InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mom, It Seems We're Going To Have Some Company ❯ Uh Oh ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Inuyasha! Quit being such a stubborn jerk and come down from there, please!"

The boy nestled on a high branch attached to a thick oak ignored the irritated girl below him. A soft wind brush over him, sweeping a few strands of his long, silver hair from his face. His golden eyes stayed locked on a fluffy, white cloud that drifted lazily over them.

Stupid wench, he thought angrily, his eyes flicking down on the raging raven-haired beauty beneath him. I wouldn't be angry in the first place if that mangy wolf hadn't found us. I especially wouldn't be pissed if he hadn't started hanging all over her, reciting that stuff about him loving her! Hmph, he doesn't love her! I bet he's just trying to persuade her to leave us and use her again for the jewel shards! Heh, too bad that won't be happening with around to prevent it.

His white dog-like ears twitched and turned in the direction of the audible huff that was emitted from the miko below him and the retreating sounds of her angry footsteps. He finally turned his head and watched her from beneath his thick bangs as she disappeared into the small house a little distance from his tree.

He snuggled down a little more and narrowed his eyes. Every time he looked at her, his lost love, Kikyo, always appeared in his mind. And yet, as much as he loved Kikyo, he couldn't stop his emotions from reaching out to her reincarnation as well.

Kagome . . .


"Grr, stupid Inuyasha!" growled Kagome, her eyes ablaze as she stalked into the living quarters where everyone was at the moment and plopped down in a chair. She crossed her arms tightly and immediately began to brood darkly.

Sango looked up, a little startled at how fiercely angry her friend was. Miroku just sighed, knowing the source of Kagome's mood. Shippo made his way slowly toward her and was about to ask what was wrong when Miroku beat him to it.

"What did he do this time?" he asked, sounding dull and tired. Kagome jumped to her feet, making Shippo leap back in surprise. She balled her hands into tight fists and threw them up in the air.

"That jerk! He keeps accusing me that I love Kouga!" she screamed. She began waving her fists around as she paced back and forth, fuming. Everyone made sure to stay out of her way unless they wanted to get pummeled so hard that they'd feel it into the next week.

"Go on," Miroku said, eyeing her warily as she started muttering dark things under her breath. Kagome stopped and turned her back to them and let out a frustrated sigh.

"I hate him! What if I did love Kouga, huh?!" She spun around and faced her audience, her face red with anger. They all gulped and scooted back a little.

"Do you?" Sango asked.

"Well, only as a friend," she said calmly then started fuming again. "But if I did, what business is it of Inuyasha's, huh?! My private life is none of his concern! I mean, you don't see me getting all over his hide over the fact that he still loves Kikyo! And she's dead!"

"Now, now, calm down, Kagome. No need to get all worked up over Inuyasha's actions," Miroku tried reasoning. Kagome turned on him, anger and hurt evident in her eyes.

"But of course you'd take his side!" she said, tears in her voice.

"I'm not! I'm simply saying-" he started but was cut off when he felt a sharp jab in his ribs. He looked accusingly at Sango and backed down when she shook her head once. Shippo quickly ran and jumped onto Kagome's shoulder and gave her hug around her neck.

"Aw, c'mon, Kagome. It's not like he was trying to hurt your feelings," the small kitsune said. Kagome looked down at her feet with wavering eyes. She knew he didn't, but he obviously didn't realize what his actions might cause her.

"He's just very protective of you, Kagome," Sango said, getting up and dusting her clothes off a little.

"What a way to show it," she mumbled, getting a hold of Shippo and placing him on Miroku's shoulder as she passed him.

"Where are you going?" Sango asked as she watched the miko pack her things and stuff them into her backpack.

"Going back home for a little bit. I want to be alone and in an environment that I'm used to. Give Inuyasha a fair warning when he finds out because I plan to stay there for a little bit, jus to mull over things. I'm sure we can all use a break, huh?" Everyone nodded slowly and she flashed them all a warm smile.

"Good, I'll see you a little later tomorrow then." With that she swung her backpack onto her shoulders and walked out. In the distance she could still see the red of Inuyasha's clothes still in the tree, indicating he hadn't moved from that spot.

"Inuyasha . . . you're so blinded by your own pride and stubborn nature to even . . . realize that I . . ." she broke off and bowed her head. "Oh forget it. It's just wishful thinking that he would so much as feel a spark of the same feelings that I have. He's still in love with Kikyo . . ."

She tilted her chin up and squared her shoulders. If he wasn't so dense as to even look past fact that she was there to help them find the Shikon jewels, they could be so much more than just friends. But no, Inuyasha just had to be . . . well, Inuyasha.

She stalked off in the direction of the well, bidding Kaede, the village elder and Kikyo's younger sister, a farewell but reassured her that she would be back like always.

Unknown to her, a pair of pale blue eyes watched her from behind a large tree. The eyes moved over to a tree a little ways away that held the prideful hanyou, who was also watching Kagome leave into the forest. With a chuckle the eyes disappeared in an instant and nature's debris spiraled around by a gust of wind in their place.


Inuyasha watched from afar as the raven-haired schoolgirl walked into the forest. He knew exactly where she was going. He growled and pushed himself from the tree and landed lightly on the ground.

As he made a move to follow her, he heard someone call out his name. He turned to see Miroku shaking his head. Obviously the perverted monk knew where he was going and who he was going to bring back.

"Why not?" he called.

"Because she's angry with you!" the monk called back. Inuyasha sneered.

"What for?! I didn't do anything!"

"Well, whatever the problem is, you best stay here. She promised to return tomorrow. Just leave her alone, alright?" Inuyasha snorted and continued on his way, his arms crossed with his nose in the air and his eyes closed.

"Forget that! Obtaining all the Shikon jewels is more important than her stupid mood swings!"

"Your funeral!" Miroku shouted, shaking his head and disappearing back into the small house.

"Yeah right," he grumbled. "She can't do anything to hurt me."

The closer he got to the well, all intentions of dragging Kikyo's reincarnation back and forcing her to stay, he picked up a scent. A very familiar scent that got him bristling and charging forward with all the speed he could muster.

Kouga . . . that bastard better not be try anything!


Kouga watched from behind another tree as Kagome walked up a hill of lush, green grass and stopped at a short, old stone well. He watched on in utter curiosity and fascination as she braced her hands against the well and peered into it.

What is she doing? he thought, his pale blue eyes narrowing in wonder. He watched as she sat down on the edge and swung her legs over and into it. His eyes widened when he figured out what she was going to do.

Revealing himself he leaped out from behind the tree and ran up to the well to stop her, but she had already jumped down into the well.

"Kagome!" he shouted and gripped the edge as he frantically peered down into the dark, ominous depths of the well. "Kagome?!" he yelled, his voice echoing off the stone walls. No answer was returned.

He was about to jump in, every sane thought tossed to the winds, when he picked up a scent and footsteps growing louder at every passing second. Just as he turned around a red and silver blur jumped in front of him and grabbed him by his chest plate.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" snarled Inuyasha. Kouga blinked a moment before sneering and grabbing a fist full of the hanyou's red clothing ((A/N: what is it called?!! Xx)).

"None of your business, dog breath! Now, get off me!" he shouted and tried shoving Inuyasha away, but only got tugged with him. Inuyasha grasped the side of the well for balance, then straightened again and dragged the wolf demon up to eye level.

"Unless you have a death wish, wolf boy, you had best go back to the hole you crawled out from and stay there. Kagome doesn't love you and never will! Get over it!" he hissed. Kouga sneered, eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Who says this has anything to do with Kagome?" he growled then did the most absurd thing in their current position. He gave Inuyasha another harsh shove, causing the half-demon to teeter backwards and over the edge of the well.

On any other given time, Kouga would have relished the shocked expression on his rival-for-Kagome's-attention's face, but in this case he mimicked the hanyou's expression perfectly, if not better. Both demons pummeled headfirst into the well, their cries echoing off the walls.


What did ya think? This is my first Inuyasha fic! ^^ Please, dun get too rough. I promise to have the next chpt as soon as possible. I hoped ya enjoyed it and I hope I got everyone IC . . . Oo