InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mocking Love ❯ Default Chapter ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

AN: Another attempt at writing. This story is kind of personal to me. You don’t know my identity so I think writing this story will be safe. I will update when I have something on my mind that I think would fit this story.

Default Chapter: Online Love?

Love can seriously show up in the most random places. I know this because that’s how it showed up for me. In a random place. But did you know how cruel and mocking love could be? I didn’t think love was so capable of such things. I mean when I found love it was so absurd. I didn’t even think it was love back then. I just knew I felt great, and I didn’t ever want it to end.

Love came to me in the form of a boy named Inuyasha Takahashi. He was my age (which was fifteen at the time) tall, charming, and handsome. When we first met, I thought he was some random weird guy, actually, no, that was the second time we met. The first time we met I was scared of him. THEN I thought he was weird, but after talking to him again and again everyday for a period of four months I started becoming attracted to him, and then, gradually I fell in love with him. Apparently he liked me, too. When he first told be about his feelings toward me, I didn’t really know what to say. I told him I liked him to though, and he said he didn’t expect that. It took us a month to actually become an official couple though.

Now, how “Love shows up in the most random places part.” I can see it in your eyes already even before I tell you. You’re going to think I’m absurd but…

I hadn’t exactly met him face to face. I met him on an online game, actually. So I guess you could say I met him online. I was never really a gamer, but I got into this game called “Feudal Era” when I was fourteen. It really was awesome. I played it all the time. It was like an addiction. I talked to people I never knew in person, and I was confident. My character was this female archer. I chose her because in real life I love archery. No one knew how I looked in person so, I could do what ever I wanted. I named my character Koishii.

Inuyasha and I met on this game. I had my character in a town and he came up to me and died. I wondered how he did it, and then he got up and told me. His character used a dagger, and the dying was a skill of his. His character’s name was xHeartbreakerx. That was the second time I met him. That’s what really started it all.

I don’t want to get into the game. It really isn’t important, but sadly I do give it credit because without it I wouldn’t have met Inuyasha. Anyways, after our meeting, we hung out on the game together. I thought he was weird at first. He said ’I love you’ when we had just met. I remember he asked for my age as well. I didn’t tell him it though. It took me a few months before I did. He got in a fight with some random players. I just stayed quiet.

After that day I didn’t think I would see him again. I was wrong though. I ran into him on the game again. This time I remembered to add him to my friends list. We talked everyday after that. As friends. He had a girlfriend at the time and, hey, I wasn’t about to fall for someone I met on the net…

But, of course, I eventually fell for him.

One day he seemed really out of it. I asked him what was wrong, and he said that he and his girlfriend broke up. Kikyo was her name I think. She had cheated on him. Inuyasha was really out of it. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to be there for him, but I didn’t think it was really my place because I didn’t exactly know him in person. We were just two random people who met on the net. We still are two random people who met on the net, but now it’s more complicated than the beginning. I tried comforting him anyways. I continued to talk to him everyday. I was glad to have made him at least a little bit happy.

Then a few months later he said he was going to quit the game. I asked him why. He said he had no money to pay for the game, and he didn’t have a reason to play anymore anyways. (His ex girlfriend had played that game with him….she didn’t like me..) I was kind of hurt by the last bit. I wanted to ask “But what about me?” I never asked though. I didn’t think I meant much to him. When he said he was going to quit, I almost cried. I mean I was nearly in tears in front of the computer screen. Can you imagine how weird that looked to on lookers? I spent the whole day with him on the game. He thought I wouldn’t have remembered him, but I did. God I did…

That night I gave him my e-mail address because I wanted to keep in touch with him. He e-mailed me back a week later saying he was going to play the game again. He started playing again, but we didn’t talk to each other as much. I had “fallen in love” with a boy named Hojo, and didn’t play the game for the months I was with him, but then something happened and I started to talk to Inuyasha again. I started to play the game, but he quit. We e-mailed each other regularly though. Eventually I downloaded a messenger that he used to talk him again. I told him I was playing again. He played again, after that.

I know this is horrible, but while I was with Hojo I knew I was attracted to Inuyasha. Eventually I broke up with him. It was a really bad break up. I leaned onto Inuyasha for support. He didn’t know what happened. I didn’t tell him. I just enjoyed my time talking to him. He was like an escape. I knew I liked him, but I never told anyone about it because I didn’t think anything would come out of it. I mean c’mon. Liking someone you didn’t even know in person? How weird is that?

But then he did something I totally did not expect. He told me he liked me. It was the cutest thing. He said he was attracted to me. My personality he said. It was adorable! He kept giving me explanations telling me that he knew it sounded weird but something clicked with him. I didn’t want to tell him I liked him. I didn’t want us to get involved like that with each other because, c’mon! We met online. That and he lived in Tokyo and I lived in Kyoto. We would never meet. By that time, though, I trusted him completely. He was my age, and an Inu- hanyou. Random fact but, I honestly don’t know where to put that information in here….

I told him I liked him, too! I know I shouldn’t have. It complicated things so much, but after that we talked about meeting each other and being together. One time we said we’d run away together and he’d save me from a shark! Such childish thoughts I guess, but I hung on to them. As you can tell I never forgot them. At the time, it was the only thing I had. Thoughts and dreams of Inuyasha and I together.

A month later we became an official couple. Reader, I loved him. I really did. As insane as it sounds I knew I loved him. It was a ridiculous relationship. We were an online long-distance relationship. We exchanged pictures of each other. I thought he was the most gorgeous creature to have ever existed. He was tall with a bronze tan. He had silver hair down to his waist and the most adorable dog-like ears, and his body! Oh god, you don’t know how sexually frustrated I got knowing that that was mine, and I couldn’t touch it! And yes, fifteen year old girls can become sexually frustrated….

I think his best physical features, however, were his eyes. I’ve never seen eyes as beautiful as his. They were amber, almost gold. They were hard in the picture, but I always pictured them softening for me. Those golden orbs were so intense, so hypnotizing. I lost myself looking into his eyes, and it was just a picture! I longed for the day that I would see those eyes in person, and they would be looking at me.

Pains of a long distance relationship, and doubts…I remember them well. Everyone thought I was some happy go lucky girl all the time. I had good grades and good friends, and I guess I looked pretty decent, but inside, my heart tugged at me. It would never stopped. I felt like my chest was about to explode, but it never did. I was frustrated a lot. I wanted to be held. Sometimes, I had this feeling. It was the feeling you get before you hug someone. It was warm, and I would feel warm every time I thought about being in Inuyasha’s arms. But I never felt it fully, because of course, Inuyasha could never hold me.

For the doubt part, I remember for awhile I thought that he was in love with one of his best friends. Her name was Sango. He showed me a picture of her. She was so pretty and I became so insecure. I really thought Inuyasha was in love with her. He talked about her a lot. He even told me that he was going to ask her out the year before, but didn’t. When I asked him why he said it was because she was weird. I never got that. She’s one of my best friends today, and I don’t find anything weird about her…

Then there was the waiting. I wanted nothing more than to see him in person. I would have given the world just to do so. I remember I even saved up $500 for a plane ticket to Tokyo. It hurt so bad, the constant tug at my chest and the crying at night. It hurt!

Yash and I fought a lot, too. He was charming yes, but he could also be an asshole. We would fight a lot. It would last for a day or two but then we would make up later. Did I mention we talked on the phone , too? Well, yea, we did. Weekends only though. We would talk from midnight to about 4 A.M. Sometimes we didn’t have anything to say. We would just stay with each other on the phone. Sometimes he wouldn’t listen to me, and I would get mad, then he would say “But, I was listening to you!” I never believed it back then.

Inuyasha and I were together for seven months. Then, I broke up with him. We got into a big fight. You see Inuyasha was a real guy. I mean he loved talking about girl’s bodies, and I hated it. It made me feel so insecure. At that point I couldn’t take it anymore. I broke up with him. That fight was awful. He tried to apologize, but I said no. Names were called. We compared each other to people. I called him “Nothing but a dog” and he called me a “selfish whiney bitch.” and, well, we didn’t talk to each other after that. I regretted it. I loved him. I really did, and yea, I cried.

I didn’t really go in too much depth, you don’t know everything that happened between us, but that’s the basics. After that, I didn’t really look at another guy, but it wasn’t long before that stopped. That is what this story is going to be about. So I guess…

Enough with the blabbering and on with the true story?

But let me tell you one thing before I start this story.

Love hurts. It makes your insides sore. It mocks you by showing up in the most random places and then shoves it in your face that it can do it again.

I guess you won’t get that now, but you will soon.

You’ll see.