InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mocking Love ❯ Amusement ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: SOOORRRYY!!! Ok. School is finally out, so I don't have to worry about that anymore. I can keep going with this story now between tennis practice and all that other stuff that I usually do. I'm so surprised that people are still commenting on this though. Thank you for the support, even though I must say I do think I need a lot of work.

Another update...I seem to have misplaced the outline for this story...probably lost it somewhere while I was cleaning out my bags and lockers...I still know where I'm going with this story though. Hopefully I can rewrite the outline and make the story better this way.

I'm also starting a new story...helped me to keep writing when I didn't know how to word things in this story. It's called "Duality" another Inuyasha fanfic. Basically everyone's in a gang. I've started a story like this before but stopped since I didn't have anything to go with it. But after watching The Condemned, and a whole bunch of action movies I was CRAVING some action...and this story is pretty much all drama. I don't think the beginning chapter is that great. I just needed a fast introduction. I might type it out after this one since I'm cooped up in this room.

Anyways, here's the long awaited chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Chapter 4:

That day as I walked home with Souta I could not stop thinking about Inuyasha. How random was he? First he ignores me completely and then he puts his hands on me? Touches me? Kisses me?

How is it possible for a girl to break all her own set of rules in a matter of minutes? I was ashamed. It was bad enough that Inuyasha was the man I broke my rules with, but to think that I had also allowed him to! And I enjoyed it...

The way his claws lightly ran across my naked skin, the way his palm slid up and down my thighs roaming only where my poor body would react. And he knew I would react. Then there was his kiss. A sin on it's own is what it was. I could still feel his hot breath over my mouth as he lightly allowed his lips to touch mine and then, just as suddenly, pull away to tease me with his low, seductive voice.

I cursed my body for liking his touch, for abjuring my laws. My own body had betrayed me with my ex lover. I hated myself for liking what he did to me. Inuyasha knew I like it, too. I knew he did. His arrogant face never fell and his step was still condescending as he walked away. Yes, he knew I liked what his touch could do to me. He used it to his advantage. He was toying with me.

But what bothered me more was I had no idea why he did it. Why the sudden display of...affection? If you could even call it that. I knew he was trying to get under my skin, but why so suddenly? His behavior was I didn't understand him!


The next day the tables turned. It was now my turn to avoid Inuyasha just as he had avoided me. I busily chatted with Sango and Miroku in the morning and made sure not to catch his eye during English. Unfortunately, I could not dodge him during lunch.

Again he decided to sit with the group. Luckily for me, Sango sat on one side of me Rin the other. Inuyasha didn't even say a word about it though. He just took the seat in front of me and made sure I noticed his secretive smile.

My body stiffened wondering what he would so with his claws under the table. I wonder if he would touch me again as he leaned forward into his seat. I thought he would touch me. I wanted him to touch me, but I didn't. I suddenly felt hot thinking about his touch and accidentally looked into his knowing eyes. I hated him. I didn't want to feel this way because of him but my body knew Inuyasha was the definition of satisfaction and so did he.

I was fully aware that Inuyasha could smell my arousal once again but could not get rid of the growing heat surrounding me. He was enjoying this. His confident smirk had once again shown.

"Felling alright there, Kagome?" He asked to frustrate me more.

I glared as he sat up straight and laughed.

"What are you talking about, Inuyasha? She looks fine to me," Rin said, ever the oblivious one.

Inuyasha chuckled again, "She looks a little red to me."

I jumped up and leaned toward him. "Why do you have to be such a jerk!" I yelled.

Inuyasha raised his hands up in defense, "Hey, hey, hey I was just making sure you were alright."

"Bullshit! You were trying to embarrass me!"

"Embarrass you? How is asking how you feel trying to embarrass you?"

"Ugh! You know what I'm talking about!"

Inuyasha crossed his arms and his smirk grew larger. "No, I don't... what are you talking about?"


"Yea, Kagome, what's going on?" Sango asked.

As I looked around, I noticed for the first time that the whole table was looking at me. Clenching my fists, I sat down.

"Nothing," I mumbled.

"Are you sure?" Sango asked, worried.

I nodded, "As long as Inuyasha keeps his mouth shut I'll be fine." I calmed myself down and heard Inuyasha chuckle once again. Glad I could be a source of amusement...

"So, Kagome, homecoming game this Friday, you going?" Sango asked. I silently thanked her for changing the subject.

"Yea we're playing Tama. It should be a good game." Miroku said.

"You'll get to see us destroy them. No way in hell we're going to let Tama beat us at our own field. Isn't that right dogturd?"

"Shut the hell up Kouga, and of course we'll win. Tama's nothing. They'll be a piece of cake." For once Inuyasha's arrogance was appreciated as the table cheered their agreement.

"So you going, Kagome? It'd be fun if you did!" Sango exclaimed excitedly.

I nodded, "Sure, I've never been to a football game before. My old school didn't have a team."

"Are you kidding? Football's half the fun of high school!" You've been missing out!" Sango replied.

"I guess I have..."

The rest of lunch was spent talking about the upcoming football game. Fortunately, we never strayed off topic. Thank god for Sango.


Two weeks into the school year and I could not figure out computers. You would think that would be normal, but when you look around the classroom and notice that everyone has some sort of flash animation on their screen while you only have one lousy slide with the title "The Life of Kagome Higurashi" in black you know you have a problem. I was a bow and arrow kind of girl. Computers were just not my thing. I was the kind of girl who knew how to work a computer without actually knowing what I was doing. I mean seriously, when would I use this stuff anyways? Computers were just not that important to me. I mean, c'mon now. Ever heard of paper and pencils?

Too bad Mr. Sato didn't think the way I thought. When he saw my work he grumbled and announced that if I didn't get how to work the basic programs of the school computers I wouldn't do well on the quarter project meaning I would definitely fail his class. In response, I could only nod and slouch back into my chair as I lost the little confidence I had in myself concerning computers.

Of course Inuyasha knew what he was doing. I looked enviously at the photoshopped picture of his half demon half human self on his first slide. In his palms the Shikon no Tama was glowing and "Inuyasha Takahashi" was set in white around it.

"You know, for a girl who spent more than a year playing online RPG's you sure suck with computers." Inuyasha said changing his slide to the one with the Goshinboku.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious..." I replied annoyed.

"My pleasure,"

I rolled my eyes and maneuvered my attention between Inuyasha's project of greatness and my project of crap. Groaning, I opened up a file hoping to add a picture of myself onto my slide. Well...I got the picture...

It just took up the whole slide and then some...

I blinked.

Apparently the stupid, silver-haired hanyo found my mistake hilarious for he was cracking up beside me. I groaned again and gave up, crossing my arms in front of the keyboard and plopping my head down on top in defeat. Glaring at the mouse, I hoped it would somehow break into a million pieces.

I don't know why, but for some reason Inuyasha decided to be a good guy for once. He took my mouse, resized my picture, and centered it.

"Thanks!" I exclaimed.

"Keh! Don't you have a blog or something? 5 year olds can work computers better than you."

"The only time I ever use the computer is when I game. I don't really use it otherwise. Only to type up papers." Sadly, this was all true. I was definitely not computer literate.

"Even I can do this stuff."

I grumbled. "Do I look like a computer geek to you?"

"Do I?" He countered.

No he didn't. As he sat with his arms crossed and unbuttoned white school polo, there was no way I could say he looked anything less than the football star he was.

"Like I said, I'd hate to be the cause of some serious injury." Inuyasha said interrupting my thoughts.

I huffed, "You think to highly of yourself."

Inuyasha looked at me mischievously, "I don't. You're the one giving me the one over, and with that look on your face I can tell you like what you see." He said looking back into his chair.

I glared, "What look on my face?"

"This one," Inuyasha said as he widened his eyes and parted his lips slightly in a very bad mock imitation of me.
"Hah! You really are too full of yourself."

"Nah, I just know you like me."

"I don't like you, thank you very much."

"Okay then. I'll rephrase that. You want me."

"Fuck off, Takahashi!"

"Alright, as long as you come."

I growled at his comment. "Just because I may find you attractive does not me I want you. I barely even know you! So don't think you know what I want. I swear you're such an arrogant ass!" I yelled narrowing my eyes with each word I said.

"Well if I barely know you and you barely know me, how would know if I was an arrogant ass or not?"

"It's a given!"

"Ms. Higurashi!" I squinted as Mr. Sato said my name.

"Yes, Sir?" I replied.

"Since you're obviously more interested in Mr. Takahashi than your grade in this class, I'm assigning him as your personal tutor." Mr. Sato said making sure his authority was shown.

"Yes, Mr. Sa-"

"Hey! I didn't agree to this! I have football practice after school!" Inuyasha interrupted.
"I don't care if you agreed or not. You will help Ms. Higurashi. I suggest you make some time for her. Her final project grade will determine half of yours."

Inuyasha's eyes widened, "You're kidding,"

"No, I'm not."

"But she doesn't even know how to resize a picture!"

"Then I suggest you start helping!"


Inuyasha continued with his project forgetting all about me. Great, more Inuyasha.


I liked school. Really I did, but the minute the bell rang after seventh period I could have sworn I jumped out of my seat to meet Souta at the office. Computer Lit had ruined my day, and I could not wait to get home.

But of course, we all know how much the higher powers up there liked to laugh at me...

As Souta and I began our after school walk home, Inuyasha just had to pull over in his red sports car. I groaned.

"Who's that, Sis?" Souta asked curiously with his head cocked to the side.

I huffed and pulled him along as I trudged ahead. "Some idiot who just had to be in some of my classes. Just keep walking." But even as I walked forward, ignoring the big headed Inuyasha, his car kept slow with our pace.

"Hey, wench! Stop for a second, will ya?" Inuyasha yelled out the window seemingly irritated.

"Souta, you hear that? I didn't hear anything. Did you?" With that I flashed a mocking smile at Inuyasha and again walked forward.

He was growling. I was amused.

"Listen, I took off practice to tutor you so you better come with me!" Inuyasha yelled, stopping the car.

I was about to respond but Souta jumped to the car's open window gripping the edges, grinning excitedly.

"I knew you looked familiar! You're captain of the football team!" He exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't, Souta, you're just feeding his already oversized ego. But it was too late. Inuyasha was already corrupting the influential mind of my little brother.

"Yup. Names Inuyasha. What about you kid?"


Inuyasha nodded, "Nice to meet you." He said. So the hanyo had manners after all.

Souta's grin widened, "You're so cool! Shippo told me all about you! He said you made it all the way to the championship! You're sooo cool! You're gonna win this year, right?"

Inuyasha grinned back, "Of course!" He said.

Souta finally let go of the window edges and stood straight. "So what are you doing talking to my sister? She's such a nag."

"Souta!" I yelled.

"Inuyasha laughed, "Nah, she's not that bad, but I have to tutor her for computer lit." He said.

"Computer lit? How hard can that class be?"

I 'hmphed' "It's a lot harder than it looks thank you very much!"

"But you used the computer all the time!" Souta explained.

"Doesn't mean I understand what I'm doing!" How hard was that to understand. You can do things but not understand why you're doing things and since you get graded for needing to be able to know why you're doing things you fail!

"Oh god, sis, you're so stupid!"

"Gee, thanks, Souta" I mumbled.

"Well, since you're sister obviously needs help and I have to help her, why don't you let me take you home so your sister and I can get to work?" Inuyasha asked.

"ALRIGHT!" Souta exclaimed excitedly.

"Hey, I didn't agree to this!" I exclaimed.

Souta turned to me with his best puppy dog eyes, hands folded in front of him, "Oh C'mon please, Kagome?"

Stupid cute puppy eyes...

"Yea, C'mon Kagome," Inuyasha asked in the same tone as Souta. He smirked.

I growled, "Fine, but only because I really need help and I don't feel like walking home anyways."

"Yes!" Souta squealed happily.


The drive to the shrine consisted of Souta asking Inuyasha question after question about himself and Inuyasha answering said questions. I had to say I was impressed. I'm sure after the fifth question I would have told my brother to shut up. I guess Inuyasha had a way with younger people.

Inuyasha parked in front of the steps to the shrine. I nearly laughed when I caught him staring at how many steps there actually was.

"You climb that everyday?" He asked.

"Yea, You get used to it after the first week." I said. I shrugged and began walking up the stairs.

When we reached the house we were greeted by Mama's friendly smile in the kitchen.

"Hi, Kagome. Hey, Souta," She said warmly.

"Hi, Mama!" Souta said quickly as he headed to his room.

"Hey, Mama. This is Inuyasha. He's a classmate at school. He's going to help me with a project." I replied. I wasn't about to tell Mama I was nearly failing a class.

Mama greeted Inuyasha with the same warm smile she greeted Souta and I. She wiped her hands with her apron and stuck out her hand, "Well, It's nice to meet you Inuyasha" She said. Since we met online. Inuyasha and I had decided to keep each other a secret from our families. This would be the first time my family had actually heard about or seen him.

Inuyasha smiled and shook her hand with his own, "And it's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Higurashi." He said.

Mama giggled, "Isn't he just charming? Maybe you should take my daughter out sometime. She never dates. Who knows why. She's lovely isn't she?"

"Mama!" I said trying to suppress the blush threatening to form on my face.

"Beautiful, just like her mother," Inuyasha said. If he was any other guy I would have been flattered.

"And charming! Oh, Kagome I like this one!"

I laughed uneasily.

"Well, why don't you two get started on that project while I fix dinner?" Mama said.

"I don't want to intrude on a family gathering," Inuyasha said ever the polite one. Hah.

Mama waved her hands and shook her hear, "Nonsense, you're helping Kagome. The least I can do is serve you dinner. Now go ahead and start. Dinner will be ready soon." She said shooing us off so she could get back to cooking.

"Alright, let's go Kagome," Inuyasha said with a small smile. How confusing. I wasn't going to fall for that cute little smile of his though. I sighed and led him to my room.


As soon as we entered my room I locked it shut and glared at him.

"Ok, you got Mama and Souta wrapped around your fingers but don't think you've got me. I hate you, you hate me and it's going to stay that way. So stop trying to get in my pants because it's not working and stop trying to use Souta and Mama to get to me!" I bellowed out.

He didn't hear any of it. Instead he smirked with a predatory glint in his amber eyes and slowly made his way toward me.

With each step he took I took one step back. That hot feeling slowly returned, and I was shaking inside. Why was he looking at me like that?

Then suddenly I squealed as I tripped on the edge of my bed. I ended up falling on top of it and Inuyasha took that as an opportunity to pounce.

"Inuyasha!" I screamed. He only pressed my arms to the bed and kissed me hard. My head was spinning. My body was tingling. Hot, I felt hot. Once his hands left my arms I banged my fists into his chest trying to make him stop.

He did stop, but only to whisper, "Shut up Kagome, do you know how long I've wanted to kiss you like this? Shut, up and enjoy this, Koi."


He called me Koi.

That name brought back so many memories. All those times we talked late at night. All those silly arguments we had online. All the constant tugging at my chest telling me how much I wished I was with him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss me again.
His kiss was hard and demanding. There was nothing slow and romantic about it but at that moment I wouldn't have it any other way. I wanted this. I needed this. I hated him, but for some reason, I needed to be close to him like this.

Slowly, he ran his claws down my side and I gasped. With ease he slipped his claws under my shirt and snaked his hands up and down my back. I arched up and gasped again, sensitive to his touch. He took this as an opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth and kiss me harder.

"Mmm..." I was so content as he started to explore the roof of my mouth. I ran my hands roughly through his silver mane as our tongues fought against each other in a battle of dominance.

Somehow, his legs ended up on either side of me and I hooked mine around his and brought him down even farther than before. I trailed my hands down his back and he groaned and pulled away.

"I knew you wanted me," He said his voice hoarse and out of breath.

I glared and shifted my body up as I pressed him down once more. He growled as his enlarged manhood pressed against my opening. I gasped but then smirk. Thank goodness our clothes were still on. But still, how did I know I could do that to him?

"And apparently, you want me," I finally managed out between breaths.

Inuyasha growled and began grinding his body with mine.

"KAGOME! INUYASHA! Dinner's ready!"

Inuyasha and I groaned...