InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of Time ❯ Chapter 1: Story Found in Death ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own Inuyasha.
*** Hello people! This is the sequel to “Arrival of Death.” This is a twist of Cannon and Alternate Universe and it might be a little confusing in the beginning. This is not a one-shot. Enjoy! ***
Previously in “Arrival of Death”
“Hold me tight Sesshomaru, it is cold,”
Sesshomaru held her tight, crying.
Her hands were on his cheeks. Her eyes remained on him, looking deep within his soul.
Gasping for air, Kagome coughed again, and more blood trickled out of her mouth.
“Remember your promise Sesshomaru, Remember(remember) it!” Kagome stated.
Sesshomaru nodded.
“Goodbye for now, my love. Aishiteru Sesshomaru,” whispered Kagome.
“Aishiteru, Kagome-Chan” whispered Sesshomaru.
“Rest dear, we will find each other again, one day…no matter how long it takes, I will
wait.” Sesshomaru said
A smile graced her lips. Her hands fell down lifelessly on his lap. Her eyes shut and she stopped breathing. Holding her close Sesshomaru cried into the day. He roared at the loss of his mate.
“I will see you again mate, I will see to it that it will happen,” said Sesshomaru with new determination.
Chapter 1: Story Found in Death
Kagome couldn't move. She couldn't feel the coldness anymore. Opening her eyes Kagome saw Sesshomaru crying, holding onto her.
`Am I dead?'
“Sesshomaru,” she said, and when she got no answer, she sat up. Standing up she looked down and saw herself.
`So I am dead. Wow I look really bad.'
Seeing Sesshomaru like that broke her heart. As He howled for the lost of his soul mate , there was nothing that Kagome could do but look at her body and Sesshomaru. A warm hand touched her shoulder. Gasping, she turned around to look at who it was. A mysterious figure was standing behind her. It was dressed in a midnight blue cloak that covered its whole body. The hood covered half of its face so that Kagome couldn't tell who she was looking at.
It suddenly walked to the center of the clearing. Gesturing its hand it told Kagome to follow her. Confused, Kagome followed the figure.
“Close your eyes Kagome” said the figure. Its voice was very soft and sweet. It was soothing to Kagome's soul.
“Who are you?” asked Kagome. “There will be time for explanations later. For now listen to me and close your eyes,” said the figure. Its tone was demanding yet it was still soft. Nodding Kagome closed her eyes.
A rush of warm air passed Kagome and then everything went still again. “You can open your eyes now,” said the figure. Kagome gasp. The surrounding was astounding. Sakura trees were everywhere, there was a river right next to where she was standing, and the weather was perfect. The air was warm and the place felt very homely.
“Where am I?” asked Kagome. She turned around to see the figure under the cloak. Underneath was a woman in a miko garbs. “Midoriko!”
Midoriko laughed and said, “Yes, it's me. This is the realm of the Mistress of Time.” There are many things that I want to explain to you, but there is not much time left. The world awaits you. They need the Mistress of Time. Evil is lurking you must return to them soon,” said Midoriko.
Kagome was very confused. “Mistress of Time?”
“Yes, you are the Mistress of Time. Have you noticed that time doesn't effect you? It's not because you use the well to travel. It's because Fate choose you to be the Mistress of Time. Your job is to battle evil and try to keep the balance of good and evil. The world will never be rid of evil, but without the Mistress of Time it will perish in the hands of evil. That is why you must return to them. You are the one who is the closest to finding your Chosen One. So you are the one that must return. You will find yourself in a very long dream. When you wake up you won't remember anything.” Explained Midoriko.
“What?” Kagome didn't get to ask her question before everything went black and she found herself feeling as though she were floating.
“Don't worry Kagome, only time will give you the answer. I will be there with you to help you out along the way. You have the power. All the Mistresses of Time will be with you.” Said Midoriko gently.
With that everything faded away. Kagome found herself watching a movie, the movie of her life. She watch the time from she was just born to when she died. The last thing that was on her mind was, `When will I wake up? And will I find Sesshomaru?'
* A/N Hello! This story is really confusing even for me! Please send in review of what you think. I know this is not a really good chapter but I promise that it will be better soon. Oh…I know that the story will get confusing later on so if you have any questions that you have (please don't ask about future chapters…I have too much of a headache) feel free to send me reviews with questions. Oh…also send in reviews if you would like to add something to the story (ideas are always appreciated). And once again, thank you SesshyStalker1 for betareading this for me! Don't lose hope on this story!*