InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mitsukaitou: Blade of the Angel ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What? Kagome thought, stopping dead in her tracks. The youkai restraining Satoshi grinned in the evil manner that wicked people do.

"You defeat all of those low-class security guards, THEN we'll talk about letting you fight us before we kill you." One of them said cockily.

"Talk? My ass, you'd sooner kill me without any consideration of the concept than 'think about it'." She muttered reflectively.

"You're STALLING!" Mocked one of the lower guards. Kagome let out an angry yell. They were playing with her head! Oh well, she could play that game just as well. She wiped the anger from her face and replaced it with a seductive smile. She sheathed Mitsukaitou and took that first dangerous step towards the current enemy. Wasn't it interesting how she could make those slits open...

"Okay, that's fine, I get the picture. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em," Kagome said in a low voice, leaning against the youkai she supposed to be the leader of this lower security.

"NO! I thought you were on my side!" Satoshi shouted angrily.

" Well I've found a greater cause than saving innocent people from a horrible death." She'd barely given the youkai behind her a chance to sneer mockingly at Satoshi before she cut into her own words. "Wait a minute, what the hell am I saying???" she pulled herself away from the frowning youkai behind her enough to draw her sword. "Care to dance, Darling?" the immediately circled up around her. The first to attack was the sub-leader.

There was a rush of silence around Kagome as she watched a glint of metal near her. She quickly threw up her own sword in defense, not a moment too soon.

Damn, he's faster than I'd thought he would be, she thought, throwing him back with a heave of pressure on Mitsukaitou. A snarl marred his face as he rushed at her again.

"Don't you understand that what you're doing won't help you at all?" she asked laughingly, but watching his quick movements quickly, dodging and blocking them.

"Should you really be talking? I know you're already losing great amounts of energy just dodging my attacks." She let out a howl of laughter. This youkai knew nothing.

"TENRAI UINDO!" she shouted, setting an undulation of wind slice through her opponent. She cringed as his blood painted the ground. No matter how evil someone was, they were still living. Kagome drew a breath in. She'd killed someone. No turning back now, no regrets, and no fears. Especially not with three youkai heading towards her. Before she could reach into her mind for the uindo, she was forced to block attacks from all sides of her body. Kagome felt the searing pain of blood tripping down her back as a blade found its place in her left shoulder. Kagome refused to let the whimper emerge from her throat. She spun, holding her blade taut, successfully slaughtering her backside attacker. Now there were only two to deal with.

"Why, whatever happened to that self assured smirk on your face?" mocked one of the assailants.

"Right here." She said, thrusting Mitsukaitou through his stomach. He let out a groan and slumped. The remaining youkai looked at his fallen comrade. Kagome took that momentary advantage to slice into his neck. She could already feel blisters on her hands. There was nothing she wanted more than to drop to the ground. Just fall on the spot. But she couldn't. She couldn't even let a single breath emerge out of beat. Then they'd know how tired she was. How much this was taking out of her. Kagome was utterly aware of the deep gash in her shoulder and the hot blood seeping out of it. She turned to face the higher security, backed by a new wave of the mud-demons. She moaned. She'd forgotten more could be made.

"Tired?" asked one of the guards holding Satoshi.

"Not a bit! I could do this for years!" she said pleasantly. The mud demons set down on her. She sliced through as many as she could, throwing out her feet to smash through those on the sides of her. She took out the remainder with a wave of uindo. This was really starting to take a toll on her inexperienced body. She stood with a manner of utter poise, facing the group of protection sentries. They were looking at her with surprise, anger, and mockery.

"Your little slaughter ends here, child." Said the leader of this group.

"So said he." Kagome replied, nodding back at the dead youkai behind her. He laughed.

"They were weak. Lower security was developed solely to keep out the rubbish. They were never really expected to fight. No, you won't get past me." he laughed again as he drew out a sword. Kagome squared her shoulders and prepared to fight...