InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I remembered this again! I can't be sued! I don't own any of the characters featured in Inuyasha.
Kagome walked out looking for Sesshoumaru and Shippo. She was still mentally cursing herself for the stupid wish.
“It hasn't even been a week yet and already this wish has been more trouble that it's worth,” Kagome grumbled. She had started looking in the city but found nothing. So now she was looking in a forest knowing to be filling with demon rebels. She stopped dead in her tracks as she heard a twig snap. Kagome whirled to where the sound came from. `I'm hearing things. I know I am' Kaogme thought but her heart rate went up and felt fear starting to pulse through her.
“Human!” A voice came form the shadows the trees cast.
“Yes?” Kagome squeaked. Demons stepped out of the shadows all with weapons.
“Why are you in our forest? Leave now while you still can!” one threatened.
“I can't! I'm looking for someone,” Kagome backed away as a demon walked over to her.
“I don't care! You human are to leave!” the demon ordered. `I'm getting sick of being called human!'
“Okay, my name is Kagome! Ka-go-me! Now that you know my name, you can quit calling me human!” Kagome glared at the demon as the demon glared back.
“You will answer to what I deem worthy to call you human!” the demon argued. The argument between them lasted a few minutes before the demon got tired and ordered her capture.
So there Kaogme sits in a cage with her arms crossed across her chest with a big sign over cage with the word human on it. The demons were deciding what to do with her. Just then demons walked into the clearing where Kagome was and the other demons were.
“Kiba,” a demon said. The demon called Kiba turned and looked at the demon who called him. “I found another human wandering in the forest,” the demon set the human down. Turns out the human was Rin and she didn't look too happy.
“Lord Sesshoumaru will kick your butts when he finds out that you captured me!” Rin spat.
Kiba smacked her across the face, “Silence! A wretchered human such as yourself will speak when spoken too!”
Rin glared daggers at Kiba, “Lord Sesshoumaru will bite your head off!”
Kiba was about to smack her again when Shikobira showed up, “I wouldn't do that if I were you, Sesshoumaru wouldn't be too happy if you harmed her.”
“So this human does travel with Lord Sesshoumaru?” Kiba asked amazed. Shikobira nodded. Rin looked over and saw Kagome.
“Kagome!” Rin ran over and unlocked the cage. Kiba moved to stop her but Shikobira stopped Kiba.
“Best not to. If Rin knows her, Sesshoumaru won't let anyone harm her,” Shikobira explained. Kiba was surprised but sat down and let Rin free Kagome.
After Kagome was freed, Shikobira, Kagome and Rin all started to look for the missing Sesshoumaru and Shippo.
Sesshoumaru lay in the cave still and was watching Shippo `He's still unconscious. He shouldn't be by now' Sesshoumaru was starting to get worried `I can't leave until he's conscious.' Sesshoumaru looked out at the outside world. He felt sleep take over him and was once more pulled into the blissful darkness.
Kagome saw figures in a cave and looked closer and saw Sesshoumaru's silver hair. “Over here! Found them!” Kaogme shouted. Rin and Shikobira ran over.
“You two won't be able to get past the rocks, I'll get them,” Shikobira said and walked in.
He picked up Sesshoumaru who awoke, “Get Shippo first. He has to be moved first,” he then fell back asleep. Shikobira set him down and got Shippo out. He then woke up Sesshoumaru and helped him out of the cave.
The progress was slow, but soon all were in Kagome's house. Kagome's mother was tending to Shippo and Sesshoumaru was sitting in a chair talking with Shikobira and Rin held onto him for dear life.
“We need to get away from here. All the demons. Not just a few. We need a safe haven,” Sesshoumaru said.
“True. True. But can such a place exist?” Shikobira asked.
“It did once. I remember it. Demon could live there and not worry about anything. We need to make that place exist again,” Sesshoumaru answered.
“How though? We are slaves remember that Sesshoumaru. There are only a select few of our kind who are free and they live in fear of one day being caught,” Shikobira shook his head sadly, “there is no way, we will die as slaves.”
“No. We won't'. There once existed a jewel called the Shikon Jewel. It had the ability to do great good or great evil,” Sesshoumaru explained.
“But my wish Sesshoumaru, the Shikon Jewel no longer exists!” Kagome felt like she was going to cry.
“It still exists. If it didn't a paradox would be created and the natural law of things won't allow that. It exists still and we need to find it,” Sesshoumaru alleged.
“You think so?” Kagome looked hopefully at Sesshoumaru, “I would do anything to take back my wish.”
“I know it exists. And we have to find it,” Sesshoumaru looked over at Shippo her mother had said that Shippo didn't stand much of a chance of surviving, “to make sure that this never happens.”
Kagome nodded, “I'll help. But where to do we start?”
“The place where the demon slayer village once stood,” Sesshoumaru answered.
“Just let me get a few things then we can go,” Kagome ran up the stairs to get her bow and arrows and such. She came back downstairs, “I'm ready.” Sesshoumaru picked Rin up then stood up. Shikobira stood up.
As they walked through the streets looking for where the demon slayers village once was Shikobira asked, “Do we have any clue what we're doing?”
“Not a one,” Sesshoumaru answered.
Sorry for the short chapter! I'm currently writing chapter nine! Please be patient! My writers block is gone. Like my twist on things? Reviews welcomed!