InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mocking Love ❯ Irony ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

AN: Well I have this up on too. Wherever I feel loved I'll most likely update. I felt like I ripped people off with just a default chapter, so here's the first actual chapter. I don’t know the names of hospitals or schools or anything like that in Tokyo. I’m from California so I’m just going with what I know.

Chapter 1: Irony

Shikon High

I remembered thinking the first day I stepped on that campus that I didn’t want to be there, but then I also remembered while walking down the halls that there once was a time that I would have done anything to attend that school.

I was sixteen years old and the new student at Shikon along with my younger brother, Souta. He was fourteen, a freshman. He didn’t want to be at Shikon either. He was quite the popular one back in Kyoto. I knew he missed it. I, on the other hand, didn’t want to be there for another reason. To be honest, I think God was laughing at me that day…

I guess I should introduce myself first. My name is Kagome. I’m twenty- two at this moment in time, but when this story took place I was sixteen. You already knew that though. I had lived all my life in Kyoto with my mother and younger brother. We were pretty well off financially. I was pretty much always happy, too. According to others I was one of the prettier girls to attend Sakura High. (My old school) I didn’t believe that though.

My grandfather had taken ill during my junior year of high school. Because of this, my mother quit her job as the charge nurse of the ICU in Kaiser Permanente Hospital and moved to Tokyo taking Souta and I with her. In Tokyo, we lived with my grandfather at the Higurashi Shrine. Mama wanted to be as close to him as possible in his “time of need.” You know, for a sick old man, my grandfather had a lot of energy…

I didn’t mind the move really. I liked changes of scenery to be honest. Tokyo was such a lively town, and my grandfather’s shrine was breathtaking, but the irony of the move was a bit overwhelming. Tokyo was where Inuyasha lived. I’m sure you remember him, right? My ex- boyfriend who I fell in love with through the internet? And never saw in person? Yea, well anyways, like I said, Tokyo was where Inuyasha lived, and Shikon High was the school he attended.

So that is why I didn’t want to be at Shikon. I didn’t want to run into that… dog!

When I first entered my first period class room, I scanned the bunch of students hoping to not see a familiar face and dubbed myself lucky when I didn’t. The teacher called me over to her desk and asked me to introduce myself. I was a bit timid. I didn’t speak to anyone except for my brother before I entered the classroom, but I introduced myself anyways.

“Hi, I’m Kagome Higurashi,” I said. I kind of smiled a little after that. I was too uncomfortable to do anything else.

The teacher decided to go more in depth with my introduction, so I was left standing there in front of the whole class with my hands clasped together in front of me. I pretty much just looked down at my hands and played with my fingers. Call it a nervous habit of mine if you want. The teacher went on and on about me, telling the students where I was from and what previous school I transferred from. Did she have to go into so much detail? Well, maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit, I really just wanted to sit down and not be the center of attention. I could feel unknown eyes drilling holes into my head.

Finally, she instructed me to sit in the empty desk next to Sango. I could have sworn I froze on the spot when she said that name.


That was one of Inuyasha’s closest friend’s name. When I took my seat I glanced over at her to see if my assumption was correct. It was. Brown eyes and brown hair up in a high ponytail. She looked just like she did in her picture. She really was pretty, too.

For the rest of the period I kept quiet. I didn’t want to talk to her. I felt so uptight and wanted nothing more than for the bell to ring. Finally it did, and I hurried out the room.

I was just out the door when I heard my name being called. I turned around, and just my luck, it was Sango. Inwardly I groaned but waited for her anyways.

“Kagome, hi,” She said when she caught up. She smiled at me. I really didn’t want to talk to her though. One, I used to be insanely jealous of her. She was the girl Inuyasha wanted to ask out before, and two, talking to her most definitely meant talking to Inuyasha in the near future. Still, though, she was really nice. “I’m Sango Hiraikotsu.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said. I meant it to…sort of.

“You, too, what period do you have next?”

I checked my schedule which was tucked into one of my jean pockets. Next period was Honors English 3. Turns out Sango and I shared that class together. We talked the whole way there. I didn’t really open up at first, but Sango was a lot like me when I was comfortable. She laughed a lot and talked a lot, too. I’m like that most of the times actually. Some people find it annoying, but I liked the way I am. I started to talk and laugh with Sango. I pretty much liked her by the time we entered our next class. I would just steer clear from her when Inuyasha was around. That’s what I thought I would do anyways.

I think the English teacher was a bit oblivious to the fact that I was a new student. When I approached his desk he gave me this funny look and told me to take a seat. I turned to Sango with one of my own funny looks and she shrugged and told me to sit next to her. I took my seat and placed my backpack on the ground next to me. It was a really nice bag, too. It was made of some kind of brown corduroy material and had a red rose drawn onto the bottom right corner. I jumped when I heard a loud slap coming from Sango’s direction.

“Pervert!” She yelled. It was directed to a boy sitting behind her. A goofy grin adorned his face and so did a red hand print across his left cheek. Sango had her hand up like she had just hit someone. She was glaring daggers at the boy.

“But Sango, dearest! How could you accuse me of being something so degenerate? I was merely admiring your fine feminine features,” The boy said. I blinked. Wow, I wanted to laugh.

“Stop with the fancy talk, Miroku. ‘Admiring’ my ass!” Sango replied. She huffed and sat back down in her desk with her arms crossed. I had to laugh then. Apparently, I caught the boy’s attention in doing so. He turned to me and smiled. Thing is I didn’t really like that smile.

“And who might you be? A friend of Sango’s?” He asked.

“Yes! Now don’t you dare touch her! Sango replied before I could say anything. Miroku smiled a at me again. God he freaked me out.

“Well then allow me to introduce myself,” He said. He took my hand and kissed it. I think I blushed. “I’m Miroku Kazana. It’s a pleasure to be graced with such a beautiful presence.”
My cheeks only reddened but Sango rolled her eyes.

“Um, hi, I’m Kagome Higurashi.” I said. At the mention of my name, Miroku dropped my hand. His eyes widened.

“Kagome Higurashi!” He exclaimed. I was confused. He acted as if he knew me. I’m guessing he saw my befuddled expression because he pressed on trying to get me to remember him. “It’s me Miroku! Remember me? Inuyasha introduced me to you awhile ago. We used to talk on the messenger all the time.”

Now my own eyes widened. Yes, I remembered him. He was another of Inuyasha’s closest friends. I used to talk to him on the messenger all the time. I used to vent on him when Inuyasha and I weren’t on good terms. He always did listen to me. After the break up, Miroku and I didn’t talk anymore though.

“You! Wow! How’ve you been?” I exclaimed. I looked him over. He had big brown eyes and shoulder length hair tied into a low pony tail at the nape of his neck. His eyes appeared larger in his pictures, but I think it was because I never saw a picture of him where he seemed ready for the camera.

“I’ve been good! Long time no talk. Where’ve you been? When did you move here? Wow this is so weird.” He sounded so excited, and honestly so was I. I knew he was another person I shouldn’t have talked to. I just guaranteed myself a run in with Inuyasha just talking to these two.

“Yea, I know. You have no idea what’s going through my mind right now.” I said.

“You know her?” Sango asked.

“Yea, this is Kagome. Remember that girl Inuyasha went out with a few years back?” No, Miroku, please don’t start I remember thinking. “This is her!”

“You’re Kagome? Wow.” Sango said. She laughed. “I thought you were some kind of online predator when Inuyasha first mentioned you. Glad to know that you’re not.”

I laughed nervously. Here we go…

“I thought the same with Inuyasha when I met him…” I said. Miroku leaned in closer.

“So what happened between you two? It was like you disappeared off the face of the planet or something.” He said. I shrugged.

“We broke up.”

“Shame, I thought you guys made a really good couple.” I looked at Miroku like he was crazy and chuckled.

“We didn’t even know each other in person. We were anything but a good couple. He and I were a mistake.” Bitterness dripped from every word I said. I didn’t want to talk about my previous relationship with Inuyasha. Miroku sighed and leaned back into his chair. His eyes turned to something behind me. I didn’t understand what was going on at first. Sango had turned, too.

But then…

Oh God I didn’t want to turn around. I knew who I would see. I had lived a year of my life trying to forget. My insides were turning, and I didn’t even know if I was right for sure. I froze. I wanted to run already. My arms shook…

But then I turned around.

Two golden orbs were looking directly into mine.
