InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Misky Dreams ❯ Back to Japan ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Kagome is twenty-one and she is living in New York with her Movie Star fiancée Hojo. Kagome's mom dies and Kagome has to rush back home to the shrine for the funeral. Will she bring herself to go back to the well to see the others? And will she have a change of heart once again if she does return and decide that Hojo isn't the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with?

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story.


Kagome twisted her engagement ring around on her finger; she studied the large diamond embedded in it. It was August; she had been living with Hojo for over a year now, and `finally' back in June he had asked her to marry him. The date was picked out and everything now, they were to get married on December second of that year.

Kagome felt that this is what she really wanted, but deep down inside of her something was missing, and those something's were once a short jump through the well when she was home.

Almost all of Kagome's memories of her constant journeys through the well were gone now. Before she had left they had the Shikon no Tama put together, relieving everyone of their curses, revenge, and whatnot. Kagome WAS going to give the jewel to Inuyasha, but Kaede had advised against it, she had told Kagome to keep the jewel for herself and take it home with her.

That's what Kagome did; she had brought it home and hid it under a floorboard in the well house and left it there. Kagome had felt rotten for leaving them, not so much for Sango, Miroku, and Shippo, but for Inuyasha. She would have felt a lot better if she had left him there and he was able to be happy, but he couldn't now. Naraku had killed Kiky a couple of weeks before Naraku himself was destroyed. So there was practically nothing left for the hanyou anymore.

Kagome sighed and looked at the calendar, another three weeks and Hojo would be back home from making his new movie. It puzzled her, how could she LOVE somebody who is rarely around her? Don't get me wrong, Hojo did come home to the mansion, and when he was home he made it all worthwhile for Kagome. But it would only last for a week and then he was off again.

`Maybe I'm scared of being alone.' She thought as she looked back to her ring. `Maybe I'm marrying him because I'm scared of being alone in the world. . .'

Kagome's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the telephone ringing. To her relief she stretched out across the loveseat and grabbed the cordless phone and turned it on. "Hello? This is Kagome. . ."

"Hey. . .sis." it was Sota.

"Hey Sota! How's school coming along?" Kagome asked, yes it wasn't a very good opening statement but at the moment Kagome was baffled that Sota had called her, and she was trying to figure out why he had bothered to call her now.

"Sis. . .I have some. . .n-news." Sota's voice broke off into a few short breaths.

"What's wrong Sota?"

"M-mom died this morning. . ."

Kagome's eyes widened, her breath caught in her throat and she just stared off at the wall. She couldn't think. "S-Sota. . ."

"Sis, PLEASE come home! Please!" the boy bellowed.

"I'm on my way. . ." Kagome's voice shook. "I'll be. . .I'll be on the first flight out of here. . .d-don't worry." Kagome quickly turned off the phone, blinded by sadness and rage she ran to her and Hojo's room and packed up her cloths. She called Hojo's assistant and left the message with him that she was going home and why she was going. Then left for the airport, she was going home.


"Kagome!" Sota yelled from the shrine, the boy had grown a lot since Kagome had last seen him; he was now around six foot tall and really handsome.

Tears ran down Kagome's face, she dropped her bags and ran up to Sota and hugged him. It was a lot different that hugging the smaller boy she used to know, this time Sota's grip was harder on her than ever.

"So what's going to happen now?" Sota asked. He and Kagome were sat at the table eating supper. "I'm not out of school yet and mom and grandpa are gone."

"I was thinking. . .you can come and live with me and Hojo." Kagome offered solemnly.

"But I have a life here sis." Sota said. "I have friends and a girlfriend. . .I don't want to leave them now. . ." he fumbled around with the food on his plate. "I was hoping you'd come back here with me."

Kagome looked at him. It made sense she guessed, he was offering her to leave her life in New York and her fiancée to come home so he could go to school, it was like her just asking him to leave his life there. She sighed. "Sota I. . ." she thought for a second. "I really want to. . .but."

"That's what I thought." Sota stood up and went to his room, leaving Kagome alone at the table.


Kagome walked almost in circles around the well house, it was around nine o'clock, the sun was gone down and the sky was clear. Tears fell down her cheeks, she never wanted to rip Sota away from his life there. . .but she didn't want to leave Hojo like that.

Her eyes landed on the door of the well house and her stomach sank, she suddenly felt stomach sick. The words `go back' started to race through her mind. Should she? It wouldn't hurt. She had been living without her friends for too long now, maybe it would be good to go back.

Kagome broke the lock off the well house door and walked into its musky darkness. She took off her cloths and put on the old red kimono that hung on the wall. She eyed her old bow and the few arrows she had left, the bow was still crusted with her blood from that day they had defeated Naraku.

With a slight shudder, Kagome picked up the bow and strapped the arrows to her back. One thing was missing. She counted five floorboards out from the door and ripped the sixth one up. The soft glistening of the Shikon no Tama met her eyes.

Almost crying, Kagome picked up the jewel, she felt a surge of power fly through her. She felt like her fifteen year old self again. Smiling back her tears she put the jewel around her neck. But then another glistening caught her eye. . .her ring. Should she take it off and keep her engagement to herself? She shook her head against it, no good to deny it now.

She walked up to the well, and putting the Shikon no Tama under the neck of her Kimono, she jumped in.