InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha! Don't sue me! I forget to add this sometimes but I don't claim to own any of these chars (except Kiba. Shikobira I got from a fic and when I remember which one I'll tell you all)
Kagome walked beside Sesshoumaru, their search had led them to the woods. All they were going on was Kagome's memory. Shikobira looked apprehensively around. It was getting dark and who knew what kind of pissed off demons lay in the shadows waiting.
“Stop your worrying Shikobira; we can handle whatever demons lurk in these shadows,” Sesshoumaru ordered. Shikobira nodded and walked on confidently. Red eyes watched them form the shadows. Sesshoumaru picked Rin up.
“We should find a place to rest for the night, “Kagome offered.
Sesshoumaru nodded, “very well, No sense walking around in the night in unfamiliar territory,” Sesshoumaru reasoned.
Soon camp was made and the only two that were up was Kagome and Sesshoumaru.
“I hope Shippo will last until we get the jewel,” Kagome muttered.
“Even if he doesn't, once the wish is taken back, it won't matter,” Sesshoumaru answered.
“Are you sure I have to take back the wish?” Kagome didn't want to take it back.
“You have to. This world can't exist. It can't be real. The world you and I knew must. Yes it is full of pain and yes the road to recovery will be long but no one can take the easy way out,” Sesshoumaru leaned back on the palms of his hands. Kagome nodded slowly and walked over and sat beside Sesshoumaru.
“You know what I realized over the short time that this world has existed?” Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru and smiled a bit.
“No, what?” Sesshoumaru looked at Kaogme.
“That I love you,” Kaogme answered then blushed and looked down.
Sesshoumaru at first was surprised then smiled a bit, “I love you too Kagome.” It was Kagome's turn to be surprised.
She looked at him and he looked at her and slowly their lips came together in a kiss that would put all others to shame.
With much regret, they pulled apart. “Get some sleep Kagome, you'll need your strength,” Sesshoumaru said. Kaogme nodded. Sesshoumaru laid down on his back and Kagome snuggled up close to him and fell asleep. `Never with Inuyasha did I feel this safe. Maybe even after the wish is made, destiny will bring us together' Kagome smiled. Sesshoumaru closed his eyes `I won't forget about you after the wish is made. It is destiny that we are to be together' but Sesshoumaru's sleep was to be anything but pleasant.
~Sesshoumaru's dream~
Sesshoumaru sat beneath a tree while he watched Rin chase Jaken. It was before the wish was made. Or maybe after. It didn't matter Sesshoumaru he knew this was a dream.
“I will enjoy this while it lasts,” Sesshoumaru muttered to himself. He knew his left arm was gone again but again it didn't matter.
Suddenly Rin, Jaken, and Oun and Au (I think that's the name of the two headed dragon) disappeared and in their place was one angry Inuyasha.
“You promised me Sesshoumaru!” Inuyasha shouted drawing the Tetsaiga.
“I'm sorry little brother I couldn't help myself,” Sesshoumaru didn't move when Inuyasha pointed his sword at him.
“I don't care! Kagome's mine! And she doesn't need to take back the wish! She can make a new one!” Inuyasha's image flickered.
“A new one can't be made. Her old one must be taken back. The world can't know another way of life. Something will eventually snap and time will stop causing more problems. No. The old wish must be taken back,” Sesshoumaru said.
Inuyasha's image disappeared entirely. A ghost can only stay visible as long as its views stayed one sided. Inuyasha started to see from Sesshoumaru's point of view so he vanished.
~End Sesshoumaru's dream~
Sesshoumaru opened his eyes and looked and smiled at the sleeping Kagome.
“For my own and for Inuyasha's sake, I will protect you until my last dying breath,” he muttered before closing his eyes again.
Kagome woke up and sat up and smiled and closed her eyes and faced the sky `Inuyasha please forgive me but I am happy and I miss you still but I can't help myself' she thought. Slowly everyone started to wake up and the journey continued once more.
They came to the spot where ruins of the Demon Slayers Village were. The cave that held Midoriko's story still stood. All walked inside and looked the story was still the same only there was no hole in Midoriko's chest.
“Now what? There's no hole,” Kagome asked.
“Can't you sense anything?” Sesshoumaru asked. Kagome shook her head.
“I can,” Rin said meekly. All stared at Rin.
“What do you sense Rin?” Shikobira asked.
“I dunno. It's weird. It's like the Shikon Jewel but not tainted with evil,” Rin answered.
“Where is it Rin?” Kagome asked. Rin pointed to Midoriko's chest. All seemed to be thinking the same thing: Great.
All made their way up to figure out a way to get out the jewel.
“How do we get it out?” Rin asked. Just then the demon and Midoriko glowed. The still statues came to life and the battle continued.
Rin was being chased by the demon “Lord Sesshoumaru!” she wailed. Sesshoumaru sped and got Rin before the demon did.
Midoriko suddenly stopped fighting the demon “if you all, want the jewel, you must defeat the demon,” Midoriko said. They all nodded. Sesshoumaru made sure Rin stayed safe.
Kagome shot her arrows and the demon and Sesshoumaru and Shikobira attacked with their powers. Nothing worked.
The demon was winning. All were getting injured. Just when things looked bad, Inuyasha appeared.
“Aniki (I spelt that right. Right?), I may not approve what has happened but you are right the only way to stop this all is to take the wish back,” Inuyasha said. Sesshoumaru nodded. “Don't think I'm going to defeat this thing. That's your destiny but I'll help,” Inuyasha said.
“Many thanks little brother,” Sesshoumaru said. Both brothers leapt at the demon. Something glowed and suddenly the Tensaiga was in Sesshoumaru's hand.
“Just like it should be,” Inuyasha smirked. Sesshoumaru nodded. The Tensaiga pulsed and Tetsaiga hummed. The power of both was summoned and Inuyasha sent the Backlash wave and Sesshoumaru sent a wave of glowing light at the demon. The backlash wave and the glowing light untied and the moment it came in contact with the demon. The cave was filled with light and all had to shut their eyes. Then the light faded away Shikobira and Rin were gone and Sesshoumaru was injured.
Kagome ran over to him. “Sesshoumaru!” She knelt beside him. She was unaware that Midoriko was also gone and in her place was the Shikon Jewel.
Sesshoumaru gave her a weak smile. “Do not worry about me. The jewel is there. Take back your wish and this will never happen,” he coughed a little, blood came out. Kagome seemed unable to move. She knew Sesshoumaru would leave her if she didn't but couldn't find the strength to get up.
“I can't live without you Sesshoumaru, don't leave me,” Kagome was crying. Sesshoumaru couldn't say anything. Kagome leaned in and they kissed. In the middle of it, Sesshoumaru went limp. Kagome cried then stood up. “I won't live without you Sesshoumaru!” she picked up the jewel and closed her eyes then opened them with nothing but determination in her eyes. “I wish I never that stupid wish!” she shouted to the jewel, to Midoriko, to the heavens, to the demons, to everyone that the wish affected. Everything around her faded away then the battle scene with Naraku came back. Kagome sat down and cried.
“Kagome,” a voice said from behind.
Tell me what you think!