InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha! I only own the name Kiba! And that's even iffy. Anyways enjoy! Don't sue me!
Kagome turned around and saw Sesshoumaru standing there. She had no memory of her previous wish. So she didn't know why she stood up and held onto Sesshoumaru and cried and Sesshoumaru didn't know why he comforted her.
“Everything will work out in the end,” He said and held onto her. Jaken was surprised at his master and Rin smiled happily.
Kaogme looked up at Sesshoumaru and sniffled, “you really think so?”
Sesshoumaru nodded. Words that were never spoken were heard by them both. Love was given freely by them and they kissed and it seemed all the heavens were watching and smiling.
It seemed true what Sesshoumaru said. Everything would work out. It would just take work and time. The road to recovery was a long one but it would be worth it.
~Sometime later (minimum two years) ~
Kagome sat up in her bed looked down lovingly at the small bundle in her arms. A baby with tufts of silver hair, blue eyes already starting to turn golden, and dog ears. Sesshoumaru stood beside her looked down at the child.
“We still haven't decided on a name yet Sesshoumaru,” Kagome looked up at Sesshoumaru.
“How about Inuyasha?” Sesshoumaru offered.
“Inuyasha. I like it,” Kagome smiled, “your brother would be proud.”
“I hope so,” Sesshoumaru said as he stroked his sons head, “I really do.”
Without Sesshoumaru and Kaogme realizing it, two figures watched. Inuyasha was one and his father was the other.
“You think that kid will have what it takes to live up to my reputation?” Inuyasha asked.
“What reputation?” his father asked then laughed.
“You can be quite the ass sometimes father, I don't know Sesshoumaru could have put up with you for all the years he did,” Inuyasha glared at his father then they both faded to leave the couple in peace.
Please like it! It's my first Sess and Kag romance fic and the ending might be rushed! Please tell me what you think! I would hate not know!