InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mom, It Seems We're Going To Have Some Company ❯ Inuyasha, You IDIOT! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kouga blinked slowly and looked up dizzily. Instead of seeing clear blue skies with a few fluffy, white clouds, he was shadowed by a dark brown roof.

"What the . . .?" he said, pushing himself onto his elbows. While doing so he felt extra weight draped over his stomach. He glanced down and sneered when he saw his enemy lying on top of him. He roughly shoved the hanyou off of him, making him grunt and shake his head.

Kouga ignored the random curses that Inuyasha bit out and made a leap for the ladder that was attached to the side, but was grabbed by his ankle and yanked back down.

"Where do ya think you're going?" growled Inuyasha as he sat up. Kouga smiled coldly.

"Out of here and away from your smelly hide, that's where! Now let go, you mutt!" He kicked Inuyasha in the face, causing him to let go and slam into the wall.

"Heh, that'll teach ya." He got back up and ignoring the ladder this time, he jumped up onto the wall and pushed himself onto the other side then back again. He jumped to side to side a few more times before emerging at the top.

He crouched low to the dusty ground and looked around cautiously, sniffing around and finding the very air to be different. Instead of it being fresh, crisp, and clean, the air was stuffy with unknown and foul smells, making it harder to breathe than normal.

"Where the hell am I?" Kouga said, coughing and sneezing. He figured he'd be able to breathe better if he found away out of the little shrine. He glanced at a small door and pushed it open, sunlight instantly filtering in. He eyes nearly bulged out when he stepped out into the open.

"Ugh!" he hissed, closing a hand over his nose. It was definitely worse. But if he concentrated hard and ignored all the other strange smells, he could pick up Kagome's scent. He turned his head in the direction of it and spotted a house a little ahead of him.

"Hmm." Kouga started toward it, wanting to fetch Kagome and getting the hell out of there as quick as possible for he was starting to get a little lightheaded. From behind him a red blur exploded from the shine and charged him.

"Oh no you don't!" shouted Inuyasha and tackled the wolf demon. They rolled around a few times before leaping away from each other and started circling one another.

"You know, you're really starting to tick me off," Kouga growled. Inuyasha smirked. Kouga straightened and glared his rival down.

"Listen, wolf boy, you can't be here. You have to go back." Inuyasha said, trying to be nice and reasonable as possible. There was no sense in making the young demon angry and having him refuse his orders. Kouga raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"Oh really? And what if I don't want to go back?"

So much for reasoning, thought Inuyasha as he gritted his teeth. He balled his hands into tight fists and he glared Kouga down. I have to get him back to the Feudal Era before anyone notices, especially Sota. Gods, if he saw us he'd never let us leave!

"Well, that's too bad 'cause ya don't have a choice! You're leaving now!" With that he dashed forward, every intention of taking the wolf demon down and forcing him back down the well.

But Kouga simply sidestepped out of harm's way, watching Inuyasha tackle air and kiss the ground a few feet past him. Kouga smirked and shrugged, continuing toward the house.

"You listen to me, dog turd, I ain't leavin' until I get what I came for and that's Kagome," he said over his shoulder. "So why don't just roll around in the dirt a little bit, eh?"

"I ain't rollin' around in nothin' until you get your wimpy ass back in that well!" shouted the silver-haired hanyou. He ran up behind Kouga just as he turned around and tackled him at the legs, making the ebony-haired boy fall hard onto his back.

Kouga growled and kicked him off, sending him flying across the courtyard. He jumped to his feet and crouched low to the ground, sneering angrily. Inuyasha quickly regained himself and jumped back to his feet.

"Well, it's obvious that I won't be getting anywhere soon with your ugly hide in my way. So there's only one way in settling this!" He put up his claws and used the Shikon jewels in his legs to propel him forward at outstanding speeds and toward Inuyasha.


Kagome yawned as she walked into her room. She was glad to be back, if only for a short while. She had missed her family a lot, even her brother, Sota. She dropped the yellow backpack next to her bed and walked to her closet to change. When she opened the door, something small and wicked looking with black hair lunged at her, shouting, "BOO!".

She let out a startled squeak and fell away onto her bed. When she recognized her offender she immediately leapt from the bed and screamed, "SOTA!" She hadn't miss him that much.

"Hehe, welcome back sis!" The young boy giggled and dodged out of the way when she lunged at him. He ran around the bed and smiled mischievously.

"OUT, SOTA!" she yelled, pointing a rigid finger to her bedroom door.

"Okay, okay. Don't have a cow," he remarked innocently. As he began around the bed he heard something that sounded much like a painful yelp and a crash. He quickly turned to the window and his eyes widened. Kagome looked over her shoulder when she found that her litter brother hadn't left yet.

"Sota, I'm not going to tell you again. Don't make me tell mom on you again," she said angrily, putting her fists on her hips. Sota turned to her with his mouth open ajar. She looked at him oddly. "What is it?"

He turned back to the window and pointed, "It's your Inuyasha friend and some other guy and man, they're really dukin' it out! I'd hate to get in the middle of that-- hey!" Kagome shoved the boy aside and pressed her nose against the window.

"Yeah it is Inuyasha and he's fighting . . . ohmigod! Kouga?!" Stifling a loud groan, Kagome quickly turned from the window and ran out of the room, leaving her brother standing there confused.

"Kouga?" He turned and continued to watch the battle, a grin spreading across his young and cute features. "Wow, he seems pretty cool!"


Inuyasha's fist nailed Kouga right in the gut, causing the wolf demon to grunt and double over. He pulled back his leg and swung forward, expecting to connect with Kouga's head, but was sadly mistaken when the cocky blue-eyed demon managed to dive out of the way.

"Ha! Gunna hafta do better than that, mutt!" Kouga said and shouldered Inuyasha in the ribs. He grunted in pain and stumbled away. With a growl of impatience, Inuyasha unsheathed his sword, and with flash that shot up the blade it grew larger and bolder.

"Enough of this! I'm going to tell you one more time before you leave me with no choice but to cut you down to size! GET BACK IN THAT DAMNED WELL!" He was already focusing on the Wind Scar, knowing perfectly well that Kouga was going to balk.

"And I'm tellin' you that I said no!" Kouga said irritably and watched Inuyasha intensely.

The two different gusts of wind collided with a crash and a white bolt lashed out along the boundary of the two battling winds, indicating it was what the dog demon was waiting for. Just as he was swinging the Tetsusaiga around in one deadly sweep, his ears perked up when he heard hurried footsteps and ragged breathing.

"Inuyasha! " screamed the familiar voice of Kagome. But it was too late to stop the full motion of the swing. And it was much too late to realize when Kouga had easily used his super speed to dodge the deadly golden streaks that tore their way over the surface of the courtyard that it was headed to the next thing in it's path: the shrine. And inside it the magical well that was the only way to and from the Federal Era and the Modern Era.

"NO!" screamed Inuyasha as his deadly attack slammed into the small shrine, causing it to explode in a bright golden light, disintegrating everything that it engulfed.

When the smoke cleared and the dust settled, Inuyasha stood there frozen, Kagome not to far away with her mouth handing open in disbelief while Kouga maintained a good distance from everyone, looking mildly interested. All that was seen were smoking pieces of wood lying around and complete rubble where the well used to be.


Well, I know that I got Inuyasha OOC. I mean come on, he would have killed Kouga the moment he could, right? Oo Or am I wrong? And yes, I know I suck at action scenes! Xx I hope you enjoyed this!