InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mitsukaitou: Blade of the Angel ❯ Chapter 13

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

These past three chapters (this one included) have simply refused to be written. It's so annoying, to you guys too, I'm sure. Over this very short, half used, over-deserved vacation, I'm going to try getting at least two chapters out between studying for ten chapter long semester tests for History, English, Math (3 chapters only, I confess), Theatre, French, Health, and Science. Not to mention I've taken it upon myself to learn Japanese. ^_^

So, I'm just asking you guys to bear with me now, and enjoy the chapter!

Becoming steadily more visible along the horizon was a small village, bordered on one side by a forest and considerable springs on another. Kagome smiled to herself as she looked to her left, where a group of people walked with her. She still couldn't believe how quickly she'd assembled the group, and how soon they would be separating. It wouldn't be long before they stood at Keade's door, looking for a place to build a new hut. She sighed lightly, considering the matter of being without mature company again.

"Is this the place?" Mei Lin asked as they came to a stop along the edge of the village. Kagome looked around quickly, scanning for red. Inuyasha was not there.

"Yup, we're finally here!" she replied happily. Kagome knew that she would miss them, but they would be far better off here. Besides that, I can visit anytime! She thought, bringing further content to her mind. "Now we'll just go see Kaede and find a good plot for your new home." As the troupe neared their destination, Kaede greeted them from her place on her porch.

"Kagome, what brings you here without Inuyasha?" she asked, noticing in particular the half-demon's absence.

"It's a long story I won't regale you with now. Anyway, I found these people: Mei Lin, Yu Lin, and Xiao. They need somewhere to live. Do you know anyone who wants some new neighbors?"

"I know a very nice plot of land near the forest. New residents may be what this village needs right now."

"What do you mean?" Kagome asked, following Kaede to the afore mentioned land along with Meilin. Kasseri, Xiao, and Yu Lin had already found playmates.

"As of late, the village has been terribly calm. Nothing has been happening. No demons, no travelers, no people coming in whatsoever."

"That's strange, I suppose. This town is normally has a wide band of people at least passing through, right?"

"That is certainly so. Miss Mei Lin, is might ye be interested in building here?" Kaede asked, motioning her free arm to the immediate area. It was just close enough to be part of the village, but far enough away to be recognized as a private residence.

"It's very nice, yes, I think I would like to live here!" she replied cheerfully, the giddy effects of excitement earning a place in her mind.

"Come with me then, and we'll get formalities out of the way. I can find a few men to help ye build a hut, and I'm sure the women will do their best to accommodate you and your children to your new home."

"I appreciate your help. Kagome, thank you for bringing me here..." Mei Lin said, turning to Kagome.

"Sure, I know you'll fit in here. I hope everything goes smoothly. Could I ask you a favor though?"

"Well sure!"

"This...may be a bad time, with building and everything, but, Mei Lin, can you keep Kasseri? I'll come back soon, it's just I have limited time, and she won't be able to understand certain things that have to be done, if that makes sense." Kagome looked down as she wrung her hands. Certainly the pup wouldn't understand the situation between her "mother" and Kikyo.

"Kagome, I'd be glad to keep watch of your daughter. You surprise me though, don't you feel at all insecure leaving your daughter with a stranger?"

"No, not at all! Your children exemplify well enough about what kind of person you are!"

"In that case, why don't you hurry now? Whatever is so important, I hope it goes well. You're a good person, Kagome." Mei Lin hugged her friend quickly.

"Thanks, Mei Lin. I'll be back soon, I promise." Kagome replied with a relieved smile. It would be better, she decided, to not say a farewell to Kasseri.

Where are you...I know you must be somewhere...Kagome scanned the area around her, searching for Kikyo. I know that you'll accept, so just show up already!

Beneath Kagome, lush green trees skidded along lazily, not caring to keep up with her. A few animals looked up briefly, but soon returned to their own business. A pair of amber eyes were among those to rise, but the mind behind them dismissed the thought of Kagome running along the treetops.

"Lord Sesshomaru, it seems that the girl has left her child in the care of a friend."

"That holds no interest to me."

"I'm aware of that sir, but the reason behind it may."

"Then continue."

"Mitsukai is going to face off with a long-time opponent. Someone she's been at odds with for a very long time. A priestess, by the name of Kikyo."

"This is what our prophets have seen?"

"Correct, sir."

"Yet they still don't know her name?"

"Mitsukai! Her name is Mitsukai."

"What a terribly impractical name..."

"Sir, why is it you have us tracking her? Certainly you're not interested in a half breed such as her..?"

"Don't be foolish." Sesshomaru stared into space. No, he had no desire for her. Something had seemed terribly familiar about her picture, the determined expression seemed it ought to be a straight give away. However, he still couldn't place her. It bothered him, and constantly ticked in the back of his mind. Nothing he'd found out thus far had helped him. The hanyous he knew were few, the single mothers-none at all. As to the undead miko Kikyo, not many people knew of her. Inuyasha's loathed company, himself, and anyone she might come across. Sesshomaru happened to know that Kikyo was kind to strangers, giving them no reason for hatred. The rivalry certainly didn't help. No, it didn't help at all.

"Do either of you plan to sleep tonight?" Inuyasha called down to Sango and Miroku.

"An interesting question, Inuyasha. Why do you ask?" responded Miroku in an innocent voice. He and Sango had been discussing Kagome, the topic undoubtedly being the reason for Inuyasha's annoyance.

"Just shut up. I wanna sleep."

"Inuyasha, she's meeting us back in Keade's village in just over two weeks. Can't you wait that long patiently?" Sango inquired, glancing up in time to avoid a branch.

"I know you're in league with her. I don't know how, but I KNOW you're contacting her! you just tell her not to bother, I DON'T WANT her back!"


"Why don't you turn on me too, huh? You plan to anyway, right? Leave now! All you pathetic weaklings can just leave NOW."

"Inuyasha, I've been listening to you gripe for five days, and I might be a kid, but I'm not stupid. You miss Kagome's company and you know it. Stop trying to be macho and admit that you're waiting for her, too." Shippo said knowingly, ducking behind Sango to avoid any projectiles.

"It isn't true. I don't need to wait for anyone who turned on me. Why bother?" he jumped up and ran at full speed, aching for a fight.

"Argh! I just can't find her!" Kagome said aloud in frustration.

"Heh, so it was you after all. Who ya looking for, Kagome?" Inuyasha asked, stepping in front of her.

"Inuyasha! Hi!" Kagome stepped back nervously. The look on her friend's face didn't make her feel comfortable.

"Hi my ass, bitch! What do you think you're doing, huh? Just 'cause you've got demon blood doesn't mean you know anything about fighting or how to survive out here, you know that, right? So what makes you take off like that with no consideration to your position whatsoever?"

"Inuyasha, um...while those are great questions, they're gunna have to wait for some other time, kay?" Kagome smiled brightly and turned to run.

"You're NOT getting away again Kagome!"

"Sure, at some point you have to tire out!"

"And you think you won't?" he asked, sweat dropping.

"Well I can do tricks to help me!"

"Is that so. Take a few tips from that kitsune back in Tsukyo?"

"Maybe, but mostly from Toutousai! Tenrai Uindo!" Kagome took careful aim to knock over a neat line of trees that would slow Inuyasha for at least a moment. Before Inuyasha had time to realize what was happening, Kagome took off running. Inuyasha was direcly behind her in no time.

Guess I forgot how fast he is, she thought grimly, sending another wave of wind at his feet.

"Knock it off Kagome! Why are you doing this?"

"Can't tell you, Inuyasha! Just wait a little longer!"

"Yeah yeah, this two weeks crap, why?"

"Just wait!" he'll be fine through a little fire right? "Tenrai Kasai!"

Inuyasha yelped in shock as Kagome let a sheet of fire come at him. He stopped in his tracks just long enough for Kagome to get ahead of him. The flames quickly evaporated, leaving him unscathed.

So why did you leave me, after promising you'd stay by my side, why did you leave me? the question taunted Inuyasha's mind as he headed back to the camp, knowing Kagome wouldn't give in, and whatever she was doing had to be important for her to attack just to get away from him.

"Then I'll wait, too, Kagome."