InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Misky Dreams ❯ Chapter 13

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

-Oh. . .he hasn't changed. . .- Kaori looked down at the sleeping Koga, her crimson eyes trembling with the unbalanced tears that had welled up in them. She grabbed Kagome's arm and cuddled into her. -I can't do it. . .-

Inuyasha watched the two girls from there he sat. Kagome had waked him up first so she could introduce him to Kaori, and so that Kaori could tell him what had really happened to her. "Come on Kaori, you can do it, don't be so weak."

". . .sit. . ." Kagome said without looking back at the hanyou. She smiled when she heard the satisfying thud of his face hitting the dirt.

-So that's the power you have over him? Interesting.- Kaori said glancing back at Inuyasha.

"Yeah, but enough about that. Go on Kaori, I'll be right here." Kagome slowly pushed down on Kaori's shoulders, making her kneel down right beside Koga. "Talk to him, try to wake him up and the first thing he sees will be you. . ."

Kaori's mouth opened as if she was sighing, she then turned and looked Koga in the face. -Koga. . .wake up. . .Koga. . .- the voice coming from Kaori was weak, she was terrified. -Koga, its me. . .Kaori. . .wake up. . .please.- Kaori's fingers glazed Koga's face softly, making the wolf youkai's eyes partly open.

Koga's chest heaved as he looked into Kaori's face, and his eyes fully opened. "GAH!" the wolf youkai jumped up and slid across the ground, his back soon pressing up against Kagome's legs. "K-Kagome! Do you s-see that. . ." he pointed his finger at Kaori.

Kagome sweat-dropped and slurred her eyes down at the youkai annoyingly. "Yes, Koga I see `that'." She nudged Koga's back with her foot. "What's wrong with you?"

Koga's eyes were glued on Kaori; he didn't really know what to think. `She's back. . .or, maybe she's not. . .maybe its her ghost. . .' Koga slowly stood up and walked over to Kaori who was now standing up. He put his hand on her cheek and brought it partly back through her long white hair. ". . .Kaori. . ."

-Koga. . .- Kaori swallowed and fell into the youkai's arms, she hugged him tightly. -I missed you so much. . .-

Koga wrapped his arms around Kaori and rested his head on the top of hers. He realized she now had a way of communicating, but he didn't even bother to ask how. It didn't matter to him at this point. Kaori was alive. . .and that was crossing the line on all the things he could handle for that day.


Kagome sat in the lake; she was close to shore, but fare enough out that the water was up over her hips. She watched as small fish surfaced after the small bugs landing on the water out towards the middle of the pond.

-So this is where you died. . .- Kaori said as she sat in the water next to the miko.

Kagome looked at the shadow youkai. "They told you?"

Kaori nodded. -Yes. Koga told me and Inuyasha just sat there and listened. . .though his eyes were on you all whole time.- her voice went low as she spoke the last few word in her sentence.

"Right. . ." Kagome wrapped her arms around her knees and looked back out at the water.

-No I'm serious.- Kaori said. -He would not take his eyes off you.-

Kagome never answered her right away, she took the youkai's words all in slowly. "Your serious. . ."

-I think he really cares for you, Kagome. He seems to really love you.- Kaori smiled brightly. -I also think that you feel the same for him.-

"Me? Right. Your nuts, Kaori-chan." Kagome said, her cheeks grew a dark color red.

-Am I?- Kaori asked. She then stood up and walked out of the lake.

"KAGOME!" Inuyasha yelled from shore.

Kagome slowly turned around and looked back at the hanyou who was elbows down in her backpack. "What?"

"I can't find any Ramen! Please tell me you packed some!" Inuyasha yelled.

Kagome sighed and stood up, she walked over to Inuyasha and knelt down next to him. She reached into the bag and hauled out a small pack. "Look, r-a-m-e-n. Ramen. They have the noodles put in a different pack." She handed the Ramen to Inuyasha and smirked. "Are you illiterate or something?"

"No. . .I was just looking for the old package." Inuyasha said, he then handed the Ramen back to Kagome. "Make it for me."

"That was a demand." Kagome said. "I'm not your maid, Inuyasha."

"Sorry. . ." Inuyasha groaned. "Kagome can you PLEASE make me Ramen?"

"There we go. That wasn't so hard now was it?" Kagome smirked and moved over to the fire Koga had made a few minutes earlier.

"Keh." Inuyasha crossed his arms and watched Kagome move over to the fire. `She does so much for me. . .and so far I never really did anything to repay her. . .that'll change when we get to that valley tomorrow. . .'