InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Misery loves company ❯ Deception rises in sight ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 1" Ok, Miroku..that was gross..." Kagome laughed as she grimaced at her best friend's disgusting habits.
" You see what I have to deal with? I mean, you must pity me deep inside.." Sango muttered dramatically.
" Oh please, you know you love me..." Miroku smiled as he puckered his lips and came close to her face halted by her hand.
"You touch me, you die.." Sango frowned.." I'm pitying you as we speak, Sango " Kagome laughed as she took a sip of her coffee. She looked at her watch as her laugh faded into silence and glanced out of the window of the coffee shop and sighed. " Have you guys seen Inuyasha lately? I haven't seen him for like a week. Everytime I call him, he keeps the conversation short and blows me off.." she scoffed. " Do you know anything, Miroku?"
"Nope, I haven't seen him since last week either..."Miroku took a bite out of his donut.
Kagome frowned and tilted her head. " That's weird. I called him last night and he said he was hanging with you.." she looked at Miroku questionably.
Miroku shifted in his seat and met eyes with Sango." Oh, that's right, I brain's been stuck on slow..sorry.." Sango eyed him suspiciously. He grinned as he got up and hugged her. " I'll be back. .." he stammered. "Listen, I 'll meet with you later...there's something I gotta do.." he kissed her and walked away.
Kagome looked at Sango who shrugged.
"Why would Inuyasha lie to me?" Kagome's voice softened. " He's been doing things like this for a few weeks now and I don't know what is going on. He doesn't come by my house to sleepover, he doesn't really kiss me, if anything, it's those friendly tap know the kiss of death? I even tested it out, I have to call him, if I don't, he doesn't call me!"
Sango frowned and looked out of the window. They sat at their usual booth of the coffee shop that was nearby their former highschool. She stirred her coffee and took a sip. "Hmm, that is weird..."
" I mean.." Kagome leaned closer. " We don't even have sex anymore..."
Sango chuckled. " maybe somethings up with him...did you ask?"
" Well, I've tried but..he gives me short answers and then tells me it is nothing. I guess, he's been working a lot on his when he comes home..he'd be completely burnt-out?."
" I don't know, Kagome.." Sango retorted in disbelief. " He's a guy..they're never too tired for that...but I don't want to put things in your head.."
"What do you mean?" Kagome's eyes widened. " Are you implying something?"
" I'm not implying anything, Kagome. I am just trying to assess the facts given. I mean, if he were any other guy, I'd say he was cheating on you..but this is Inuyasha here...he went throughout our pubescent years of school pining for you- He wouldn't be so stupid.." Sango assured her with a warm smile.
" Ok...but why would he lie?" Kagome muttered incoherently.
" Hey...did you ask his brother, Sesshomaru..He goes out with your sister doesn't he? Maybe Kikyo knows something."
" No..she's in Hawaii, she'll be back tonight actually..and as for Sesshomaru, He and I don't get rather find out about Inuyasha through the news than to go to him.." Kagome tittered, feeling somewhat bothered by Inuyasha's absense.
"What the hell is Kikyo doing in Hawaii?" Sango said as she took a bite out of her bearclaw. She wiped the side of her mouth and waited for Kagome to answer.
" vacationing, I guess..since graduation, that's all she was talking about.." Kagome said not interestingly.
Sango shook her head." Why didn't you go with her, I thought twins went everywhere together.."
"Common misconception.." Kagome gritted.
" Ok, change of topic..." Sango sat up straight wanting to cheer up her friend. " How does it feel to finally finish highschool?" she squealed.
" I don't kind of sucks...we're adults now..." Kagome mocked. " We have to be 'responsible', whatever that means..I already registered for college..I--" Kagome stopped as she saw Sesshomaru enter the coffee shop. He walked over to the counter and lowered his shades as he spoke to the barista.
Sango turned around to see why her friend's mouth was agape and turned back to face her. " Ask him.."
"No..." Kagome said flatly.
" Oh come on..I'll call him over here ok?" Sango nodded.
" No, Sango! No!!" Kagome whispered tersely.
"Hey, Sesshomaru!" Sango shouted.
Sesshomaru turned his head in a slow motion and squinted his eyes in what appeared to be, aggravation. He saw the girl's gesture to come forth and slightly sighed. He walked over towards their table. He was holding his laptop and leered down at the girls for acknowledgment.
" We were wondering.." Sango looked at Kagome who was avoiding eyes with the demon. " Have you seen, Inuyasha?"
" and I would know this how?" he spoke softly yet sharp.
Sango darted her eyes back and forth between Kagome and Sesshomaru and shrugged. " I don't know, cause you're his brother?"
" I know nothing about my brother's whereabouts.." he looked at Kagome and bowed his head. " Is that all?
"" Sango grinned and with that, Sesshomaru walked away. " Boy, what's his problem?" Sango mocked his nose in air walk.
" He's arrogant..." Kagome rolled her eyes.
" Well, I know that..but he seemed more colder when he looked at you, anything happened between you guys that would trigger this unknown hatred?" Sango opened a pack of sugar and poured it into her cup.
" You mean, besides my breathing?" Kagome said as she stood up and glanced at Sesshomaru who sat at the booth in the end. He looked up from his laptop and met eyes with her. Kagome quickly looked away and looked down at her friend, " I'm going to go..I still have to pack my things into my new apartment..I'm still looking for a roomate you know, the offer still stands..." Kagome teased. " You don't have to live with that perverted Miroku.."
" Yes..I know.." Sango sighed. " but someone has to watch him....sadly....I don't understand, why didn't you just move with Inuyasha?"
" He never asked me.." Kagome murmured. " Anyway, this will be a good experience, you know? We all live on our's the cool thing to do.." she rolled her eyes. " Well, check you later, I'm going to stop by your house after I stop by Kikyo's apartment, I have to pick up a few things.."
" Isn't she not home?" Sango cocked a brow.
" Spare key.." Kagome walked off. "Later.."
Sango lifted her coffee cup and grimaced. She put too much sugar. She looked at Sesshomaru through the edge of her cup and noticed he had followed Kagome out the door with his eyes and then looked down.
" Hm, " Sango wandered off in a doze.********************************************************************** ********************************
Kagome stood frozen before her two bedroom apartment. It looked so empty. Granted, she just moved in but it felt cold. This was her first time alone and it felt completely foreign. She gulped away the unfamiliarity and began to unload the boxes. She had connected the phone weeks prior to the move-in and growled that no one had left her any messages. One person, specifically. Hours passed and she set all her furniture around, hung a few paintings on the naked coffee colored wall. Sango and Miroku had helped her paint. As for the furniture, to save some money, she had Koga and Hojo do it. She picked up her phone and pressed it to her ear to see if it was working. She heard the tone and sighed. as she began to dial Sango's number."Hello?" Kagome spoke in a broken tone. "Sango, can you call me back, I want to see if the phone is working., thanks."Kagome hung up. Please don't work! Please don't work!, she hoped but the phone rang." Thanks.." she muttered. " Yes..I'm practically done...I'll be by in an hour.." she hung up the phone.She shrugged off the bad feeling and began to look at the brightside. She finished highschool, she had her own apartment, a decent job that is willing to work with her school schedule, a scholarship, good grades, evidently, good friends, a boyfriend whom she's been with for 5 years and her first car. It was an ugly toyota with a different color hood, but to her it was a beautiful car. Why should she be feeling down? She had it all. She laughed as she picked up her keys. She had it all, she kept reminding herself.
She grunted as she looked ahead of her. Traffic, it was rush hour and she looked at the time. Sango will be furious since it would take a lot longer than an hour. She turned on the radio and began tuning through stations and stopped as she heard a song. Inuyasha's song. Inuyasha was in a band called " City Slackers" and had gone famous with their single " Living deception". Kagome smiled at her boyfriend's success and turned the volume up and began to sing along to the chorus.***"Through my smiles I knowI've taken yours awayMy heart leads me intothe path..the path of betrayal..
Living deceptionis the life I'm leading now..someone please save me,I can't stop I don't know how!"
Kagome sang outloud as she drummed on her steering wheel. The traffic began to move and she felt like all was getting better. Sure, the first time she hears her boyfriend's voice in days is through song but still, she wasn't going to let that get the best of her.She and Inuyasha knew they would have to spend time apart with his touring and her going to school. They expected this but they both felt they were strong enough to overcome it.She turned the corner of her sister's block and parked outside of her building. Kagome waited for the song to finish before turning off the car. The car spat as she turned it off and she gave it a good tap on the hood as she got out.
"They should give you a ticket for littering the highway with that piece of junk.." said a voice.
Kagome looked around and saw Sesshomaru by his car. He pressed the alarm button on his key ring to activate the alarm to his White Mustang and walked toward her.
"What are you doing here?" Kagome looked at him and began walking into the building.
" I came to surprise your sister..." Sesshomaru smirked as they were greeted by the doorman.
The doorman looked at her and Sesshomaru and smiled nervously. " Ms. Kagome..:Lord Sesshomaru.good day isn't it.." he bowed his head.
" Hi..Myoga..yes..I guess.." Kagome forced a smile. She hated small talk.
Sesshomaru nodded and continued walking. Kagome following him to the elevator.
" H-How's everything?" he stuttered as he followed them. " School going well, Ms. about with you, Lord Sesshomaru?"
"'s fine.." Kagome pressed the button to the elevator.
Sesshomaru squinted at the doorman. He never spoke to him nor did he care to talk. Why was he asking questions?
The elevator door opened and Kagome and Sesshomaru entered. They looked at the doorman who looked lost and kept his finger on the button.
Kagome and Sesshomaru exchanged glances and looked at the doorman.
"Are you going to let go of the elevator door, I am kind of in a hurry..." Kagome said, trying to be nice.
"Sorry..." Myoga tittered as he let go of the button. The door closed and Myoga began to pant.
Kagome and Sesshomaru stood silent in the elevator as it ringed for each floor. Kikyo lived on the 23rd floor.
" You know Kikyo isn't here yet, right?" Kagome broke the silence. Her phone began to vibrate in her jacket pocket and she began searching for it.
Sesshomaru kept his head straight but glanced to the side as he watched the girl look for her phone.
She cursed her breath as she violently pulled it out being stuck in the fabric of her jacket.
"Hello?" she said as she flipped it open. "Sango..I can't hear're breaking up.." Kagome stuck her finger in the other ear to try to hear better. " What?"Sango's voice broke on the other line. " I ne--ed--t-o -tell ---som--ing"
Kagome sighed. " Look, I'll call you back, I'm in the elevator and I don;t know what you're saying.." she hung up the phone. She looked at Sesshomaru who still had his face straight forward with the same expression. She grew tired of the silence as they only passed by the 10th floor.
"so...can't wait to see Kikyo?" she said as she twisted her lip from side to side.
" You can say that.." he said bitterly as he looked at the numbers the elevator passed.
They finally reached the floor and got out.
Sesshomaru's jaw tightened as he stared at Kagome from the side. He sighed in deeply and stopped in his path. "Why are you here?"
" I need to get some things..she borrowed and she never gave them'm taking the initiative.." she said as she fished out the key from her pocket.
" Why don't you get them later.." Sesshomaru walked ahead of her.
"because..I know myself? I'm a big procrastinator, I'll never get them..." she said feeling somewhat not welcomed. "Look, if it bothers you so much that I'm here..I'm just getting some things..I'll be out of your way within minutes.."
"I highly doubt that.." he whispered.
Kagome opened the door and walked in. The lights were off and she turned on a lamp that was on the desk by the door.The light lit the hallway fairly enough to see. Sesshomaru gracefully walked behind her and frowned as he shut the door quietly.Kagome looked at him weirdly and shook her head as she walked into the living room. She walked toward the entertainment center and looked inside the dvd collection and grabbed a few dvd's. Sesshomaru leaned against the wall by her and took out a cigarette and lit it.
"Do you mind.." Kagome muttered.
" Not at all.." he smirked as he took a pull and observed her making her uncomfortable. " you came out of your way for some rubbish digital versatile disks?" he exhaled smoke at her face.
Kagome stared at him with her head bowed and a cocked brow. "You mean these DVD's, right? and yes..I spend money on them..they should be in my house.." She waved her hand to disperse the smoke from her face and bent down as she looked underneath the table for another key that her sister hid. It opened a locked drawer which held money. Kikyo owed her money and was pretty shady at paying her back. Sesshomaru started oddly at the girl bent over, revealing her pink laced thong. He tightened his jaw as he looked away and pulled once more on his cigarette.Kagome licked her lips as she found the key and opened the drawer. She saw the envelope that contained cash and opened it.Her eyes widened as she began counting, there had to have been more than $3,000 dollars in hundred dollar bills. She looked around wondering what would Kikyo be doing with all that money. She complained most of the time being broke and always asked Kagome for some. Kagome's heart stopped as she saw Inuyasha's hoody on the sofa. There was no mistake about it, it was his. She had gotten him that sweater for their anniversary and altered it herself. Sesshomaru stared at her and frowned as he followed her gaze upon the sweater. A slight grin partook his face and his senses picked up a slight disturbance in the quiet room. His keen hearing heard muffles and laughter down the hall. He looked at Kagome and noticed she hadn't heard it and walked towards the sweater. She picked it up and buried her face into it. His scent was all over it. A loud moan came from the room and Sesshomaru looked at Kagome who looked at him frighteningly. She dropped the sweater on the sofa and held the envelope filled with cash to her chest. She gulped as she began to walk down the long hallway, Sesshomaru right behind her. Kagome walked down the narrow dark hallway slowly as she prayed she didn't see what she was expecting to see. She heard a loud banging and thumping and faltered making Sesshomaru bump into her. He grabbed her shoulders and walked ahead of her, blocking her sight with his tall figure. She looked to the side as they reached the door. With no warning, Sesshomaru pushed it open. There were screams and whimpers and Kagome looked inside gripping to Sesshomaru's sleeve.He could feel her nerves and see the shocked look on her face that made him not want to look. The pain on her face was indescribable.
"Kikyo, darling..back soon?" Sesshomaru said blocking Kagome's path still smoking his cigarette.
Kikyo covered herself in a blanket as Inuyasha rolled off the bed putting his pants on. " Kagome..wait.." he spat.
But Kagome didn't move, she was frozen in the hallway as she turned around, like a zombie. She was completely stunned mute and almost immobilized. Inuyasha lunged forth towards the hallway and grabbed Kagome by the shoulders." I know this looks bad..I.."Kagome stared at him with such a betrayed look as silent tears fell down her cheek. She tried to speak but couldn't and just began to shake in anger. Her eyes stared sharply at the deceitful hanyou as she gritted her teeth. "WHY?!" she began to sob. "WHY?!" she started hitting him.
"I..don't know.." Inuyasha broke down as he sobbed.
"Was I not enough? I gave you everything I was! I was always behind you!..How long has this been going on?!" Kagome yelled in a growl.
Sesshomaru, in an impervious attitude, looked at Kikyo and shook his head.
Kikyo began to cry. "Get out of here."
Sesshomaru walked out of the room and passed his brother. He gazed into the reflection of his amber eyes and scoffed as Inuyasha looked away to avoid his eyes. . "Hmm..." he said as he walked out of the apartment.
Kagome's knees were giving in and she leaned on the wall as she slid to the floor.
" Kagome..I'm sorry..It was an accident..none of this was gotta believe me.." Inuyasha pleaded as he knelt down to be eye level with her.
"It was an accident to be here in the same bed as my sister?" Kagome rubbed her temples as she sniffed. She noticed Inuyasha's slight tan and began to sob more. " It was an accident to get on the same plane to the same destination as her...that sounds like it was planned to me!" Kagome shouted. " was it an accident when you mounted her and decided to fuck her!" Kagome stood up and pushed him. " I hate you..." she spat. " I hate you!" She took one last look at Kikyo who looked away and then looked at Inuyasha. " She fooled you, Inuyasha.." Kagome laughed as she sniffed. " Just wait and see.." she walked out of the apartment not taking her eyes off of him.
" Kagome..please..I just.." he tried to say.
Kagome got out of the elevator and looked at Myoga, the doorman. Kagome's puffy red eyes answered the questionable look he had on his face. He looked down and avoided eyes with her. She walked passed him and faltered. She looked at him with a saddened face.
"Was it that obvious, Myoga?" she teared.
He didn't know what to say and shook his head. She blinked away her tears as she lifelessly walked to her car. She got into the car and stared out of the windowshield. The sky had looked that dark grayish-green color that would come right before a really bad storm. It began to rain. Kagome looked into the rearview mirror and bowed her head into her hand. The edge of the envelope jabbed her eye causing her to whimper. She looked at the envelope just realizing she still had it. She put it in her pocket and started the car. The car turned on but immediatly shut off. She tried once more but the car kept on wheezing. She banged her forehead onto the steering wheel as she began to sob once more. She got out of her car and began to walk home.
Sesshomaru sighed as he drove around silently. He hadn't the clue where he was going, he was just driving. He took out another cigarette and placed it between his lips and turned the corner of an alley. It wasn't your typical desolate alley, this one was filled with human and demon presence. He slightly growled wanting to get away from there being they were getting in the way of his reckless driving and turned down a secluded street. As he rummage for his lighter, he stepped on the break to slow down. He lowered his windows as he focused underneath the bridge, Kagome was walking aimlessly. He drove nearby the girl and looked at her. He mentally fought in his head whether he should call her or not and hissed as he just decided to honk the horn.Kagome looked to her side as she continued to walk slowly and came out of the overpass. The rain grew heavier as she looked to see Sesshomaru. She just turned her head and continued to walk.
Sesshomaru grunted. " Get in the car.." he said with the cigarette still in his lips.
" I'm alright...I don't live too far..." Kagome said hoarsely.
Sesshomaru's face tightened with annoyance as he looked ahead and back at the girl. " It's raining, you should get in the car.." he said as he put his car in the parking gear and got out. What was he doing?, he thought as he got out of his car. He began to get soaked as he walked nearby the girl. He looked at his corroded cigarette and flicked it away. " you are being stubborn and carelessto think life at this point doesn't'll soon grow to see..." he muttered as he stopped her.
"See what?" Kagome spat as she shrugged his hands off of her.
" That what we just encountered back there was expected...shit happens...quit being dramatic, you'll get over it.." he pulled her underneath the bridge and grimaced as the rain showered his face lightly from the edges.
" You really don't know how to cheer someone up.." Kagome glared at him evily.
" Who said I was cheering you up? I was clearly giving you a reality check.." he said as he pulled a strand of his wet hair out of his face.
"Ok.." she pulled her wet hair back. " You need to get away from me...." she began to walk.
" Why are you being bothered about this?" Sesshomaru chuckled not fully understanding.
Kagome looked back at him in disbelief with her mouth agaped to her chest." I just walked into my boyfriend of 5 years having sex with my sister, my twin! Excuse me for being slightly affected by this...and giving a shit..." she began to walk away. Why was he there, he was not making anything better. If anything, he was getting her more furious. She looked back at him and walked towards him where she was inches from his face." How can you be so calm?" she looked up at him.
Sesshomaru moved back surprised by her close contact and looked at her. Her tears showed through the rain. He watched as her tears emerged with the raindrops on her cheeks before falling to the floor.
" How can I not..." he grinned. " I expected this.."
She took a step back and looked at him hurtfully. " How could you have expected your brother..."
"Half-brother.." he corrected as he tightened his jaw.
"Whatever, how can you expect him to go and sleep with your girlfriend.." she said in almost a whimper.
"and why not?" Sesshomaru hissed. " Sharing the same DNA code doesn't stop one from deceiving the other..."
"but he is your brother...brothers...or sisters.." she bit her lip. " don't do that....they're not suppose to!" she began to walk.
" Says who?, Kagome..."he said as he bowed his head and looked up at her. Kagome looked back noticing he had said her name. " Is their a rule book on the siblings do's and don'ts"? he smirked at his attempted bad joke.
" You're not funny..." she scoffed. " It's an unspoken rule that decent people live by.." she rolled her eyes.
" Ah yes...of course..the unspoken rule.." he mocked. Why was he bothering with this girl? Her perspectives on humanity were just foolish.
" Fuck this.." Kagome grunted as she walked towards his car and got in. Sesshomaru stared in perplexity as he watched her get in and faltered movement. He then proceeded to getting into the car as he realized he was getting wet.
" I just want to go home..." she looked out of the window.
Sesshomaru didn't say a word and just drove the whole way in silence, pondering about what had just happened. He wasn't going to admit that he's been had nor was he affected by it. He had actually expected Kikyo to do something like that to him, he just hadn't expected it to be Inuyasha. He shrugged it off as he turned on the radio. Silence usually never bothered him but with Kagome being in the car, he couldn't bear it for the moment. He flinched as he heard Inuyasha's stupid song and looked at Kagome who looked at the radio and gasped. Sesshomaru immediatly went to change it but was stopped by Kagome's cold hands.
"No..please..leave it.." her voice broke.
Sesshomaru sighed and leaned back into his chair and shook his head as he was forced to listen to the crap.
***I'm lying, I'm dying inside!Don't forsake me, death, just take meonly you can stop me now..The flower wilted long agoI came alive when got pricked by that rose
Through my smiles I knowI've taken yours awayMy heart leads me intothe path..the path of betrayal..
Living deceptionis the life I'm leading now..someone please save me,I can't stop I don't know how!***
Sesshomaru scoffed, what garbage. He looked at Kagome who looked out the window in shock.
" He's....." she gulped. " He's been doing this for a while...Oh my god.." she began to wail. " I feel so stupid! She lowered head into her chest as she covered it with her arms. " I was singing along to this..."
Sesshomaru stopped at her building and Kagome opened the car door before he parked the car and ran out.
Sesshomaru sighed and looked at himself in the rearview mirror. 'Just go, you fool. This is none of your concern', he told himself as he watched Kagome run into the building but his body was doing something entirely different. He got out of the car.