InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miscommunication ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 2

Landing in the bottom of the well in his time, he cradled her to his chest for a moment, sighing with relief at the feel of his mate back in his arms and safe, before jumping back out into the meadow surrounding the well.

Sango was still there, he knew she'd been waiting for him, and he growled at her, irritated at her continued interference.

"Get the hell up, Sango, if you want to yell at me some more, then you'd better follow me, 'cause I'm not sitting out here. I need to get Kagome back to Kaede's."

Nodding shortly at him, she stood and followed him back through the trees, letting the peace of the area flood through her. She needed to calm down, she wouldn't do anyone any good if she was still raging pissed.

Too bad Miroku hadn't been out here with them - being the hentai he was, he'd have groped her by now and given her a way to get rid of her anger. That thought made her chuckle, and she finally felt calm enough to deal with the baka in front of her.

She considered what he'd told her earlier... so there was something about youkai mating habits that they'd managed to keep humans from knowing, huh? Although, thinking about it, she could understand why they'd try to hide that little fact.

If it ever got out that you could possibly kill a mated pair by keeping them apart, it surely would have been used many times as an extermination tactic. It was one, however, that she would never be willing to use. Killing youkai when necessary, in battle, was one thing, but to deliberately murder a pair like that turned her stomach.

Inuyasha looked down at the woman in his arms, glad to see that she was regaining some color and warming up again. Stalking forward at a faster pace, he hurried towards the hut, wanting to settle her down and let her rest and continue warming up.

He needed to think... what the hell had Sango meant when she said that he'd called out Kikyou's name? He hadn't called out Kikyou's name while making love with his mate, but he had said her name later... is that what they were talking about?

He certainly hadn't been thinking about her when he'd been wrapped up in Kagome's arms, that's for sure... in a mating bond, something like that wasn't even possible, it was a well-known fact. It was that way for a reason... it kept a mating honest, so that you couldn't mate one woman, while wanting another.

That kind of thing didn't bode well for a mated pair, and anything that could possibly get in the way of such a bond was not tolerated. Mating was, after all, about survival... survival as a pair, and survival of the species, through procreation.

Mating bonds were almost instinctual. When you found the right female, you knew by scent, and after courting, you marked and mated her. It was simple.

Of course, with the way things were with their lives, the jewel, Naraku, and Kikyou and all, things had been a bit more difficult for he and Kagome, but the fact was, he'd had a claim on her for months... since not long after they'd met, in fact.

He'd never really thought about it, because she'd promised to always stay by his side, and he'd accepted that as promise that she understood and accepted his claim on her, and would wait for the right time to finalize things.

But... she wasn't youkai, and he should have known that she didn't understand anything about youkai mating. Not that today was really the right time... he'd just been overwhelmed by things, and couldn't fight the need for her anymore. Now he was gonna have to fix all this mess he'd made, because she belonged to him, and as had already been proven, the bond had definitely taken.

Finally reaching the hut, he pushed back the reed mat hanging from the doorway and shouldered his way inside, Sango following right behind. As they entered, Miroku stood from where he'd been sitting with Shippo and Kaede.

"What happened? Is Kagome injured?" Kaede pushed forward, pointing to the bedding rolled up behind her.

"Miroku, if you would, please unroll the blankets so he may lay her down." Reaching the hanyou's side, she peered into Kagome's face, frowning down at her pallor.

"Well, Inuyasha? What happened?"

Sango spoke up before he could say anything. "This baka here took Kagome as his mate, without telling her what he had done." At everyone's shocked gasp, he reddened, as Sango continued talking.

"Afterwards, he let her go home," here a glare at the embarrassed hanyou, "he said he was going to follow after her later, but, at any rate, apparently, a mated pair can't be too far away from each other and as soon as Kagome left, she lost consciousness, and Inuyasha had to go after her. If he hadn't, they both could have died."

At this, Shippo, who'd been silent this whole time, surprisingly, jumped up onto Miroku's shoulder and started berating him. "You idiot! That's supposed to be a secret! Now humans know about that, and it's all your fault." Shaking his head, he continued yelling.

"And plus, Kagome's hurt! You're such a baka, Inuyasha! How could anyone be so stupid?"

As soon as Miroku had the bedding spread out, Inuyasha laid Kagome out on it, then knelt at her side, waiting for Kaede to begin her examination. He didn't even acknowledge Shippo's tirade, nor did he pay any attention to the angry taijiya, or the monk who was beginning to be just as angry. He was totally fixated on Kagome, and the woman who was checking her over.

Everything else could wait.

Seeing his preoccupation, Miroku knew that they would have to wait to find out just what Inuyasha had managed to screw up this time, so he motioned for Sango to step outside with him. As soon as the door flap fell closed behind them, he spoke.

"So what is all this about? I understand what you said about Inuyasha taking Kagome as his mate. But surely Kagome knew what he was doing?"

Sango shook her head. "No... the baka didn't tell her a damn thing, he just did it." She sighed, irritation and sadness beginning to infuse her voice. "And then, the fool had the nerve to say Kikyou's name." She nodded grimly at his indrawn breath.

"Yeah. Needless to say, poor Kagome was devastated. He wasn't mistaking Kagome for Kikyou during the mating, I'm sure you know that's not possible, if he had been then the mark wouldn't have taken, but... I don't know what the hell he was thinking, if he was even thinking at all. How could he do this to her? Hell, if he's so in love with that damn bitch Kikyou, then why in the hell did he ever claim Kagome?" She shook her head, beginning to get angry all over again at the hurt in store for her friend.

"How could he be so cruel to her, Miroku?"

Frowning, Miroku glanced back at the hut, knowing full well that the hanyou could hear every word they were saying.

"I don't know, Sango. I have a somewhat limited familiarity with youkai mating habits, I am aware that he couldn't have mated her if he was thinking of another... but I don't really know much more about it. Why would he suddenly, today, after all the years he's known her, take her as his mate?"

"From what Kagome said, Inuyasha's been upset for a few days, hell, we all knew that, but according to her, it had something to do with Kikyou. She said that she'd asked him what was wrong just before she was going to go down the well, and he suddenly kissed her... and, well, it just went from there. I can't tell you why it happened today, per se, but I can tell you that he's had a claim on her since before I came into the group."

Turning and walking to the railing in front of the hut, she leaned on it, suddenly weary.

"The way it usually works is that when two youkai meet, the male can tell by scent, within a few weeks, that a certain female is his match. So he puts a claim on her, and then over time, courts her, until such time as they both are ready to formalize the bond by mating, and then the male marks the female. It's permanent, Miroku," she sighed. "It can't be broken. Kagome will live as long as he will, and they can't be separated, as you can tell," she said, gesturing back towards the hut.

"So, now we have an emotionally retarded hanyou mated to my sister, she's stuck with the bastard, and he's all hung up on some other woman who's fucking dead, but still walking around!"

Miroku stared at Sango in surprise. He'd never heard her swear like this before. She must be seriously upset, and he was damn glad it wasn't with him. She was a skilled and dangerous opponent, and Inuyasha had better get things straightened out, or he had the feeling that Sango would kill the hanyou without a second thought.
She tended to be very protective of those she cared for, and Kagome was one of the few that fit into that category.

"All we can do at this point, Sango, is stand by Kagome and help her through this, and hope that Inuyasha can figure himself out soon." He sighed. "I know this is going to hurt her... I only wish that one or the other of us had wandered up to the well early enough to have put a stop to this - unfortunately, that didn't happen, so we have to deal with the facts as they are."

Inuyasha had, indeed, heard every word that the pair outside had spoken, and as soon as Kaede had assured him that Kagome would be okay after a good sleep, he walked outside to confront them, angered that they thought they had the right to interfere between him and who he had taken as his mate.

They needed to learn their place, and fast, or he wouldn't be responsible for his actions. No one would be allowed to come between him and Kagome. Simple as that.

"Oi! What the fuck business is it of yours if I made Kagome my mate? And what is this bullshit about me calling out for Kikyou? You didn't answer me before, so get to talkin'. Now."

Sango turned and glared at him. "It isn't 'bullshit', Inuyasha." Her reply was completely sarcastic. "Kagome told me herself that you called out that bitch's name." At his growl, she sneered. "Yeah, I called your precious Kikyou a bitch. I'd kill her in a damn heartbeat, too."

Inuyasha clenched his hands, drawing blood. "Do not ever speak of Kikyou that way again. Am I clear?" He growled again. "And as for that threat of yours? Don't try it."

"Oh, shut the hell up, you arrogant bastard! How dare you stand there and defend that thing... she tried to kill the one I consider a sister." Sango stood tall and stared the hanyou straight in the eye.

"Listen well, Inuyasha. I don't care what you threaten me with. I've lost my entire family, and I will NOT lose Kagome the same way. You might be willing to stand by and watch that bitch kill her, but I'm not! If I see her, I'll destroy her. She's a threat to my sister, and I won't tolerate that from anyone, are we clear?"

Inuyasha turned and smashed his fist into the tree he was standing next to, desperately trying to control the rage rolling through his body.

"What the fuck ever gave you the idea that I'd let Kikyou kill Kagome? She's my fucking mate, you stupid bitch! I swore to protect her from the moment I knew she was my match, and I would never go back on that, not even for Kikyou!"

Miroku spoke, trying to calm the two who were rapidly losing control of their tempers.

"Tell me, Inuyasha. Why did you choose Kagome if you're in love with Kikyou? Was that really fair to Kagome? And how do you intend to tell Kikyou? Do you really think she will just wish you well and walk away?" He shook his head.

"What do you think is going to happen to Kagome when you go to hell with Kikyou, or were you planning on dragging her with you, since she obviously can't be away from you now?" When the hanyou turned and glared at him, he stepped forward, making sure he knew that he would not back down on this.

"You claim Kagome is your mate. Fine. But Sango loves her, as does Shippo, and so do I." At this, a thunderous growl forced its way out of Inuyasha's chest. "Not that way, you fool! The point is, we love her and we are not going to allow you to keep hurting her. So yes, what's happened between you two does involve us, because it has caused her a great deal of unhappiness!"

"I'm going to say this once more, and only once more. Do not interfere between me and my mate. As for your questions? Listen closely, because I won't discuss this with you two ever again. One. There is no 'choosing' between Kikyou and Kagome. Kagome is my mate, not Kikyou, nor would she ever have been. If I had been with her in the past, it would have been as a full human, and so youkai mating would have had nothing to do with it. That possibility ended the day she pinned me to the tree, and the day that Kagome woke me up, any ties I had to Kikyou were completely destroyed. She-is-my-match. That's all there is to that."

He stared at Sango, then at Miroku, making sure he still had their attention before moving on. "Second. That whole 'hell' fiasco only happened because I was under Kikyou's spell, and I have no intention of following her there. If I had I would never have mated Kagome. I'm not that much of a bastard," at Sango's glare and snort, he growled, before continuing.

"Kikyou has already been told, that's what I discussed with her the last time I saw her. She didn't say much about it, not that she could. As for what goes on between Kagome and I? That is not any of your business, I hate to tell you. It's called butt out, and stay the fuck out."

"It is too my business, since I'm the one that was holding Kagome as she sobbed her heart out earlier today, you dumb dog! Kagome is the one that told me about all of this, who did she turn to when she needed comforting, huh? Not you! Me." Sango pushed her way past the hanyou, heading back into the hut.

"Stay out of my way, Inuyasha, and stay away from Kagome. She doesn't need any more hurt from you."

Miroku grabbed the enraged hanyou before he could follow Sango into the hut, smacking him over the head with his staff to gain his attention. "Walk with me, Inuyasha. All of this yelling back and forth is doing no one any good, and is not clearing up this situation."

He smiled blandly at his friend. "Surely you don't feel so threatened by Sango's words that you have to follow and push her away from Kagome's side, do you?" He said that deliberately, knowing that taunt would calm him down and immediately get him to do the exact opposite of what he had been about to do, which was follow the taijiya back into the hut.

It worked, as he began following him instead.

"So, Inuyasha," he said, smiling urbanely, "you never did answer my question. Why did you choose to do this today?"

"Feh." He glanced at Miroku out of the corner of his eye. "I don't know... I just felt like it okay? Sheesh. Do I have to explain everything I do to you people?"

"No, not everything. But this? I think you do." Nodding, he said, "Yes - about this, you do. Another question, my friend: why didn't you explain anything to Kagome? Or ask her? Didn't she have the right to be asked?"

At this, the hanyou managed to look embarrassed, and even ashamed. Turning his face away, he growled softly for a moment, before letting it all out in a huff.

"Yeah... I know I shoulda told her what I was doing, but, I figured I'd do it later this evening." He turned a dull red. "I hadn't actually planned to mate her today. It just sorta... happened, and afterwards, I needed to go take care of something. That's why I sent her off through the well, or at least, I thought she went through the well."

He rolled his eyes. "Wench never does what I expect... sometimes she's so confusing. But as for asking her? No. Why would I? She already promised to stay by my side forever. She's mine, and has been since the day she woke me from Kikyou's spell."

Miroku was glad to note that Inuyasha was finally calming down, and beginning to sound more like himself. The way he'd been earlier, almost feral, had been more than a little alarming.

"I still don't understand one thing, my friend." At Inuyasha's curious look, he continued. "You know how Kagome feels for you. It's obvious, and always has been." He sighed, feeling tired.

"I just can't understand how you could take advantage of her this way, Inuyasha. You should have stayed away from her, you know that, don't you? You're only going to hurt her. You love Kikyou, and you defend her even when you know she's guilty. This whole situation is terribly unfair to Kagome, she doesn't deserve what you've done to her, you know."

"Why do you all keep going on about me being in love with Kikyou? Did I say I was? If I were, I wouldn't have been mating Kagome. I don't understand all the commotion about this."

Miroku sighed again. Sometimes Inuyasha could be so dense... but then again, it's because he was thinking as a youkai, not a human.

"Listen, and I'll try to explain things. The way Kagome sees it, you have just put her in the position of being tied to a man who loves another woman. You have made her second best. And you've done it in such a way that she can never escape. She's stuck." He shook his head, glancing again at Inuyasha.

"You took her as a youkai, but you forgot something. Kagome is human. And not only that, Inuyasha, but she doesn't know the first thing about youkai, really, because she comes from a time that youkai don't exist in. She doesn't think the way you do."

Inuyasha sighed, knowing that the monk spoke the truth. But he just hadn't had any choice in the matter. Humans didn't understand the whole mating concept. You could tell them all you wanted, but they still would never truly understand.

When you caught the scent of the one who was your match, it was a compulsion. There was no such thing as choice, really. Not that you'd end up stuck to someone you hated, or anything, because you couldn't hate the one who bore that particular scent, the scent that called to you... the moment his youki had realized that Kagome carried the scent that was his match, any question of him choosing anyone else had gone out the door.

Not that he regretted that fact, mind you. He was perfectly, ecstatically happy with his mate.

It was all about the scent. Kagome's scent called out to him on every level of his being, he literally couldn't live for long without it. He knew he'd messed things up with his impulsive act this morning... and now he'd have to deal with the consequences. Stopping suddenly, he turned, waiting 'til Miroku joined him, then headed back to the hut.

"Keh. I know I fucked things up, and I'll have to take Kagome aside and fix this. So do me a favor and keep Sango out of my ass, okay?" He snorted, thinking about that for a moment.

"Never mind. I should have known better than to ask that. Like anyone could have any influence over that woman. I'll just take Kagome away for a few days. We could all use the break anyway."

Miroku chuckled softly. Inuyasha was right on that one... the thought of anyone influencing Sango in any way was laughable. She did what she wanted, and she was strong enough to make her wishes stick, too. She certainly wasn't the traditional meek female, but then again - neither was Kagome.

Inuyasha walked back into the hut, holding the mat aside for Miroku, who was right on his heels. As soon as they were both through, he went to Kagome's side, raising a brow at Kaede as he passed. She seemed to understand, because she promptly answered.

"She's fine, Inuyasha, I already told you that. She's just worn out, is all, nothing a few days of rest won't cure."

He nodded decisively. "Keh. Good. Then a few days of rest is what she's going to get."

Bending down, he grabbed her, scooping her up into his arms and holding her with one arm while he grabbed her bag with the other. Ignoring Sango, who frowned at him, obviously gearing up to fight with him about taking Kagome, he walked out of the hut, calling back over his shoulder.

"We'll see you guys here in five days. Do not attempt to find us... 'cause I can guarantee you won't succeed."

And with that, they were gone, Kagome still asleep as he took them away from everything that could possibly interfere with the time he felt they needed.