InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missing ❯ missing 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

yaio, rape

Missing part 2

The days seemed to blend into each other, the dark walls of the cell was all he really saw. It was hard to tell how many days must have passed without a window to let any light in.

He coughed as he lay half propped against the bars; he learned quickly that he couldn’t simply break the simple looking iron bars - some dark magic permeated the metal. They withstood every attack he made on them but in his rage and frustration he kept striking at them, breaking off a few claws.

His weight had dropped from the lack of food. When his captor remembered to feed his pet, it was very little; usually scraps from the cook fires. He had shown up only to torment the half breed one way or another, usually with the prod. Chasing him around the tiny enclosure with the long black tube. Laughing harshly as he tried to scramble away from the pain. Often slamming blindly into the cage.

His chest ached dully with each ragged breath as he lay there in the dark, holding his now broken arm from one of his maddening slams into the cages black iron bars.

The demon exterminator had been enraged about some deal going wrong and had taken it out on him, breaking his arm in the process before leaving him to suffer in the darkness.

That had been a day ago. He was growing weak from a lack of food, his long silver hair matted and tangled as it hung loosely around him. He hissed slightly, cradling his arm as the door slid open on rusted hinges, the smell of freshly cooking meat in the damp air. His stomach convulsed in protest. He bit on his lower lip, tearing into it with his fangs as he raised his golden eyes to the intruder.

The exterminator was standing in the door way, a coiled black leather whip at his side along with the trademark prod that he used to torment the hanyou constantly.

His face was twisted into a dark grin, a large piece of venison hung from one hand. Inuyasha’s eyes focused on the meat dangling just out of reach; he fought everything he had to keep from crawling to the cages door, so instead he looked away.

He growled softly as the sound of footsteps approached the cage.

The demon exterminator grinned like a wolf that had cornered its prey.

He walked up the cage and held the greasy slice of flesh just against the bars, watching as the half breed struggled with his remaining pride. He must be starving now; the week had all but fled by, and now he had time to play with his new pet.

Inuyasha fixed a cold stare at the man before letting his eyes fall to the flesh dangling just out of reach. He gritted his teeth, sweat falling down his brow as the pain in his belly became a raging bonfire at the scent of food.

“Come on doggy, I know your hungry by now.” He watched as a shiver passed visibly through the hanyou as he shifted slightly before half dragging, half crawling towards the door, the broken arm cradled against his chest.

“Beg me for it pet, beg me like the dog you are.” He waved it just in front of Inuyasha.

“ Pl…Please Master,” he whispered, hating himself as the words left his bruised and torn lips, a thin trail of crimson falling to the floor.

“That’s more like it.” He reached through the bars and captured his jaw in a vice like grip, looking deeply into the rage filled eyes for a moment before letting him loose and tossed flesh to floor of the cage where it landed with a soft splat.

He growled at the hulking shadow before snatching up the meat and cramming it as fast as possible into his mouth, ignoring the pains shooting up his arm as he scooted back the far side of the cage. He almost choked on it as the stringy, greasy, tasteless mess slide down his throat where it lay heavily in his empty stomach.

Inuyasha groaned as he held his arm, slumping over slightly.

From his dulled and damaged senses he was barely aware that he was now alone.

The dark days melted into each other, each one an endless world of pain and blood. He had lost all hope of ever even thinking of escaping the hell that was swallowing him alive, dragging the torn shred of his shattered soul into the never ending darkness. Yet something still lived on in that broken body, something still went on and clung stubbornly to the light.

Inuyasha could no longer tell when one day ended and another began. All he knew was pain and blood.
His throat was worn raw and his chest screamed in pain with each breath.

Inuyasha dully became aware of the cold metal encircling his wrists, the sound of chains ghosting his every faint move, no mater how painful.

Slowly he moved so he could sit at least, taking his beaten body off the cold stone floor, shivering slightly. His dulled eyes cast around the smallish room, a single slit of a window let in faint traces of pale beams of the moon. Fresh air laden with the scents of the wilds flowed in on silent wings, chasing away the stink of blood and fear that penetrated the stone.

He sat there for a long time, lost in his own jumbled thoughts, desperately searching for an answer he knew would not come. No one would bother looking for him. They never really needed him in the first place.

It was like a physical wound every time Kagome said the magic word that activated the accursed rosary around his neck. She didn’t trust him, none of them did.

So absorbed in his own thoughts, he barley noticed callused hands making their way down his back, sliding under the pelt and over his bare flesh.

He bit on his lip, drawing blood, focusing on the slight pain, trying not to think were those hands were sliding down to.

The chains around his wrists kept him from moving far, rattling as he moved just enough to pull away. Refusing to raise his head, fearing...nay dreading what he would see in the demon exterminator’s eyes. He could already smell the thick nauseating musk of lust coming off the man in waves.

Nausea tangled itself into a thick knot in his belly, churning a mass of acid that lurched every time the human rested his hands on him.

"Pretty little thing."

He whimpered as the hands lingered too long for comfort on his hips; he tried to curl up to escape the questing hands. The smell of piss, beer and male musk was a thick retching stench that lay as blanket over the dark damp air of the room

A few tears fell unnoticed from his eyes.

He froze up, his mind screaming as the man pressed closer to him.

One of the demon exterminator’s hands tangled in the silvery locks and yanked his head back roughly, exposing his pale throat.

The other dipped below the waist band of his pants, stroking a muscular thigh. Despite the starving, he was still an attractive creature.

It seemed almost a waste now, but orders were orders. The others wanted nothing to do with the half breed and wanted him as far away from their hidden encampment as soon as possible. Not that some part of him couldn’t blame them. With Naraku out looking for the very same half breed, keeping him here would only be a risk. At least he would have some fun with him first, before dragging the hanyou as far away as possible before cutting the pretty youth’s throat with a dagger. The snow and wild animals would cover up any evidence of the disposal.

Such a shame really, he was looking forward to having a new pet - the other one didn’t quite make it past a few months.

Inuyasha struggled in the grip with new found strength, sensing something sinister. His back screamed as the exterminator tore the healing wounds open, letting crimson soak into the pelt, making it darker
He clenched his jaws together as a wet, rank tongue left a trail of wake slimy saliva up the side of his neck.

He bit back a soft moan as the warm fingers just brushed over balls, his whole body seizing up.
A dark wicked grin spread over the scarred face as he started to pull the red fire rat pelt off his slender hips.

"Time I make you all mine, dog."

Inuyasha gave a cry of rage and fear and tried to wrench away, his broken bones sending pain flaring though his spine. The demon exterminator forced him back down, pressing him harshly into the cold floor.

He whimpered in pain; the harder the tried to escape the more it hurt.

The man punched him hard in the stomach; Inuyasha groaned and tried to protect his vitals. The man took the edges of Inuyasha’s pants and yanked, pulling them free in one swift motion and flung them off to one side. The shivering form beneath gasped and put his legs together, his hair falling around his now reddened face.

Smiling, the man laid his rough, hot hands on Inuyasha’s knees and spread his legs slowly, using his own legs to keep them that way. He ran a finger up the hanyou’s growing erection, flowing to the soft underside of the flesh, watching him shiver and his breath catch in his throat.

“I see my little doggy is enjoying this.”

He only kept his head turned away, his breath coming in short ragged gasps. He felt sick.
“Please…s.stop..” Inuyasha whimpered, tears falling.

Inuyasha could only moan in pain, his throat too sore to scream from the torture earlier - the kiss of the black leather whip still fresh in his mind. His back and shoulders covered in crisscrossing slashes of red.
The demon exterminator reached up and gripped his slender chin, looking deeply into the dulled golden depths.

“Aren’t you a pretty doggy. Such a shame I can’t keep you too much longer.” He snarled at the comment, trying to twist around to sink either his fangs or claws into the arrogant human.

Inuyasha squirmed helplessly and tried desperately not to react as feather soft touches he never thought possible danced over his now hardened cock.

“So you do like that.“

Inuyasha only shook his head, his body shaking slightly as sweat formed a slick sheen over his pale skin.
He smiled before sliding his fingers against Inuyasha’s tight entrance, watching him stiffen up. He shoved hard.

Inuyasha threw his head back and screamed, trying his best to pull away to no avail.

The human grabbed his hips and pushed the two fingers in further, pressing against the prostate.
Inuyasha moaned as his body reacted despite the protests of his mind. Pain like razors spread up his back, melding with the softer glow of pleasure.

He growled, baring his razor sharp fangs and snapping at the hand that came close to stroke his pain lined face.

“None of that, my pet. Looks like you need a muzzle.”

Inuyasha growled and fought to no avail, even as the thick leather was forced between his jaws and tied tightly. His eyes were filled with a cold predatory rage that drowned out the fear and pain for a moment before fading as the exterminator pressed against him, his rough fingers stretching the tight ring of muscle.

Inuyasha groaned and closed his eyes tightly, a few tears leaking from them. Embers burned in the darkness, giving off sparks of pleasure and pain, melting into the smooth velvet night.

He lay limp as the man withdrew, his chest heaving. He hated it, every drawn out second of the touching, the licking, the smell of the creature that hovered above him.


He screamed into the gag, his back arching as molten pain spread up his hips. The whip had been nothing in comparison to this.

He struggled under the mass of damp reeked human, feeling the exterminator’s hips sit flush with his as tears fell freely from his eyes.

He used what little strength he had left to struggle against the pain and humiliation.

He bit down hard on the leather gag, his jaws aching as his screams were caught in his throat with each rough, uncaring thrust. Pain danced like lights behind his eyes, sending off sparks that burned out slowly in the damp nothingness of the mind.

He shuddered as the human’s tongue traced the soft outside of his ear, sending unwanted pleasure coursing through the black pain.

Inuyasha started to lose his already feeble hold on consciousness, sliding farther back into the ever gaping void; this time he didn’t fight it.

His eyes, the once vibrant gold, went dull and unfocused as the soothing darkness overtook him mercifully. He went limp in the demon exterminator’s arms just as the human unleashed his sticky white seed deep inside the unconsciousness hanyou.