InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mitsukaitou: Blade of the Angel ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Kagura!" Kagome shouted, adrenaline shooting through her veins, preparing her for battle... "Mou, what deity did I aggravate?" she added under her breath.

"Naraku. Tell me, how is it you've gotten this far? You don't have your big brave Inuyasha here to protect you." Kagura more than expected Inuyasha to jump out from behind some building and contradict her, but he didn't.

"Of course he isn't here! I'm fighting through on my own!"

"Foolish. It's all I would expect from a stupid girl like you anyway. But this ends. I'll kill you and this mutineer here and now."

"Not today Kagura!" Give up before you suffer the pain of defeat!" Kagura gave an undignified snort as she snapped her fan open.

Oh man, this might turn out poorly. Doesn't Kagura control ALL of the wind in the surrounding area with that fan? Will I be able to use Tenrai Uindo? Kagome thought as the battle began.

"Fuujin no Mai!"

"Tenrai Uindo!" A perfect wind blade formed and dissipated Kagura's. However, it's usefulness stopped there, as its force was spent on blocking Kagura's blades.

"Ryuuja no Mai!"

"Tenrai Kasai!" Whips of red-white flame emerged from Mitsukaitou and wrapped themselves about the tornadoes, containing them in full. Kagome let soar another fire-blade to attack Kagura, who let out a scream of pain and anger upon contact. She rose from the ground, badly, though not mortally wounded.

"This isn't over." She said, pulling a feather from her hair.

"Damn straight!" Kagome responded, rushing forward at Kagura with Mitsukaitou in its katana form. Kagura dodged artfully, and prepared her fan for a counter attack, escape forgotten.

"Ryuuja no Mai!"

"Tenrai Kasai! Haven't you figured out that I can block your wind attacks Kagura?"

"Yes, which is why I call upon Shikabane Mai!" The corpses of the dead soldiers took up their swords and whirled about Kagome, slashing her over and over.

Kuso. My body's out of strength... Kagome gritted her teeth.

"Enjoying yourself there, Kagura?" Kagome called, trying to dodge the flying claws and blades.

"Oh yes. I can't wait to tell Inuyasha his dear Kagome is dead!"

"She's not gone yet, Hag!" Kagura screamed as Satoshi's sword pierced her right arm, the fan clattering to the ground. The carcasses dancing about Kagome dropped to the ground, lifeless again. Instantly Kagura produced a feather, snatched her fan, and flew towards the Head Youkai's residence.

"Follow her!" Kagome shouted, throwing her arm in indication to Kagura. Kagome herself was a bloody heap on the ground. Satoshi looked from her to Kagura, and then ran after the wounded demoness.

"Kagura!" he called her attention, facing her down. She was holding the Shikon shard, black as tar. Blood was dripping from it, as well as the head youkai's hand. Kagura turned her red eyes on him.

"Sorry, I'd love to chat, but I was just leaving."

"NO! Whatever your business, you're evil, and I won't permit you to live!" Satoshi thrust his sword at her time and time again, but never connected.

"Pity. You do everything better when you're powered by anger, rather than purity, you know that?"

"That isn't true, witch. Why don't you just die!"

"Cause living is so much better! Ta ta!"

"Naraku..." the Head Youkai growled angrily. Where blood dripped from Kanji's hand, the mud demons sprung up. "Traitor!" he shouter, the beings surging towards Kagura.

"Ryuuja no Mai!" The tornadoes destroyed the beasts as soon as they were created. Kanji gave up that fight as useless and blood dripped in the place of monsters once again. "Goodbye!" Kagura called cheerfully, having obtained what she'd come for. However, once she got outside...

"Tenrai Uindo!"

"Fuujin no Mai!"

"Tenrai Mizu!" Kagome's angry shout was accompanied by a biting slice of water. Kagura, however, escaped. Satoshi cast a glance at Kanji, who was sitting disconsolately on the ground.

No worries about him, he thought, running out to Kagome.

"I hope Naraku kills her." Kagome muttered darkly.

"Care to fill me in?"

"Later. Right now I want to have at this youkai, what's his name?"

"Kanji. Look, you really don't look good; do you want to take a break first? He's not going anywhere..."

"I have to get out of here soon, I'm cornered like a cat chased by two dogs here. I don't want to talk about it now, let's just get to this Kanji before anything else happens."

"Sure. Let's go then." Satoshi took note that Kagome took particular care with her walking, her posture faultless, and each step deliberate, as if to prove herself...