InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missing Voice ❯ No Talk For Me ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Missing Voice
This is not my first fanfic but is the first one I uploaded so please be kind. And don't hurt me. Here it is. Enjoy. Oh and for you people who are just waiting to get your hands on my cash (like I have any) Inu Yasha is copyrighted by people other than me. And the lyrics for 'Fake Wings' is copyrighted by the .hack//sign people. So get a life.

~*Missing Voice*~bright morning lightin the air the spring is comingblowing winddown the hills and valleysyour eyes on mewe're on the edge of hellmy love, sweet morning light
Wait for me, you've gone much farther, too far

Rin stood under the crystal clear cascading waterfall. The water droplets bouncing gentle off her body an reflecting rainbows all around. Her hair was lose and playing around her ankles. She stepped quietly out of the sparkling pool of water. Wrapping a fairly decent sized cloth around her dripping body she picked up her quiver and arrows and headed back to her small hut.
It had been three years (she was 18 then) since her Sesshoumaru-sama had left her at a small human village. She didn't like it there. The people were rude and deceiving she quickly made space between them and herself. She also had went mute again. When the people asked her who had raised her and where she came from they didn't like her answers. She quickly learned not to put trust in many of them. She went to the village normally once every two weeks to get extra things. Other than that she stayed on her land she had brought with some of the money Sesshoumaru-sama left with her.
Besides she really didn't like the people. They called her names in whispers but she could hear better than Jaken-sama. The quiet life she lived with Sesshoumaru had sharpened her senses and her physical abilities. In her early teens she didn't think much of it when she started to catch up to the wood nymphs in their races. Nor when she started learning how to wield weapons and beat her masters. No these things passed her. She took no notice that she had passed human limitations long ago. But what hadn't passed her was her Sesshoumaru-sama saying goodbye to her and not looking back.
Rin pulled a piece of her hair into a ponytail and tied a ribbon around her kimono. She put a small knife under the ribbon and walked out her door. First she went to an old herb shop. The lady there was probably one of the few people she could rely on. "Awww, Rin came to give an old woman a visit?" Rin nodded slightly as she gave the old woman a hug. "What can Asya do for you today?" Rin walked over to a small case and pointed inside. "You want the thyme and rosemary seeds today." Rin nodded again and took out a small silver purse. No matter how much she spent it was always full.
She paid the old lady and headed toward the door. "Oh Rin wait a minute." Rin turned around to look at Asya and her toothy grin. "I have something for you. Look in the back room in the old chest." Rin smiled and giggled. She made her way into the backroom and took a look in the chest. It was a silk kimono made of silver, gold, and pearl white threads. Small flowers decorated it and on the side her name was embroidered. She gasped. "Well young lady, I wasn't sitting here for months sewing this for nothing. Try it on!" Rin slipped out of her old kimono (which was getting to small in some places) and tried on the new one. It was a perfect fit. "Oh almost forgot." Asya hobbled over to a cabinet and pulled out a small box. "Here Rin, I want you to have these. Now I know you probably could go anywhere and get these things but it won't have the same meaning." Rin took the small box and looked inside It was a golden brush, a silver comb, and a ribbon to match her new kimono. "My mother gave me these when I was young. I want you to have them. Rin I want you to know I think of you as my little girl. And If you ever need any help or a shoulder to lean on I'm here."
Rin hugged the old woman and kissed her on the cheek. She tied the ribbon around her hair and made a gesture saying she would leave the other things there until she got back from shopping. Rin did her shopping for herbs and some fruits and vegetables. She returned to her hut just before dark. She put all the things she brought down and took off her new kimono. She put on her old kimono and headed to the waterfall. Rin slid into the cold water she closed her eyes and went under. She opened her eyes and looked at the fish swimming around her. She made her way down to the bottom and picked up a shell. She swam to the top of the water. She washed and played in the water. She heard something and quickly moved to the shore and put her kimono on. She didn't tie her kimono and it gaped open. Then she picked up a sword she hid behind a rock earlier that week. She pointed it a tree.
Sesshoumaru was standing behind the tree. 'I feel like that idiot half brother of mine.' He really didn't mean to watch her take a bath but he couldn't look away. 'And then she knows someone is here. Plan B.' Sesshoumaru sped from behind the tree. Rin swung her sword in Sesshoumaru's direction barely missing him. She couldn't see her opponent but she felt his energy she swung in the direction of his energy. Sesshoumaru grabbed her sword and through it out of her hand. Before she could blink Sesshoumaru had her pinned against the side of the waterfall. Her kimono opened wider to reveal her fully developed body.
He pushed his body against hers and whispered gently, "I was expecting a more relieving welcoming Rin. Not an assassination"