forgot the actual distance and time involved.

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