InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken Illness ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

**The Mistaken Illness**
By: Obsessor
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
Yes, this story has a moral, because it was created out of that moral. Learn it. Live with it. Breathe because of it.
Myspace: obsessor
AOL journal: whatever plus poetry
AIM: coliogirl91
Now onto the chapter!!
**Chapter 1**
“Ugh,” Kagome, for the sixth time since they killed the youkai, stopped, only to begin wiping her hands furiously on her uniform skirt. When that didn't satisfy her need to be clean, she dropped her bag, and unzipped it. Reaching into it's depths, she pulled out the one thing that could make it all better…hand sanitizer. Uncapping the bottle, she squeezed some onto her skin. Immediately, she began rubbing her hands together, feeling the heat rise from the friction.
Inuyasha, his patience running thin and his amusement at her antics waning, roused himself from his spot against the tree.
“Oi, wench! Quit taking all day, we gotta get back sometime,” he enthused, taking pleasure in her face turning red with fury. Everyone's waiting for you!”
`Everyone' quickly turned away from Kagome as she looked up from her hands. Miroku and Sango remembered all too well what had happened earlier. Inuyasha had told Kagome that “haii-geen” could “go to hell with Sesshoumaru” for all he cared. Anyone who attempted to follow them through the forest would be wise to look out for an Inuyasha-sized crater. Shippo and Kirara both knew that when Kagome was being provoked by Inuyasha, you stayed away. Or watched Inuyasha get sat, which Shippo often opted for.
“I'm sure `everyone' wouldn't mind a break right now, and I can't seem to get this disgusting feeling off my skin,” Kagome replied, giving Inuyasha a warning look.
“Keh, you puny humans need to be less squeamish. It's not my fault the stupid shard was stuck up the youkai's ass!”
`Oh, shit.'
“Osuwari.” Inuyasha slammed, prayer beads first, into the forest floor.
“Bitch! I told you it wasn't my fault the youkai didn't have the brains to stick it somewhere else!”
“Gah! Fuck, now I've got dirt in my eyes…”
“Osuwari, Osuwari, Osuwari.”
`Another Inuyasha-sized crater…'Miroku attempted to hide his smile behind a yawn, but to no avail. Shippo caught it, and being as, in Miroku's opinion, he had the lesser common sense of the two…
“Can't you even go a day without getting sat? Geez!”
Kagome finished rubbing the sanitizer in, and sat on the ground as she bemusedly watched a very irritated hanyou chase a yelling kitsune around the clearing. Just as she was about to stop the chase, Miroku beat her to it. His way, of course, was more peaceful, and involved less pain on Inuyasha's part. Holding our his arm, Shippo ran under it as Inuyasha ran right into it. As Miroku's arm caught his knees, he flipped right over it and landed on his back.
“Damn, Miroku! Why'd you do that?!”
“We were tired of watching you act like a little kid.”
“Act your age, not your shoe size,” Kagome quipped. [Obsessor's note: love that saying =^_^=]
“Shoe size? I hate shoes!”
“Never mind. Just stop being a baka!”
Sango nodded her agreement as she stretched and grabbed hiraikotsu. She too wanted to make it back to Kaede's hut before nightfall. Seeing as it was early morning when the youkai attacked, and now it wasn't even noon, she felt their chances were fairly good.
Inuyasha huffed and grabbed Kagome's arms, effectively pulling her onto his back. Shippo climbed in between them, as Miroku and Sango mounted Kirara, Miroku with a stinging red cheek.
Sango's hopes were fulfilled, They arrived back to the homely, and homey, village just as Kaede was beginning to prepare her dinner. S she stretched and began to climb off of Kirara, she saw Kagome drop off of Inuyasha's back, clutching a slumbering Shippo. She pulled her arms above her head, sighing as she felt the kinks pop out of her back. But that wasn't the only thing she felt.
“Hentai!” She screamed out, turning around and slapping Miroku's cheek in one fluid motion. He gingerly felt his cheek, where an outline of Sango's hand now was. Kagome clucked her tong, while Inuyasha looked at him in disgust.
“Can't you keep your hands to yourself for one damn minute, Monk?”
“My hand is cursed….Sango, you know that..” Miroku trailed off from his usual excuse, as he realized how lame he sounded. Sango `hmph'ed and walked to Kaede's hut, entering it quickly.
Shaking her head, Kagome left the hanyou and monk outside, as she stepped into Kaede's hut, calling out an “I'll go help them with dinner.”
Miroku finally slipped off Kirara, and she transformed back into her smaller form, proceeding into the hut after Kagome.
“That just leaves you and me, they all left….” Miroku stated the obvious, attempting to lure the hanyou into conversation.
“Don't say anything, you started it.”
Miroku winced, knowing what the hanyou was alluding to. He did feel guilty about how he treated Sango, but he didn't know any other way. And, of course, he didn't want to admit the real reason. Not even to himself. `I will not…not after what happened last time….it will not repeat….'
Watching the emotions running across Miroku's face, Inuyasha decided if would be better if the monk was left alone. It looked like he needed to sort out his thoughts, now he just looked confused, he looked… `Regretful….secretive….sad…guilty? What's he got to be guilty of?'
“Keh, do what you want Monk. I'm going to catch some meat.” With that, the hanyou bounded off into his forest, leaving Miroku lost in memory.
“He just can't seem to keep his hands to himself, can he? It's like he can't get the hint! Such a baka! Why, I should….” Sango paced around, her venomous aura filling the entire hut.
“He did go a little far that time it seems, if he made ye so angry…” Kaede was at a loss for advice. Never had she seen someone with such habits as Miroku possessed. Though she did agree with Kagome's theory that he was simply doing so as to hide his real feelings. `He will never get far, if he keeps making Sango so angry….'
Kagome approached Sango, trying to calm her before a certain monk found hiraikotsu embedded into his back. “Sango….Calm down….Lets think about this rationally….He also has many redeeming qualities.”
“Calm down?! I think I'm calmer than most people would be in my situation. And redeeming qualities? Like what? Hmph….” Sango shoved hiraikotsu against the wall, trying to vent some of her anger. It was true that the monk could be nice, and he had saved her life once or twice when they were on a shard hunt….well, so he fought hard to help gather the remaining shards just like the rest of them.
Seeing Sango beginning to calm down, Kaede shot Kagome a grateful look. She had known when Kagome had stumbled upon their village over a year ago, that this was a very special girl. It was she that could calm down any of her companions, knowing just what to say.
Sango stopped pacing about and sat down next to the fire. “I guess he can be okay sometimes.” She picked up the forgotten bowl, and began shelling the peas into it.
Kagome felt all of the apprehension drain out of her as Sango began to work on dinner again. For a few minutes, she had wondered if Miroku had crossed the line. But it looked like not yet.
Sighing, Kagome sat down against the wall, resting her tired body. She heard Kaede kneel next to Sango and help her shell the peas. Just as Kagome felt herself drifting off to sleep, she heard the door open. Knowing that she shouldn't sleep while others were working, she made herself look to who it was. She cracked open an eye and was surprised to see that Inuyasha had walked in, holding the choice cuts from some sort of animal over his shoulder. She smiled, and got up to take them from him.
“Inuyasha, I'll take that,” She said, her voice raspy from sleep, as Kaede nodded her thanks. Sango, still a little ticked from earlier, just continued to stare into the clay bowl, tossing the peas into it.
“Keh, slacking off, huh wench?” He handed her the meat
Kagome, having not forgotten their argument earlier, took it as spite. `I will not let him ruin my mood….I am in a good mood, and nothing he says will change that…'
Kaede quickly intervened, not wanting yet another hole in her floor. “Kagome was simply taking a quick break. Ye should know that she needs it, with how much traveling ye have been doing lately. Do not blame her for being tired.”
“Tired? Still looks like slacking off to me.”
“Inuyasha….” Kagome's voice was foreboding. Kaede shook her head, knowing that the hanyou would soon pay for his insult.
“Gah!” Inuyasha slammed face first into the floor. Kaede gazed at him, wondering if he would continue the argument.
“I was not slacking off.” Kagome then proceeded to ignore Inuyasha, grabbing a pan from its resting place near the fire. She began to season the meat with her `magic seasonings' from her world….just a little pepper mixed with some other stuff. She noticed with a smile to herself that the meat was already trimmed, Inuyasha had learned not to gibe her untrimmed meat…she was too squeamish to have to do that. `Not I feel guilty…he did get us something to eat…'
Inuyasha got up, shooting Kagome a look that would kill anyone else. But not her. `She never backs down….she isn't afraid of me…' Sure, she had a temper, but so did he. Deciding not to let Kagome see that she had actually won, he left, running out of the door and into the forest. His forest. He didn't pay attention to where his feet were taking him, he already knew. To Goshinbuko. Settling in the braches, Inuyasha felt the familiar feeling of being at peace settle over him. Here he could think.
Miroku jumped out of his skin as he saw a blur of red fly by him. He had spaced out, and the sudden movement had given him a heart attack. `Baka….what if that had been a demon seeking the shikon jewel?' Sighing, he went into Kaede's hut.
The girls were almost done preparing the food, and Shippo was still slumbering on the side, Kirara curled up with him. Miroku went and sat between Kagome and Sango, helping them cut up the meant and put it into bowls. After dividing up the peas, Kagome went over to wake up Shippo. Kirara woke up with him, and they came over to the fire. All of tem made quick work of grabbing their bowls, or in Kirara's place, nudging it with her nose, and began to eat.
Dinner was full of light conversation, as everyone was glad to be back in the hominess of the village. But Inuyasha wasn't there. Kagome's eyes constantly traveled to the spot where he usually sat. She knew she shouldn't be worried. But somehow it didn't feel complete without him. She pushed his bowl closer to the fire, so that it would stay warm. Turning her thoughts away from him, she joined back into the conversation.
Inuyasha finally came back as they were finishing up eating. He silently grabbed his bowl and gobbled down the food, ignoring the rest of them. Finally tiring of their questioning stares, she looked up and snapped “I was in Goshinboku, alright?”
Kagome nodded her acceptance of that. The other shrugged and began rolling out their bedroll. Sango hurriedly rolled out Kagome's so that she could place her own between Kagome's and the wall. Miroku had been trying to get a spot next to her. Sighing, he resigned to take the spot that remained between Kagome and Kaede. Kagome and Shippo crawled into her sleeping bag, and Kirara curled up at Sango's feet. Inuyasha took up his usual stance against the wall, and with one last look at Kagome, closed his eyes. He didn't fall asleep right away, though.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome angled her head so that she could see him.
“What?” An amber eye cracked open, staring right at her.
“Well…” His stare was unnerving her, and suddenly Kagome didn't completely want to ask him anymore.
“Out with it. You should get back to sleep. Kagome smiled, knowing that Inuyasha was again showing, in his own gruff manner, that he cared
“I just remembered something….I'm going to have to go back to my time tomorrow morning, I have a test.”
“Keh, fine. Stupid tests…..”
“Thanks. It'll only be for about two days.”
“That long for a test?”
“Well, I also have to do….other s-stuff…” Kagome tried to hold back the yawn, but failed,
“Get to sleep, I'll wake you up.” Kagome settled down and closed her eyes again, only to open one up.
“What now?”
“Thank you.”
“Keh, get to sleep.”
Obsessor's Note: well, its finished. Sorry it took me longer than promised, my parents are making good on their `an hour of computer an night including homework' deal. Well, this chapter kind of just set up the rest of the story. I was considering doing it one of two ways, which is why it took so long to get out. Oh, and does anyone know how to spell Goshinbuko? Because I think I'm spelling it wrong. Please R&R!
Cougicat12: Thanks! Glad you thought so. I know I didn't really want the whole thing to be dark….that would just be, well, I wouldn't like it. I'll try to keep some humor in it, though my sense of humor is a little off, so we'll see, huh? Hope you enjoy the rest of it!
Koniko-chan: Thanks! I decided some attention had to be paid to the fact that the school never complained or was suspicious of the fact that she was always `sick.' And thanks for the documents, they helped a bunch! And were actually interesting to me….
Japanese Lesson:
Hanyou: half demon
Kitsune: fox
Osuwari: sit (only used when talking to animals, don't tell someone to `Osuwari.')
Baka: idiot, stupid.
Predicted Update: by April 14