InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mitsukaitou: Blade of the Angel ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Your little slaughter ends here, child." Said the leader of this group.

"So said he." Kagome replied, nodding back at the dead youkai behind her. He laughed.

"They were weak. Lower security was developed solely to keep out the rubbish. They were never really expected to fight. No, you won't get past me." he laughed again as he drew out a sword. Kagome squared her shoulders and prepared to fight...

"Think what you will, but I refuse to be defeated" Kagome snarled. This talking was useful; already her breath had caught up with her lungs.

"Don't worry little one, you won't live to feel the shame of loss." That was the end of the talking. Kagome was off guard, and soon felt the pressure of a blade against her throat. Kagome swore her heart stopped in preparation for death. The youkai grinned and pulled away. Kagome felt a growl emerge from her recently spared throat. All these beasts ever did was play! It was annoying! Kagome tightened her grip on Mitsukaitou. In a rush of light and wind, she charged. Her sword point nestled itself in his neck.

"Tell me now, how much more fun is it when you draw blood? Surely you would know! I'm certain you've taken human blood before." The demon pulled back from her blade, a line of blood tripping down his neck. He snorted disdainfully, and attacked. Kagome met his blows over and over, and returned them. The fighting pair became mere flashes of light and sounds of metal sliding and grinding against metal as the rival swords collided. With a resounding brilliance, they finally broke apart, both landing ten feet from their impact point, both panting and gasping for breath.

Satoshi broke his concentration away from Kagome's fight long enough to realize his captors hadn't. He threw up his arms to free them, and then bashed his elbows into the guards' heads, successfully knocking them into an oblivion of unconsciousness. It was then the final security guard realized what was happening and forced Satoshi into a spar.

Kagome let her gaze dart over to Satoshi's fight during the pause in her own.

Good, she thought, I don't think my body would stand up to another three fights. That reflection finished, she charged her opponent once again, her mind focused on, "dodge, attack, block, dodge..."

"Who?" Asked a coolly disinterested voice.

"We aren't sure, not about the woman with the sword. With her is a rebel security guard."

"Well now, isn't that fun!"

"Yes, fun, Sir, until she made it past every guard, save for Ushi."

"Don't worry. It's still a game. Even if it is someone with enough gall to dislike me, she doesn't know it is I yet."

"But once she defeats Ushi...with the personality she has, she would certainly be another thorn in your side, master..."

"If she does defeat Ushi, she will have another opponent." A very controlled grin appeared beneath the baboon pelt.

"Tenrai Uindo!" Kagome called, realizing that the continuation of this fight would take more energy out of her than borrowing use of the wind. The final obstacle, Ushi, lay in two pieces on the bloody earth.

"Are you alright?" Satoshi asked concernedly.

"Unn...perhaps." Kagome replied, dropping to one knee. She propped herself up against her sword, breathing heavily.

"Rest a bit. There's no worries as to the head youkai, Kanji. He's just a frog youkai who boasts a fragment of the Shikon no Tama." Kagome stretched out her senses.

"Yeah, a jewel shard, but something's strange, it's darker than most..."

"You can see them?"

"Uh huh...." she slapped her head, rising quickly. "Why didn't I see that before? I knew that!" she stumbled toward the building sending out the signal of a Shikon shard.

"Knew what? Hey, wait up, what are you talking about?"

"Naraku! He's manipulating this shard! I can't believe I didn't recognize this earlier..."


"Never mind. Tell me, what would make this town a strategic point for anything? Why would someone want dominance of it?"

"Well, I don't know much, but the castle where the Lord of the Western Lands resides is very near. Kanji talked about taking over..." Kagome stopped in mid haphazard step.

"Western lands? Shit! Damn my luck to Hell! I'm going to have to get out of here SO fast. Oh, by the way, thanks for the information!"

"Ano...sure, I think..." Satoshi wasn't even going to ask why she's have to leave.

"YOU! I should have known! Tell me, just where is Inuyasha? Did he finally dump you?"

"Kagura!" Kagome shouted, adrenaline shooting through her veins, preparing her for battle...