InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Misery loves company ❯ An unexpected proposal ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 2
Sesshomaru stopped at the door and stared at it. He raised his hand about to knock but retreated it back at his side.'and what exactly are you going to say when you see her?' he thought. He shook his head in a growl. This pity on the girl was going to far. It wasn't up to him to make things better. He walked back downstairs and passed the mailboxes. He stopped as he saw hers. There was a flyer posted to it. He tilted his head trying to make out the sloppy handwriting." Need a roomate, I'm nice, clean, responsible, I don't snore,..or I don't think so at least. Must have the same Kagome Higurashi@ 1-917-555-3255"He snatched the paper and walked away in a daze and got into his car and drove off.Kagome threw herself on the sofa and sobbed into her pillow. She remained soaked and didn't bother to change. She wiped her nose on the pillow and sat up. She looked at her phone and saw the answer machine blinking. She walked over to it and stared in ponder, her finger hesitated and she gulped back her nerves and pressed it.*You have 4 new messages, first message:"Hey's Sango. Are you still coming to my house? I really need to speak to you about something..Hmm..well..I'll call your cellphone and see what's up.."*End of message, next message*" Yeah..I just called your cellphone..stupid thing was breaking up..dude, get a better plan..I- "*End of message, next message.*" Ok...stupid thing cut me off..listen..I need to speak with's about something I found out..I rather say it in person though, call me."Kagome rolled her eyes as she shook her head.*End of message, next message*" Kagome...It's Inuyasha"Kagome's eyes widened as she gasped."..look, I need to talk to you..I need to explain..I.fucked up...I know this..please, call me back"*End of message, no more messages*Kagome took off her wet jacket and sat back down on her sofa. She looked around the apartment and gazed at the ceiling.How did everything get so fucked up. The phone rang and startled her. She walked over to it and picked it up." Yes.." she said, clearing her throat." Is this Ms. Higurashi?" said the voice on the other line." Yes..." Kagome said in suspicion." Yes...we spoke earlier when you came for the job appears we can't really work with your schedule and we have found someone that has an open schedule that would be much more beneficial towards us."Kagome couldn't believe what she heard and asked the lady to repeat herself even though she knew what she said. The lady repeated herself and apologized." No, wait, you cannot do this to me!" Kagome cried. " I just got an apartment and I'm going to school in the fall, how am I suppose to pay for it?"" I'm sorry, Ma'am" said the lady on the other line." I'm sure you are..." Kagome spat and hung up. This was insane. She began to scream out of agitation as she picked up a pillow from the couch and heaved it out the window. It hit the garbage can and a cat screeched.'Shit,' Kagome thought,' I just bought that pillow.'Her knees gave in and she collapsed to the ground in defeat, how did her life just turn this way? She had no car, no boyfriend, and no job apparently. Soon she wouldn't have her apartment. She wouldn't ask her mother for money especially after arguing about her being an adult now. She sighed as tears ran down her cheek and wiped it. She looked at her entertainment center and crawled towards it. She looked for Inuyasha's album to search for something and found it. She looked at the songs in the back and shook her head in a laughter. How clueless has she been? 'Living deception', ' Hidden emotion', Philandering dirtbag'?? He was trying to tell her for the longest about his infidelity and she had been singing to his damn music in the morning, in her pajamas nonetheless!She began to cry again on how stupid she was and stopped when she heard a knock on her door."W-who is it?" she grunted as she stood up and walked towards the door and opened it. Inuyasha stood in front of it with a soft expression." Kagome..."Kagome tried to close the door but he held it with one hand as she pushed it with both her hands. He got into the apartment and turned to face her." Look..I know you don't want to talk to me..but I needed to talk to you..""Don't you think you've hurt me enough?" Kagome gave up and walked towards the couch."Kagome..I didn't mean for you to find out like that..we were going to tell yo--""We?? we?? Oh my this was going on for a while to say 'We'? How long, Inuyasha?!" Kagome yelled as she picked up a little figurine and threw it at the wall making it break into little pieces.Inuyasha bit his lip and bowed his head." Kagome look...."" How long?!" she wailed in anger." Since the end of Junior year...." he mutteredKagome stared with her mouth open in shock. " For a year and half?" her voice broke. "and you were going to tell me soon?" Inuyasha leaned against the wall avoiding eyes with her." Look..It just happened...we just...Kagome you and I were having our problems....and..""What problems?" Kagome whimpered. " How come I wasn't aware we had problems?"" We were always apart.." Inuyasha yelled. " you weren't there when I needed you...and--"" I was always there for you, damn it! I supported you when you went touring. I told you I'd come with you and take time from told me no! To stay because school was important! Stop making this like it's my fault! How can you have the audacity to do something like this, Inuyasha! How? Not only to me but your own brother!"" half-brother.." he corrected in a mutter."Don't you dare correct me! It doesn't make it ok since you both don't have the same mother..Jesus, Inuyasha...tell me something...." Kagome prepared herself to ask. " Do you......Do you l-love her?"Inuyasha looked up from the floor and met eyes with her and looked away. His eyes filled with tears. " I....I don't know...."" Why'd you come here?" Kagome gritted her teeth as she stared at him in disgust." I...don't know what I want, Kagome...I...don't know who....I feel like I'm being torn apart..""You expect me to feel sorry for you?" Kagome chuckled as she wiped her tears. " Let me make it easy for you...get out...that's one less option you have to make you less confused!" she scoffed as she grabbed him by the collar and pushed him out." Kagome please.." he pleaded." I don't want to see you ever..." she slammed the door. What a jerk! He came for her pity? She was angrier than ever. She walked around the apartment ripping everything from the wall and knocking things off the shelves. Screaming at the top of her lungs she ran to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her. She began knocking shampoo bottles and bathroom supplies onto the floor and stopped as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Kikyo, she thought."No!' she growled as she banged her fists onto the mirror repeatedly until it shattered onto the floor. She snapped out of it realizing what she had done. She looked at her hands and saw pieces of glass stuck in deep, bleeding.'Shit.." she muttered in pain as she looked around pulling out the pieces of glass. She needed to calm down but before she could do that, there was one thing she had to do. She found the scissors and looked at her hair. She and Kikyo had the same length hair down to the waist. She walked into her room to the other mirror and began chopping it off. She didn't want to go extremly nuts and just cut it shoulder lengthed. Ignoring the pain in her hands from the cuts, she searched for any hair dye in the house. In highschool, she and Sango bought hair dye for the prom but Kagome backed out in the end and didn't dye her hair. She sighed in relief as she found the dark red hair dye and began concocting the mix. All these random things kept popping in her mind. Her apartment, it was the only thing left she had and she didn't want to lose it. Her eyes opened wide as she remembered the envelope of cash she took from Kikyo.She ran to her jacket and began rummaging through the pockets but the pockets were empty. She noticed a hole in one pocket that she caused when she yanked the phone out when it got stuck into the fabric of it. The envelope must have fallen out."SHIT!!!!!!!!" she orated. What was it with the bad luck? She could have survived on that money for a little while until she found another job. The rent was coming soon, how was she to pay it? Where did the money fall?********************************************************************** *****************"Man, I'm bored.." said a kid as he walked underneath the bridge. He must have been nine years old."Me too..." said another boy about the same age." Hey..what's that?" the boy pointed at an envelope on the floor.The other boy knelt down to pick up the envelope. " Holy shit!" he squealed." We're stinking rich!" the other boy said." Let's go spend it carelessly since we have nothing to pay for because we're just kids!"" Alright!" laughed the other boy.*********************************************************************** **********************Sesshomaru tapped his pen on the table as he contemplated deeply and stared at the screen of his laptop. The waitress brought his coffee to the table and smiled at him. She frowned when he didn't notice her and walked away.He couldn't help wondering about Kagome. He hasn't seen her at the coffee shop in a few weeks. Last time he saw her was the day of the 'incident'. His thoughts were interrupted by the jingling of the door. Miroku and Sango entered, seeming to be in a dispute. Sesshomaru looked down and tried to ignore it but his good hearing picked up their terse whispers and couldn't help listening." many times am I going to tell you..I didn't know what Inuyasha was doing, ok?" Miroku spat in frustration from her accusation. He sat down and opened his menu voilently."and if you knew..would you have told her?" Sango eyed him suspiciously." Yes, I mean, do you want to make me feel any worse?" Miroku turned the pages of the menu. " I mean, they are both my soon as I found out, I told you could tell Kagome..cause...I didn't want to take sides..""Take sides? Inuyasha was the wrong one here!" she tried to lower her voice. " Kagome doesn't even go out anymore,everytime I go to her house, she won't get off the damn couch! The place is a mess, she looks like she has not been eating and her door is always open. " she sighed not knowing what to do. " Doesn't she go to work?" Miroku asked as the waitress came over. " Two coffees please.."he nodded as he winked at her.The waitress smiled and then frowned as she saw Sango's ominous glare." She told me she works.." Sango ignored his flirting and answered. " I don't really believe her but..I guess I wouldn't know, I haven't seen her in like a few weeks, she told me to stop coming by because she was working on something.." The waitress came back with their coffees. She smiled once again and Sango shot her a scowling look." Wow..that's not like her..." Miroku said as he thanked the waitress." she's not the same..she cut her hair, dyed it and talks as if she cares for is ridiculous.." Sango looked around the coffee shop and met glance with Sesshomaru who looked away." Oh shit.." Miroku muttered as he looked down."What?" Sango said looking behind her as she searched for what Miroku was hiding from. " Oh wow..she has some nerve.." Both of them looked as Kikyo came into the coffee shop. She looked at them and walked towards them." Tell Kagome..she better return to me what's mine, she knows what I'm talking about," "Why don't you ask her yourself.." Sango spat but Kikyo walked away towards Sesshomaru's booth. Sesshomaru looked up from his laptop and smirked."What may I help you with?" he folded his hands still smirking."Cut the crap.." Kikyo muttered in a demanding tone which Sesshomaru didn't get. " Why haven't you called me?"Sesshomaru sighed as he closed his laptop and grabbed his cup of coffee. He got up and walked passed her exiting the coffee shop. Kikyo didn't hesitate to follow right behind him." I'm talking to you!" she yelled as she followed him to his car. He completely ignored her and got into it." Your point.." he said as he turned it on." You don't even care, do you?"" I do not.."he retorted quickly"Don't you want to know why?" she cried." I do not wish to. Can you please get your hands off the car" he said in a calm manner." No! " she said as she got into the car. " I want us back together, I realized I made a mistake.."" Good for can you please get out of the car..." his voice sounding more stern, he was beginning to get annoyed." Don't you love me?" she began to tear.Sesshomaru slightly grimaced and looked out the window." Your silence is telling me you don't.." she bowed her head." Splendid, now that you have your answer.." Sesshomaru gestured out the door. " I ask one last time.."" You are such a cold jerk! I hate you! I don't regret anything I did!"" I'm sure..." he said in a grin." Is there someone else?!" she questioned. "We're not all like're beginning to drive my patience, I have things to attend to.." he raised his voice."Fine!" she got out of the car and began to cry.Sesshomaru peeled out making smoke blow into her face. She coughed and her face grew cold. This was not going accordingly to plan. Inuyasha had not called her since the day they were caught and now she didn't have Sesshomaru. Her meal tickets were running low and her plans were being ruined. She couldn't let this happen. She stopped her fake dramatic tears and put on her glasses and walked off with a smirk.Sesshomaru sighed as he stopped at a red light. He gazed straight ahead trying to collect his thoughts and plan out the days events. He owned the largest corporation in the town and hardly had to be at work since he did most of his work from the computer. The only times he actually had to attend to the office was when his employees needed his expert attemtion. His gaze fell on a tow truck on the crossing street passing by him. A familiar car was being dragged by it. It was Kagome's ugly frankenstein mobile. Car horns honked behind him and he realized the light was green. He shook his mind off of her and began to drive. He was getting annoyed that she would pop into his mind often, it wasn't like him to think of others.He drove towards his house where he still lived with his father. He was in the process of finding a place to live but hadn't the time so he hired a realtor. They haven't found anything that fit his requirements yet. Sesshomaru squinted as he turned into the driveway of the 3 floor mansion and saw Inuyasha's car. What was he doing here?, he thought.He snatched his laptop and briefcase and got out of the car, his eyes searching for him. He walked inside where he heard laughing and met eyes with his father and Inuyasha. Inuyasha gulped and looked away trying not to see him."What are you doing here?" Sesshomaru went straight to the point." Is that any way to greet your brother, Sesshomaru?" his father said." It's a method I've grown to love.." Sesshomaru muttered in sarcasm." Inuyasha's coming back to live with us." his father said proudly." What's wrong with the place you have now?" Sesshomaru hissed not wanting his father to sense the tension.Inuyasha's face tightened and shot a scowl. " I want to come back home..I don't like living there...."Sesshomaru glared in suspicion at his half breed brother, he knew he was lying. There was another reason." and of course you can come back home.." his father smiled. His father has been wanting Inuyasha to come back home since he left. Once his band became famous, he didn't wait a second to leave.Sesshomaru scoffed and walked away. He needed to get away from the house. Inuyasha was the last person he wanted to see, especially after he had seen Kikyo. Inuyasha got up to follow him. Sesshomaru sensed him and stopped in his path." I suggest you stay away... and not cross my path.." he said calmly."Feh.." Inuyasha walked away.Sesshomaru left the house and walked towards his car. He had no clue where to go but he needed to go somewhere. He rummaged through his briefcase for his cigarettes when his phone rang. It was his realtor. He picked it up and rubbed between his eyes." I take it you have something for me.." "Actually, the opposite, we have tried searching for something to fit remotely to your requirements but have not found anything around the area you requested.." said the voice on the other line.Sesshomaru sighed as he kept searching for his cigarettes. " Listen. as of now, It is imperative that you find me a place. " he said as he came across a folded paper in his briefcase. He lifted it to his face as he held the phone with his shoulder and opened it. It was Kagome's flyer for the Roomate offer."I'll have to call you back.." he closed his phone. He needed a place and quick. He was not going to live under the same roof as Inuyasha. He couldn't, he refused.He quickly got into his car and drove off.Once he got there, he looked at the building. It was an old fashioned building with no elevator, no doorman, no parking lot. Sesshomaru tried to exclude the negativities for once. He wasn't about to be picky, he was desperate.He walked up a few flights as he heard people bickering in the hallway. He frowned as he got to her floor and walked by it and saw an old lady walk out of Kagome's door in slippers and a nightgown. She looked at Sesshomaru and scoffed."that girl is getting on my last nerve, I tell ya. First she's behind on the rent...secondly she doesn't keep her door locked, someone will kill her one day!" the lady coughed as she walked downstairs. " Hope they do, it will save me from doing the job.."Sesshomaru ignored her and walked towards her door. He saw a paper thumbtacked to her door saying "Eviction notice". He ripped it off and knocked gently. There wasn't an answer so he knocked again, this time louder. Still no answer. He sighed as he pressed his finger on the door and it squeaked open. He walked in and was shocked by the way the apartment looked. It was unkempt beyond belief and had a slight odor of deteriorating food. He saw pizza and chinese boxes everywhere. The T.V was on loud and he walked towards the living room to see Kagome on the couch sleeping with the remote in her hand. He scoffed as he snatched it from her hands and turned off the T.V.Kagome woke up startled and jerked back in the couch."What are you doing here?" she said looking around wondering why the hell was he there." Is this not your ad, I'm nice, clean, responsible and don't snore?" he said as he read the paper outloud and looked around."Someone should sue you for false advertisement..""How'd you get in here.." Kagome said carelessly as she got up." Your door was open.." he said as he sat down on the other couch feeling this was a bad idea. " So you felt that you were invited to come in?" Kagome looked at him as she picked a can a soda from the floor and drank it.Sesshomaru ignored her and got to the point. " I'm interesting in the room.."Kagome cocked a brow at him and chuckled. " You're kidding me....besides..the offer is long expired...if you haven't noticed...I',m being evicted..""Do you not care?" he asked." Why should I? Besides, there is nothing I can do about it...soda?" she picked another can from the floor and handed it to him." No thank you..." he cleared his throat. " this is quite disappointing..tell me this is not your silly way to mourn for your loss?"" You're breaking my heart...why don't you just fuck off and leave me alone..." she spat." I need a room right as of this moment...we do not have to talk to each other...""Why don't you just wait for the apartment to be vacant, which should be soon, I can't come up with my rent...""I thought you had a job, what happened?" Sesshomaru interrogated.Kagome stared at him annoyed. "What's with the third degree? I don't have one anymore..and I haven't had luck.." she took a sip of her soda."So, I'll pay for it.." Sesshomaru stared at his nails, unable to see the conflict of the situation. " No thanks, I don't want your charity help.." Kagome rolled her eyes as she turned on the T.V." Don't flatter yourself. I'd be benefiting more from this proposition.." he looked up not wanting to continue their conversation. " I don't like to owe anyone anything.."" So don't. You're making this more complicated than it is. Let me see the room.." he said as he stood up and walked by the rooms. " Is this the vacant room?" he pointed as he opened it. He frowned as he closed it. " It's the size of my bathroom...""This is the master bedroom..." Kagome retorted defensively.." How sad.." he scoffed and walked out towards the door. " I'll be moving in tonight..""Excuse me!" Kagome stood up and ran to the door blocking his path. Sesshomaru looked down at the girl with an emotionless face as she looked up at him since she was only up to his chest. " Where do you get off just coming into my apartment and running the damn place?"" Don't be so combative, Ms. Higurashi...this is merely temporary, I have my reasons...I expect the apartment to be rid of this mess when I get back..." he demanded. " Oh...and for someone who doesn't pay her rent, you certainly have a lot of fast food lying around..."" I didn't want to starve!" she orated but he walked passed her.Kagome watched him walk out in disbelief. She didn't know what to do. In some way, she was glad because she didn't have to leave but living with Sesshomaru? That was too weird. She could honestly say that was the last thing she expected in life to happen. She realized this was the first time in weeks she had actually gotten up. She usually got up just to use the bathroom. Even when she ordered delivery, she'd leave the door open for the delivery guy to come in and she'd pay from the couch. She began to notice how dirty the room looked and wondered why all of a sudden she cared. She felt like she had just woken up. For days, all she kept doing was laying on the couch trying to devise a way to get back at Kikyo and Inuyasha but she had come up with nothing. She didn't have the power to do anything. She decided to get off her butt and clean. Where was this motivation coming from? Hours later, Sesshomaru arrived along with the movers and his furniture. Kagome watched from the couch as they brought things in. Sesshomaru carried a notepad and ordered the men around."Please remove those couches.." he said as he wrote something down on the notepad and talked on the phone."You mean, the one the girl is sittin' on? " said a guy as he chewed his gum obnoxiously." Yes..." Sesshomaru answered the mover without looking up. " No...don't cancel that account, I told you, it is dormant until the man returns from the hospital. The account will be cancelled when he dies.."The mover shrugged and whistled for his partners to come help him and they walked over and picked up the couch Kagome was sitting on." Hey!" Kagome snapped. " What are you doing?" she scolded them" Your husband over there told us to get rid of the couches.." the mover exclaimed as they lowered the couch back down." He is not my husband!" Kagome growled as she got up and walked toward Sesshomaru. " What are you doing with my couches?!"Sesshomaru looked up from his notepad. " I'm replacing them with ones that actually match.."" I like my couches! I bought them myself!" Kagome argued. " No, raise the prices, money is no option for that man.." Sesshomaru spoke on the phone. He covered the receiver and whispered to Kagome. "they look like you fished them from the garbage.." " I like them so leave it there!" she fumed." The couches I ordered were hand stitched from Italy... " he argued back and went back on the phone. " Exactly, email me the receipts.."" Then what a waste because they are not coming in here.." Kagome crossed her arms." Very well." Sesshomaru gave in not wanting to fight. ".gentlemen, the couches stay.." he looked back down at his notepad and went on with the phone.Kagome muttered under her breath as she went into her room wanting to escape the loud clatter that the movers brought in.A few hours later, Kagome heard silence and looked out her window to see the movers leaving. Finally, she thought. She walked out of her room and faltered, her mouth dropping to the floor. Her living room looked nothing like the one she just left from. There was a different entertainment center, a persian rug rested on the floor. A fake fireplace was placed on the other side of the wall. The windows were draped with a wine velvet fabric. She walked down the hallway and went into the kitchen, which had a nice red oaked rectangular table, there was an espresso machine, a high tec microwave and a nice china set on the table. " Oh my fuckin god..." Kagome muttered. Sesshomaru came out of his room in dark gray sweats and a black long sleeve shirt. It was a different look than what Kagome was used to. He usually wore suits or casual trendy wear. She even thought as his sleepwear, he'd sleep in silk pajamas with fuzzy slippers but he didn't. He didn't even wear slippers, he had socks on." You made my apartment look like a museum!" Kagome whined. " I liked my poor look!"" It is just a few things, I actually had to send two trucks back, there was no way anything more would fit without looking cluttered" he said as he walked towards the kitchen. " Listen, I have a few companies that needs extra help, if you're interested, should I continue?""You're offering me a job?" Kagome looked confused as she followed him." Yes..I actually need an assistant, one of my assistants quit.."" Gee, I wonder why.." Kagome muttered sarcastically." Was that an attempt to insult someone who is trying to help you?" he said as he turned on the espresso machine." Ok..sorry...what exactly would I be doing?" Kagome asked interestedly." Secretarial duties, joining me in conference rooms, setting appointments with important clients..." he said not looking at her." I'm sorry..I really must call bullshit on you..what's the deal? I mean, you never liked me, all of a sudden you move in and offer me a must admit, even for you, this is weird.."" I'm going to ignored that implication of my being weird. I don't know where you get off me not liking you, you weren't important for me not to like you..." he smirked." You always gave me the cold shoulder in school and at home when I would visit Inuyasha.." Kagome's heart jumped at the sound of his name and how easy it came out." What did you expect?" he said as he set down two cups and poured the espresso in it. He placed one down for Kagome and one for himself. She looked at it in perplexity and stared at him." I don't know..I just assumed you didn't like me..." Kagome avoided his eyes and sipped her espresso. " Mm, this is..this is real good..I haven't had coffee in a few weeks.."" I know.." Sesshomaru nodded and then mentally scolded himself.Kagome stared at him weirdly and tilted her head." I mean...I usually see you in the coffee shop and...your absense was noticed is all.." he said as he stood up. "Well, good night...." he threw his cup in the newly placed dishwasher." Night.." Kagome said still feeling very weird." If you are planning on taking the job offer, we wake at 7am.." he said distantly as he walked into his room.Kagome exhaled deeply as she twisted her cup around trying to swirl the remaining coffee. An idea came to mind as she watched it swirl. She looked towards Sesshomaru's room and smirked.******************************************************************* *******************************Kagome awoke and stared at her clock. It was 5:36 am. She groaned and rubbed her eyes and sat up. She decided to take Sesshomaru's offer being she was desperate and no one would hire her and she had bills to take care of.She grabbed a towel from her dresser and headed towards the bathroom. She was so tired she walked with her eyes closed and opened the bathroom door and yawned. She opened her eyes and screamed and closed her eyes.Sesshomaru stood with a towel wrapped around his waist and looked at her calmly and looked around." Oh my god..I'm sorry.." she covered her eyes."For what?" he walked passed her. " I don't think there is any more hot water.." he said as he walked into his room. Even though Kagome heard his door close, she didn't want to open her eyes. She felt like she was blushing. She closed the door and shook her head of the mental image she had of what she saw. Of course, he was covered from the waist down but she saw his bare naked chest that was in immaculate shape. He looked like a calvin klein model. She chuckled as she thought that and just took a shower. After she finished taking a shower she walked out of the bathroom in a towel and headed to her room. Sesshomaru walked out of his room and passed her in the hallway since their rooms were across from each other. He glanced quickly and realized she was in a towel and proceeded not to look again." Would you like some coffee?" he asked not looking back." Yes..please.." she said softly as she entered her room. She looked through her dresser to find an outfit to put together.She took out a white collared blouse and black pants. She didn't have much of a wardrobe so she made a mental note that when she was financially settled, she'd shop for some. She looked at her red locks that hung to her shoulders and pondered what to do about it. She twisted it into little buns and placed two chopsticks in her hair. She had a spunky executive look. She smirked in the mirror as she amounted makeup onto her face and walked out of her room. She met Sesshomaru in the kitchen who was sitting down with his espresso, smoking a cigarette and reading the paper.Kagome walked in and opened her arms. "How do I look?" she turned around."Ravishing.." Sesshomaru said not looking at her.Kagome frowned and squinted as she sat down and began to drink some coffee. She saw Sesshomaru smoking and grabbed the cigarette from his hand. She began to smoke it."What are you doing?" he looked at her stupidly." Smoking.." she smiled as she inhaled a puff and coughed slightly." You don't smoke.." he frowned." I'm thinking of starting.." she took another pull." It doesn't suit you.." he snatched it from her fingers and put it out on the ashtray. " Let's go..." he said as he got up."ok..where are we going?" she followed him out of the door and locked it." We have to make a few visits to some clientels." he walked downstairs leading to his car. " after that, we go visit some of my office buildings to make sure the employees are doing their job..""Yay.." Kagome rolled her eyes as she got into the car. Sesshomaru frowned at her as he got in as well and turned on the engine. *************************************************************************** *****************After work, they both arrived home at 10pm. Kagome practically crawling to bed, looked at Sesshomaru and yawned."How the hell do you do this everyday?" " It's my job.." he said as he closed the door behind them." It's so boring..." Kagome unloosened the pins in her hair and let it loose as she rubbed her head. " Oh god that feels good.." she moaned. Sesshomaru stared at her as she stretched, her shirt rising up revealing her arched back. She threw herself on the couch and searched the cushions for the remote. He grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and sat at the couch across from her. He glanced to his side at the girl and saw she was rubbing her stomach lifting her shirt, showing her navel. He looked away and looked at the television and took a sip of his water." Ugh there is nothing on...I'm so bored...and hungry..what's there to eat, are you hungry? I could go for some chinese...or maybe...spanish?, I think Chinese food." Sesshomaru was about to respond when a knock came at the door. He looked to Kagome who looked at him and shrugged." Don't look at me..I don't answer my doors..." she said changing the channels.Sesshomaru rolled his eyes as he got up and walked to the door. He was going to argue back that he didn't answer doors as well but he doubt she would take a liking if he were to hire a butler. He opened the door and stared at the girl who looked shocked and stepped back. She looked at the door number and looked back at him." I know this is the apartment but somehow I feel perhaps I have the wrong one?" she looked at him confused. Kagome heard her voice from the hallway. "Sango! Come in!" she yelled.Sesshomaru moved to the side allowing her to enter but she hesitated and walked in without taking her eyes off of him. She looked at Kagome and then around the apartment. The place looked different."uh....." Sango laughed nervously. " I came by to say..what's up..since I haven't seen you..." Sesshomaru closed the door and walked passed her. " I'm retiring for the night" he said as he walked into his room." Night.." Kagome muttered.Sango dropped her mouth and ran towards Kagome. "What is going on here, is he keeping you hostage?"Kagome laughed. " What? No...he lives here.."" Kagome, don't joke...blink once if he is and blink twice if he's not..." Sango said as she placed her purse down. Sango was always uptight which annoyed Kagome." I am telling the truth..he lives here..he moved in last night..." Kagome snorted a laugh as she got up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen." Ok, why would he do that, Kagome? This isn't exactly his type of living arrangement. You really can tell me if he is keeping you prisoner.."" Sango, stop. Ok? He isn't. I don't know why he moved here. Yes, it's weird but he offered to pay for the room and I was behind on rent..I didn't have a job and I didn't want to lose my apartment along with everything else." Kagome's jaw tightened as she searched the fridge for something edible." You could have asked me, Kagome. I would have helped you, you know that right? What do you mean, didn't have a job, Do you have one now?" Sango sat down at the table. " This is nice..." she rubbed the red oak table." Yes..he offered me one..his assisstant. Job's kind of boring cause he deals with a lot of tight ass'es but..whatever.."" How are you feeling?" Sango tilted her head and looked at her sympathetically." I'm just fine.." Kagome ignored her look. She hated when people stared at her like that. It was one of the main reasons she stopped going out. Everyone knew about she and Inuyasha and looked at her as if she were this poor thing to pity on.Sango sighed and shifted in her seat. " Well, you haven't called me. I haven't seen you..look at least you changed clothes.."she joked. Kagome grinned as she closed the fridge and sat down. " How's Miroku?"" he is still the pervert he is...he still feels guilty about not knowing about Inuyasha sooner..he didn't want to come and see you because he feels you blame him.."" well, I don't.. "Kagome said." Ok..." Sango nodded. " is it living with him?" she gestured to Sesshomaru's room." Very weird....but oddly enough, I'm comfortable.." Kagome retorted as she got up to give the fridge another search for something that would probably pop out of no where."Hmm.." Sango cocked her brow. " Are you guys---?"Kagome shot her head towards Sango in a quick 90' turn. " No, are you nuts?"" Just asking.." Sango laughed. " Well, listen I have to go..I just came to check on you..don't be a stranger, you know..come and hang out..I miss you.."" I will, I'm sorry...I'm just trying to get back on track with my life, you know?"Sango nodded as she looked around the apartment. It was decorated nicely." Ok, know where I live, you have my number..."Kagome walked her to the door." Ok...bye" " Oh..Kagome wait.." Sango turned back. " um...Kikyo came to us....she said you took something from her...she wants it back.."Kagome scoffed and rolled her eyes. " Whatever...I don't have it anyway...she can just go fuck herself..." Sango glared at her friend in a saddened look. Kagome acted so different now, she felt like she was talking to a stranger." Well..I'll see you around.."Kagome nodded and she closed the door. She turned back to the living room and looked at the clock. It was almost midnight, she had to go to sleep if she wanted to wake up early. She headed toward her room and went to sleep. They had a long day afterwards.