InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moments of Illusion? ❯ It all started with a… ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: This is my first try at writing a full lemon; constructive criticism is always welcome, though please no flames. I guess you would call this a pwp but I wanted to practice writing a lemon before I write one for my other story. I’m sorry for the shortness of the chapter. This was going to be a one shot, but the next part will also contain a lemon, so I kind of put this first part out, to test the waters so to speak, that way I can incorporate any suggestions into the next one.

Disclaimer: *grins* Standard disclaimer applies, I don’t own the cute fuzzy eared Inu hanyou named Inuyasha.

Warning: As mentioned already *points upward* this story contains adult content, if you’re not old enough or if lemonade isn’t your drink of choice, click back now and save yourself and I any trouble.

So everyone sit back, take a sip of lemonade, I hope you enjoy, and on with the story.





Moments of Illusion?

Chapter 1

It all started with a…





The moon shown brightly above, shadows cast by the surrounding trees enclosed the small clearing, as if shielding the two occupants from discovery. Clouds chased across the moon, momentarily blocking its light, as if daring the moon to join in the play.

Inuyasha gazed down at the girl below him, her eyes closed in pleasure, his hands exploring her body. He still couldn’t believe she was there with him, never had he thought that he would be able to touch her as he was now, there had been to many problems in their lives.

She opened her eyes, her skin flushed; she smiled softly at him, lightly touching his cheek with her fingertips, his silky silver hair whispering against her skin. He smirked down at her before attacking her sensitive neck, kissing down one side to follow the same path up the other.

Inuyasha teased his way to her lips, gently nipping them before moving on, earning him a moan of protest. He continued on to her ear, lightly blowing on it before trailing back down to her neck. He kissed his way down her stomach, quickly dipping his tongue into her navel teasing her.

The Hanyou picked up his torture and continued down one thigh, nipping it lightly before moving back up to kiss her. He traced her bottom lip with his tongue before slipping it inside. The girl below him moaned in pleasure as his tongue slid sensuously against hers.

Inuyasha teasingly ran his tongue over her bottom lip again as he pulled away from her, before tracing a path down to her breasts. He sucked on the tender flesh, causing her to moan in frustration. She tangled her fingers in his hair, trying to tug him closer to her sensitive nipple.

He smirked against her, finally allowing her to draw him closer to her hardened peak, his fingers beginning to mimic his actions to her neglected breast. He switched his ministrations leaving the girl mewling. Smelling her arousal thickly in the air, he leaned up and kissed her deeply smirking against her lips, deciding to move on with his attentions.

Inuyasha kissed and nipped his way back down her body, spreading her thighs as he went. She locked eyes with him as he leaned down to take his first taste of her. Her eyes closed in pleasure, a surprised gasp escaping her lips, her fingers clenching the blanket below her, as his tongue grazed her sensitive flesh.

Inuyasha smirked against her and continued his torture. His tongue teased her clit before dipping into her entrance, her hips bucking against him. He continued his teasing until he felt her muscles begin to contract around him before pulling away, denying her release, leaving her to whimper in protest. Inuyasha slowly crawled back up her body and leaned down meeting her lips, letting her taste herself.

The hanyou traced his fingers down her body, and then began teasing her again. He slipped his fingers into her entrance, slowly moving them in and out, building a steady rhythm. The girl bucked against him, as he brought her closer to release. Inuyasha felt her muscles starting to contract around his fingers, before she gasped his name in release. He continued stroking her as she came down from her flight, while he positioned himself at her entrance.

She opened her eyes, a small smiled played at the corner of her lips that quickly turned into a smirk of her own. Hopping that she could throw his balance off, the girl shifted below him.





Kagome, laid awake snuggled inside her sleeping bag alone, staring at the remains of the evening’s fire. Shippou laid curled up with Kirara, Miroku slept peacefully across the fire, his hand wondering every now and then, even in his sleep. Sango shifted slightly in her sleep, seemingly dreaming of days past by the sounds of her quiet mumbling.

Kagome rolled to her back, staring at the stars visible through the canopy of trees that closed in around them. She glanced to her right, scanning the tree closest to her, seeking an all too familiar outline. The miko could barely make out his shadowed form, though his silver hair shimmered when it caught the faint light. A sad smile touched her lips as she gazed up at him, she could see him shifting in his sleep faint mumbles reaching her ears.

Kagome strained her hearing, trying to catch what he said, but the soft breeze that whispered through their camp snatched the sounds of his voice and made off with them into the forest. Her sadness deepened guessing to the cause of his dreams; and with a tried sigh, she flopped back on her side. She settled into her sleeping bag, hoping that sleep would not be a long time in coming.





Kagome was just beginning to drift of when the sounds from Inuyasha again caught her attention. She could hear his voice slightly louder this time, she quieted her breathing, wanting to catch what he said, but dreading what she would hear.

“Kagome….”The whispered sound, almost a caress stood out in the quiet of the forest, sounding almost deafening. Kagome bolted up, her eyes wide in shock, she stared at Inuyasha’s silvery head disbelieving of what she heard.





A/N: Again sorry for the shortness and a somewhat detail less lemon, but it being a glimpse of Inuyasha’s dream I didn’t want to put too much of it in, the next one is a lot longer and way more detailed I promise. Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it; the next part will be up in the next couple of days.

Please review and let me know what you think.