InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Misky Dreams ❯ A New Adventure...Sort Of.. ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome opened the door to Sango's and Miroku's hut, Inuyasha was already gone by the time she traveled through the well after him, so she really had no other place to go. . .and besides, she needed to talk to Sango.

"Sango. I need to have a talk with you." Kagome said as she looked at her friend. "Want to go to the hot springs?"

"Oh the hot springs. . ." Sango sighed. "I'd love to."

"Are you sure? I mean. . .will you be ok?" Miroku asked as he looked at his wife's rounded stomach.

"Its only the hot springs, baka." Sango smiled as she stood up. "If anything it'll do me some good. Come on Kagome, its about time we had some girl/girl time together."


Kagome drizzled some water back through her hair; she felt Sango's eyes on her. "You broke up with Hojo?" she asked finally. "How. . .why?"

"I did what I had to do really." Kagome said as she rested her head back on a rock, her breasts rising a little out of the water. "He expected me to go along with him again. . .but I just couldn't do that. He wanted me to tear Sota away from his life. . .that was also something I couldn't do." She sighed. "And I also couldn't pretend to love him any longer."

"So you did decide that it wasn't love you were feeling." Sango said looking at her friend. "It was what you thought it was. . .the feeling of not wanting to be alone."

"Exactly." Kagome sat up straight and looked at Sango. "But I also realized something else you know. . .something I have been denying for a long time now."

Sango blinked. "Which is?"

"I'm still in love with Inuyasha."

Sango smiled. "I now see why you needed to talk to me. . .so what are you going to do?"

"I don't know.. .I can clearly see that he still has feelings for Kikyo because I was talking with him he other day and he was defending her really hardcore."

"Oh dear." Sango sighed. "Maybe you weren't saying the right things. . .Kagome when you left after Naraku was killed he was devastated. . .not because Kikyo was dead, but because you left and he thought for sure you wasn't going to come back. So. . .he left and claimed that he would never return either."

"Really?" Kagome looked at Sango with a small spark of hope in her eyes. "Honest to god?"

"Honest to god." Sango said smiling. "I'd never lie to you over something like that, Kagome-chan."

"So what do you think I should do?"

"Well. I think that you should start traveling with Inuyasha again. . .you know, try and catch up a little and maybe it'll be easier for you guys." Sango smiled. "What do you think?"

"I think it's a great idea. . ." Kagome sank down into the water as she spoke, then moved her eyes over to a bunch of trees. "But I would really like to start out with NOT having your perverted husband watching us bathe."

Sango sweat-dropped and twitched her head over to look at the bushes. "M-Miro. . .ku?" after no response the girl picked up a rock and threw it into the bushes.

"Gak." Miroku let out a small cry and fell out of the bushes with a large bump on his head.

"MIROKU!" Sango yelled as she wrapped her Kimono around herself. "I can't believe you still do that!" she jumped up out of the water and headed back to the village.

". . .Sango. . .wait." Miroku jumped to his feet and ran after his wife. "Please. Listen to me! Sango!"

Kagome giggled and sank down under the water. Sango was right. . .getting back on a small adventure with Inuyasha was the answer. . .this was perfect.


Kagome walked through The Forest of Inuyasha, her hands behind her head, and her old yellow backpack on her back. She had returned home to tell Sota that she was going to be gone for a couple of days just to find out that Sota himself wasn't going to be home during that time either. So she grabbed her backpack and stuffed it full of as much food as she could and hopped back into the well. The bag wasn't stretched as big now though, it was the regular size of a `normal' backpack.

`Hmm. . .I wonder where Inuyasha is.' Kagome thought as she looked around. Something told her that the hanyou was close. `Maybe he's watching me.' She thought as she sat her backpack down by a tree. "Inuyasha, I'm giving you until the count of three to show yourself." She said. "If you don't come out I'll have to drag you out myself."

She crossed her arms. "One. . .two. . ." there was still to sign of the hanyou, she hated to do this, but if she was planning on making this little camp-out-to-be just like the old days she had to use force. "And three. . .ok Inuyasha you had your chance. . .sit."

The sound of shattering branches came from above, soon after Inuyasha was laying face down At Kagome's feet. "Oh, hello there Inuyasha." she said with a smile.

Inuyasha looked up at Kagome. "You came back." He groaned, almost ignoring the fact that he was at. He stood up and looked at the girl with a cocked eyebrow. "Where's Hojo?"

Kagome held up her hand, showing the hanyou that she was no longer wearing a ring. "Hojo wanted me to pack up Sota and go with him to New York. . .but I just couldn't do that. I'd be taking Sota from his life and I would also be causing myself to live in a lie. I never loved Hojo I was just scared of being alone." She smiled. "And also, I figured out that what I lost when I left here a few years ago ruined me. . .and the fact that my mom died was giving me a second chance of having all this back again. So I couldn't leave and lose you and the others again. . .this is where I belong. . .this era and back at my families shrine."

Inuyasha smiled. "I'm glad you managed to figure everything out."

"Yeah. . .so I was wondering, Inuyasha. . .to catch up on everything and to make me feel more at home here. . .would you like to go on a little campout with me? I remember this beautiful mountain we once stayed on that gave us a beautiful view of the whole forest." Kagome smiled. "Remember?"

"Yeah, I remember. But do you honestly expect me to go there?" Inuyasha asked. He saw Kagome's face drop and he smiled. "I have an even better place."

Kagome's eyes lit up. "Honestly?"

"Yeah. It's a two-day walk from here. . .interested?"

Kagome nodded. "Yes! Definitely!"


Chieko-san: I bet you thought that once Kagome broke it off with Hojo that the ending chapter would soon be here. . .not even close! Thank you all for reviewing and I hope you liked this chapter. Until next time. . .ja ne!"