InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miscommunication ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 3

Kagome woke slowly, wondering where she was.

For a moment, she didn't remember anything, and that moment was bliss, because as her memory came flooding back, she wished she could curl right back up and forget everything again.

But still, her memory of things didn't include this place, so... she frowned, trying to think of what could have happened. The last thing she remembered, she had jumped into the well, and then, this horrible pain, then nothing.

Shaking her head slowly, she sat up, looking around. She was in a cave of some sort, but that's all she could see, so where were the others? She jumped when she heard a voice behind her. The last voice she wanted to hear, of course.


"Oi! 'Bout time you woke up, wench," he said, gruffly. "Feeling any better now?"

She shook her head, refusing to look at him.

How could he even ask me that?

"You can look at me, woman... I ain't gonna bite ya. And I know for a fact that you have a voice, so why ain't you usin' it?"

She closed her eyes, beginning to shake. I really can't deal with this... she felt like she was crying, but no tears spilled from her eyes, it seemed that her body just didn't have any more.

Maybe if I don't talk to him he'll go away... please just go away!

Her prayers, however, went unanswered, as she heard a rustling sound, she realized that he'd moved around in front of her and crouched down, looking at her.

Inuyasha sighed, reaching out a hand, he touched her cheek, frowning when her scent spiked with fear, and she flinched away from him.

The hell...? Why is she afraid of me? This fucking shit can't continue!

"What's that all about, Kagome? Since when are you afraid of me? And why? Talk to me, woman, I'm not going away, and we have pretty much fucking forever to sit here if you want, 'cause we aren't moving from this place until we get this mess straightened out."

He leaned back, trying to look her in the eye, but she still had them closed, denying him. "You can't hide from me, Kagome, so stop trying. I know you're braver than this."

"What do you want from me?" This came out in a croak, as her voice was rusty from all the crying, and then not being used for hours afterward. "Why can't you just leave me alone? What have I ever done to you to deserve what you've done to me?!"

"And just what the hell do you think I've done to you? And don't give me that crap about 'second best' or 'you called out Kikyou's name'." He growled softly in annoyance when she flinched.

"You didn't even have the decency to just ask me about that instead of jumping to damn conclusions?"

He stood up and began pacing.

"There I was, enjoying what had been the happiest day of my whole fucking life, and you're going off on a tangent over some woman that's been dead for over fifty fucking years?! Shit, Kagome! You think I don't know the difference between the two of you? I haven't mistaken you for her since you pulled me from that damn tree, so don't even let me ever hear you suggest anything like that again!"

"What the hell else am I supposed to think?! I had just let you do... that to me, shared a part of myself I've never let anyone else touch," she glared at him when he growled, "and the next thing I know you're saying her name? How is that supposed to make me feel any confidence? Why wouldn't I think that you were just using me as a replacement for her??!"

"Damn straight you've never shared that with anyone else, and you never fucking will, either, wench! You belong to me. MINE." He glared at her.

"You can get pissed if you want, Kagome, but that's a fact. You.are.mine. My mate. And it works in reverse too, meaning I'm just as much yours. We belong to each other. Do you understand?"

At her suspicious look, he sighed, and walking back over towards her, he sat down in front of her. Pulling her into his lap, he spoke again.

"Look, wench, I'm going to try to explain this whole thing, like I should have done yesterday. I screwed up. So just listen, okay?"

For a while, he just held her and rocked, running his hand through her hair soothingly, trying to get her to relax. As mad and as hurt as she was, eventually she did begin to calm down, and then he began talking.

"I don't know what Sango told you yesterday about youkai mating, but I'm going to break it down for you." He sighed, trying to figure out where he should start.

"I've known for a long, long time, that you were going to be my mate. Do you remember that time I tried to kiss you, back right before Kikyou was brought back? That's the day I knew for sure, and I laid claim to you right then and there. What should have happened, if things hadn't been screwed up with Kikyou being brought back and all, was the next step in the mating, the courtship. In a way, a weird, roundabout way, granted," he rolled his eyes, "since our lives are so crazy, I have been courting you. Why do you think I get so pissed when Koga comes around, or when you talk about that Hojo fool back in your time? It's because they're trespassing on my territory. Part of the courtship is making sure other males are kept away."

Kagome huffed at that. "Yeah, right. I think you just like fighting with Koga, and I make a good excuse to do it. I think that's his real reason too, not because he's in love with me like he claims."

She rolled her eyes as Inuyasha growled angrily.

"Don't be stupid! Koga wants to take you away from me, the fucking bastard, and that's why I fight with him. Anyway," he said, glaring at her as she tried to pull away, "I hadn't actually planned on finishing the mating 'til Naraku was dead, for your own safety. Moot point, now, I know," he said, blushing a bit, "I just... couldn't hold myself back anymore. You looked so beautiful standing there, your face all concerned for me, and I just... I needed you, more than anything, in that moment, I needed you more than I needed air." He smirked as she blushed.

"And it really was the best day of my life, Kagome, I meant it when I said that earlier. I don't have any regrets about finalizing the bond. You're mine now, mine forever."

She shook her head, sadness lining her features. "Then why...? You know what I'm talking about, Inuyasha." Putting her head in her hands, she sighed bitterly.

"I don't understand. Why did you take me, when you're in love with her? Why? Do you know how much that hurts?"

Inuyasha growled at the stubborn woman in his lap.

"Why the hell do all of you people keep insisting that I'm in love with Kikyou? Sure, I have some feelings for her, mostly pity, truth be told, and a large measure of guilt, and I remember a time that I did love her... but that was - duh - once again, over fifty fucking years ago! I can't forget her, she was a big part of my past, and the first halfway decent part, but..."

Shaking his head, he sighed again. "Do you know, Kagome, that almost every single truly happy memory that I have has to do with you? Not Kikyou, you. Because with Kikyou, only part of me was happy. My human part. With you, all of me can be happy, because you accept all of me. Do you understand?"

Kagome had lifted her head at his words, completely astounded, and it showed. All she could do was stare at him.

He grinned at her. "I think I like this speechless thing. It's quiet!" He laughed when she glared at him and dug her elbow into his stomach.

"Anyway, as to why I said Kikyou's name after we, uh... well, afterwards, it's because I saw her damn soul collectors hovering over the trees farther back in the forest. I was fucking annoyed that she'd interrupted us."

Kagome looked at him in surprise. She'd never even thought of something like that as being the reason, she'd automatically thought it meant that he'd been thinking of Kikyou. Now she felt guilty. Only a little, though.

"I'm sorry, Inuyasha - I shouldn't have assumed. But it's partly your fault, too, you know. I've always been second best when it came to her, so how was I supposed to know it was any different this time?"

"Wench! Like I'd do that with you, while thinking of her? What do you take me for? And besides - that's not possible in a mating. If I'd really been thinking of her, the bond with you wouldn't have taken."

She stared at him, startled. "Really? He nodded, and she sighed, slumping a bit. "I didn't know that," she said softly.

"I know, and that's my fault for not explaining before. And I'm sorry, too. I didn't even think you'd heard me when I said her name." He smiled a little at her.

"That's where I went when I left you at the well yesterday. I wanted to tell her off for disturbing us. She already knew that I was claiming you, you know. I'd told her the last time I'd seen her, in fact, that's why I'd gone to see her. That's why I was so annoyed when she showed up... I'd told her to stay away from you."

She looked thoughtful for a moment, the asked, "Inuyasha... what happened yesterday? I mean, when I tried to go through the well? All I remember is jumping into it, horrible pain, and then... nothing. Until this morning." She looked out at the cave entrance to the light filtering in.

"At least, I think it's morning...." she trailed off slowly, looking up at him.

"Yeah, it's morning. About mid-morning, actually." He shifted her on his lap, curling her closer to his chest, nuzzling her neck and breathing her scent in deeply.

"There's a part of mating that youkai have kept secret from humans since the very beginning. A mated pair can't be too far apart from each other, it gets very painful, and can even spell death if it goes on for too long. Can you understand why we'd not want that particular fact to get out?" She looked astounded, then understanding.

"That's what that pain was yesterday before you passed out. I felt it too, as soon as you jumped in the well."

She frowned at him "If you knew that, why did you tell me to go, then?"

He shook his head ruefully.

"I guess I got so used to just hopping into the well and there your house was, that I forgot that that little leap crosses five hundred years. As soon as you hit the time slip, I felt the pain, and that's why I came running. When I got to your side, you were passed out at the bottom of the well, so I picked you up, brought you back, and took you to Kaede's. Once she'd checked you out and said you'd be okay, I went outside and fought with Sango for a while, then grabbed you, and brought you here. We need the time alone."

At her blush, he grinned wickedly and ran his claws down her sides. "I think we'll stay here for a few days, then go to your time... maybe, if your good, I'll even let you go to that school thing. No Hojo, though."

He frowned at the thought of the other male anywhere close to his mate. "He'd better stay away, or I'll have to kill him."

Kagome stared at him, then shook her head. "You can be so incredibly simple-minded sometimes, Inuyasha. Oh... what was that that Sango told me? Something about how my lifespan is now tied to yours? Just how does that work, and how long is your lifespan, anyway?"

He shrugged. "Dunno, really. Most hanyou and youkai don't die of old age, they get killed. Technically, we're considered immortal, but that could just be because so few live out their lives undisturbed."

At her blank look, he chuckled. "The oldest youkai I know of is about three thousand years old, give or take a few centuries, and he looks no older than about forty in human years. Of course, most youkai can change how they look, and a lot choose to make themselves look old after they reach a certain age. Most humans get fooled by that old look, ya know. They seem to think that if its old, it can't be too dangerous."

He shrugged. "Kinda stupid, if ya ask me. The older it is, well, it usually means it got that old for a reason, and should be considered more dangerous. Oh well. Anyway, being that I'm only half youkai, I'd imagine I'll get old and die eventually, but... I mean, right now, I'm over two hundred years old, yet in human terms, I'm the same age as you."

She rolled her eyes at him. "Great. Two seventeen year olds, mated." She groaned. "I'm too young for this!"

Inuyasha snickered at that. "Oh, no you're not. Your body says otherwise. It's been screaming at me to take you for months now. I don't care about the stupid rules in your time. We aren't there, we're here, and even if we were there, I still wouldn't care. If you enjoyed it, and I know you did," this said with a gratified smirk, "then you're old enough."

At her glare, he grinned cockily, then continued.

"Hell, most females your age are several years mated, or married, for humans, and have at least two children. So don't worry about it. And as for me, I'm more than old enough to establish a mate bond, and to be responsible for caring for a mate. Hell, I've been taking care of you for months now, if you think about it."

She nodded thoughtfully. "So you have." Suddenly she pushed away from him, and getting to her feet, walked towards the cave entrance, ignoring his peeved demands to get back in his lap.

"Did you want me to go in your lap, you crazy dog?" she asked huffily at his continued demands.

"Oi! Don't call your mate a crazy dog! That's disrespectful!" He jumped to his feet, grumbling with annoyance.

"I'll show you where to go, there's certain places you need to stay away from around here. Baka wench," he mumbled as he passed her.

"Hmmph. Baka Inuyasha."

She followed him out of the cave, one thing occurring to her as they walked. In all the long conversation that they'd just had, he'd never said he loved her, he'd only denied, by a rather circuitous route, that he loved Kikyou. Her shoulders slumped a bit. She wasn't surprised, really. Of course he didn't love her, what had she been thinking?

So why had he chosen her anyway, if he didn't love her?

Inuyasha glanced behind him, noting the scent that was coming from her. Sadness, and confusion. Fuck!

What the hell was wrong with her now? She should have been happy to know he didn't love Kikyou, and that she wasn't just some replacement in his eyes.

What a creepy thought, anyways... why would anyone settle for one female when they really wanted another?

I never did understand that....

"Here. It's safe to go behind these bushes, but don't go over there," he said, pointing to the area directly behind him.

"Those bushes over there are somewhat poisonous, so while they won't kill you, they will give you a rash from hell, I mean, we're talkin' burning and itching and even worse, so... make sure you stay away from those, okay?"

He looked over at her, then away.

"I'll wait for you back in the cave, 'cause I can tell there's some more stuff you've thought of and you're gonna want to talk about it, I'm sure." He sighed. Women. They always made things so complicated.

Walking back into the cave, he headed to the fire pit he'd dug the night before and got another fire going, before digging through Kagome's pack looking for the ramen he knew she had. It wasn't much, but for now, until he could hunt down some deer or boar, or maybe rabbit, it would do.

Damn that man and his nose! Can't I think about anything without him knowing how it makes me feel? Hmmph!

She took care of her business, then headed back to the cave, wondering if there was a place she could bathe close by. She really could use a bath right about now. Upon entering the cave, she noticed that he'd gotten some food ready, and she started in surprise when she heard her stomach growl.

At his amused look, she shrugged sheepishly. "Hey, what do you expect? I haven't eaten since..." she frowned, trying to remember.

"Wow! I haven't eaten in two days! No wonder I'm so hungry...." she trailed off as she noticed his furious glare.

"What the fuck, Kagome!? Two fucking days?! Hell! No wonder what happened yesterday hit you so damn hard. Sit the fuck down right now and eat the damn ramen, and I mean every bite of it." He plopped down next to her, obviously planning on sitting there and watching until she ate every last drop.

"Shit, woman... it's not like there's that much of you to begin with!" he grumbled. "You can't afford to be missing any meals."

"Are you trying to complain about how I look? Too skinny, am I?" she asked acerbically.

"Oh, for fucks sake, Kagome, you should fucking know better than that shit! Did I look like I was unhappy with your body yesterday? Shit! You can be such a baka sometimes." He stared at her, wondering how someone who was normally so smart could be so stupid when it came to him.

"That reminds me... what was makin' you upset earlier? And don't try to feed me any bullshit, either. Just tell me what's up."

Kagome wiggled uneasily, trying to hide her overly hot face... she was so embarrassed, and she was pretty sure that baka was enjoying her discomfort, too.

"I'm just curious... you didn't mention... well, why? I mean," at his blank look, "why me? Why did you choose me as your m-mate?" She braced for his answer, pretty sure he wasn't about to confess some great love for her.

"Oh, yeah... I forgot to mention that part. It's a scent thing. Usually, the male can tell fairly quickly when he's met his match, through scent. It didn't take me too long to figure out that you were mine... remember when we were fighting those spider head things, and I told you I'd lied about not liking your scent? I'd suspected for several days that you were gonna be it for me by that point, I just hadn't quite admitted it." He sighed.

"Of course, right after that, Kikyou got brought back, and everything went all to hell. Go figure."

"Wait. You mean to tell me you picked me because of the way I smell?!" She was incredulous. "That's the whole reason why?"

Putting down the ramen, slowly, carefully, she tried to get a handle on what she'd just been told. Frowning, she thought about it. "You know... if it's just a scent thing, that means its all based on chemicals inside the body," she mused, "and that means...." looking up, she nodded at him.

"I bet I can go home and find some way to change my scent, and if I do that... then we won't have to worry about this." She jumped back in shock with a stifled eep! when he moved suddenly, grabbing her and pushing her up against the wall of the cave, pinning her there with his body.

He was furious, growling ferally at her, flashes of red flickering in his eyes.

"What the fuck do you mean by that, bitch? Do you think I'd let you try to break our bond? Are you fucking insane?! I already told you - you.are.mine! I meant it, wench, and I have absolutely no desire to change anything. As for you, even if you did want to, I wouldn't care. I'm not letting you go, so get used to it."

He glared at her for what felt like hours, pressing his body against hers, dominating her.

Baka wench...! As if I'd ever let you go... his youkai blood was in an uproar at the thought, and he knew his eyes were flashing to red - he could feel it trying to take control - it wanted to dominate their bitch, prove to her who she belonged to and make her submit.

Kagome stared up at him, totally shocked, and completely unable to speak, let alone think. All she could feel was his body, pressing up against her, and almost absently she marveled how they seemed to fit together so perfectly.

Her eyes widened, then, as she felt his arousal... he was getting hard, staring down at her, breathing in her scent and feeling her body the same as she was feeling his.

She watched in amazement as the expression in his eyes changed from anger, to desire, the one just as fiercely felt as the other had been.

When he lowered his mouth to meet hers, she met him halfway, a moan of pleasure already forming in her throat...