InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes We Knew We Were Making ❯ Shopping! ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thanks you everyone for reviewing! I really appreciate it!
Anyway, on to the fic!
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha! Gosh.
“Kikyo I have to ask you something.”
“Will you—“
Inuyasha was cut short when he heard what he thought to be Kagome's voice.
“Kikyo? KIKYO! I'm here are you home?”
Chapter 3: Shopping!
What the hell! That wench ruins EVERYTHING! Ugh damn it all to hell!
Inuyasha was pissed. This was the perfect moment to ask Kikyo (he thought) but of course Kagome had to show up and ruin everything.
“Shit. Inuyasha, since you're still clothed…a bit, go show Kagome the guest room, and not the smaller one, the bigger one. Can you do that for me?” Kikyo got up and walked over to her closet to get dressed. “Oh yeah, what was it you were saying before?”
“Never mind, tell me later. Inuyasha! Go Hurry!”
“Alright, alright! I'll show the wench. Hmph. I'M COMING. DON'T GET YOU'RE PANTIES IN A BUNCH.”
Kagome froze. Oh lord. I forgot about him completely! Okay Kags, you can do this.
She held her head up high, took a deep breath, and managed to muster a smile that was buried underneath all of her anger and frustration towards this guy.
“Inuyasha! How are you this evening?” She reached out her hand, still smiling.
He looked at her hand as if it were a piece of scum. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the wall by the doorframe and gave her a bored look.
“Keh. Why do you care?”
“Well, I was just trying to be polite, Inuyasha,” she grounded out between her teeth while still keeping a smile on her face.
“Give it a rest. I know you're not really smiling behind that fake veneer.
Kagome's smile fell off her face. She stood there and glared at gorgeous, god-like man in front of her. He stood there shirtless with a scowl on his face.
The pretty ones are always evil, she thought.
Inuyasha noticed her gaze down at his abs and smirked.
“Kagome honey, please wipe the drool from your face. I don't want it on the floor.”
Kagome turned beat read at his comment. She quickly tried to pass off checking her chin for drool by itching it. Of course Inuyasha saw through this and snickered.
“Lemme show you to your room. How long are you staying anyway?”
“Why do you care” Kagome said in a mock imitation of Inuyasha's voice.
“Because this is my damn penthouse bitch! I have a right to know. So tell me now before I force it out of you!”
Kagome didn't answer him. She didn't intend to either.
“Hello!? Am I speaking to a brick wall?”
“Kagome! You're here!”
“Kikyo! What's goin-”
Kagome looked around the penthouse realizing it looked a hot mess. One of the lampshades was almost off the lamp, while the other was on the ground near the coffee table, Kikyo's tracksuit was scattered on the floor along with Inuyasha's dress shirt and blazer, and all of the pillow that decorated the couch were on the floor.
So that's why he's shirtless!
“Never mind…” Kagome smiled at her friend.
“Okay the- oh my gosh! Woops! Sorry the place is such a mess. I was, um, doing the laundry! I guess some clothes fell out of the basket.”
Kikyo's face couldn't have been more reddened than a tomato.
“No need to lie Kik, I know what happened here.” Kagome said in a singsong voice. She then realized who it happened with and shuddered. “Anyway I really can't thank you enough for offering, well forcing me to stay here.”
They both laughed at this.
“No, no it's not a problem.”
“Well maybe not for you, but think Inuyasha is a different story.” Kagome whispered.
Both girls looked over to Inuyasha who was leaning on the door frame with his eyes closed and his arms cross and an ugly scowl on his face. His foot was tapped on the floor showing a sign of annoyance.
They giggled at the sight of him.
“Inuyasha, if you keep your face in that position for too long it might become permanent!”
“Keh, as if that's actually true.”
“I don't know…it might be.”
“Yeah and if it does become permanent,” Kagome added, “ You'll look uglier than you already are, and that will be pretty damn ugly. Every time I see you, I throw up in my mouth a little bit.”
“Excuse me? For your information, I'm beautiful.” Inuyasha was still in the same position. He didn't even look at Kagome when he spoke to her.
Kagome rolled her eyes with disgust. “You're so modest.”
“You know, when you first walked into the coffee shop, I pinned you as a pompous intelligent business who is very assertive, but is also kind underneath his tough exterior. However, I now know that you are a conceited, insensitive A-class idiot and jackass.”
“Why you-” Inuyasha emitted a low growl.
“Um okay guys. Let me stop this before it gets worse. Kagome, how about you and I go shopping! My wardrobe is a bit drab, and you've always had a good sense of style! If you want, I'll even buy you a few things.”
“Well I'll get with you but I cannot allow you buy me clothes too! I mean I'm already living with you without rent-”
“Uh let's get going shall we!” Kikyo grabbed Kagome hand and dragged her to the elevator. (A/N: If you haven't already figured it out, the elevator is right in their apartment if you know what I mean.)
“Kikyo, where are we going?”
“To Bloomingdales of course!”
The two women waved down a taxi cab and got in.
Kikyo told to cab where to go and Kagome stared out the window.
Maybe moving in with Kikyo wasn't the best idea
They arrived at said store 15 minutes later. Kikyo paid and tipped the taxi driver and they both walked into Bloomingdales.
“You've been here before right? Because I'm so busy with cases, I never really have time to shop. I haven't been in here since god knows when, so I don't exactly know my way around.”
Kagome looked at her as if she had a tumor growing out the side of her face “Are you kidding me? I adore Bloomingdales! It's one of my favorite department stores!”
Kagome looked like a child who was just let loose in a toy store.
“So what's the budget? Why exactly are you looking for? Clothing, accessories, shoes, etc?”
“We're buying anything that looks good on me, and there is no budget.”
“That's what I'm talking about!”
Kagome dragged Kikyo up the escalator to the 4th floor to look at the clothing.
“Do you own a lot of jeans Kikyo?”
Kikyo blushed at the question. “To tell you the truth, I don't even own a single pair!”
Kagome gaped at her. “Then what do you wear when you're not working! And how do you even get clothes if you don't go shopping?”
“I only wear my two tracksuits when I'm not in dress pants, and I just order online if I need any bras or panties.”
Kagome looked at her wide eyed. “I don't mind online shopping, but no actual shopping at all? How do you live!?”
Kikyo laughed at her friend. “I know, I know. That's why I want to spice up my wardrobe a bit. I think it's a bit boring.”
You've got that right. Kagome thought.
“Alright, then well start over by the jeans.” Kagome walked over to the denim section and Kikyo followed. They looked around at jeans that Kikyo liked.
“So Kikyo, how long have you and Inuyasha been together?”
“Um…I think about 2 years?”
“Really! How can you even live with him! He's unbearable!”
Kikyo laughed at this. “He just doesn't know you well. I'm sure after you two have gotten to know each other, everything will be fine.”
“I highly doubt that.” Kagome muttered.
They took the escalator downstairs to the jewelry area. They were browsing the items when Kikyo spotted a beaded necklace.
“Excuse me miss! How much is this?” (A/N: That rhymed!) She asked pointing to the necklace. I think Inuyasha might like this a bit.
“Oh that one?” The sales person looked at the necklace as if it were a sacred object.
Kikyo nodded.
“That is not any ordinary necklace! Those are Beads of Subjugation!”
“Will you explain to me how the work?”
“Well you see--”
Inuyasha was going crazy. He was starving! Kikyo said she would cook dinner tonight, but she was out with the wench!
“They've been shopping for like 5 fucking hours already! Kikyo never shops! It's only because that bitch is here that she decided to go shopping!”
About a minute or two later, Kagome and Kikyo stepped out of the elevator with a million and one shopping bags.
“I'm sooooo tired!” Kagome exclaimed.
“Ditto” Kikyo stumbled
“Are you so stupid, you can't even remember what we said only 5 hours ago? You've gone beyond my expectations Inuyasha!” Kagome said
“Listen here bitch, who was talking to you?” Inuyasha retorted “Answer: no one, because you don't matter!” With every word, he shook his head in Kagome's face.
“Shopping?” Kikyo said.
“And why couldn't you get up off you're lazy butt and cook dinner, huh!” Kagome cut in. She was not about to stand there while Inuyasha blew up at her best friend who looked like she was just about to stand there and take it!
“Because it's her turn!”
“She has a name ya know! It's Kikyo! It's very disrespectful to address someone as--”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever wench. Just get in the kitchen and go prepare us some food.”
“You insufferable cow! Who do you think you are bossing her around like that! You don't own her! She's not your personal slave!
“SHUT UP ALREADY! God! I'm tired of hearing your voice!”
“Well maybe if I cut off those cute little dogs ears of yours, you won't have to hear it from me anymore!”
Inuyasha smirked. That was never a good sign.
“So you think my ears are cute, eh?”
“UGHH!” Kagome stormed into her bedroom and slammed the door shut.
“Inuyasha, you couldn't just make yourself dinner?”
“Nope.” He replied haughtily.
Kikyo sighed heavily and walked into the kitchen. She put a pot of water on the stove and took out some garlic and olive oil spaghetti and chicken flavored ramen. She also took out some mixed vegetables and another pot. A half and hour later Kikyo finished cooking everything and set three plates down on the table.
“Kagome! Inuyasha! Dinner!”
She hadn't seen Kagome since the brawl her and Inuyasha had earlier. Inuyasha however ran out of him and Kikyo's room and second she said his name and sat down to devour his ramen.
Five minutes later, Kagome came out of her room in a pair of navy blue shorts, and a white tee, shocked.
“Kikyo! You still cooked dinner?”
“You would slave over a hot stove after Inuyasha was so rude to you?”
“Excuse me?” Inuyasha said while he still had ramen in his mouth and sound more like “Eshuz Mwh?”
Kagome fought back a giggle.
“Oh Kagome, I didn't really mind. It happens all the time. I know Inuyasha doesn't really mean half of the things he says anyway. He's actually a big softy.” She gave him a small smile.
“Keh.” He scowled and continued scarfing ramen down his throat.
“Can you stop inhaling your food and eat properly?” Kagome looked at him with revulsion written all over her features.
“Fuck off.”
“Inuyasha!” Kikyo cut in.
“What?” He said with ramen hanging out of his mouth.
Kikyo rolled her eyes at the cold response. He could be such a child sometimes.
“I bought you something today while we were shopping!”
“You did?” Kagome and Inuyasha said in unison. They both glared at each other. “Don't do that!” The said in unison once again.
“Anyway, Kagome do you think you can go look in the bags and you'll find a dark green box.”
Kagome retrieved the box and handed it to Kikyo.
“Could you open it and put it on Inuyasha?”
“What? Why me?” Kagome groaned. “I don't wanna get rabies or anything.”
“Just do it!” Kikyo said in a don't-test-me voice.
Kagome walked over to Inuyasha and place the beads around his neck. He was unusually silent for awhile, and it made Kagome nervous.
What is he thinking? What is he plotting?
“What the hell are these?”
“They're Beads of Subjugation. I think its name is self-explanatory.”
“Beads that control?” Kagome asked.
“In a way, yes. The reason I had you put it on Kagome, is so whenever you and Inuyasha quarrel, all you have to do and say a command word and something will happen to Inuyasha. I'm not exactly sure what though...”
“Oh my god Kikyo! I LOVE you!”
After dinner, which included several more arguments between Inuyasha and Kagome, Kikyo clean up and went to bed.
Kagome, however stayed up and watched television since she didn't have to be at work too early the next day.
She looked over and saw Inuyasha.
“What the hell could you possibly want from me now?”
“Fiery. I like that.” He said winking at her.
“Ugh. You disgust me. Can you please leave me in peace? I'm trying to watch my favorite show.”
“And what might that be.”
“Go away.”
“I've never heard of it. What's it about?”
“You're infuriating!”
“So are you!”
By this time, Inuyasha had made his way over to the couch and sat down next to Kagome.
“Whatever.” Kagome tried to pretend he didn't exist. Tried being the key word.
She help but sneak a few glances at him. She got a chance to really look at him. If her old friend from high school, Ayame, saw him, she would have said he had the body of a god.
She wasn't far off.
Inuyasha was quite handsome, Kagome had to admit. His skin was a bit more tanned than hers was, but then again, whose wasn't? It was impossible for Kagome to tan. Her skin was a fair as snow. He had a straight nose, dark eyebrows, and silvery hair that looks extremely soft.
She suddenly had the urge to just run her fingers through his hair.
Inuyasha by now noticed that she kept glancing at him and was amused by it. By the 5th time he decided to notify her that he knew she kept staring at him.
“Wench, what are you looking at?”
Kagome blushed. She was caught!
Crap! He knew that I was staring at him!
“I was just thinking how ugly you are.”
“Hah. No you weren't you were probably saying to yourself, `Oh my god! Look at him! He is sooooo fucking sexy. I just want to run my finger through his hair and kiss him all over!'” Inuyasha said trying to imitate Kagome's voice.
Kagome blushed a deeper shade of pink.
“I was not!”
“Keh Whatever. I'm going to bed.”
“Yeah I should too.”
“Night.” Kagome walked towards her bedroom.
“Yeah, night wench.”
Kagome rolled her eyes and walked into her room. He really was a beautiful room. The Walls were a lime green color, with hard wood flooring. She had a king size bed that was adorned black and white patterned sheet and was covered in pillows. There was also a walk in closet, a dresser, a vanity, and a smaller closet which seemed to be a storage closet.
She walked over to her bed and flopped down onto it, instantly falling into a peaceful slumber. Or what she hoped to be.
Morning came and Kikyo was the first one up. She got ready and put on some of the new clothing she bought with Kagome the day before.
Kagome walked out of her room with her hair disheveled. She looked like she had a rough night.
“Good Morning Kagome.”
“Mrn.” Was all Kagome could manage to say. She had an awful night of sleep. That stupid jerk plagued her once peaceful dreams. It also seemed that she pulled a muscle in her neck.
Kagome made her way to the bathroom and shut the door.
Kikyo laughed at Kagome's behavior. “She never was a morning person…”
Twenty minutes later, Inuyasha woke up from a good night of sleep. He had to take a shower, but since the shower in his bathroom was busted, he had to use the main bathroom. He walked out of the room not even acknowledging that his girlfriend was up. He was still pissed at her for giving Kagome this necklace thing that couldn't seem to come off.
He walked over to the bathroom door with sleep still in his eyes. If he weren't so sleepy, his senses would have told him already that someone was occupying the bathroom. He opened the door and there she was.
Kagome was standing in front of the sink brushing her hair in only her bra and underwear.
And Kagome said the only thing that would cross her mind right now.
And with that said, Inuyasha's face unexpectedly met with the bathroom tile. Forcefully.
Oh my! 11 pages!
I hope you'll like it!