InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagome woke up the next day to hear Sesshoumaru Kagome's grandfather yelling at each other once more. She sighed and realized how much like Inuyasha Sesshoumaru is. “I wish Sesshoumaru had those prayer beads around his neck,” Kagome muttered and got out of bed. `I know I can't keep Sesshoumaru and Shippo here forever but if they go back you there, they'll both be put to work and possibly killed! I can't let that happen' Kagome thought as she got dressed. `Stupid me, why did I have to make that stupid wish? Duh. Because I thought it would make things better' But it has in a sense. Miroku and Sango never knew the pain they knew before. Kaede never lost her sister Kikyo and no one was ever hurt by Naraku. Only the demons suffered but in a sense it has helped them too. Sesshoumaru used to be so cold hearted and emotionless but now I get him to smile and he answers me, it's hard to get him to smile. And Shippo never had to deal with avenging his father's death. So in a way it has helped.' Kagome smiled all of a sudden feeling better about the wish. She walked downstairs after a silence had come and found her grandfather outside and Sesshoumaru watching Rin and Souta play video games and Shippo was helping Kagome's mother make breakfast.
“Morning everyone,” Kagome smiled.
“You're in a better mood Kagome,” Shippo said.
“Yea. I guess I am,” Kagome smile brightened.
“Why are you though?” Souta asked.
“I realized that my wish did do good for humans and demons,” Kagome sat down next to Sesshoumaru on the couch and leaned against him. She felt cloth beneath her and looked and saw Sesshoumaru had a shirt on. She recognized it; it used to belong to her father. “Where'd you get the shirt Sesshoumaru?” Kagome asked.
“Your mother got one for me,” Sesshoumaru answered. Kagome nodded she was in a way happy Sesshoumaru was the one wearing her father's shirt, it fit him well.
Shippo lay on the back of the couch, “I could get used to not having to work unless I feel like it,” Shippo rested his head on the palms of his hands.
“We will have to return, you know that Shippo,” Sesshoumaru said offhandedly.
“You might feel compelled to but I don't. I don't have your dog demon loyalty,” Shippo looked at Sesshoumaru or rather the back of his head.
“I have no loyalty there either Shippo, we must go back because if we do not, they will come looking for us,” Sesshoumaru answered.
“I never thought of that,” Shippo muttered. Souta paused the game and looked at Shippo and Sesshoumaru.
“What happens if they go looking for you?” he asked.
“They lock us away and kill all of you,” Sesshoumaru answered. Souta went wide eyed.
“Maybe you guys should return after breakfast,” Souta offered. Kagome glared at Souta but said nothing. 'Sesshoumaru and Shippo being here has put my family in danger. Great, if it's not one thing it's another' Kagome sighed and helped her mom set the table for breakfast.
After breakfast, it was agreed that Shippo and Sesshoumaru should return so that they would be hunted down. So once they ate and got relatively cleaned up, Rin, Shippo, and Sesshoumaru left to go return to their normal lives. Kagome watched them leave 'I will free them and the other demons as well' Kagome knew that was what she had to do `I had to put the Shikon Jewel but because of the wish I made, my destiny has been altered. Now I know I have to give the demons back the freedom I took away with my wish.'
Sorry for the short chapter! I'm at a stand still! I just wanted to add that little bit so I have something to go on when I get an idea. It shouldn't be too long before one comes to me