InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mitsukaitou: Blade of the Angel ❯ Chapter 9

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome walked as strongly as she could. She felt Satoshi's glance upon her, and the intenseness of the situation hit her. If someone had told her a week ago what would happen, she would have thought they were crazy. As she walked through hallways and decorated rooms, she pondered how she really did end up here and what would happen after this.

This is only one day, she thought incredulously. One day in a life I'll have forever. How did I pull myself into this, anyway? Why did I leave Inuyasha? I mean, I planned it, but never had a real reason, not that I could see. It's insane. Maybe I should go back to him and beg forgiveness as soon as this mess is over with. No. There's a reason. After all, this is life, right? I needed to get away from Inuyasha, because I am just a shard detector. He can deny it all he wants in his sentimental moments, but that's what I am. Well, I'm his friend, but I need more than that, and I can't get it from him. He's in love with Kikyo. That's reason two and three. First off, I can't stand for him to run off to be with her when she has to kill him. That gives me another one. Love always finds a way, right? Well, it's me. I'm going to find a way to help Kikyo, no matter what it takes. I'm sure there's a way to do something, I don't know, we could share this soul or something. I refuse to die, and I refuse to see Inuyasha dragged to hell because he's in love! His life is screwed up enough without that!

"Kagome, we're here." Satoshi said, cutting off Kagome's thoughts. There was a distant look in her eyes, and he wondered if it was of exhaustion or gained by deep thought. Kagome's head snapped and her eyes focused on Kanji.

"You..." she said lowly, "what drove you to strike a deal with Naraku?" Kanji looked up at her with woeful eyes.

"Power. I wanted to defeat the Lord Sesshomaru. With my ability to make mud-youkai coupled with a shikon shard..."


"Killing the humans here was just how they spent their time. It's not wrong, they're only humans." Kanji found himself looking down the blade of Mitsukaitou in very short order.

"Take that back." Kanji shook his head nervously, backing up on all fours. "TAKE IT BACK! THOSE ARE LIVES OUT THERE! NOT TOYS! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?"

"Why, I rule this village. I might say I do a good job of it. I would rule the Western Lands just as well, if only that bastard Naraku hadn't taken his shard back. I have Sesshomaru on the run, you know."

"You fool. You think he would even break a sweat over a hundred thousand of your creations?"

"Of course! They're powerful!"

"Oh yes, powerful enough to be killed in mass numbers by someone who's never been in battle before! I'm surprised Sesshomaru hasn't just sent someone to kill you just so he could stop sending servants off to dispatch those things!"

"You...know him?" Kanji backed up further, though Mitsukaitou was buried in its sheath. "He says...that my demons are nothing?" Kagome decided to play along to get her point across.

"That's right. Nothing. He doesn't even notice them. That shard of yours meant nothing but the deaths of your own townsmen. You killed them, you and you alone."

"Well now, it isn't as though-"

"SHUT UP! Shut up and get out! Go way forever. If I ever hear of those 'demons' doing anything destructive again, I'll cut your hands off!"

"You can't-" Kanji began laughingly.

"Oh, I can alright. I want you out, now."

"You have no right to-"

"OUT!" she shouted, her voice echoing through the streets. People began filing out of their homes, wondering if it was safe. The dazed people's eyes were met with the tall, proud Kagome, Mitsukaitou looking it's horrific best, guiding Kanji out of the city.

So, where do I go from here? Kagome wondered, vaguely regarding the people creating a path about her as she reared up Kanji. "I can't stay here, but what do I do if I move on? Why don't I just go back to Inuyasha? I'm sure I can find help for Kikyo traveling with him. But, he doesn't want me to have anything to do with Kikyo, and besides that, he wouldn't leave me alone long enough to look for any leads. He would be too caught up in looking for shards. Speaking of which, I wonder what he's doing about that now...

The people in the crowd read the name inscribed into the sword as Kagome passed. They soon began to speak, the numbness leaving their souls as they realized what was happening.

"MITSUKAI!" Several people began chanting, "MITSUKAI! MITSUKAI!" Kagome took no notice. Her thoughts were still whirling about her mind, consuming her.

I told Sango I was going back to the group within three weeks, why would I say such a thing? Will I have the answers I'm looking for by then? Is that even possible? Where exactly am I going to go about searching for the solution to such a problem? Will anyone be able to answer me? Is there an explication? I don't know. But I do want to go back to Inuyasha, even though I don't. I can't bear his eyes to look so guilty or his motions to be so gentle. I'm going to make it okay for him, he can feel that I'm better off this way and have Kikyo. Inuyasha can be happy, as well as Kikyo. It's wrong that she should have to wander the Earth, living off of stolen souls. She shouldn't have to love Inuyasha in Hell, and she won't. I cannot let that be...It was then, when she'd reached the outskirts of the city, that she noticed the cheering crowd.

"Umm..." Kagome had no clue what to say to the people, so she instead concentrated on Kanji. "This is the border between Tsukyo and the rest of the world. You will never again exist on this side of the line," she said, lowering her sword and drawing a line in the ground between herself and him. The people were utterly silent. "Run away," Kagome proclaimed icily. The youkai took a glance at the gleaming sword, the girl behind it, and the people all about her. A look found Satoshi that was nothing short of death. Then he ran. A deafening roar let up through the masses of liberated people. Upon seeing Kanji beyond visual contact, Kagome let out a weak moan and collapsed. Satoshi lifted her gently, and several people ushered him to an inn where she could rest. He was then shooed out of the room with the rest of the men as several young girls set about aiding the old medicine woman in patching Kagome's wounds.