InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missing Voice ❯ Pack Up and Horny Denile ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hi Yah my faithful fans who left a couple years ago. I'm back with the next chap oh and to the fanfic….

Rin entered her little hut feeling very dirty despite the fact that she had just taken a bath. `Oh my god I smell like him… a little' a scent of Sesshoumaru was in her skin. `Probably because he touched me when I was wet.' (A/N: That sounded so wrong) Rin sprayed a small bottle of jasmine over her wet body. She slowly combed her tangled hair out and started to pack and placed her stuff in a silk bag. (A/N: What she brought? I don't know. What would you bring? Use your imagination people… That's what it's made for.) She then looked on her cot and remembered the kimono. "Asya, I have to say… goodbye."

A feeling of guilt washed over her. That old lady had been so nice to her and she was thinking of leaving without saying goodbye. Asya had been the only human to get close to her despite the fact that she wouldn't talk. She folded the kimono and placed it in her small bag. She pulled her hair into a messy ponytail and walked out the hut. "I'll be right back… maybe I should leave Sesshoumaru-sama a note… not with his nose… oh no I'm talking to myself."

Rin noticed that she missed her voice and it's sound was soothing after the long bouts of quietness she went through. She whistled softly in the middle of a small clearing. Suddenly a small red bird came toward her. It was a phoenix. (A/N: How she got it? Again with the imagination… or you could just wait) It transformed for its `silent master.' (A/N: Like Kirara `cept a little bigger)

"Hi yah," Rin said cheerfully. The phoenix seemed surprised it had heard her giggle but never speak, she had a pretty voice that caressed ones ears (and could sooth the savage beast). The phoenix nuzzled her hand wanting her to speak again. "You know I haven't spoke to you so you really don't have a name."

`Please keep speaking… ohh a name that sounds nice… what is that again' the phoenix was now somewhat confused. `What one calls you, I think, if I'm to have a name she needs one, she might have one already.' The phoenix stared at the girl who had saved it about two years before.

He (The phoenix is a boy) had been captured by evil little neko youkai. They didn't even want to eat him they just wanted to torture him. The girl had chased them away and the phoenix had promised to follow the ninegin (Is that right?) and serve her. The girl had flown on his back many times steering with her legs never saying a word. The girl would feed the phoenix as if he was her pet, twice everyday, fish or small furry creatures. He loved this girl and watch over her a lot, but back to the naming of names…

"How about Hotaka… no Kisuke… no," Rin was trying out names and didn't like any of them. "I got it Reiji… Rei for short what do you think?" Reiji looked at the girl with a joy in his eyes and gently nuzzled her neck and tickled her with his feathers. "Okay Reiji *giggle* Rin needs to go *giggle* to the herb house. Reiji!" Rin was leaning on the bird for support and as her last giggles died down she climbed onto Reiji's back and they took to the sky. `Rin, a pretty name for such a nice human…' Reiji thought.


Sesshoumaru was contemplating whether he should get Rin today or in the morning. The stupid toad was clueless as usual but Aun seemed happier than normal. The two headed dragon was more hyper than normal and was bothering Jaken more also. He sniffed the air, `Spring… Mid April… Inu mating season.' Is that what made him search for his charge? Surely he had no thoughts toward mating and marking Rin.

`The waterfall,' he thought. `It was just her smell, she is fertile I think that is reason enough for me to wait before retrieving her,' he smirked. But would it really have been so bad if he had taken her right there. `Over and over again,' Sesshoumaru cut his thoughts short. It was below him to think such things but that didn't stop the images of Rin's long legs wrapped around his waist moaning no screaming his name. "This is insane,"(A/N: I'm a poet and I knew it. Yah I made a funny. That was gay…) He muttered. "Jaken."

"Yes milord…"

"We move in two days at dawn," That should give her enough time to rid herself of that smell. A lovely smell a mix of ripe strawberries, lavender and coconut milk. He would check on her a dawn and tell her to get packed. Then he would go away before he was able to pin her on the ground and steal her innocence. `Nice plan, now this Sesshoumaru will wait until dawn,' He sat down on a rock and starred at the sky. (A/N: So OOC but it's my damn story and when you come down to it most guys have really perverted thoughts. I mean look at Clinton!)


Rei landed about half a mile from the village. It was two days after the new moon and it was coming upon the crescent. Rei transformed back. (A/N: Think of the size of the phoenix off of Harry Potter… good now call me a geek) Rin brushed a lock of hair out her eyes and Reiji landed on her arm. "You could stay here. I am coming back Reiji," Rin said looking at the bird that made a type of chirping sound and stayed on her arm. "Suit yourself you silly bird," Rin cooed and walked down the path.

Little did she know, or really care, she was being watched. "You never know you might not come back…" A creepy voice said and then faded away.

That's the end of this. I got an email and forced myself to put this chapter up. I'm gonna stop typing here because Adult Swim just came on it's 11 and after Futurama and Family guy Inu Yasha is coming on. I'll try to keep this up okay because one person cared enough to ask me to post I did. Some of you should try that sometime.

Still at